Neil White


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Body-and-cad geometric constraint systems 2012 Kirk Haller
Audrey Lee-St. John
Meera Sitharam
Ileana Streinu
Neil White
+ Body-and-cad Geometric Constraint Systems 2010 Kirk Haller
Audrey Lee-St. John
Meera Sitharam
Ileana Streinu
Neil White
+ PDF Chat Body-and-cad geometric constraint systems 2009 Kirk Haller
Audrey Lee-St. John
Meera Sitharam
Ileana Streinu
Neil White
+ Lagrangian pairs and Lagrangian orthogonal matroids 2004 Richard Booth
Alexandre Borovik
Neil White
+ Geometric applications of the grassmann-cayley algebra 2004 Neil White
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 2003 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ Coxeter Matroids 2003 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ Lagrangian Matroids: Representations of Type $B_n$ 2002 Richard Booth
Alexandre Borovik
Neil White
+ Lagrangian Pairs and Lagrangian Orthogonal Matroids 2002 Richard Booth
Alexandre Borovik
Neil White
+ Representations of Matroids in Semimodular Lattices 2001 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ Oriented Lagrangian Matroids 2001 Richard Booth
Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Andrew Vince
Neil White
+ Combinatorial Flag Varieties 2000 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ Oriented Lagrangian Matroids 2000 Richard Booth
Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ Matroid Homology 2000 Tatiana Alekseyevskaya
Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ Convex Polytopes 1999 Anders Björner
Michel Las Vergnas
Bernd Sturmfels
Neil White
Günter M. Ziegler
+ Arrangements of Pseudolines 1999 Anders Björner
Michel Las Vergnas
Bernd Sturmfels
Neil White
Günter M. Ziegler
+ On exchange properties for Coxeter matroids and oriented matroids 1998 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ PDF Chat None 1998 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ The lattice of flats and its underlying flag matroid polytope 1997 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Andrew Vince
Neil White
+ Coxeter matroid polytopes 1997 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ Boundaries of Coxeter Matroids 1996 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ The Coxeter matroids of Gelfand et al 1996 Neil White
+ Skeletal rigidity of simplicial complexes, II 1995 Tiong-Seng Tay
Neil White
Walter Whiteley
+ Skeletal rigidity of simplicial complexes, I 1995 Tiong-Seng Tay
Neil White
Walter Whiteley
+ Straightening Coefficients in the Supersymmetric Letter-Place Algebra 1995 Rosa Q. Huang
Neil White
+ A Tutorial on Grassmann-Cayley Algebra 1995 Neil White
+ Invariant methods in discrete and computational geometry : proceedings of the Curaçao conference, 13-17 June, 1994 1995 Neil White
+ Grassmann?Cayley algebra and robotics 1994 Neil White
+ Invariant-theoretic computation in projective geometry 1991 Neil White
+ Computing combinatorial decompositions of rings 1991 Bernd Sturmfels
Neil White
+ The Dotted straightening algorithm 1991 Tim Mcmillan
Neil White
+ PDF Chat Stanley decompositions of the Bracket ring. 1990 Bernd Sturmfels
Neil White
+ Cayley Factorization and a Straightening Algorithm 1990 Neil White
+ PDF Chat Uniform oriented matroids without the isotopy property 1989 Beat Jäggi
Peter Mani-Levitska
Bernd Sturmfels
Neil White
+ Proposal for a geometric algebra software package 1989 Timothy F. Havel
Bernd Sturmfels
Neil White
+ Normal form for the (2;n)-nilpotent vector field, using invariant theory 1988 Richard Cushman
Jan A. Sanders
Neil White
+ Symbolic Computations in Geometry 1988 Henry Crapo
Timothy F. Havel
Bernd Sturmfels
Walter Whiteley
Neil White
+ The transcendence degree of a coordinatization of a combinatorial geometry 1980 Neil White
+ Higher Order Independence in Matroids 1979 Kenneth Bacławski
Neil White
+ The basis monomial ring of a matroid 1977 Neil White
+ The basis monomial ring of a matroid 1977 Neil White
+ The Bracket Ring of a Combinatorial Geometry. II: Unimodular Geometries 1975 Neil White
+ PDF Chat The Bracket Ring of a Combinatorial Geometry. I 1975 Neil White
+ PDF Chat The bracket ring of a combinatorial geometry. II. Unimodular geometries 1975 Neil White
+ PDF Chat The bracket ring of a combinatorial geometry. I 1975 Neil White
+ A Basis Extension Property 1974 Neil White
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Combinatorial geometries and torus strata on homogeneous compact manifolds 1987 Israel M. Gelfand
Vera Serganova
+ PDF Chat None 1998 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ WP-Matroids and Thin Schubert Cells on Tits Systems 1994 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
+ Coxeter groups and matroids 1995 Alexandre Borovik
Kieran Roberts
+ On the exterior calculus of invariant theory 1985 Marilena Barnabei
Andrea Brini
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ On the Foundations of Combinatorial Theory: IX Combinatorial Methods in Invariant Theory 1974 Peter Doubilet
Gian‐Carlo Rota
Joël Stein
+ On exchange properties for Coxeter matroids and oriented matroids 1998 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ Reflection Groups and Coxeter Groups 1990 James E. Humphreys
+ PDF Chat The bracket ring of a combinatorial geometry. I 1975 Neil White
+ Coxeter matroid polytopes 1997 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ Lectures on buildings 1990 Mark Ronan
+ PDF Chat None 1999 Alexandre Borovik
Andrew Vince
+ PDF Chat The bracket ring of a combinatorial geometry. II. Unimodular geometries 1975 Neil White
+ PDF Chat Weak maps of combinatorial geometries 1975 Dean Lucas
+ Automated short proof generation for projective geometric theorems with Cayley and bracket algebras 2003 Hongbo Li
Yihong Wu
+ PDF Chat Properties of rank preserving weak maps 1974 Dean Lucas
+ On The Foundations of Combinatorial Theory: Combinatorial Geometries 1970 Henry Crapo
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Geometric applications of the grassmann-cayley algebra 2004 Neil White
+ Statics of Frameworks and Motions of Panel Structures: A projective Geometric Introduction 1982 Henry Crapo
Walter Whiteley
+ Combinatorial geometries, convex polyhedra, and schubert cells 1987 Israel M. Gelfand
R. Mark Goresky
Robert MacPherson
Vera Serganova
+ On Quantitative Substitutional Analysis 1928 Alfred F. Young
+ Pebble game algorithms and sparse graphs 2007 Audrey Lee
Ileana Streinu
+ Grassmann?Cayley algebra and robotics 1994 Neil White
+ PDF Chat Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra 1983 Richard P. Stanley
+ Methods of Algebraic Geometry 1994 W. V. D. Hodge
D. Pedoe
+ Combinatorics and Commutative Algebra 1996 Richard P. Stanley
+ Characteristic Sets and Gröbner Bases in Geometry Theorem Proving 1989 Shang-Ching Chou
William Schelter
Jin-Gen Yang
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Andrew Vince
Neil White
+ Hilbert functions of graded algebras 1978 Richard P. Stanley
+ A geometric characterization of Coxeter matroids 1997 Vera Serganova
Andrew Vince
Andrei Zelevinsky
+ PDF Chat Graded Sparse Graphs and Matroids 2007 Audrey Lee
Ileana Streinu
Louis Theran
+ Puzzles and polytope isomorphisms 1987 R. Blind
Peter Mani-Levitska
+ PDF Chat A homotopy theorem for matroids. I 1958 W. T. Tutte
+ Logic and invariant theory IV. Invariants and syzygies in combinatorial geometry 1979 Walter Whiteley
+ PDF Chat Cohen-Macaulay rings and constructible polytopes 1975 Richard P. Stanley
+ The geometry of the chamber system of a semimodular lattice 1991 Herbert Abels
+ Normal form for the (2;n)-nilpotent vector field, using invariant theory 1988 Richard Cushman
Jan A. Sanders
Neil White
+ Combinatorial Flag Varieties 2000 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
Neil White
+ PDF Chat The invariant theory of binary forms 1984 Joseph P. S. Kung
Gian‐Carlo Rota
+ Rigidity and the lower bound theorem 1 1987 Gil Kalai
+ PDF Chat Shellable and Cohen-Macaulay partially ordered sets 1980 Anders Björner
+ Polytopal and nonpolytopal spheres an algorithmic approach 1987 Jürgen Bokowski
Bernd Sturmfels
+ Invariant Theory and Superalgebras 1987 Frank D. Grosshans
Gian‐Carlo Rota
Joël Stein
+ On the synthetic factorization of projectively invariant polynomials 1991 Bernd Sturmfels
Walter Whiteley
+ PDF Chat �ber die Starrheit konvexer Polyeder 1916 Max Dehn
+ Minimum partition of a matroid into independent subsets 1965 Jack Edmonds
+ The gallery distance of flags 1991 Herbert Abels
+ The numbers of faces of simplicial polytopes 1971 Peter McMullen
+ On simple polytopes 1993 Peter McMullen
+ PDF Chat On the Topology of the Combinatorial Flag Varieties 2002 Alexandre Borovik
Israel M. Gelfand
David A. Stone