G. Baley Price


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The Bicomplex Space 2018 G. Baley Price
+ Functions Defined by Bicomplex Power Series 2018 G. Baley Price
+ The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary Celebration 1993 G. Baley Price
+ Differentiable Functions and Their Derivatives 1984 G. Baley Price
+ The Kronecker Integral and the Sperner Degree 1984 G. Baley Price
+ Sperner’s Lemma and the Intermediate-Value Theorem 1984 G. Baley Price
+ Simplexes, Orientations, Boundaries, and Simplicial Subdivisions 1984 G. Baley Price
+ Integrals and the Fundamental Theorem of the Integral Calculus 1984 G. Baley Price
+ Zero Integrals, Equal Integrals, and the Transformation of Integrals 1984 G. Baley Price
+ Differentiable Functions of Complex Variables 1984 G. Baley Price
+ Award for Distinguished Service to Dr. Thornton Carl Fry 1982 G. Baley Price
+ A history of the mathematics departments of the University of Colorado 1980 G. Baley Price
+ Telescoping Sums and the Summation of Sequences 1973 G. Baley Price
+ Mathematical Analysis: <i>The Elements of Real Analysis</i> . Robert G. Bartle. Wiley, New York, 1964. xvi + 447 pp. Illus. $10.95. 1965 G. Baley Price
+ Mathematical Analysis: <i>The Elements of Real Analysis</i> . Robert G. Bartle. Wiley, New York, 1964. xvi + 447 pp. Illus. $10.95. 1965 G. Baley Price
+ Mathematics: <i>Concepts of Real Analysis</i> . Charles A. Haynes, Jr. Wiley, New York, 1964. xii + 190 pp. Illus. $6.50. 1964 G. Baley Price
+ Mathematics: <i>Concepts of Real Analysis</i> . Charles A. Haynes, Jr. Wiley, New York, 1964. xii + 190 pp. Illus. $6.50. 1964 G. Baley Price
+ Linear Topological Spaces 1963 John L. Kelley
Isaac Namioka
William F. Donoghue
Kenneth R. Lucas
B. J. Pettis
Ebbe Thue Poulsen
G. Baley Price
Wendy Robertson
W. R. Scott
Kennan T. Smith
+ Convexity in Linear Topological Spaces 1963 John L. Kelley
Isaac Namioka
William F. Donoghue
Kenneth R. Lucas
B. J. Pettis
Ebbe Thue Poulsen
G. Baley Price
Wendy Robertson
W. R. Scott
Kennan T. Smith
+ Derivatives and jacobians 1962 G. Baley Price
+ Mathematics and Statistics for Economists. 1954 G. Baley Price
Gerhard Tintner
+ PDF Chat Bounds for determinants with dominant principal diagonal 1951 G. Baley Price
+ PDF Chat International Congress of Mathematicians 1948 Walter Bartky
Dick Churchill
G. C. Evans
Richard Courant
John von Neumann
R Boas
Arthur Erdélyi
George PĂłlya
Antoni Zygmund
Toni Hildebrandt
+ Mathematics: <i>Mathematics in Human Affairs</i> . By Franklin Wesley Kokomoor. xi + 754 pp. New York: Prentice- Hall, Inc. 1942. Trade, $5.35; school, $4.00. 1943 G. Baley Price
+ Mathematics: <i>The Gist of Mathematics</i> . By Justin H. Moore and Julio A. Mira. xii + 726 pp. New York: Prentice- Hall, Inc. 1942. Trade, $5.35; school, $4.00. 1943 G. Baley Price
+ Mathematics: <i>Calculus</i> . By G. E. F. Sherwood and Angus E. Taylor. xiv + 503 pp. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1942. $3.75. 1943 G. Baley Price
+ PDF Chat Cauchy-Stieltjes and Riemann-Stieltjes integrals 1943 G. Baley Price
+ Adjustments in Mathematics to the Impact of War 1943 G. Baley Price
+ Mathematics. (Scientific Books: Calculus; The Gist of Mathematics) 1943 G. Baley Price
+ Adjustments in Mathematics to the Impact of War 1943 G. Baley Price
+ A Generalization of a Metric Space with Applications to Spaces Whose Elements are Sets 1941 G. Baley Price
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint. Geometry 1940 G. Baley Price
+ PDF Chat On the completeness of a certain metric space with an application to Blaschke’s selection theorem 1940 G. Baley Price
+ PDF Chat Definitions and properties of monotone functions 1940 G. Baley Price
+ A Class of Monotone Functions 1939 G. Baley Price
+ A Program for the Association 1938 G. Baley Price
+ Book Review: Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint. Arithmetic, Algebra, Analysis 1933 G. Baley Price
+ On the Stromgren-Wintner Natural Termination Principle 1933 G. Baley Price
+ A Class of Dynamical Systems on Surfaces of Revolution 1932 G. Baley Price
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Vorlesungen über Reelle Funktionen 1927 Constantin Carathéodory
+ PDF Chat On the foundations of mathematics 1903 Eliakim Hastings Moore
+ The Expression of Area as an Integral 1924 J. C. Burkill
+ Refugee mathematicians in the United States of America, 1933–1941: Reception and reaction 1981 Nathan Reingold
+ A Mathematician's Apology 1942 Virginia Modesitt
G. H. Hardy
+ PDF Chat XVIII. On a theory of the syzygetic relations of two rational integral functions, comprising an application to the theory of Sturm’s functions, and that of the greatest algebraical common measure 1853 J.J. Sylvester
+ A Recurring Theorem on Determinants 1949 Olga Taussky
+ PDF Chat Riemann integration and Taylor’s theorem in general analysis 1927 Lawrence M. Graves
+ PDF Chat Über eine Verallgemeinerung des Hadamardschen Determinantensatzes 1917 Otto Szász
+ Traité de calcul différential et de calcul intégral 1976 Joseph Louis François. Bertrand
+ �ber die determinanten mit �berwiegender Hauptdiagonale 1937 Alexander Ostrowski
+ Eliakim Hastings Moore and the founding of a mathematical community in America, 1892–1902 1984 Karen Hunger Parshall
+ PDF Chat Distance functions and the metrization problem 1937 Alexander Frink
+ PDF Chat Parametrizations of saddle surfaces, with application to the problem of plateau 1933 E. J. McShane
+ PDF Chat Osculating curves and surfaces 1926 Philip Franklin
+ PDF Chat American Mathematical Monthly 2010 Daniel J. Velleman
+ A History of Mathematics 1956 Carl B. Boyer
+ De binis quibuslibet functionibus homogeneis secundi ordinis per substitutiones lineares in alias binas tranformandis, quae solis quadratis variabilium constant; una cum variis theorematis de tranformatione etdeterminatione integralium multiplicium. 1834 Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
+ PDF Chat Integration of functions with values in a Banach space 1935 Garrett Birkhoff
+ American Mathematical Society, Semicentennial Publications Bd. I, Raymond Clare Archibald, A Semicentennial History of the American Mathematical Society 1888–1938, With Biographics of the Past Presidents, 262 S. 1939 Willers
+ Untersuchungen ĂĽber allgemeine Metrik 2002 Karl Menger
+ Definitions of Stieltjes Integrals of the Riemann Type 1938 Toni Hildebrandt
+ The Application of Modern Theories of Integration to the Solution of Differential Equations 1921 T. C. Fry
+ Retrospect and Prospect for Mathematics in America 1920 H. E. Slaught
+ An Account of Professor Runkle's Mathematical Monthly 1903 Simon Newcomb
+ The Mathematical Association 1924 W. D. Cairns
+ Functions of the Mathematical Association of America 1932 John W. Young
+ The Human Aspect in the Early History of the American Mathematical Monthly 1931 B. F. Finkel
+ The Theory of Functions of a Real Variable 1951 John W. Green
+ The Mathematical Association of America 1916 W. D. Cairns
+ The Duty of Exposition with Special Reference to the Cauchy-Heaviside Expansion Theorem 1927 F. D. Murnaghan
+ A General Theory of Limits 1922 Eliakim Hastings Moore
Hal L. Smith
+ The New Mathematics “Requirement” at the University of Wisconsin 1935 Rudolph E. Langer
+ A Program for Mathematics 1935 Arnold Dresden
+ Mathematics as a Profession Today in Industry 1956 Thornton C. Fry
+ Projective Differential Geometry 1933 Ernest P. Lane
+ PDF Chat Sur la fonction semi-continue 1911 Z. de Geöcze
+ Ăśber das Nichtverschwinden einer Determinante nebst Bemerkungen ĂĽber Systeme unendlich vieler linearen Gleichungen. 1913 Helge von Koch
+ John Daniel Runkle 1903 H. W. Tyler
+ Riemann Integration and Taylor's Theorem in General Analysis 1927 Lawrence M. Graves
+ The Mathematical Association of America 1916 W. D. Cairns
+ A Recurring Theorem on Determinants 1949 Olga Taussky
+ Osculating Curves and Surfaces 1926 Philip Franklin
+ Definitions of Stieltjes Integrals of the Riemann Type 1938 T Hildebrandt
+ PDF Chat Sur une classe de fonctions d'ensemble 1924 Stefan Banach
+ PDF Chat Sur les lignes rectifiables et les surfaces dont l'aire est finie 1925 Stefan Banach