John R. Mayor


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Comments on Ranking Mathematics Departments 1968 John R. Mayor
+ Research in the learning of mathematics at the university of Maryland 1964 John R. Mayor
+ Factors in acquiring knowledge of a mathematical task. 1962 Robert M. Gagné
John R. Mayor
Helen L. Garstens
Noel E. Paradise
+ Efforts to Improve Programs and Teaching in Mathematics 1959 John R. Mayor
+ PDF Chat Mathematics (Section A) 1958 John R. Mayor
+ Progress in mathematics instruction 1957 John R. Mayor
+ Book Reviews: Plane Trigonometry. 1956 John R. Mayor
+ Points And Viewpoints: Common goals of mathematics teachers and of the National Council 1954 John R. Mayor
+ The President's Page: Excerpts from a Report of a Committee of the Illinois Section of the M.A.A. 1953 John R. Mayor
+ Reports from The Affiliated Groups 1952 John R. Mayor
+ What is Going on in Your School 1952 John R. Mayor
John A. Brown
+ The Third Delegate Assembly 1952 John R. Mayor
+ Signs of Progress of the Affiliated Groups Program 1951 John R. Mayor
+ Affiliated Groups and the Future of the National Council 1951 John R. Mayor
+ Notes on Affiliated Groups 1951 John R. Mayor
+ The Affiliated Groups and the Delegate Assembly 1951 John R. Mayor
+ Affiliated Groups Take Part in National Council Meetings 1950 John R. Mayor
+ Pi Mu Epsilon Contests and Awards 1950 John R. Mayor
+ Contests and Scholarships 1950 John R. Mayor
+ Mathematics in General Education 1941 John R. Mayor
+ A Generalization of the Veronese and Steiner Surfaces 1934 John R. Mayor