Robert Rumely


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A new equivariant in nonarchimedean dynamics 2017 Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat Configuration of the crucial set for a quadratic rational map 2016 John R. Doyle
K. Jacobs
Robert Rumely
+ The Lipschitz Constant of a Nonarchimedean Rational Function 2015 Robert Rumely
Stephen Winburn
+ PDF Chat The minimal resultant locus 2015 Robert Rumely
+ Configuration of the Crucial Set for a Quadratic Rational Map 2015 John R. Doyle
K. Jacobs
Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of the Minimal Resultant Locus 2014 Robert Rumely
+ Capacity Theory With Local Rationality: The Strong Fekete-szego Theorem on Curves 2014 Robert Rumely
+ The local action of the Jacobian 2013 Robert Rumely
+ The construction of oscillating pseudopolynomials 2013 Robert Rumely
+ Local patching for nonarchimedean 𝐾ᵥ-simple sets 2013 Robert Rumely
+ Local patching for nonarchimedean RL-domains 2013 Robert Rumely
+ Initial approximating functions: Archimedean case 2013 Robert Rumely
+ Initial approximating functions: Nonarchimedean case 2013 Robert Rumely
+ The Minimal Resultant Locus 2013 Robert Rumely
+ The Fekete-Szego theorem with Local Rationality Conditions on Curves 2012 Robert Rumely
+ Potential Theory and Dynamics on the Berkovich Projective Line 2010 Matthew Baker
Robert Rumely
+ Applications to the dynamics of rational maps 2010 Matthew J. Baker
Robert Rumely
+ The Laplacian on the Berkovich projective line 2010 Matthew Baker
Robert Rumely
+ The Berkovich unit disc 2010 Matthew Baker
Robert Rumely
+ The Berkovich projective line 2010 Matthew Baker
Robert Rumely
+ ℝ-trees and Gromov hyperbolicity 2010 Matthew Baker
Robert Rumely
+ Subharmonic functions 2010 Matthew Baker
Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat A finiteness property of torsion points 2008 Matthew Baker
Su-Ion Ih
Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Analysis on Metrized Graphs 2007 M. J. C. Baker
Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat Transfinite diameter and the resultant 2007 Laura DeMarco
Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat A Robin formula for the Fekete-Leja transfinite diameter 2006 Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution of Small Points, Rational Dynamics, and Potential Theory 2006 Matthew Baker
Robert Rumely
+ Transfinite diameter and the resultant 2006 Laura DeMarco
Robert Rumely
+ A finiteness property of torsion points 2005 Matthew Baker
Su-Ion Ih
Robert Rumely
+ A Robin formula for the Fekete-Leja transfinite diameter 2005 Robert Rumely
+ A finiteness property of torsion points 2005 Matthew J. Baker
Su-Ion Ih
Robert Rumely
+ Analysis and dynamics on the Berkovich projective line 2004 Robert Rumely
Matthew Baker
+ Harmonic analysis on metrized graphs 2004 Matthew Baker
Robert Rumely
+ Equidistribution of small points, rational dynamics, and potential theory 2004 Matthew Baker
Robert Rumely
+ Capacity theory and arithmetic intersection theory 2003 Ted Chinburg
Chi Fong Lau
Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat The Fekete–Szegő theorem with splitting conditions: Part II 2002 Robert Rumely
+ Existence of the sectional capacity 2000 Robert Rumely
Chi Fong Lau
Robert Varley
+ PDF Chat The Fekete-Szegő theorem with splitting conditions: Part I 2000 Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat On Bilu’s equidistribution theorem 1999 Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat Primes in arithmetic progressions 1996 Olivier Ramaré
Robert Rumely
+ Arithmetic capacities on ℙ N 1994 Robert Rumely
Chi Fong Lau
+ PDF Chat Numerical Computations Concerning the ERH 1993 Robert Rumely
+ On the relation between Cantor’s capacity and the sectional capacity 1993 Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat Numerical computations concerning the ERH 1993 Robert Rumely
+ Well-Adjusted Models for Curves over Dedekind Rings 1991 Ted Chinburg
Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat Capacity Theory on Algebraic Curves 1989 Robert Rumely
+ Local capacity theory — Nonarchimedean case 1989 Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat Remarks on generalised power sums 1987 Robert Rumely
A. J. van der Poorten
+ Zeros of <i>p</i> -Adic Exponential Polynomials II 1987 A. J. van der Poorten
Robert Rumely
+ Arithmetic over the rings of all algebraic integers. 1986 Robert Rumely
+ A formula for the grössencharacter of a parametrized elliptic curve 1983 Robert Rumely
+ On the Grossencharacter of an Abelian Variety in a Parametrized Family 1983 Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat On the grössencharacter of an abelian variety in a parametrized family 1983 Robert Rumely
+ On Distinguishing Prime Numbers from Composite Numbers 1983 Leonard M. Adleman
Carl Pomerance
Robert Rumely
+ PDF Chat Undecidability and definability for the theory of global fields 1980 Robert Rumely
+ An explicit formula for the grossencharacter of an abelian variety with complex multiplication. 1978 Robert Rumely
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Capacity Theory on Algebraic Curves 1989 Robert Rumely
+ Spectral Theory and Analytic Geometry over Non-Archimedean Fields 2012 Vladimir G. Berkovich
+ PDF Chat A new capacity for plurisubharmonic functions 1982 Eric Bedford
B. A. Taylor
+ Existence of the sectional capacity 2000 Robert Rumely
Chi Fong Lau
Robert Varley
+ Capacity theory on varieties 1991 Ted Chinburg
+ Admissible pairing on a curve 1993 Shou-Wu Zhang
+ On an extension of the definition of transfinite diameter and some applications. 1980 David G. Cantor
+ Potential Theory and Dynamics on the Berkovich Projective Line 2010 Matthew Baker
Robert Rumely
+ Equidistribution des points de petite hauteur 2004 Charles Favre
Juan Rivera‐Letelier
+ The Valuative Tree 2004 Charles Favre
Mattias Jönsson
+ Potential theory in modern function theory 1959 正次 辻
+ The Arithmetic of Dynamical Systems 2007 Joseph H. Silverman
+ Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1994 Joseph H. Silverman
+ Algebraic Numbers and Algebraic Functions 1967 Emil Artin
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of the Minimal Resultant Locus 2014 Robert Rumely
+ Calculus on Arithmetic Surfaces 1984 Герд Фалтингс
+ Limit distribution of small points on algebraic tori 1997 Yuri Bilu
+ Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions 1972 Marvin Tretkoff
Goro Shimura
+ Capacity theory and arithmetic intersection theory 2003 Ted Chinburg
Chi Fong Lau
Robert Rumely
+ Equirépartition des petits points 1997 Lucien Szpiro
Emmanuel Ullmo
Shaoqing Zhang
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution of Small Points, Rational Dynamics, and Potential Theory 2006 Matthew Baker
Robert Rumely
+ On the relation between Cantor’s capacity and the sectional capacity 1993 Robert Rumely
+ The space of rational maps on ℙ 1 1998 Joseph H. Silverman
+ PDF Chat Théorie ergodique des fractions rationnelles sur un corps ultramétrique 2009 Charles Favre
Juan Rivera‐Letelier
+ Potential Theory in the Complex Plane 1995 Thomas Ransford
+ PDF Chat Equidistribution quantitative des points de petite hauteur sur la droite projective 2006 Charles Favre
Juan Rivera‐Letelier
+ Real and Complex Analysis. 1987 G. A. Garreau
Walter Rudin
+ Points entiers sur les surfaces arithmétiques 2001 Pascal Autissier
+ PDF Chat None 2003 Juan Rivera‐Letelier
+ Potential theory on curves 1989 Ernst Kani
+ PDF Chat The minimal resultant locus 2015 Robert Rumely
+ Arithmetic capacities on ℙ N 1994 Robert Rumely
Chi Fong Lau
+ Reduction, Dynamics, and Julia Sets of Rational Functions 2001 Robert L. Benedetto
+ PDF Chat Harmonic Analysis on Metrized Graphs 2007 M. J. C. Baker
Robert Rumely
+ Semi-stable reduction implies minimality of the resultant 2013 Lucien Szpiro
Michael Tepper
Phillip Williams
+ Comparison of Capacities in ℂn 1984 Norman Levenberg
B. A. Taylor
+ On algebraic equations with integral coefficients whose roots belong to a given point set 1955 M. Fekete
G. Szeg�
+ PDF Chat Entropy properties of rational endomorphisms of the Riemann sphere 1983 M. Ju. Ljubich
+ Canonical heights, transfinite diameters, and polynomial dynamics 2005 Matthew Baker
Liang-Chung Hsia
+ An arithmetic Riemann-Roch theorem 1992 Henri Gillet
Christophe Soul�
+ Critical orbits and attracting cycles in p-adic dynamics 2012 Robert L. Benedetto
Patrick Ingram
Rafe Jones
Alon Y. Levy
+ Riemann's Zeta Function 1974 Harold M. Edwards
+ Canonical Heights on Projective Space 1997 Gregory S. Call
Susan Goldstine
+ Geometric Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable 1969 G. Goluzin
+ Conjugate algebraic integers in real point sets 1964 Raphael M. Robinson
+ Some applications of Laplace eigenvalues of graphs 1997 Bojan Mohar
+ A characteristic equation associated to an eigenvalue problem on c2-networks 1985 Joachim von Below
+ PDF Chat Groupes de Picard et problèmes de Skolem. I 1989 Laurent Moret-Bailly
+ Sur la structure des ensembles de Fatou p-adiques 2004 Juan Rivera‐Letelier
+ Lectures on p-adic L-functions 1972 Kenkichi Iwasawa