Marie-Claude Arnaud


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Vanishing asymptotic Maslov index for conformally symplectic flows 2024 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Anna Florio
Valentine Roos
+ PDF Chat Denjoy subsystems and horseshoes 2024 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Higher Dimensional Birkhoff attractors 2024 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Vincent Humilière
Claude Viterbo
+ The dynamics of conformal Hamiltonian flows: dissipativity and conservativity 2024 Simon Allais
Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Invariant submanifolds of conformal symplectic dynamics 2024 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Jacques Féjoz
+ Weak K. A. M. solutions and minimizing orbits of twist maps 2023 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Maxime Zavidovique
+ On the fragility of periodic tori for families of symplectic twist maps 2023 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Jessica Elisa Massetti
Alfonso Sorrentino
+ Dynamische Systeme 2022 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Helmut Hofer
Michael Hutchings
Vadim Kaloshin
+ PDF Chat On the $$C^1$$ and $$C^2$$-Convergence to Weak K.A.M. Solutions 2022 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Xifeng Su
+ On the persistence of periodic tori for symplectic twist maps and the rigidity of integrable twist maps 2022 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Jessica Elisa Massetti
Alfonso Sorrentino
+ On the persistence of periodic tori for symplectic twist maps and the rigidity of integrable twist maps 2022 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Jessica Elisa Massetti
Alfonso Sorrentino
+ PDF Chat Actions of symplectic homeomorphisms/diffeomorphisms on foliations by curves in dimension 2 2022 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Maxime Zavidovique
+ Vanishing asymptotic Maslov index for conformally symplectic flows 2022 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Anna Florio
Valentine Roos
+ Weak K.A.M. solutions and minimizing orbits of twist maps 2022 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Maxime Zavidovique
+ PDF Chat On the $C^1$ and $C^2$-convergence to weak K.A.M. solutions 2022 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Xifeng Su
+ The dynamics of conformal Hamiltonian flows: dissipativity and conservativity 2022 Simon Allais
Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat A C^1 Arnol'd-Liouville theorem 2020 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Jinxin Xue
+ Berger And Turaev's Proof of Herman's Conjecture of Positive Entropy 2020 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat A C^1 Arnol'd-Liouville theorem 2020 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Jinxin Xue
+ Denjoy sub-systems and horseshoes 2020 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ On the transversal dependence of weak K.A.M. solutions for symplectic twist maps 2018 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Maxime Zavidovique
+ A notion of Denjoy sub-system 2017 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Patrice Le Calvez
+ A multidimensional Birkhoff theorem for time-dependent Tonelli Hamiltonians 2017 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Andrea Venturelli
+ PDF Chat A notion of Denjoy sub-system 2017 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Patrice Le Calvez
+ PDF Chat The non-hyperbolicity of irrational invariant curves for twist maps and all that follows 2016 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Pierre Berger
+ Lyapunov exponents for conservative twisting dynamics: a survey 2016 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov Exponents of Minimizing Measures for Globally Positive Diffeomorphisms in All Dimensions 2016 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Lyapunov exponents of minimizing measures for globally positive diffeomorphisms in all dimensions 2016 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ A multidimensional birkhoff theorem for time-dependent tonelli hamiltonians 2016 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Andrea Venturelli
+ Rigidity in topology<i>C</i><sup>0</sup>of the Poisson bracket for Tonelli Hamiltonians 2015 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Tonelli Hamiltonians without conjugate points and $$C^0$$ C 0 integrability 2015 Marc Arcostanzo
Marie-Claude Arnaud
Philippe Bolle
Maxime Zavidovique
+ Hyperbolicity for conservative twist maps of the 2-dimensional annulus 2015 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat The non-hyperbolicity of irrational invariant curves for twist maps and all that follows 2014 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Pierre Berger
+ Greeen bundles and invariant curves for symplectic twist maps. 2014 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Lyapunov exponents for conservative twisting dynamics: a survey 2014 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat C 1-generic billiard tables have a dense set of periodic points 2013 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat When are the invariant submanifolds of symplectic dynamics Lagrangian? 2013 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Boundaries of instability zones for symplectic twist maps 2013 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Tonelli Hamiltonians without conjugate points and $C^0$ integrability 2013 Marc Arcostanzo
Marie-Claude Arnaud
Philippe Bolle
Maxime Zavidovique
+ PDF Chat C^1-generic billiard tables have a dense set of periodic points 2013 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Poincaré Birkhoff theorem. 2012 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Lower and upper bounds for the Lyapunov exponents of twisting dynamics: a relationship between the exponents and the angle of Oseledets’ splitting 2012 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ A nondifferentiable essential irrational invariant curve for a $C^1$ symplectic twist map 2011 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat The link between the shape of the irrational Aubry-Mather sets and their Lyapunov exponents 2011 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Irregularity and regularity of invariant curves for symplectic twist maps. 2011 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Invariant Lagrangian manifolds for Tonelli Hamiltonians. 2011 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Irregular invariant curves for symplectic twist maps. 2011 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Green Bundles and Related Topics 2011 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat A nondifferentiable essential irrational invariant curve for a $C^1$ symplectic twist map 2011 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ A particular minimization property implies <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:msup><mml:mi>C</mml:mi><mml:mn>0</mml:mn></mml:msup></mml:math>-integrability 2010 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Pseudographs and the Lax–Oleinik semi-group: a geometric and dynamical interpretation 2010 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ On a Theorem Due to Birkhoff 2010 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ A certain minimization property implies a certain integrability 2010 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ On a theorem due to Birkhoff 2010 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Are pseudographs Lagrangian submanifolds 2010 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Green bundles, Lyapunov exponents and regularity along the supports of the minimizing measures 2010 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Green bundles, Lyapunov exponents and regularity along the supports of the minimizing measures 2010 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ A certain minimization property implies a certain integrability 2010 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ On a theorem due to Birkhoff 2010 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ The link between the shape of the Aubry-Mather sets and their Lyapunov exponents 2009 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Three results on the regularity of the curves that are invariant by an exact symplectic twist map . Invariant subspaces for operators in a general II[1]-factor . Weakly commensurable arithmetic groups and isospectral locally symmetric spaces . The C[1] generic diffeomorphism has trivial centralizer . Finitude homotopique et isotopique des structures de contact tendues . Deux caractérisations de la mesure d'équilibre d'un endomorphisme de P[k](C) (Erratum) 2009 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Uffe Haagerup
Hanne Schultz
Gopal Prasad
Andrei S. Rapinchuk
Christian Bonatti
Sylvain Crovisier
Amie Wilkinson
Vincent Colin
Emmanuel Giroux
+ PDF Chat Fibrés de Green et Régularité des Graphes C 0-Lagrangiens Invariants par un Flot de Tonelli 2008 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ The tiered Aubry set for autonomous Lagrangian functions 2008 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat The tiered Aubry set for autonomous Lagrangian functions 2008 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Hyperbolic periodic orbits and Mather sets in certain symmetric cases 2006 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Type des orbites périodiques des flots associés à des lagrangiens optiques homogènes 2006 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Dynamiques symplectiques génériques 2005 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Christian Bonatti
Sylvain Crovisier
+ Approximation des ensembles ω-limites des difféomorphismes par des orbites périodiques 2003 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ The generic symplectic C^{1}-diffeomorphisms of four-dimensional symplectic manifolds are hyperbolic, partially hyperbolic or have a completely elliptic periodic point 2002 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ The 2-link periodic orbits which maximize or minimize the length of a<i>p</i>-dimensional Birkhoff billiard are hyperbolic 2002 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Création de connexions en topologie <i>C</i><sup>1</sup> 2001 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Difféomorphismes symplectiques de classe C1 en dimension 4 2000 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Cr�ation de connexions en topologie C1 pour les flots des surfaces 1999 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Création de connexions en topologie C1 1999 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Existence d'orbites périodiques complètement elliptiques des Hamiltoniens convexes présentant certaines symétries 1999 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ On the type of certain periodic orbits minimizing the Lagrangian action 1998 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Le «closing lemma» en topologie $C^1$ 1998 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Création de points périodiques de tous types au voisinage des tores K.A.M. 1995 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Type of critical points of Hamiltonian functions and of fixed points of symplectic diffeomorphisms 1994 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Type des points fixes des difféomorphismes symplectiques de $\bbfT{}\sp n\times{}\bbfR{}\sp n$ 1992 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Type des points fixes des difféomorphismes symplectiques de $\mathbb {T}{}^n\times {}\mathbb {R}{}^n$ 1992 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Points périodiques et tores lagrangiens invariants des difféomorphismes symplectiques 1990 Marie-Claude Arnaud
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Action minimizing invariant measures for positive definite Lagrangian systems 1991 John N. Mather
+ The dynamics of pseudographs in convex Hamiltonian systems 2008 Patrick Bernard
+ PDF Chat Fibrés de Green et Régularité des Graphes C 0-Lagrangiens Invariants par un Flot de Tonelli 2008 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Convex Hamiltonians without conjugate points 1999 Gonzalo Contreras
Renato Iturriaga
+ Symplectic Twist Maps: Global Variational Techniques 2001 Christophe Golé
+ Sur les courbes invariantes par les difféomorphismes de l'anneau. II 1986 Michael R. Herman
+ PDF Chat Three results on the regularity of the curves that are invariant by an exact symplectic twist map 2009 M.-C. Arnaud
+ The discrete Frenkel-Kontorova model and its extensions 1983 S. Aubry
P. Y. Le Daëron
+ On conservation of conditionally periodic motions for a small change in Hamilton's function 1954 A N Kolmogorov
+ Existence of quasi-periodic orbits for twist homeomorphisms of the annulus 1982 John N. Mather
+ The link between the shape of the Aubry-Mather sets and their Lyapunov exponents 2009 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ On the existence of invariant curves of twist mappings of an annulus 1983 Helmut Rüßmann
+ Inégalités « a priori » pour des tores lagrangiens invariants par des difféomorphismes symplectiques 1989 Michael R. Herman
+ Lagrangian Graphs, Minimizing Measures and Ma��'s Critical Values 1998 Mauricio Contreras
Renato Iturriaga
Gabriel P. Paternain
Miguel Paternain
+ PDF Chat Sur la Conjugaison Différentiable des Difféomorphismes du Cercle a des Rotations 1979 Michael R. Herman
+ PDF Chat Symplectic twist maps without conjugate points 2004 Misha Bialy
Robert S. MacKay
+ Generic properties and problems of minimizing measures of Lagrangian systems 1996 Ricardo Mañé
+ Green bundles, Lyapunov exponents and regularity along the supports of the minimizing measures 2012 M.-C. Arnaud
+ On minimizing measures of the action of autonomous Lagrangians 1995 Mario Carneiro
+ PDF Chat On the multiplicative ergodic theorem for uniquely ergodic systems 1997 Alex Furman
+ On a Theorem Due to Birkhoff 2010 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Regularity of C$^1$ solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 2003 Albert Fathi
+ PDF Chat Connecting orbits between static classes for generic Lagrangian systems 2002 Gonzalo Contreras
Gabriel P. Paternain
+ PDF Chat The <i>C</i><sup>1</sup> Closing Lemma, including Hamiltonians 1983 Charles Pugh
Clark Robinson
+ PDF Chat Lower and upper bounds for the Lyapunov exponents of twisting dynamics: a relationship between the exponents and the angle of Oseledets’ splitting 2012 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ PDF Chat Differentiability of Mather's average action and integrability on closed surfaces 2011 Daniel Massart
Alfonso Sorrentino
+ PDF Chat The tiered Aubry set for autonomous Lagrangian functions 2008 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ Lectures on Symplectic Manifolds 1977 Alan Weinstein
+ PDF Chat A geometric proof of the existence of the Green bundles 2002 Renato Iturriaga
+ PDF Chat The link between the shape of the irrational Aubry-Mather sets and their Lyapunov exponents 2011 Marie-Claude Arnaud
+ A geometric definition of the Mañé-Mather set and a Theorem of Marie-Claude Arnaud. 2011 Patrick Bernard
+ PDF Chat Quasi-Anosov diffeomorphisms and hyperbolic manifolds 1977 Ricardo Mañé
+ Connecting Invariant Manifolds and the Solution of the C 1 Stability and Ω-Stability Conjectures for Flows 1997 Shuhei Hayashi
+ Ergodic Theory and Differentiable Dynamics 1987 Ricardo Mañé
+ PDF Chat Existence of C 1 critical subsolutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation 2004 Albert Fathi
Antonio Siconolfi
+ Théorème KAM faible et théorie de Mather sur les systèmes lagrangiens 1997 Albert Fathi
+ Action potential and weak KAM solutions 2001 Gonzalo Contreras
+ PDF Chat Weak kam theorem on non compact manifolds 2007 Albert Fathi
Ezequiel Maderna
+ PDF Chat Monotone twist mappings and the calculus of variations 1986 Jürgen Moser
+ Generic properties of conservative systems 1971 R. Clark Robinson
+ Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms and lagrangian distributions 1992 Misha Bialy
Leonid Polterovich
+ PDF Chat A C<sup>1</sup>-generic dichotomy for diffeomorphisms: Weak forms of hyperbolicity or infinitely many sinks or sources 2003 Christian Bonatti
Lorenzo J. Díaz
Enrique Pujals
+ Lagrangian singularities of invariant tori of hamiltonian systems with two degrees of freedom 1989 Misha Bialy
Leonid Polterovich
+ Greene's residue criterion 1992 Robert S. MacKay
+ Quasi-Elliptic Periodic Points in Conservative Dynamical Systems. 2020 Sheldon E. Newhouse
+ Introduction to the modern theory of dynamical systems 1996 Anatole Katok
Boris Hasselblatt
+ Hamiltonian systems, Lagrangian tori and Birkhoff's theorem 1992 Misha Bialy
Leonid Polterovich
+ PDF Chat Variational construction of orbits of twist diffeomorphisms 1991 John N. Mather
+ Lagrangian flows: The dynamics of globally minimizing orbits-II 1997 Gonzalo Contreras
Jorge Delgado
Renato Iturriaga
+ PDF Chat Minimizing orbits in the discrete Aubry–Mather model 2011 Eduardo Garibaldi
Philippe Thieullen