Vyacheslav Lysov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Tropical Mirror 2024 A. Losev
Vyacheslav Lysov
+ PDF Chat Chern-Gauss-Bonnet theorem via BV localization 2024 Vyacheslav Lysov
+ Tropical Mirror Symmetry: Correlation functions 2023 A. Losev
Vyacheslav Lysov
+ Tropical mirror for toric surfaces 2023 A. Losev
Vyacheslav Lysov
+ BV-refinement of the on-shell supersymmetry and localization 2023 A. Losev
Vyacheslav Lysov
+ PDF Chat Bulk locality and gauge invariance for boundary-bilocal cubic correlators in higher-spin gravity 2022 Vyacheslav Lysov
Yasha Neiman
+ PDF Chat Higher-spin gravity’s “string”: new gauge and proof of holographic duality for the linearized Didenko-Vasiliev solution 2022 Vyacheslav Lysov
Yasha Neiman
+ Bulk locality and gauge invariance for boundary-bilocal cubic correlators in higher-spin gravity 2022 Vyacheslav Lysov
Yasha Neiman
+ Tropical Mirror 2022 A. Losev
Vyacheslav Lysov
+ A microscopic derivation of the quantum measurement postulates 2021 Vyacheslav Lysov
Yasha Neiman
+ Phase Space on a Surface with Boundary via Symplectic Reduction 2021 Vyacheslav Lysov
+ A microscopic derivation of the quantum measurement postulates 2021 Vyacheslav Lysov
Yasha Neiman
+ Phase Space on a Surface with Boundary via Symplectic Reduction 2021 Vyacheslav Lysov
+ PDF Chat Dual fluid for the Kerr black hole 2018 Vyacheslav Lysov
+ Higher-dimensional supertranslations and Weinberg’s soft graviton theorem 2017 Daniel Kapec
Vyacheslav Lysov
Sabrina Pasterski
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic symmetries of massless QED in even dimensions 2017 Daniel Kapec
Vyacheslav Lysov
Andrew Strominger
+ Asymptotic Fermionic Symmetry From Soft Gravitino Theorem 2015 Vyacheslav Lysov
+ PDF Chat BMS supertranslations and Weinberg’s soft graviton theorem 2015 Temple He
Vyacheslav Lysov
Prahar Mitra
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Quasinormal quantization in de Sitter spacetime 2015 Daniel L. Jafferis
Alexandru Lupsasca
Vyacheslav Lysov
Gim Seng Ng
Andrew Strominger
+ Asymptotic Fermionic Symmetry From Soft Gravitino Theorem 2015 Vyacheslav Lysov
+ PDF Chat Low’s Subleading Soft Theorem as a Symmetry of QED 2014 Vyacheslav Lysov
Sabrina Pasterski
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Virasoro symmetry of the quantum gravity S $$ \mathcal{S} $$ -matrix 2014 Daniel Kapec
Vyacheslav Lysov
Sabrina Pasterski
Andrew Strominger
+ From Petrov-Einstein to Navier-Stokes 2014 Vyacheslav Lysov
+ Asymptotic Symmetries of Massless QED in Even Dimensions 2014 Daniel Kapec
Vyacheslav Lysov
Andrew Strominger
+ On the Magnetohydrodynamics/Gravity Correspondence 2013 Vyacheslav Lysov
+ PDF Chat From Navier-Stokes to Einstein 2012 Irene Bredberg
Cynthia Keeler
Vyacheslav Lysov
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Lectures on the Kerr/CFT Correspondence 2011 Irene Bredberg
Cynthia Keeler
Vyacheslav Lysov
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Wilsonian approach to fluid/gravity duality 2011 Irene Bredberg
Cynthia Keeler
Vyacheslav Lysov
Andrew Strominger
+ From Petrov-Einstein to Navier-Stokes 2011 Vyacheslav Lysov
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Materializing superghosts 2007 Victor Alexandrov
Dmitry Krotov
A. Losev
Vyacheslav Lysov
+ PDF Chat On pure spinor superfield formalism 2007 Victor Alexandrov
Dmitry Krotov
A. Losev
Vyacheslav Lysov
+ PDF Chat From effective actions to the background geometry 2005 A. Gorsky
Vyacheslav Lysov
+ PDF Chat Anticommutativity equation in topological quantum mechanics 2002 Vyacheslav Lysov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On BMS invariance of gravitational scattering 2014 Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat BMS supertranslations and Weinberg’s soft graviton theorem 2015 Temple He
Vyacheslav Lysov
Prahar Mitra
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Ambitwistor strings at null infinity and (subleading) soft limits 2015 Yvonne Geyer
Arthur E. Lipstein
Lionel Mason
+ PDF Chat Perturbative gravity at null infinity 2014 Tim Adamo
Eduardo Casali
David B. Skinner
+ PDF Chat Semiclassical Virasoro symmetry of the quantum gravity S $$ \mathcal{S} $$ -matrix 2014 Daniel Kapec
Vyacheslav Lysov
Sabrina Pasterski
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic symmetries of Yang-Mills theory 2014 Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Wilsonian approach to fluid/gravity duality 2011 Irene Bredberg
Cynthia Keeler
Vyacheslav Lysov
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Low-energy behavior of gluons and gravitons from gauge invariance 2014 Zvi Bern
Scott Davies
P. Di Vecchia
Josh Nohle
+ PDF Chat New symmetries of massless QED 2014 Temple He
Prahar Mitra
Achilleas P. Porfyriadis
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat The incompressible non-relativistic Navier-Stokes equation from gravity 2009 Sayantani Bhattacharyya
Shiraz Minwalla
Spenta R. Wadia
+ PDF Chat Symmetries of Asymptotically Flat Four-Dimensional Spacetimes at Null Infinity Revisited 2010 Glenn Barnich
CĂ©dric Troessaert
+ PDF Chat From Navier-Stokes to Einstein 2012 Irene Bredberg
Cynthia Keeler
Vyacheslav Lysov
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic symmetries and subleading soft graviton theorem 2014 Miguel Campiglia
Alok Laddha
+ PDF Chat Wilson Loops in Large<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi mathvariant="italic">N</mml:mi></mml:math>Field Theories 1998 Juan Maldacena
+ Aspects of the BMS/CFT correspondence 2011 Glenn Barnich
CĂ©dric Troessaert
+ PDF Chat Low’s Subleading Soft Theorem as a Symmetry of QED 2014 Vyacheslav Lysov
Sabrina Pasterski
Andrew Strominger
+ On loop corrections to subleading soft behavior of gluons and gravitons 2014 Zvi Bern
Scott Davies
Josh Nohle
+ Evidence for a New Soft Graviton Theorem 2014 Freddy Cachazo
Andrew Strominger
+ PDF Chat BMS charge algebra 2011 Glenn Barnich
CĂ©dric Troessaert
+ A Critique of Pure String Theory: Heterodox Opinions of Diverse Dimensions 2003 T. Banks
+ PDF Chat Macroscopic strings as heavy quarks: Large-N gauge theory and anti-de Sitter supergravity 2001 Soo-Jong Rey
Jung-Tay Yee
+ PDF Chat Topological sigma models 1988 Edward Witten
+ Viscosity, Black Holes, and Quantum Field Theory 2007 D. Son
Andrei O. Starinets
+ The Super BMS Algebra, Scattering and Holography 2014 Tom Banks
+ Loop corrections to soft theorems in gauge theories and gravity 2014 Song He
Yu-tin Huang
Congkao Wen
+ PDF Chat Forced fluid dynamics from gravity 2009 Sayantani Bhattacharyya
R. Loganayagam
Shiraz Minwalla
Suresh Nampuri
Sandip P. Trivedi
Spenta R. Wadia
+ PDF Chat The large $N$ limit of superconformal field theories and supergravity 1998 Juan Maldacena
+ PDF Chat Higher spin realization of the DS/CFT correspondence 2016 Dionysios Anninos
Thomas Hartman
Andrew Strominger
+ String theory, gravity and experiment 2008 Thibault Damour
M. Lilley
+ PDF Chat Shear Viscosity of Strongly Coupled<mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi><mml:mspace /><mml:mo>=</mml:mo><mml:mspace /><mml:mn>4</mml:mn><mml:mn /></mml:math>Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Plasma 2001 Giuseppe Policastro
D. T. Son
Andrei O. Starinets
+ AdS dual of the critical O(N) vector model 2002 Igor R. Klebanov
A. M. Polyakov
+ Introduction to Tropical Geometry (notes from the IMPA lectures in Summer 2007) 2007 Grigory Mikhalkin
+ PDF Chat From AdS/CFT correspondence to hydrodynamics 2002 Giuseppe Policastro
D. Son
Andrei O. Starinets
+ PDF Chat Universality of the hydrodynamic limit in AdS/CFT and the membrane paradigm 2009 Nabil Iqbal
Hong Liu
+ PDF Chat Holographic Duality with a View Toward Many-Body Physics 2010 John McGreevy
+ PDF Chat Supersymmetry and quantum mechanics 1995 Fred Cooper
Avinash Khare
U. Sukhatme
+ Quasinormal spectrum and the black hole membrane paradigm 2008 Andrei O. Starinets
+ PDF Chat Period Mapping Associated to a Primitive Form 1983 Kyoji Saito
+ PDF Chat Generalized Damour-Navier-Stokes equation applied to trapping horizons 2005 Éric Gourgoulhon
+ From Petrov-Einstein to Navier-Stokes 2014 Vyacheslav Lysov
+ PDF Chat Quantum field theory as effective BV theory from Chern–Simons 2008 Dmitry Krotov
A. Losev
+ The incompressible Navier–Stokes equations from black hole membrane dynamics 2009 Christopher Eling
Itzhak Fouxon
Yaron Oz
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of Spacetime: The Einstein Equation of State 1995 Ted Jacobson
+ Static BPS black hole in 4d higher-spin gauge theory 2009 V. E. Didenko
M. A. Vasiliev
+ PDF Chat Holographic dual of free field theory 2011 Michael R. Douglas
Luca Mazzucato
Shlomo S. Razamat
+ PDF Chat Large-<i>N</i>collective fields and holography 2003 Sumit R. Das
Antal Jevicki
+ Kontsevich's formula and the WDVV equations in tropical geometry 2007 Andreas Gathmann
Hannah Markwig
+ PDF Chat A note on asymptotic symmetries and soft-photon theorem 2015 Arif Mohd
+ PDF Chat Lectures on holographic methods for condensed matter physics 2009 Sean A. Hartnoll
+ PDF Chat Mirror Symmetry in Two Steps: A–I–B 2006 Edward Frenkel
A. Losev