Sílvia Bravo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Particle identification in camera image sensors using computer vision 2018 Miles Winter
J. Bourbeau
Sílvia Bravo
Felipe Campos
Matthew Meehan
Jeffrey Peacock
Tyler Ruggles
Cassidy Schneider
Ariel Levi Simons
J. Vandenbroucke
+ PDF Chat The particle detector in your pocket: the Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory 2017 Matthew Meehan
Sílvia Bravo
Felipe Campos
Ariel Levi Simons
Jeffrey Peacock
Tyler Ruggles
Cassidy Schneider
J. Vandenbroucke
Miles Winter
+ The particle detector in your pocket: The Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory 2017 Matthew Meehan
Sílvia Bravo
Felipe Campos
Jeffrey Peacock
Tyler Ruggles
Cassidy Schneider
Ariel Levi Simons
J. Vandenbroucke
Miles Winter
+ The particle detector in your pocket: The Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory 2017 Matthew Meehan
Sílvia Bravo
Felipe Eduardo Baires Campos
Jeffrey Peacock
Tyler Ruggles
Cassidy Schneider
Ariel Levi Simons
J. Vandenbroucke
Miles Winter
+ PDF Chat Detecting particles with cell phones: the Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory 2016 J. Vandenbroucke
Sílvia Bravo
Peter Karn
Matthew Meehan
Jeffrey Peacock
Matthew Isaac Plewa
Tyler Ruggles
David Schultz
Ariel Levi Simons
+ Detecting particles with cell phones: the Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory 2015 J. Vandenbroucke
Sílvia Bravo
Peter Karn
Matthew Meehan
Matthew Isaac Plewa
Tyler Ruggles
David Schultz
Jeffrey Peacock
Ariel Levi Simons
+ Diffraction phenomenon in optical history and textbooks: Reflections on learning difficulties 2015 Sílvia Bravo
Marta Azucena Pesa
+ Detecting particles with cell phones: the Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory 2015 J. Vandenbroucke
Sílvia Bravo
Peter Karn
Matthew Meehan
Matthew Isaac Plewa
Tyler Ruggles
David Schultz
Jeffrey Peacock
Ariel Levi Simons
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions 2016 The Theano Development Team
Rami Al‐Rfou
Guillaume Alain
Amjad Almahairi
Christof Angermueller
Dzmitry Bahdanau
Nicolas Ballas
Frédéric Bastien
Justin Bayer
Anatoly Belikov
+ PDF Chat Measurement of cosmic-ray muons with the Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory, a network of smartphones 2016 J. Vandenbroucke
S. BenZvi
S. Bravo
Kristina T. Jensen
P. Karn
Matthew Meehan
Jeffrey Peacock
M. Plewa
Tyler Ruggles
M. Santander
+ (In)Feasability of Studying Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays with Smartphones 2015 M. Unger
Glennys R. Farrar
+ Detecting particles with cell phones: the Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory 2015 J. Vandenbroucke
Sílvia Bravo
Peter Karn
Matthew Meehan
Matthew Isaac Plewa
Tyler Ruggles
David Schultz
Jeffrey Peacock
Ariel Levi Simons
+ PDF Chat Searching for ultra-high energy cosmic rays with smartphones 2016 D. Whiteson
Michael Mulhearn
Chase Owen Shimmin
K. Cranmer
Kyle Brodie
Dustin Burns
+ PDF Chat Detecting particles with cell phones: the Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory 2016 J. Vandenbroucke
Sílvia Bravo
Peter Karn
Matthew Meehan
Jeffrey Peacock
Matthew Isaac Plewa
Tyler Ruggles
David Schultz
Ariel Levi Simons
+ (In)Feasability of Studying Ultra-High-Energy Cosmic Rays with Smartphones 2015 M. Unger
Glennys R. Farrar
+ PDF Chat Galaxy Zoo 2: detailed morphological classifications for 304 122 galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey 2013 Kyle Willett
Chris Lintott
S. P. Bamford
Karen L. Masters
Brooke Simmons
Kevin Casteels
Edward M. Edmondson
L. Fortson
Sugata Kaviraj
William C. Keel
+ PDF Chat Rotation-invariant convolutional neural networks for galaxy morphology prediction 2015 Sander Dieleman
Kyle Willett
Joni Dambre
+ PDF Chat Measurement of camera image sensor depletion thickness with cosmic rays 2015 J. Vandenbroucke
S. BenZvi
S. Bravo
Kristina T. Jensen
P. Karn
Matthew Meehan
Jeffrey Peacock
M. Plewa
Tyler Ruggles
M. Santander
M. Ajello
A. Albert
A. Allafort
W. B. Atwood
M. Axelsson
L. Baldini
J. Ballet
G. Barbiellini
D. Bastieri
+ PDF Chat Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision 2016 Christian Szegedy
Vincent Vanhoucke
Sergey Ioffe
Jon Shlens
Zbigniew Wojna
+ PDF Chat A convolutional neural network neutrino event classifier 2016 A. Aurisano
A. Radovic
D. Rocco
A. Himmel
M. D. Messier
E. Niner
G. Pawloski
F. Psihas
A. Sousa
P. Vahle
+ Optimization Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning 2016 Léon Bottou
Frank E. Curtis
Jorge Nocedal
+ The particle detector in your pocket: The Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory 2017 Matthew Meehan
Sílvia Bravo
Felipe Campos
Jeffrey Peacock
Tyler Ruggles
Cassidy Schneider
Ariel Levi Simons
J. Vandenbroucke
Miles Winter
+ Regularization for Deep Learning: A Taxonomy 2017 Jan Kukačka
Vladimir Golkov
Daniel Cremers
+ Search for Extensive Photon Cascades with the Cosmic-Ray Extremely Distributed Observatory 2018 P. Homola
Gopal Bhatta
Łukasz Bratek
T. Bretz
Kévin Almeida Cheminant
David Alvarez-Castillo
N. Dhital
J. Devine
D. Góra
Paweł Jagoda
+ Optimization Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning 2018 Léon Bottou
Frank E. Curtis
Jorge Nocedal
+ PDF Chat The particle detector in your pocket: the Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory 2017 Matthew Meehan
Sílvia Bravo
Felipe Campos
Ariel Levi Simons
Jeffrey Peacock
Tyler Ruggles
Cassidy Schneider
J. Vandenbroucke
Miles Winter
+ PDF Chat Learning rotation invariant convolutional filters for texture classification 2016 Diego Marcos
Michele Volpi
Devis Tuia
+ PDF Chat Muon Trigger for Mobile Phones 2017 M. Borisyak
Mikhail Usvyatsov
Michael Mulhearn
Chase Owen Shimmin
A. Ustyuzhanin
+ The particle detector in your pocket: The Distributed Electronic Cosmic-ray Observatory 2017 Matthew Meehan
Sílvia Bravo
Felipe Eduardo Baires Campos
Jeffrey Peacock
Tyler Ruggles
Cassidy Schneider
Ariel Levi Simons
J. Vandenbroucke
Miles Winter
+ Regularization for Deep Learning: A Taxonomy 2017 Jan Kukačka
Vladimir Golkov
Daniel Cremers
+ Using CMOS Sensors in a Cellphone for Gamma Detection and Classification 2014 Joshua J. Cogliati
Kurt Derr
Jayson Wharton
+ PDF Chat Multi-scale Orderless Pooling of Deep Convolutional Activation Features 2014 Yunchao Gong
Liwei Wang
Ruiqi Guo
Svetlana Lazebnik
+ ADADELTA: An Adaptive Learning Rate Method 2012 Matthew D. Zeiler
+ Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition 2014 Karen Simonyan
Andrew Zisserman
+ Scale-Invariant Convolutional Neural Networks 2014 Yichong Xu
Tianjun Xiao
Jiaxing Zhang
Kuiyuan Yang
Zheng Zhang
+ Improving neural networks by preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors 2012 Geoffrey E. Hinton
Nitish Srivastava
Alex Krizhevsky
Ilya Sutskever
Ruslan Salakhutdinov
+ PDF Chat Understanding image representations by measuring their equivariance and equivalence 2015 Karel Lenc
Andrea Vedaldi
+ Using CMOS Sensors in a Cellphone for Gamma Detection and Classification 2014 Joshua J. Cogliati
Kurt Derr
Jayson Wharton
+ scikit-image: image processing in Python 2014 Stéfan van der Walt
Johannes L. Schönberger
Juan Nunez-Iglesias
François Boulogne
Joshua Warner
Neil Yager
Emmanuelle Gouillart
Tony Yu