James A. Jenkins


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ [112] Lars Valerian Ahlfors (1907–1996) 2017 Raoul Bott
Clifford J. Earle
Dennis A. Hejhal
James A. Jenkins
Troels Jørgensen
Steven G. Krantz
Albert Marden
Robert Osserman
+ ADDENDUM TO THE GENERAL COEFFICIENT THEOREM. Let the pole Pj of Q(z)dZ2 of order mj greater than two lie in the domain A1 and in terms of a local para 2016 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On solutions of the Beltrami equation II 2004 Melkana Brakalova
James A. Jenkins
+ The Method of the Extremal Metric 2002 James A. Jenkins
+ On a Problem of Solynin 2001 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On two point distortion theorems for bounded univalent regular functions 2001 James A. Jenkins
+ On mixed problems for extremal decompositions 2000 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the local behavior of certain homeomorphisms. II 1999 Melkana Brakalova
James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On solutions of the Beltrami equation 1998 Melkana Brakalova
James A. Jenkins
+ On Weighted Distortion in Conformal Mapping II 1998 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the Schlicht Bloch constant II 1998 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On comb domains 1996 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On metrics defined by modules 1995 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the local behavior of certain homeomorphisms 1994 Melkana Brakalova
James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some Estimates for Harmonic Measures. III 1993 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the existence of certain general extremal metrics, II 1993 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some estimates for harmonic measures. III 1993 James A. Jenkins
+ On the prime radical of a module over a commutative ring 1992 James A. Jenkins
Patrick F. Smith
+ PDF Chat A criterion associated with the schlicht Bloch constant 1992 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some Estimates for Harmonic Measures. II 1991 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some estimates for harmonic measures. II 1991 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On analytic maps of plane domains 1988 James A. Jenkins
Nobuyuki Suita
+ On Boundary Correspondence for Domains on the Sphere 1988 James A. Jenkins
+ On univalent functions with integral coefficients 1987 James A. Jenkins
+ Some estimates for harmonic measures 1987 James A. Jenkins
+ On meromorphic univalent functions 1986 James A. Jenkins
+ On a result of ostrowski 1986 James A. Jenkins
Kôtaro Oikawa
+ PDF Chat On the boundary behavior of functions for which the Riemann image has finite spherical area 1985 James A. Jenkins
Kôtaro Oikawa
+ On univalent functions omitting two values<sup>1</sup> 1984 James A. Jenkins
+ Conformal Mappings on Riemann Surfaces. 1983 James A. Jenkins
Harvey Cohn
+ <i>Conformal Mappings on Riemann Surfaces</i>. By Harvey Cohn 1983 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat A uniqueness result in conformal mapping. II 1982 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat A Uniqueness Result in Conformal Mapping. II 1982 James A. Jenkins
+ On Explicit Bounds in Landau's Theorem. II 1981 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the Pick-Nevanlinna problem 1979 James A. Jenkins
Nobuyuki Suita
+ On a Theorem of Carathéodory and Fejér† 1977 James A. Jenkins
Kôtaro Oikawa
+ PDF Chat A Loewner Approach to a Coefficient Inequality for Bounded Univalent Functions 1977 Duane W. de Temple
James A. Jenkins
+ Conformality and semi-conformatilty at the boundary. 1977 James A. Jenkins
Kôtaro Oikawa
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Univalent functions-selected topics 1977 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat A Loewner approach to a coefficient inequality for bounded univalent functions 1977 Duane W. De Temple
James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the sharp form of the three-circles theorem 1976 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On a result of M. Heins 1975 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On regular functions on Riemann surfaces II 1975 James A. Jenkins
Nobuyuki Suita
+ On Results of R. Nevanlinna and Ahlfors 1975 James A. Jenkins
+ On a problem concerning harmonic measure 1974 James A. Jenkins
+ A general form of the annulus theorem 1974 James A. Jenkins
+ A Hilbert space method in the theory of schlicht functions 1974 Helmut Grunsky
James A. Jenkins
+ On analytic self-mappings of Riemann surfaces II 1974 James A. Jenkins
Nobuyuki Suita
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on Weierstrass points 1974 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some Remarks on Weierstrass Points 1974 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On regular functions on Riemann surfaces 1973 James A. Jenkins
Nobuyuki Suita
+ On analytic self-mappings of Riemann surfaces 1973 James A. Jenkins
Nobuyuki Suita
+ PDF Chat A remark on ‘‘pairs” of regular functions 1972 James A. Jenkins
+ A Remark on "Pairs" of Regular Functions 1972 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat A Remark on <sub>p</sub>-Valent Functions 1971 James A. Jenkins
Kôtaro Oikawa
+ PDF Chat On the growth of slowly increasing unbounded harmonic fungtions 1970 James A. Jenkins
Kôtaro Oikawa
+ PDF Chat A uniqueness result in conformal mapping 1969 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat A Uniqueness Result in Conformal Mapping 1969 James A. Jenkins
+ On Certain Geometrical Problems Associated with Capacity 1969 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On an Inequality Considered by Robertson 1968 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On an inequality considered by Robertson 1968 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On local maximality for the coefficient $a_{8}$ 1967 James A. Jenkins
Mitsuru Ozawa
+ On certain extremal problems for the coefficients of univalent functions 1967 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Local Maximality for the Coefficient a<sub>6</sub> 1967 James A. Jenkins
Mitsuru Ozawa
+ PDF Chat On certain problems of minimal capacity 1966 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On a result of Nehari 1966 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Bieberbach-Eilenberg Functions. III 1965 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Bieberbach-Eilenberg functions. III 1965 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some area theorems and a special coefficient theorem 1964 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On some span theorems 1963 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat An addendum to the general coefficient theorem 1963 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On a Paper of Reich Concerning Minimal Slit Domains 1962 James A. Jenkins
+ Remarks on the Paper "Generalization of a Theorem of Mandelbrojt" 1962 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat The general coefficient theorem and certain applications 1962 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On a paper of Reich concerning minimal slit domains 1962 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On a conjecture of Goodman concerning meromorphic univalent functions. 1962 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On hyperbolic surfaces in three-dimensional Euclidean space. 1961 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some Problems for Typically Real Functions 1961 James A. Jenkins
+ On Certain Coefficients of Univalent Functions 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the global structure of the trajectories of a positive quadratic differential 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Certain Coefficients of Univalent Functions. II 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat An Extension of the General Coefficient Theorem 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On weighted distortion in conformal mapping 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat An extension of the general coefficient theorem 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On certain coefficients of univalent functions. II 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ On Univalent Functions With Real Coefficients 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat A Counter-Example to a Statement on Conformal Mapping of Riemann Surfaces 1959 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Multivalent functions 1959 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat A counter-example to a statement on conformal mapping of Riemann surfaces 1959 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On a Type Problem 1959 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Introduction to Riemann surfaces 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On a Canonical Conformal Mapping of J. L. Walsh 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Applications of the General Coefficient Theorem. Univalent Functions 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Canonical Conformal Mappings 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ The General Coefficient Theorem 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On a canonical conformal mapping of J. L. Walsh 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Univalent Functions and Conformal Mapping 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the Denjoy Conjecture 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Modules and Extremal Lengths 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Quadratic Differentials 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Applications of the General Coefficient Theorem. Univalent Functions 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Quadratic Differentials 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Applications of the General Coefficient Theorem. Families of Univalent Functions 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Canonical Conformal Mappings 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Univalent Functions and Conformal Mapping 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Modules and Extremal Lengths 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Applications of the General Coefficient Theorem. Families of Univalent Functions 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ On the Existence of Certain General Extremal Metrics 1957 James A. Jenkins
+ On a Conjecture of Spencer 1957 James A. Jenkins
+ A New Criterion for Quasiconformal Mapping 1957 James A. Jenkins
+ Some New Canonical Mappings for Multiply-Connected Domains 1957 James A. Jenkins
+ On a Result of Keogh<sup>†</sup> 1956 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some Theorems on Boundary Distortion 1956 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some theorems on boundary distortion 1956 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Quasiconformal Mappings 1956 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Explicit Bounds In Landau's Theorem 1956 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Circularly Symmetric Functions 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ On a Lemma of R. Huron 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ On Circumferentially Mean p-Valent Functions 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Bieberbach-Eilenberg Functions. II 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On circularly symmetric functions 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Bieberbach-Eilenberg functions. II 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On a problem of Lusin. 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On circumferentially mean 𝑝-valent functions 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ Some Uniqueness Results in the Theory of Symmetrization 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Explicit Bounds In Schottky's Theorem 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Sur quelques aspects globaux du théorème de Picard 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the Local Structure of the Trajectories of a Quadratic Differential 1954 James A. Jenkins
+ On a Problem of Gronwall 1954 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Bieberbach-Eilenberg Functions 1954 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the local structure of the trajectories of a quadratic differential 1954 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Curve families F* locally the level curves of a pseudoharmonic function 1954 James A. Jenkins
Marston Morse
+ PDF Chat On Bieberbach-Eilenberg functions 1954 James A. Jenkins
Marston Morse
+ PDF Chat Conjugate Nets, Conformal Structure, and Interior Transformations on Open Riemann Surfaces 1953 James A. Jenkins
Marston Morse
+ Another Remark on "Some Problems in Conformal Mapping" 1953 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Various remarks on univalent functions 1953 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Various Remarks on Univalent Functions 1953 James A. Jenkins
+ On Values Omitted by Univalent Functions 1953 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Another remark on “Some problems in conformal mapping” 1953 James A. Jenkins
+ Remarks on "Some Problems in Conformal Mapping" 1952 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Remarks on “Some problems in conformal mapping.” 1952 James A. Jenkins
+ Contour Equivalent Pseudoharmonic Functions and Pseudoconjugates 1952 James A. Jenkins
Marston Morse
+ PDF Chat The existence of pseudoconjugates on Riemann surface 1952 Marston Morse
James A. Jenkins
+ On a Theorem of Spencer 1951 James A. Jenkins
+ Generalization of a Theorem of Mandelbrojt 1951 James A. Jenkins
+ Positive Quadratic Differentials in Triply-Connected Domains 1951 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the Topological Theory of Functions 1951 James A. Jenkins
+ Hyperelliptic Trajectories 1951 James A. Jenkins
D. C. Spencer
+ PDF Chat On lacunary Dirichlet series 1950 I. I. Hirschman
James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some problems in conformal mapping 1949 James A. Jenkins
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Univalent Functions and Conformal Mapping 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ On Certain Coefficients of Univalent Functions 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Bieberbach-Eilenberg functions. II 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some problems in conformal mapping 1949 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Remarks on “Some problems in conformal mapping.” 1952 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On certain coefficients of univalent functions. II 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ Some Uniqueness Results in the Theory of Symmetrization 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ On the Existence of Certain General Extremal Metrics 1957 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some Problems in Conformal Mapping 1949 J. A. Jenkins
+ Hyperelliptic Trajectories 1951 James A. Jenkins
D. C. Spencer
+ The General Coefficient Theorem 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ Univalent Functions and Conformal Mapping 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Some area theorems and a special coefficient theorem 1964 James A. Jenkins
+ Isoperimetric inequalities in mathematical physics 1951 George Pólya
Gábor Szegő
+ On a Problem of Gronwall 1954 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Bieberbach-Eilenberg functions 1954 James A. Jenkins
+ Remarks on "Some Problems in Conformal Mapping" 1952 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat An extension of the general coefficient theorem 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ Some New Canonical Mappings for Multiply-Connected Domains 1957 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the Denjoy Conjecture 1958 James A. Jenkins
+ On a problem concerning harmonic measure 1974 James A. Jenkins
+ Extremale quasikonforme Abbildungen und quadratische Differentiale 1940 Oswald Teichmüller
+ PDF Chat On Bieberbach-Eilenberg Functions 1954 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the global structure of the trajectories of a positive quadratic differential 1960 James A. Jenkins
+ Research Problems in Complex Analysis 1984 K. F. Barth
David A. Brannan
W. K. Hayman
+ Quasiconformal Mappings 1994 Yôichi Imayoshi
Masahiko Taniguchi
+ Some estimates for harmonic measures 1987 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Conformal invariants and function-theoretic null-sets 1950 Lars V. Ahlfors
Arne Beurling
+ On a Theorem of Bieberbach-Eilenberg 1939 W. W. Rogosinski
+ Certain extremal problems concerning module and harmonic measure 1981 Luby Liao
+ PDF Chat On the Local Structure of the Trajectories of a Quadratic Differential 1954 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On Bieberbach-Eilenberg Functions. II 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat Harmonic measure and radial projection 1989 Donald E. Marshall
Carl Johan Sundberg
+ PDF Chat On the local structure of the trajectories of a quadratic differential 1954 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On circumferentially mean 𝑝-valent functions 1955 James A. Jenkins
+ On Mean One-Valent Functions 1941 D. C. Spencer
+ Isoperimetric Inequalities in Mathematical Physics. (AM-27) 1951 Georg Pólya
Giorgio P. Szegö
+ The coefficients of schlicht functions 1943 A. C. Schaeffer
D. C. Spencer
+ Quasiconformal Mappings in the Plane 1973 Olli Lehto
K. I. Virtanen
+ Eine Bemerkung Über Ungerade Schlichte Funktionen 1933 M. Fekete
Gábor Szegő
+ PDF Chat On the existence of certain general extremal metrics, II 1993 James A. Jenkins
+ PDF Chat On the behavior of quasiconformal mappings at a point 1965 Edgar Reich
Hubert R. Walczak
+ Extremal length and the boundary behavior of conformal mappings 1976 Burton Rodin
S. E. Warschawski
+ PDF Chat On an absolute constant in the theory of quasi-conformal mappings. 1956 Akira Mori
+ Positive Quadratic Differentials in Triply-Connected Domains 1951 James A. Jenkins
+ The asymptotic behaviour of areally mean valent functions 1967 B. G. Eke
+ Multivalent Functions. 1959 George Ś. Springer
W. K. Hayman
+ PDF Chat On the growth of slowly increasing unbounded harmonic fungtions 1970 James A. Jenkins
Kôtaro Oikawa
+ Analytic functions in circular rings 1943 Raphael M. Robinson