Mohammad Reza Pakzad


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Convexity of weakly regular surfaces of distributional nonnegative intrinsic curvature 2024 Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat The geometry of <i>C</i><sup>1,<i>α</i></sup> flat isometric immersions 2024 Camillo De Lellis
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ The biharmonic optimal support problem 2024 Antoine Lemenant
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Fractional Sobolev isometric immersions of planar domains 2022 Siran Li
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
Armin Schikorra
+ Convexity of weakly regular surfaces of distributional nonnegative intrinsic curvature 2022 Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Fractional Sobolev isometric immersions of planar domains 2021 Siran Li
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
Armin Schikorra
+ The geometry of $C^{1,α}$ flat isometric immersions 2020 Camillo De Lellis
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Approximation by mappings with singular Hessian minors 2018 Zhuomin Liu
Jan Malý
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Finite Distortion Sobolev Mappings between Manifolds are Continuous 2017 Paweł Goldstein
Piotr Hajłasz
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Finite distortion Sobolev mappings between manifolds are continuous 2017 Paweł Goldstein
Piotr Hajłasz
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Convex integration for the Monge–Ampère equation in two dimensions 2017 Marta Lewicka
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Finite distortion Sobolev mappings between manifolds are continuous 2017 Paweł Goldstein
Piotr Hajłasz
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Sobolev spaces of isometric immersions of arbitrary dimension and co-dimension 2016 Robert L. Jerrard
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat The metric-restricted inverse design problem 2016 Amit Acharya
Marta Lewicka
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Prestrained Elasticity: From Shape Formation to Monge-Ampere Anomalies 2015 Marta Lewicka
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat The Monge–Ampère constraint: Matching of isometries, density and regularity, and elastic theories of shallow shells 2015 Marta Lewicka
L. Mahadevan
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Rigidity and regularity of co-dimension one Sobolev isometric immersions 2015 Zhuomin Liu
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Variational models for prestrained plates with Monge-Ampère constraint 2015 Marta Lewicka
Pablo Ochoa
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Variational models for prestrained plates with Monge-Ampère constraint 2015 Marta Lewicka
Pablo Ochoa
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ The metric-restricted inverse design problem 2015 Amit Acharya
Marta Lewicka
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ The Monge-Ampère constraint: Matching of isometries, density and regularity, and elastic theories of shallow shells Les contraintes de type Monge-Ampère : continuation des isometries, densité et regularité, et modèles variationnels pour les coques minces 2015 Marta Lewicka
L. Mahadevan
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ The metric-restricted inverse design problem 2015 Amit Acharya
Marta Lewicka
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Sobolev spaces of isometric immersions of arbitrary dimension and codimension 2014 Robert L. Jerrard
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Models for elastic shells with incompatible strains 2014 Marta Lewicka
L. Mahadevan
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Sobolev spaces of isometric immersions of arbitrary dimension and codimension 2014 Robert L. Jerrard
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Variational models for prestrained plates with Monge-Ampère constraint 2014 Marta Lewicka
Pablo Ochoa
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Rigidity and regularity of co-dimension one Sobolev isometric immersions 2013 Zhuomin Liu
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ The Monge-Ampere constrained elastic theories of shallow shells 2013 Marta Lewicka
L. Mahadevan
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat The Infinite Hierarchy of Elastic Shell Models: Some Recent Results and a Conjecture 2012 Marta Lewicka
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Infinitesimal Isometries on Developable Surfaces and Asymptotic Theories for Thin Developable Shells 2012 Péter Hornung
Marta Lewicka
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Models for elastic shells with incompatible strains 2012 Marta Lewicka
L. Mahadevan
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat The Matching Property of Infinitesimal Isometries on Elliptic Surfaces and Elasticity of Thin Shells 2011 Marta Lewicka
Maria Giovanna Mora
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat The Föppl-von Kármán equations for plates with incompatible strains 2010 Marta Lewicka
L. Mahadevan
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Shell theories arising as low energy Gamma-limit of 3d nonlinear elasticity 2010 Marta Lewicka
Maria Giovanna Mora
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat A nonlinear theory for shells with slowly varying thickness 2009 Marta Lewicka
Maria Giovanna Mora
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Shell theories arising as low energy \Gamma-limit of 3d nonlinear elasticity 2008 Marta Lewicka
Maria Giovanna Mora
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ A nonlinear theory for shells with slowly varying thickness 2008 Marta Lewicka
Maria Giovanna Mora
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ The matching property of infinitesimal isometries on elliptic surfaces and elasticity of thin shells 2008 Marta Lewicka
Maria Giovanna Mora
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Shell theories arising as low energy Γ-limit of 3d nonlinear elasticity 2008 Marta Lewicka
Maria Giovanna Mora
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Regularity properties of isometric immersions 2005 Stefan Müller
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ On the Sobolev Space of Isometric Immersions 2004 Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Weak density of smooth maps for the Dirichlet energy between manifolds 2003 Mohammad Reza Pakzad
Tristan Rivière
+ None 2003 Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat On Topological Singular Set of Maps with Finite 3-Energy into $S^3$ 2002 Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Existence of infinitely many weakly harmonic maps from a domain in ${\Bbb R}^n$ into $S^2$ for non-constant boundary data 2001 Mohammad Reza Pakzad
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the Sobolev Space of Isometric Immersions 2004 Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Regularity properties of isometric immersions 2005 Stefan Müller
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Isometric Embedding of Riemannian Manifolds in Euclidean Spaces 2006 Qing Han
Jiaxing Hong
+ PDF Chat Shell theories arising as low energy Gamma-limit of 3d nonlinear elasticity 2010 Marta Lewicka
Maria Giovanna Mora
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ On Spherical Image Maps Whose Jacobians Do Not Change Sign 1959 Philip Hartman
Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat The Matching Property of Infinitesimal Isometries on Elliptic Surfaces and Elasticity of Thin Shells 2011 Marta Lewicka
Maria Giovanna Mora
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ Extrinsic Geometry of Convex Surfaces 1973 А. В. Погорелов
+ On C1-isometric imbeddings. I 1955 Nicolaas H. Kuiper
+ PDF Chat The Infinite Hierarchy of Elastic Shell Models: Some Recent Results and a Conjecture 2012 Marta Lewicka
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Infinitesimal Isometries on Developable Surfaces and Asymptotic Theories for Thin Developable Shells 2012 Péter Hornung
Marta Lewicka
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat The Föppl-von Kármán equations for plates with incompatible strains 2010 Marta Lewicka
L. Mahadevan
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat The approximation problem for Sobolev maps between two manifolds 1991 Fabrice Béthuel
+ Lusin's condition (N) and mappings of the class W1, n. 1995 Олли Мартио
Jan Malý
+ PDF Chat h-Principle and Rigidity for C 1,α Isometric Embeddings 2012 Sergio Conti
Camillo De Lellis
László Székelyhidi
+ PDF Chat Some Rigidity Results Related to Monge–Ampèere Functions 2009 Robert L. Jerrard
+ PDF Chat Elastic theory of unconstrained non-Euclidean plates 2008 Efi Efrati
Eran Sharon
Raz Kupferman
+ Approximation of Flat W 2,2 Isometric Immersions by Smooth Ones 2011 Péter Hornung
+ PDF Chat Sobolev spaces of isometric immersions of arbitrary dimension and co-dimension 2016 Robert L. Jerrard
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Convex integration for the Monge–Ampère equation in two dimensions 2017 Marta Lewicka
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ PDF Chat Models for elastic shells with incompatible strains 2014 Marta Lewicka
L. Mahadevan
Mohammad Reza Pakzad
+ 11. The Imbedding Problem for Riemannian Manifolds 2002 JohnHG Nash
+ The Weyl and Minkowski problems in differential geometry in the large 1953 Louis Nirenberg
+ PDF Chat Limitations on the smooth confinement of an unstretchable manifold 2000 Shankar C. Venkataramani
Thomas A. Witten
Eric M. Kramer
Robert Geroch
+ Sobolev Spaces of Fractional Order, Nemytskij Operators, and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 1996 Thomas Runst
Winfried Sickel
+ Γ-convergence for incompressible elastic plates 2008 Sergio Conti
Georg Dolzmann
+ PDF Chat On mappings with integrable dilatation 1993 Tadeusz Iwaniec
Vladimír Šverák
+ PDF Chat Boundary regularity and the Dirichlet problem for harmonic maps 1983 Richard Schoen
Karen Uhlenbeck
+ Multiple Integrals in the Calculus of Variations 1966 Charles B. Morrey
+ Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions 2018 Lawrence C. Evans
Ronald F. Garzepy
+ Geometric Measure Theory 1988 Herbert Fédérer
+ PDF Chat Cartesian currents in the calculus of variations 1997 Mariano Giaquinta
+ PDF Chat Onsager's conjecture on the energy conservation for solutions of Euler's equation 1994 Peter Constantin
E Weinan
Edriss S. Titi
+ PDF Chat Flat tori in three-dimensional space and convex integration 2012 Vincent Borrelli
Saïd Jabrane
Francis Lazarus
Boris Thibert
+ The uniform Korn–Poincaré inequality in thin domains 2011 Marta Lewicka
Stefan Müller
+ On Turbulence and Geometry: from Nash to Onsager 2019 Camillo De Lellis
László Székelyhidi
+ Partial Differential Relations 1986 Mikhael Gromov
+ Quasiconformal mappings and spaces of functions with generalized first derivatives 1977 S. K. Vodopyanov
V. M. Gol′dshteĭn
+ PDF Chat Geometric, algebraic, and analytic descendants of Nash isometric embedding theorems 2016 Misha Gromov
+ PDF Chat Topology of Sobolev Mappings 2001 Fengbo Hang
Fanghua Lin
+ A Cohomological Criterion for Density of Smooth Maps in Sobolev Spaces Between Two Manifolds 1991 Fabrice Béthuel
Jean‐Michel Coron
F. Demengel
Frédéric Hélein
+ Some remarks on Monge-Ampère functions 2008 Robert L. Jerrard
+ The Imbedding Problem for Riemannian Manifolds 1956 John C. Nash
+ Higher integrability of determinants and weak convergence in L1. 1990 Stefan Müller
+ Relaxed Energies for Harmonic Maps 1990 Fabrice Béthuel
H. Brézis
Jean‐Michel Coron
+ PDF Chat An existence theorem for surfaces of constant mean curvature 1969 Henry C. Wente
+ Harmonic maps with defects 1986 Ha�m Brezis
Jean‐Michel Coron
Élliott H. Lieb
+ PDF Chat The Jacobian determinant revisited 2010 Haı̈m Brezis
Hoài-Minh Nguyên
+ Density of smooth functions between two manifolds in Sobolev spaces 1988 Fabrice Béthuel
Zheng Xiao-min
+ Weak density of smooth maps for the Dirichlet energy between manifolds 2003 Mohammad Reza Pakzad
Tristan Rivière