Matthias Staudacher


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetric brick wall diagrams and the dynamical fishnet 2024 Moritz Kade
Matthias Staudacher
+ Brick wall diagrams as a completely integrable system 2023 Moritz Kade
Matthias Staudacher
+ Spectrum of the hypereclectic spin chain and PĂłlya counting 2022 Changrim Ahn
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Spectrum of the Hypereclectic Spin Chain and P\'olya Counting 2022 Changrim Ahn
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial solution of the eclectic spin chain 2022 Changrim Ahn
Luke Corcoran
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Minkowski box from Yangian bootstrap 2021 Luke Corcoran
Florian Loebbert
Julian Miczajka
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat The integrable (hyper)eclectic spin chain 2021 Changrim Ahn
Matthias Staudacher
+ The dual conformal box integral in Minkowski space 2021 Luke Corcoran
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat The one-loop spectral problem of strongly twisted $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 4 Super Yang-Mills theory 2019 Asger C. Ipsen
Matthias Staudacher
Leonard Zippelius
+ PDF Chat Graßmannian integrals in Minkowski signature, amplitudes, and integrability 2019 Nils Kanning
Matthias Staudacher
+ Yangian symmetry inmaximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory 2018 Livia Ferro
Jan Plefka
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat The Tetrahedral Zamolodchikov Algebra and the $${AdS_5\times S^5}$$ A d S 5 × S 5 S-matrix 2017 Vladimir Mitev
Matthias Staudacher
Zengo Tsuboi
+ PDF Chat On form factors and correlation functions in twistor space 2017 Laura Koster
Vladimir Mitev
Matthias Staudacher
Matthias Wilhelm
+ PDF Chat Composite Operators in the Twistor Formulation of<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="script">N</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:math>Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory 2016 Laura Koster
Vladimir Mitev
Matthias Staudacher
Matthias Wilhelm
+ PDF Chat All tree-level MHV form factors in N $$ \mathcal{N} $$ = 4 SYM from twistor space 2016 Laura Koster
Vladimir Mitev
Matthias Staudacher
Matthias Wilhelm
+ Graßmannian integrals as matrix models for non-compact Yangian invariants 2015 Nils Kanning
Yumi Ko
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat A Twistorial Approach to Integrability in N=4 SYM 2015 Laura Koster
Vladimir Mitev
Matthias Staudacher
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">N</mml:mi><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mn>4</mml:mn></mml:math>scattering amplitudes and the deformed Graßmannian 2014 Livia Ferro
Tomasz Łukowski
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat A shortcut to general tree‐level scattering amplitudes in \documentclass{article}\usepackage{amssymb}\pagestyle{empty}\begin{document}$ \mathcal{N} = 4$\end{document} SYM via integrability 2014 Nils Kanning
Tomasz Łukowski
Matthias Staudacher
+ Bethe ansatz for Yangian invariants: Towards super Yang–Mills scattering amplitudes 2014 Rouven Frassek
Nils Kanning
Yumi Ko
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Spectral parameters for scattering amplitudes in $ \mathcal{N} $ =4 super Yang-Mills theory 2014 Livia Ferro
Tomasz Łukowski
Carlo Meneghelli
Jan Plefka
Matthias Staudacher
+ A Shortcut to General Tree-level Scattering Amplitudes in N=4 SYM via Integrability 2014 Nils Kanning
Tomasz Łukowski
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Baxter operators and Hamiltonians for “nearly all” integrable closed spin chains 2013 Rouven Frassek
Tomasz Łukowski
Carlo Meneghelli
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Harmonic<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>R</mml:mi></mml:math>Matrices for Scattering Amplitudes and Spectral Regularization 2013 Livia Ferro
Tomasz Łukowski
Carlo Meneghelli
Jan Plefka
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Review of AdS/CFT Integrability: An Overview 2011 Niklas Beisert
Changrim Ahn
Luis F. Alday
ZoltĂĄn Bajnok
J. M. Drummond
Lisa Freyhult
Nikolay Gromov
Romuald A. Janik
Vladimir Kazakov
Thomas Klose
+ PDF Chat Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter III.1: Bethe Ansätze and the R-Matrix Formalism 2011 Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Oscillator construction of Q-operators 2011 Rouven Frassek
Tomasz Łukowski
Carlo Meneghelli
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Baxter Q-operators and representations of Yangians 2011 Vladimir V. Bazhanov
Rouven Frassek
Tomasz Łukowski
Carlo Meneghelli
Matthias Staudacher
+ Baxter Operators and Hamiltonians for "nearly all" Integrable Closed gl(n) Spin Chains 2011 Rouven Frassek
Tomasz Łukowski
Carlo Meneghelli
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat A shortcut to the<i>Q</i>-operator 2010 Vladimir V. Bazhanov
Tomasz Łukowski
Carlo Meneghelli
Matthias Staudacher
+ Q-Operator Demystified: The su(n|m) Case 2010 Vladimir V. Bazhanov
Rouven Frassek
Tomasz Łukowski
Carlo Meneghelli
Matthias Staudacher
+ Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter III.1 2010 Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat A generalized scaling function for AdS/CFT 2008 Lisa Freyhult
Adam Rej
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Dressing and wrapping 2007 A. V. Kotikov
L.N. Lipatov
Adam Rej
Matthias Staudacher
V.N. Velizhanin
+ PDF Chat Nesting and dressing 2007 Adam Rej
Matthias Staudacher
Stefan Zieme
+ PDF Chat Transcendentality and crossing 2007 Niklas Beisert
Burkhard Eden
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Integrability and transcendentality 2006 Burkhard Eden
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Planar Script N = 4 gauge theory and the Hubbard model 2006 Adam Rej
Didina Serban
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Long-range Bethe ansätze for gauge theory and strings 2005 Niklas Beisert
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat The factorized S-matrix of CFT/AdS 2005 Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Bethe Ansatz for Quantum Strings 2004 G. Arutyunov
Sergey Frolov
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat A Novel Long Range Spin Chain and Planar<i>N</i>=4 Super Yang-Mills 2004 Niklas Beisert
V Dippel
Matthias Staudacher
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Planar<i>N</i>=4 gauge theory and the Inozemtsev long range spin chain 2004 Didina Serban
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Matching Higher Conserved Charges for Strings and Spins 2004 Gleb Arutyunov
Matthias Staudacher
+ Two-loop commuting charges and the string/gauge duality 2004 G. Arutyunov
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Precision spectroscopy of AdS/CFT 2003 Niklas Beisert
Matthias Staudacher
Sergey Frolov
A.A. Tseytlin
+ PDF Chat The SYM integrable super spin chain 2003 Niklas Beisert
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Stringing spins and spinning strings 2003 Niklas Beisert
Joseph A. Minahan
Matthias Staudacher
Konstantin Zarembo
+ PDF Chat The dilatation operator of conformal super-Yang–Mills theory 2003 Niklas Beisert
Charlotte Kristjansen
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat BMN gauge theory as a quantum mechanical system 2003 Niklas Beisert
Charlotte Kristjansen
Jan Plefka
Matthias Staudacher
+ The Dilatation Operator of N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory 2003 Niklas Beisert
Charlotte Kristjansen
Matthias Staudacher
+ The N=4 SYM Integrable Super Spin Chain 2003 Niklas Beisert
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat BMN correlators and operator mixing in super-Yang–Mills theory 2002 Niklas Beisert
Charlotte Kristjansen
Jan Plefka
G. W. Semenoff
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat A new double-scaling limit of super-Yang–Mills theory and pp-wave strings 2002 Charlotte Kristjansen
Jan Plefka
G. W. Semenoff
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Limiting geometries of two circular Maldacena-Wilson loop operators 2001 Gleb Arutyunov
Jan Plefka
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Two loops to two loops in <i>N</i> = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory 2001 Jan Plefka
Matthias Staudacher
+ Statistical Physics Approach to M-theory Integrals 2000 Werner Krauth
Matthias Staudacher
+ A statistical physics approach to M-theory integrals 2000 Werner Krauth
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Yang–Mills integrals for orthogonal, symplectic and exceptional groups 2000 Werner Krauth
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Bulk Witten indices and the number of normalizable ground states in supersymmetric quantum mechanics of orthogonal, symplectic and exceptional groups 2000 Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Yang-Mills integrals 2000 Werner Krauth
Jan Plefka
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat LargeN Matrix Field Theories 2000 Matthias Staudacher
+ Statistical Physics Approach to M-theory Integrals 2000 Werner Krauth
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Master Partitions for Large N Matrix Field Theories 1999 Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Eigenvalue distributions in Yang-Mills integrals 1999 Werner Krauth
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Finite Yang-Mills integrals 1998 Werner Krauth
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Monte Carlo approach to M-theory 1998 Werner Krauth
Hermann Nicolai
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional QCD in the Wu-Mandelstam-Leibbrandt prescription 1998 Matthias Staudacher
Werner Krauth
+ PDF Chat Complex Matrix Models and Statistics of Branched Coverings of 2D Surfaces 1998 Ivan Kostov
Matthias Staudacher
Thomas Wynter
+ PDF Chat Two-dimensional chiral matrix models and string theories 1997 Ivan Kostov
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Advances in Large N Group Theory and the Solution of Two-Dimensional R 2 Gravity 1997 Vladimir Kazakov
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Non-integrability of two-dimensional QCD 1996 Werner Krauth
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Exact solution of discrete two-dimensional R2 gravity 1996 Vladimir Kazakov
Matthias Staudacher
Thomas Wynter
+ PDF Chat Almost flat planar diagrams 1996 Vladimir Kazakov
Matthias Staudacher
Thomas Wynter
+ PDF Chat Character expansion methods for matrix models of dually weighted graphs 1996 Vladimir Kazakov
Matthias Staudacher
Thomas Wynter
+ Advances in Large N Group Theory and the Solution of Two-Dimensional R^2 Gravity 1996 Vladimir Kazakov
Matthias Staudacher
Thomas Wynter
+ PDF Chat Generalized two-dimensional QCD 1994 Michael R. Douglas
Keke Li
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Combinatorial solution of the two-matrix model 1993 Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Strings in discrete and continuous target spaces. A comparison 1993 Ivan Kostov
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Multicritical phases of the O(n) model on a random lattice 1992 Ivan Kostov
Matthias Staudacher
+ From loops to states in two-dimensional quantum gravity 1991 Gregory Moore
Nathan Seiberg
Matthias Staudacher
+ The Yang-Lee edge singularity on a dynamical planar random surface 1990 Matthias Staudacher
+ Random surfaces and the Yang-Lee edge singularity 1990 Matthias Staudacher
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The SYM integrable super spin chain 2003 Niklas Beisert
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat The Bethe-ansatz for Script N = 4 super Yang-Mills 2003 Joseph A. Minahan
Konstantin Zarembo
+ How Algebraic Bethe Ansatz works for integrable model 1996 Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
+ PDF Chat The dilatation operator of conformal super-Yang–Mills theory 2003 Niklas Beisert
Charlotte Kristjansen
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Strings in flat space and pp waves from Script N = 4 Super Yang Mills 2002 David Berenstein
Juan Maldacena
Horaţiu Năstase
+ PDF Chat A semi-classical limit of the gauge/string correspondence 2002 Steven S. Gubser
Igor R. Klebanov
A. M. Polyakov
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical quantization of rotating superstring in<i>AdS</i><sub>5</sub>×<i>S</i><sup>5</sup> 2002 Sergey Frolov
A.A. Tseytlin
+ PDF Chat Review of AdS/CFT Integrability: An Overview 2011 Niklas Beisert
Changrim Ahn
Luis F. Alday
ZoltĂĄn Bajnok
J. M. Drummond
Lisa Freyhult
Nikolay Gromov
Romuald A. Janik
Vladimir Kazakov
Thomas Klose
+ PDF Chat The complete one-loop dilatation operator of super-Yang–Mills theory 2003 Niklas Beisert
+ PDF Chat The Large N Limit of Superconformal Field Theories and Supergravity 1999 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat Long-range Bethe ansätze for gauge theory and strings 2005 Niklas Beisert
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Stringing spins and spinning strings 2003 Niklas Beisert
Joseph A. Minahan
Matthias Staudacher
Konstantin Zarembo
+ PDF Chat Multi-spin string solutions in AdS5×S5 2003 Sergey Frolov
A.A. Tseytlin
+ PDF Chat The dynamic spin chain 2004 Niklas Beisert
+ PDF Chat The large $N$ limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity 1998 Juan Maldacena
+ The Dilatation Operator of N=4 Super Yang-Mills Theory 2003 Niklas Beisert
Charlotte Kristjansen
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Hidden symmetries of the<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mrow><mml:msub><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">AdS</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>5</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msub></mml:mrow><mml:mo>×</mml:mo><mml:mrow><mml:msup><mml:mrow><mml:mi mathvariant="normal">S</mml:mi></mml:mrow><mml:mrow><mml:mn>5</mml:mn></mml:mrow></mml:msup></mml:mrow></mml:math>superstring 2004 Iosif Bena
Joseph Polchinski
Radu Roiban
+ PDF Chat Gauge theory correlators from non-critical string theory 1998 Steven S. Gubser
Igor R. Klebanov
A. M. Polyakov
+ PDF Chat Integrability of Three-Particle Evolution Equations in QCD 1998 V. M. Braun
S. É. Derkachov
A. N. Manashov
+ PDF Chat The dilatation operator of N=4 super Yang–Mills theory and integrability 2004 Niklas Beisert
+ PDF Chat The factorized S-matrix of CFT/AdS 2005 Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Quantizing three-spin string solution in<i>AdS</i><sub>5</sub>×<i>S</i><sup>5</sup> 2003 Sergey Frolov
A.A. Tseytlin
+ PDF Chat A duality for the S matrix 2010 Nima Arkani–Hamed
Freddy Cachazo
Clifford Cheung
Jared Kaplan
+ PDF Chat Baryon distribution amplitudes in QCD 1999 V. M. Braun
S. É. Derkachov
G.P. Korchemsky
A. N. Manashov
+ PDF Chat Anti de Sitter space and holography 1998 Edward Witten
+ PDF Chat Planar<i>N</i>=4 gauge theory and the Inozemtsev long range spin chain 2004 Didina Serban
Matthias Staudacher
+ How Algebraic Bethe Ansatz works for integrable model 1996 Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev
+ PDF Chat Rotating string solutions: AdS/CFT duality in non-supersymmetric sectors 2003 Sergey Frolov
A.A. Tseytlin
+ PDF Chat Dual superconformal invariance, momentum twistors and Grassmannians 2009 Lionel Mason
David B. Skinner
+ PDF Chat Precision spectroscopy of AdS/CFT 2003 Niklas Beisert
Matthias Staudacher
Sergey Frolov
A.A. Tseytlin
+ PDF Chat Bethe Ansatz for Quantum Strings 2004 G. Arutyunov
Sergey Frolov
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Renormalization of twist-three operators and integrable lattice models 2000 A.V. Belitsky
+ PDF Chat Classical/quantum integrability in AdS/CFT 2004 Vladimir Kazakov
A. Marshakov
Joseph A. Minahan
Konstantin Zarembo
+ PDF Chat Exact anomalous dimensions of N=4 Yang–Mills operators with large R charge 2002 Alberto Santambrogio
D. Zanon
+ PDF Chat Fine structure of spectrum of twist-three operators in QCD 1999 A.V. Belitsky
+ PDF Chat Quantizing string theory in AdS5×S5: beyond the pp-wave 2003 Curtis G. Callan
Hok Kong Lee
Tristan McLoughlin
John H. Schwarz
Ian Swanson
Xinkai Wu
+ PDF Chat D -Particle Bound States and Generalized Instantons 2000 Gregory W. Moore
Nikita Nekrasov
Samson L. Shatashvili
+ PDF Chat A Novel Long Range Spin Chain and Planar<i>N</i>=4 Super Yang-Mills 2004 Niklas Beisert
V Dippel
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Baxter Q-operators and representations of Yangians 2011 Vladimir V. Bazhanov
Rouven Frassek
Tomasz Łukowski
Carlo Meneghelli
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Exactly solvable model of superstring in plane wave Ramond-Ramond background 2002 R.R. Metsaev
A.A. Tseytlin
+ Three-loop universal anomalous dimension of the Wilson operators in N=4 SUSY Yang–Mills model 2004 A. V. Kotikov
L.N. Lipatov
A. I. Onishchenko
V.N. Velizhanin
+ PDF Chat Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter I.1: Spin Chains in $${\mathcal{N}=4}$$ Super Yang-Mills 2011 Joseph A. Minahan
+ PDF Chat A new double-scaling limit of super-Yang–Mills theory and pp-wave strings 2002 Charlotte Kristjansen
Jan Plefka
G. W. Semenoff
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Monte Carlo approach to M-theory 1998 Werner Krauth
Hermann Nicolai
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Operators with Large R-Charge in N=4 Yang–Mills Theory 2002 David J. Gross
Andrei Mikhailov
Radu Roiban
+ PDF Chat Harmonic<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>R</mml:mi></mml:math>Matrices for Scattering Amplitudes and Spectral Regularization 2013 Livia Ferro
Tomasz Łukowski
Carlo Meneghelli
Jan Plefka
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Circular semiclassical string solutions on AdS5×S5 2002 Joseph A. Minahan
+ PDF Chat The three-loop splitting functions in QCD: the non-singlet case 2004 S. Moch
J.A.M. Vermaseren
A. Vogt
+ PDF Chat Matching Higher Conserved Charges for Strings and Spins 2004 Gleb Arutyunov
Matthias Staudacher
+ PDF Chat Transcendentality and crossing 2007 Niklas Beisert
Burkhard Eden
Matthias Staudacher