Ranjan Roy


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Series and Products in the Development of Mathematics 2021 Ranjan Roy
+ Operator Calculus and Algebraic Analysis 2021 Ranjan Roy
+ Series and Products in the Development of Mathematics 2021 Ranjan Roy
+ The <i>η</i> Function and Dedekind Sums 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ Dedekind's Paper on Modular Functions 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ Modular Forms and Invariant Theory 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ Sums of Squares 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ Hermite's Transformation of Theta Functions 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ Elliptic and Modular Functions from Gauss to Dedekind to Hecke 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ Abel and Jacobi on Elliptic Functions 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ The Theory of Modular Forms as Reworked by Hurwitz 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ The Hecke Operators 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ Complex Variables and Elliptic Functions 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ Dirichlet Series and Modular Forms 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ Gauss's Contributions to Modular Forms 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ Ramanujan's Euler Products and Modular Forms 2017 Ranjan Roy
+ Integration of Rational Functions 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Power Series in Fifteenth-Century Kerala 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Orthogonal Polynomials 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Symmetric Functions 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Elliptic Functions: Eighteenth Century 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ The Hypergeometric Series 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Trigonometric Series after 1830 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ The Binomial Theorem 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Univalent Functions 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Algebraic Analysis: The Calculus of Operations 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Infinite Product of Wallis 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Primes in Arithmetic Progressions 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Finite Fields 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Sums of Powers of Integers 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ <i>q</i>-Series and <i>q</i>-Orthogonal Polynomials 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ The Taylor Series 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ De Analysi per Aequationes Infinitas 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ <i>L</i>-Series 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ <i>q</i>-Series 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Difference Equations 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Solution of Equations by Radicals 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Summability 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Fourier Series 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Geometric Calculus 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Irrational and Transcendental Numbers 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ The Asymptotic Series for ln Γ<i>(x)</i> 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Series Transformation by Finite Differences 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Finite Differences: Interpolation and Quadrature 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ PDF Chat Calculus of Several Variables 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Distribution of Primes: Early Results 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ The Gamma Function 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Elliptic Functions: Nineteenth Century 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ PDF Chat The Euler–Maclaurin Summation Formula 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Series and Products for Elementary Functions 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ The Calculus of Newton and Leibniz 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Invariant Theory: Cayley and Sylvester 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Sources in the Development of Mathematics (Series and Products from the Fifteenth to the Twenty-first Century) 2011 Ranjan Roy
+ Primes in Arithmetic Progressions 2008 Ranjan Roy
+ Euler Through Time: A New Look at Old Themes by V. S. Varadarajan. 2008 Ranjan Roy
+ The Discovery of the Series Formula for π by Leibniz, Gregory and Nilakantha 2004 Ranjan Roy
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Complex analysis, fundamentals of the classical theory of functions 2001 Ranjan Roy
+ The Discovery of the Series Formula for π by Leibniz, Gregory and Nilakantha 2000 Ranjan Roy
+ Introduction to <i>q</i>-Series 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ PDF Chat Euler–Maclaurin Summation Formula 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ Bessel Functions and Confluent Hypergeometric Functions 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ The Gamma and Beta Functions 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ Orthogonal Polynomials 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ PDF Chat Topics in Orthogonal Polynomials 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ Series Solutions of Differential Equations 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ Special Orthogonal Polynomials 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ Summability and Fractional Integration 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ Lagrange Inversion Formula 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ The Hypergeometric Functions 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ Special Functions 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ The Selberg Integral and Its Applications 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ PDF Chat Ramanujan's Method in q-Series Congruences 1996 George E. Andrews
Ranjan Roy
+ The Discovery of the Series Formula for π by Leibniz, Gregory and Nilakantha 1990 Ranjan Roy
+ The Discovery of the Series Formula for π by Leibniz, Gregory and Nilakantha 1990 Ranjan Roy
+ Basic Hypergeometric Series and Applications. 1990 Ranjan Roy
N. J. Fine
+ <i>Basic Hypergeometric Series and Applications</i>. By Nathan J. Fine 1990 Ranjan Roy
+ Sums of functions of bounded index and ordinary differential equations 1989 Ranjan Roy
S. M. Shah
+ A note on the equivalence of shock manifold equations 1988 Ranjan Roy
R. Ravindran
+ Functions of bounded index, bounded value distribution and v-bounded index 1987 Ranjan Roy
S. M. Shah
+ Computation of Eigenvalues Associated with Functional Differential Equations 1987 A. Manitius
Hien Tran
G. Payre
Ranjan Roy
+ Binomial Identities and Hypergeometric Series 1987 Ranjan Roy
+ PDF Chat Meromorphic solutions of second order differential equations which are not solutions of first order algebraic differential equations 1986 Ranjan Roy
S. M. Shah
+ PDF Chat More q-beta integrals 1986 Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ Vector-valued entire functions satisfying a differential equation 1986 Ranjan Roy
S. M. Shah
+ PDF Chat The Serre duality theorem for Reimann surfaces 1984 Ranjan Roy
+ A uniqueness theorem for deformations of Fuchsian groups 1982 Ranjan Roy
+ PDF Chat Bounded index, entire solutions of ordinary differential equations and summability methods 1981 Gerd H. Fricke
Ranjan Roy
S. M. Shah
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Bounded index, entire solutions of ordinary differential equations and summability methods 1981 Gerd H. Fricke
Ranjan Roy
S. M. Shah
+ Entire functions of bounded index 1977 S. M. Shah
+ PDF Chat Differential inequalities and local valency 1973 W. K. Hayman
+ Entire functions satisfying a linear differential equation 1975 Gerd H. Fricke
S. M. Shah
+ Vector-valued entire functions of bounded index satisfying a differential equation 1978 L. F. Heath
+ Applications of Basic Hypergeometric Functions 1974 George E. Andrews
+ Basic Hypergeometric Series and Applications. 1990 Ranjan Roy
N. J. Fine
+ On an untapped source of medieval Keralese mathematics 1978 C. T. Rajagopal
M. S. Rangachari
+ The Theory of Partitions 1984 George E. Andrews
+ Ramanujan's Extensions of the Gamma and Beta Functions 1980 Richard Askey
+ Ordinary differential equations in the complex domain 1976 Einar Hille
+ The mathematical papers of Isaac Newton 1967 Isaac Newton
D. T. Whiteside
Michael Hoskin
A. Prag
+ PDF Chat Entire Functions Satisfying a Linear Differential Equation 1968 Sejal Shah
+ Brook Taylor and the method of increments 1985 Lenore Feigenbaum
+ Generalized Frobenius partitions 1984 George E. Andrews
+ Ramanujan's Extensions of the Gamma and Beta Functions 1980 Richard Askey
+ On bounded value distribution and bounded index 1978 Gerd H. Fricke
S. M. Shah
+ PDF Chat Functions of Exponential Type are Differences of Functions of Bounded Index 1977 Shantilal N. Shah
+ Ordinary Differential Equations 1945 A. T. Lonseth
E. L. Ince
+ Lectures on the general theory of integral functions 1923 Georges Valiron
+ A Course of Modern Analysis 1996 E. T. Whittaker
G. N. Watson
+ History of mathematical programming, a collection of personal reminiscences 1992 J. K. Lenstra
A. H. G. Rinnooy Kan
Alexander Schrijver
+ Real and Complex Analysis. 1987 G. A. Garreau
Walter Rudin
+ Cauchy and the Creation of Complex Function Theory 1997 Frank Smithies
+ Pi: A Source Book 2013 Lennart Berggren
Jonathan M. Borwein
Peter Borwein
+ PDF Chat The Early Mathematical Manuscripts of Leibniz 1921 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
John Child
+ PDF Chat q-Gamma and q-Beta Functions 2002 Victor G. KaÄŤ
Pokman Cheung
+ PDF Chat Bailey chains and generalized lambert series: I. Four identities of Ramanujan 1992 George E. Andrews
+ Éléments de la théorie des fonctions elliptiques 1972 Jules Tannery
Jules Molk
Charles Hermite
+ Sums of Squares of Integers 2005 Carlos Moreno
Samuel S. Wagstaff
+ Modular Forms and Functions 1977 R. A. Rankin
+ A look back at Ramanujan's Notebooks 1975 B. J. Birch
+ Representations of Integers as Sums of Squares 1985 Emil Grosswald
+ James Stirling’s Methodus Differentialis 2003 I. Tweddle
+ Modular functions in analytic number theory 1970 Marvin I. Knopp
+ �ber das Wachstum des Index ganzer Funktionen 1971 G�nter Frank
Erwin Mues
+ Lectures on Number Theory 1999 Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet
Richard Dedekind
+ Number Theory: An approach through history from Hammurapi to Legendre 1984 André Weil
+ Some basic hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials that generalize Jacobi polynomials 1985 Richard Askey
James Wilson
+ PDF Chat Limit distributions for queues and random rooted trees 1993 Lajos Takács
+ Research Problems in Function Theory 1967 W. K. Hayman
+ Lehrbuch der Algebra 1921 Heinrich Weber
+ The linear differential-difference equation with constant coefficients 1972 Clifford H Anderson
+ PDF Chat Ăśber Lineare Differentialgleichungen mit Rationalen koeffizienten 1911 Oskar Perron
+ Congruence Properties of Partitions 1934 S. Chowla
+ Binomial Identities and Hypergeometric Series 1987 Ranjan Roy
+ Mathematische Abhandlungen : Besonders aus dem Gebiete der höheren Arithmetik und der elliptischen Funktionen 1847 G. Eisenstein
C. F. Gauss
+ Kinematics of a multi-dimensional shock of arbitrary strength in an ideal gas 1982 Punam Kumari Prasad
+ PDF Chat On the Asymptotic Approximation to Integral Functions of Zero Order 1907 J. E. Littlewood
+ Lectures on Riemann Surfaces 1966 Robert C. Gunning