André Miemiec


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Basics of M‐theory 2005 André Miemiec
Igor Schnakenburg
+ Review of SU(2)-Calibrations 2005 André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat Killing spinor equations from nonlinear realisations 2004 André Miemiec
Igor Schnakenburg
+ PDF Chat E11 and Spheric Vacuum Solutions of Eleven- and Ten dimensional Supergravity Theories 2004 Igor Schnakenburg
André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat Note on the holographic <i>c</i>‐function 2004 André Miemiec
+ A Note on Exotic Fractions of Supersymmetries 2003 André Miemiec
Igor Schnakenburg
+ PDF Chat CFT/CFT interpolating RG flows and the holographic<i>c</i>-function 2002 Dario Martelli
André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat Non‐commutative D‐ and M‐brane Bound States 2001 Boris Körs
Dieter Lüst
André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat Non-commutative D- and M-brane Bound States 2001 Boris Körs
Dieter Lüst
André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat Non-commutative D- and M-brane Bound States 2001 Boris Körs
Dieter Lüst
André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat A Power Law for the Lowest Eigenvalue in Localized Massive Gravity 2001 André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric M5-branes with H-field 2000 Dieter Lüst
André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat Mirror symmetries for brane configurations and branes at singularities 2000 Mina Aganagic
Andreas Karch
Dieter Lüst
André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat N = 1 supersymmetric gauge theories and supersymmetric 3-cycles 1999 Andreas Karch
Dieter Lüst
André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat New N=1 superconformal field theories and their supergravity description 1999 Andreas Karch
Dieter Lüst
André Miemiec
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Solutions of four-dimensional field theories via M-theory 1997 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Branes and Calibrated Geometries 1999 Jerome P. Gauntlett
Neil Lambert
Peter West
+ PDF Chat Calibrations and Intersecting Branes 1999 G. W. Gibbons
G. Papadopoulos
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric fivebrane solitons 1999 Jerome P. Gauntlett
Neil Lambert
Peter West
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry and generalized calibrations 1999 J. Gutowski
G. Papadopoulos
Paul Townsend
+ PDF Chat N = 1 supersymmetric gauge theories and supersymmetric 3-cycles 1999 Andreas Karch
Dieter Lüst
André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat String theory and noncommutative geometry 1999 Nathan Seiberg
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Hidden superconformal symmetry in M-theory 2000 Peter West
+ Kac–Moody symmetries of IIB supergravity 2001 Igor Schnakenburg
Peter West
+ PDF Chat Anti de Sitter space and holography 1998 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat All supersymmetric solutions of minimal supergravity in five dimensions 2003 Jerome P. Gauntlett
J. Gutowski
C.M. Hull
Stathis Pakis
Harvey S. Reall
+ PDF Chat Branes intersecting at angles 1996 Micha Berkooz
Michael R. Douglas
Robert G. Leigh
+ PDF Chat A calibration bound for the M-theory fivebrane 1999 Oliver Bärwald
Neil Lambert
Peter West
+ PDF Chat <i>E</i> <sub>11</sub> and M theory 2001 P. West
+ PDF Chat The geometry of<i>D</i>= 11 Killing spinors 2003 Jerome P. Gauntlett
Stathis Pakis
+ PDF Chat Dualisation of dualities II: twisted self-duality of doubled fields and superdualities 1998 E. Cremmer
B. Juliá
H. Lü
C.N. Pope
+ PDF Chat Covariant field equations of the M-theory five-brane 1997 Paul Howe
Ergin Sezgin
Peter West
+ PDF Chat Calibrated geometries 1982 Reese Harvey
H. Blaine Lawson
+ PDF Chat Dualisation of dualities 1998 E. Cremmer
B. Juliá
H. Lü
C.N. Pope
+ PDF Chat Novel local CFT and exact results on perturbations of <i>N</i> = 4 super Yang Mills from AdS dynamics 1998 L. Girardello
Michela Petrini
Massimo Porrati
Alberto Zaffaroni
+ PDF Chat Type IIB superstrings, BPS monopoles, and three-dimensional gauge dynamics 1997 Amihay Hanany
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric M5-branes with H-field 2000 Dieter Lüst
André Miemiec
+ PDF Chat Fivebranes, membranes and non-perturbative string theory 1995 Katrin Becker
Melanie Becker
Andrew Strorninger
+ PDF Chat Gauge theory correlators from non-critical string theory 1998 Steven S. Gubser
Igor R. Klebanov
A. M. Polyakov
+ PDF Chat BPS Bound States Of D0-D6 And D0-D8 Systems In A<i>B</i>-Field 2002 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat S-duality and noncommutative gauge theory 2000 Rajesh Gopakumar
Juan Maldacena
Shiraz Minwalla
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Massive IIA supergravity as a non-linear realisation 2002 Igor Schnakenburg
Peter West
+ PDF Chat AdS/SCFT in superspace 2001 Paul Howe
Peter West
+ PDF Chat (NS5,D<i>p</i>) and (NS5,D(<i>p</i>+2),D<i>p</i>) bound states of type IIB and type IIA string theories 2001 Indranil Mitra
Shibaji Roy
+ PDF Chat (F,Dp) bound states from the boundary state 2000 P. Di Vecchia
M. Frau
A. Lerda
Antonella Liccardo
+ PDF Chat Dyonic membranes 1996 José Izquierdo
Neil Lambert
G. Papadopoulos
Paul Townsend
+ PDF Chat Open string/open D-brane dualities: old and new 2001 Henric Larsson
Per Sundell
+ PDF Chat Monopole dynamics from the M-fivebrane 1999 Neil Lambert
Peter West
+ PDF Chat Non-supersymmetric conformal field theories from stable anti-de Sitter spaces 1998 Jacques Distler
Frederic Zamora
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear instantons from supersymmetric <i>p</i>-branes 2000 Marcos Mariño
Ruben Minasian
Gregory Moore
Andrew Strominger
+ Type IIB superstrings, BPS monopoles, and three-dimensional gauge dynamics 1997 Amihay Hanany
Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat The holographic Weyl anomaly 1998 Måns Henningson
Kostas Skenderis
+ PDF Chat Supergravity and space-time non-commutative open string theory 2000 Troels Harmark
+ E11, SL(32) and central charges 2003 Peter West
+ PDF Chat Very extended Kac–Moody algebras and their interpretation at low levels 2004 Axel Kleinschmidt
Igor Schnakenburg
Peter West
+ PDF Chat G+++ Invariant Formulation of Gravity and M-Theories: Exact BPS Solutions 2004 F. Englert
Laurent Houart
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional black hole and singularities of CY manifolds 1996 Hirosi Ooguri
Cumrun Vafa
+ PDF Chat OM theory in diverse dimensions 2000 Rajesh Gopakumar
Shiraz Minwalla
Andrew Strominger
Nathan Seiberg
+ PDF Chat Strong coupling effects in noncommutative spaces from OM theory and supergravity 2001 Jorge G. Russo
M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari
+ PDF Chat On noncommutative open string theories 2000 Jorge G. Russo
M. M. Sheikh-Jabbari
+ Renormalization group flows from holography: Supersymmetry and a $c$-theorem 1999 Daniel Z. Freedman
Steven S. Gubser
Krzysztof Pilch
Nicholas P. Warner
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric D-brane bound states with<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>B</mml:mi></mml:math>field and higher dimensional instantons on noncommutative geometry 2001 Kazutoshi Ohta
+ PDF Chat Consistent Kaluza-Klein sphere reductions 2000 Mirjam Cvetič
H. Lü
C.N. Pope
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric D-brane bound states with B field and higher dimensional instantons on non-commutative geometry 2002 Kazutoshi Ohta
+ PDF Chat Open branes in space–time non-commutative little string theory 2001 Troels Harmark