G. Paladin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat An Extension of the Lyapunov Analysis for the Predictability Problem 1998 G. Boffetta
P. Giuliani
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Earthquake statistics and fractal faults 1997 R. Hallgass
Vittorio Loreto
O. Mazzella
G. Paladin
L. Pietronero
+ PDF Chat Predictability in the large: an extension of the concept of Lyapunov exponent 1997 Erik Aurell
G. Boffetta
A. Crisanti
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Characterization of chaos in random maps 1996 Vittorio Loreto
G. Paladin
Michele Pasquini
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Growth of Noninfinitesimal Perturbations in Turbulence 1996 Erik Aurell
G. Boffetta
A. Crisanti
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Bethe - Peierls approximation for the 2D random Ising model 1996 G. Paladin
Maurizio Serva
+ PDF Chat Self-Affine Asperity Model for Earthquakes 1996 Valerio De Rubeis
R. Hallgass
Vittorio Loreto
G. Paladin
L. Pietronero
Patrizia Tosi
+ PDF Chat Predictability in systems with many characteristic times: The case of turbulence 1996 Erik Aurell
G. Boffetta
A. Crisanti
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Mean-field solution of the random Ising model on the dual lattice 1996 Maurizio Serva
G. Paladin
J. Raboanary
+ PDF Chat Transition to chaos in a shell model of turbulence 1995 Luca Biferale
A. Lambert
Rui M. Lima
G. Paladin
+ PDF Chat Transition to chaos in a shell model of turbulence 1995 Luca Biferale
A. Lambert
Rui M. Lima
G. Paladin
+ Statistical mechanics of shell models for two-dimensional turbulence 1994 Erik Aurell
G. Boffetta
A. Crisanti
Peter Frick
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Stochastic resonance in deterministic chaotic systems 1994 A. Crisanti
M. Falcioni
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Complexity in quantum systems 1994 A. Crisanti
M. Falcioni
G. Paladin
Maurizio Serva
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Products of random matrices for disordered systems 1994 A. Crisanti
G. Paladin
Maurizio Serva
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Transition to Chaos in a Shell Model of Turbulence 1994 Luca Biferale
A. Lambert
Ricardo Lima
G. Paladin
+ PDF Chat Lack of self-averaging in weakly disordered one-dimensional systems 1993 A. Crisanti
G. Paladin
Maurizio Serva
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Sample-to-sample fluctuations in one-dimensional disordered Ising models 1993 A. Crisanti
G. Simone
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Products of random matrices in statistical physics 1993 A. Crisanti
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Multiscaling transformation in dynamical systems and turbulence 1992 G. Paladin
Massimo Vergassola
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Mixing rates and exterior forms in chaotic systems 1990 F. Christiansen
Stefano Isola
G. Paladin
Hans Henrik Rugh
+ Determination of correlation spectra in chaotic systems 1990 F. Christiansen
G. Paladin
Hans Henrik Rugh
+ Hausdorff dimensions in two-dimensional maps and thermodynamic formalism 1989 G. Paladin
Sandro Vaienti
+ Looking at the equilibrium measures in dynamical systems 1988 G. Paladin
Sandro Vaienti
+ A mean-field approximation for the maximum Lyapunov exponent of Bernoulli trials of matrices 1988 G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Generalized dimensions, entropies, and Liapunov exponents from the pressure function for strange sets 1988 D. Bessis
G. Paladin
G. Turchetti
Sandro Vaienti
+ Localization properties of the one-dimensional Anderson model with a self-similar random potential 1987 A. Crisanti
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Characterisation of intermittency in chaotic systems 1985 Roberto Benzi
G. Paladin
Giorgio Parisi
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Characterisation of intermittency in chaotic systems 1985 Roberto Benzi
G. Paladin
Giorgio Parisi
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Diffusion in an ultrametric space : a simple case 1985 G. Paladin
Marc Mézard
C. De Dominicis
+ PDF Chat On the multifractal nature of fully developed turbulence and chaotic systems 1984 Roberto Benzi
G. Paladin
Giorgio Parisi
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Characterization of strange attractors as inhomogeneous fractals 1984 G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Phase transition in a two-dimensional three-state Potts model with the addition of an infinite-range coupling 1983 Francesco Fucito
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Random walk on a two-dimensional random environment 1983 G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Ergodic theory of chaos and strange attractors 1985 Jean-Pierre Eckmann
David Ruelle
+ PDF Chat On the multifractal nature of fully developed turbulence and chaotic systems 1984 Roberto Benzi
G. Paladin
Giorgio Parisi
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow 1963 Edward N. Lorenz
+ Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents for smooth dynamical systems and for hamiltonian systems; a method for computing all of them. Part 1: Theory 1980 Giancarlo Benettin
L. Galgani
Antonio Giorgilli
Jean-Marie Strelcyn
+ A Variational Principle for the Pressure of Continuous Transformations 1975 Peter Walters
+ Characterisation of intermittency in chaotic systems 1985 Roberto Benzi
G. Paladin
Giorgio Parisi
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Zeta-functions for expanding maps and Anosov flows 1976 David Ruelle
+ Generalized dimensions, entropies, and Liapunov exponents from the pressure function for strange sets 1988 D. Bessis
G. Paladin
G. Turchetti
Sandro Vaienti
+ PDF Chat A two-dimensional mapping with a strange attractor 1976 M. Hénon
+ A multiplicative ergodic theorem. Ljapunov characteristic numbers for dynamical systems. 1968 V. I. Oseledec
+ Characterization of strange attractors as inhomogeneous fractals 1984 G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ On Spectral Laws of 2D Turbulence in Shell Models 1993 Peter Frick
Erik Aurell
+ Dimension of Strange Attractors 1980 D. A. Russell
J.D. Hanson
Edward Ott
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff dimension for horseshoes 1983 Heather McCluskey
Anthony Manning
+ Noise, chaos, and (ε, τ)-entropy per unit time 1993 Pierre Gaspard
Xiao‐Jing Wang
+ <i>The Fractal Geometry of Nature</i> 1983 Benoît B. Mandelbrot
John Wheeler
+ PDF Chat Dimension, entropy and Lyapunov exponents 1982 Lai-Sang Young
+ Locating resonances for AxiomA dynamical systems 1986 David Ruelle
+ An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications. 1972 J. F. C. Kingmán
W. Feller
+ Entropy of a random-bond Ising chain 1978 M. Puma
Julio F. Fernández
+ PDF Chat Dimension of invariant measures for maps with exponent zero 1985 F. Ledrappier
Michał Misiurewicz
+ Statistics of the Two-Dimensional Ferromagnet. Part I 1941 H. A. Kramers
Gregory H. Wannier
+ PDF Chat Equilibrium States and the Ergodic Theory of Anosov Diffeomorphisms 1975 Rufus Bowen
+ The dimension spectrum of some dynamical systems 1987 Pierre Collet
J. L. Lebowitz
Anna Porzio
+ PDF Chat Invariant measures and equilibrium states for some mappings which expand distances 1978 Peter Walters
+ PDF Chat Localization of Eigenstates and Transport Phenomena in the One-Dimensional Disordered System 1973 K. Ishii
+ Singular behaviour of certain infinite products of random 2 × 2 matrices 1983 Bernard Derrida
H. J. Hilhorst
+ PDF Chat Hausdorff dimension of quasi-circles 1979 Rufus Bowen
+ PDF Chat Repellers for real analytic maps 1982 David Ruelle
+ The infinite number of generalized dimensions of fractals and strange attractors 1983 H. G. E. Hentschel
Itamar Procaccia
+ Resonances for intermittent systems 1989 Viviane Baladi
Jean-Pierre Eckmann
David Ruelle
+ Universality in fully developed turbulence 1994 Siegfried Großmann
Detlef Lohse
+ Local Lyapunov exponents for spatiotemporal chaos 1993 Arkady Pikovsky
+ PDF Chat Predictability in systems with many characteristic times: The case of turbulence 1996 Erik Aurell
G. Boffetta
A. Crisanti
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Ergodic properties of the Lozi mappings 1984 Pierre Collet
Yves-Emmanuel Lévy
+ Scaling law for the maximum Lyapunov characteristic exponent of infinite product of random matrices 1986 Giorgio Parisi
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Resonances in chaotic dynamics 1988 Stefano Isola
+ PDF Chat Fractal Dimensions of Chaotic Flows of Autonomous Dissipative Systems 1980 Hatsumi Mori
+ Statistical mechanics of shell models for two-dimensional turbulence 1994 Erik Aurell
G. Boffetta
A. Crisanti
Peter Frick
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ PDF Chat Transition to chaos in a shell model of turbulence 1995 Luca Biferale
A. Lambert
Rui M. Lima
G. Paladin
+ Lyapunov Characteristic Exponents for smooth dynamical systems and for hamiltonian systems; A method for computing all of them. Part 2: Numerical application 1980 Giancarlo Benettin
L. Galgani
Antonio Giorgilli
Jean-Marie Strelcyn
+ PDF Chat Growth of Noninfinitesimal Perturbations in Turbulence 1996 Erik Aurell
G. Boffetta
A. Crisanti
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Scaling laws for invariant measures on hyperbolic and nonhyperbolic atractors 1988 Peter Grassberger
R. Badii
Antonio Politi
+ Transition to chaos for random dynamical systems 1990 Lei Yu
Edward Ott
Qi Chen
+ Finite approximation for the Frobenius-Perron operator. A solution to Ulam's conjecture 1976 Tien-Yien Li
+ PDF Chat Self-Affine Asperity Model for Earthquakes 1996 Valerio De Rubeis
R. Hallgass
Vittorio Loreto
G. Paladin
L. Pietronero
Patrizia Tosi
+ Topological and metric properties of Hénon-type strange attractors 1988 Predrag Cvitanović
Gemunu H. Gunaratne
Itamar Procaccia
+ PDF Chat Concept of complexity in random dynamical systems 1996 Vittorio Loreto
Giovanni Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Construction of Markov partitions 1969 Ya. G. Sinaĭ
+ On the distribution of a random variable occurring in 1D disordered systems 1985 C de Calan
J. M. Luck
Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen
Dimitri Petritis