T. T. Lebedeva


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Stability and Regularization of Vector Optimization Problems Under Possible Criteria Disturbances 2022 T. T. Lebedeva
N. V. Semenova
Т. И. Сергиенко
+ Stability Kernel of a Multicriteria Optimization Problem Under Perturbations of Input Data of the Vector Criterion 2021 T. T. Lebedeva
N. V. Semenova
Т. И. Сергиенко
+ Multi-Objective Optimization Problem: Stability against Perturbations of Input Data in Vector-Valued Criterion 2020 T. T. Lebedeva
N. V. Semenova
Т. И. Сергиенко
+ Properties of Perturbed Cones Ordering the Set of Feasible Solutions of Vector Optimization Problem1 2014 T. T. Lebedeva
N. V. Semenova
Т. И. Сергиенко
+ Perturbed ordering cones for the analysis of vector optimization problems under uncertainty 2014 T. T. Lebedeva
N. V. Semenova
Т. И. Сергиенко
+ Different types of stability of vector integer optimization problem: General approach 2008 T. T. Lebedeva
Т. И. Сергиенко
+ Regularization of integer vector optimization problems 1993 L. N. Kozeratskaya
T. T. Lebedeva
Т. И. Сергиенко
+ Disnel: An application package for solving discrete and nonlinear optimization problems 1991 V. S. Mikhalevich
И. В. Сергиенко
N. Z. Shor
V. A. Trubin
V. I. Artemenko
V. A. Roshchin
N. G. Zhurbenko
L. N. Kozeratskaya
T. T. Lebedeva
G. A. Potapchuk
+ Certain parametric problems of integer convex programming and their approximate solution 1986 И. В. Сергиенко
L. N. Kozeratskaya
T. T. Lebedeva
+ Stability, parametric, and postoptimality analysis of discrete optimization problems 1984 L. N. Kozeratskaya
T. T. Lebedeva
И. В. Сергиенко
+ DISPRO: A discrete programming package 1982 V. S. Mikhalevich
И. В. Сергиенко
T. T. Lebedeva
V. A. Roshchin
A. S. Stukalo
V. A. Trubin
N. Z. Shor
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Vector optimization problems: Stability in the decision space and in the space of alternatives 1994 L. N. Kozeratskaya
+ Properties of Perturbed Cones Ordering the Set of Feasible Solutions of Vector Optimization Problem1 2014 T. T. Lebedeva
N. V. Semenova
Т. И. Сергиенко
+ Exceptional Paper—Parametric and Postoptimality Analysis in Integer Linear Programming 1977 Arthur M. Geoffrion
Robert M. Nauss
+ Different types of stability of vector integer optimization problem: General approach 2008 T. T. Lebedeva
Т. И. Сергиенко
+ Stability, parametric, and postoptimality analysis of discrete optimization problems 1984 L. N. Kozeratskaya
T. T. Lebedeva
И. В. Сергиенко
+ Parametric and Postoptimality Analysis in Integer Linear Programming 1976 Arthur M. Geoffrion
Robert M. Nauss
+ Multi-Objective Optimization Problem: Stability against Perturbations of Input Data in Vector-Valued Criterion 2020 T. T. Lebedeva
N. V. Semenova
Т. И. Сергиенко
+ Perturbed cones for analysis of uncertain multi-criteria optimization problems 2003 L Kozeratska
J. Fraser Forbes
Randy Goebel
J. V. Kresta
+ Partitioning procedures for solving mixed-variables programming problems 1962 J. F. Benders
+ Basic results in the development of sensitivity and stability analysis in nonlinear programming 1982 Anthony V. Fiacco
William P. Hutzler
+ Some Easy Postoptimality Analysis for Zero-One Programming 1976 Christopher J. Piper
Andris A. Zoltners
+ Integer programming duality: Price functions and sensitivity analysis 1981 Laurence A. Wolsey
+ Parametric trajectory problems 1984 Э. Н. Гордеев
В. К. Леонтьев
+ Numerical experiments in a new class of algorithms in linear programming 1987 S.K. Andrusenko
E. A. Nurminskii
Petro Stetsyuk
+ Regularization of integer vector optimization problems 1993 L. N. Kozeratskaya
T. T. Lebedeva
Т. И. Сергиенко
+ An Additive Algorithm for Solving Linear Programs with Zero-One Variables 1965 Egon Balas
+ Postoptimality analysis in zero‐one programming by implicit enumeration 1972 Gary M. Roodman
+ Über die bestimmung von stabilitätsbereichebi bei speziellem gemischtganzzahligen linearen optimierungsproblemen 1980 Jörg Seeländer
+ Submodular functions, matroids, and certain polyhedra 1970 Jack Edmonds
+ Approximate solutions of an integer linear programming problem with resource variations 2005 M. Lucertini
Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela
+ Maximum matching and a polyhedron with 0,1-vertices 1965 Jack Edmonds
+ PDF Chat The Benders method and parametrization of the right-hand sides in the mixed integer linear programming problem 1976 Jaroslav Hrouda
+ Stability analysis in pure and mixed-integer linear programming 2005 B. Bank
+ PDF Chat Sensitivity Analysis in Integer Programming 1977 Jeremy F. Shapiro
+ Numerical Methods in Extremal Problems. 1978 B. N. Pshenichnyĭ
I︠U︡riĭ Mikhaĭlovich Danilin
+ On a type of stability of a multicriteria integer linear programming problem in the case of a monotone norm 2007 Vladimir Emelichev
К. Г. Кузьмин
+ Implicit enumeration based algorithms for postoptimizing zero‐one programs 1975 Christopher J. Piper
Andris A. Zoltners
+ Methods of parametric non-linear programming 1981 Hisashi Mine
Masao Fukushima
Yong-Joon Ryang
+ Stability radius of a vector integer linear programming problem: case of a regular norm in the space of criteria 2010 Vladimir Emelichev
К. Г. Кузьмин
+ On solution of a class of linear parametric programming problems 1981 L. N. Kozeratskaya
+ PDF Chat Outline of an algorithm for integer solutions to linear programs 1958 Ralph E. Gomory
+ Stability and unboundedness of vector optimization problems 1997 И. В. Сергиенко
L. N. Kozeratskaya
Anna Kononova