B Bollobás


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Erdős covering systems 2020 Paul Balister
B Bollobás
Robert Morris
Julian Sahasrabudhe
Marius Tiba
+ Covering intervals with arithmetic progressions 2019 Paul Balister
B Bollobás
Robert Morris
Julian Sahasrabudhe
Marius Tiba
+ Lion and man—can both win? 2011 B Bollobás
Imre Leader
Mark Walters
+ Metrics for sparse graphs 2009 B Bollobás
Oliver Riordan
+ Lion and Man -- Can Both Win? 2009 B Bollobás
Imre Leader
Mark Walters
+ Counting Regions with Bounded Surface Area 2007 Paul Balister
B Bollobás
+ None 2006 Paul Balister
B Bollobás
Róbert Kozma
+ Large deviations for mean field models of probabilistic cellular automata 2006 Paul Balister
B Bollobás
Róbert Kozma
+ PDF Chat Discrepancy in Graphs and Hypergraphs 2006 B Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ None 2005 Paul Balister
B Bollobás
Anthony Quas
+ Percolation in Voronoi tilings 2004 Paul Balister
B Bollobás
Anthony Quas
+ The sum of degrees in cliques 2004 B Bollobás
Vladimir Nikiforov
+ Joints in graphs 2004 B Bollobás
Vladimir Nikiforov
+ PDF Chat Max Cut for Random Graphs with a Planted Partition 2004 B Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ PDF Chat Judicious partitions of bounded‐degree graphs 2004 B Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ The sum of degrees in cliques 2004 B Bollobás
Vladimir Nikiforov
+ Joints in graphs 2004 B Bollobás
Vladimir Nikiforov
+ The Interlace Polynomial of Graphs at − 1 2002 Paul Balister
B Bollobás
Jonathan Cutler
Luke Pebody
+ Random induced graphs 2002 B Bollobás
P. Erdős
Ralph J. Faudree
Cecil Rousseau
R. H. Schelp
+ Paths in graphs 2001 B Bollobás
Amites Sarkar
+ Alternating Knot Diagrams, Euler Circuits and the Interlace Polynomial 2001 Paul Balister
B Bollobás
Oliver Riordan
Alex Scott
+ PDF Chat Dependent percolation in two dimensions 2000 Paul Balister
B Bollobás
Alan Stacey
+ Essentially Infinite Colourings of Graphs 2000 B Bollobás
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
R. H. Schelp
+ Edge disjoint Hamilton cycles in sparse random graphs of minimum degree at least k 2000 B Bollobás
Colin Cooper
Trevor Fenner
Alan Frieze
+ Local and Mean Ramsey Numbers for Trees 2000 B Bollobás
Alexandr Kostochka
R. H. Schelp
+ Judicious Partitions of 3-uniform Hypergraphs 2000 B Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ An Erdős-Ko-Rado Theorem For Signed Sets 1997 B Bollobás
Imre Leader
+ Judicious Partitions of Hypergraphs 1997 B Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ PDF Chat The random-cluster model on the complete graph 1996 B Bollobás
Geoffrey Grimmett
Svante Janson
+ PDF Chat Connectivity properties of random subgraphs of the cube 1995 B Bollobás
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Tomasz Łuczak
+ Percolation in High Dimensions 1994 B Bollobás
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
+ PDF Chat Judicious partitions of graphs 1993 B Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ Random partial orders: concentration of the height 1992 B Bollobás
+ PDF Chat The Evolution of Random Subgraphs of the Cube 1992 B Bollobás
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Tomasz Łuczak
+ On generalised minimal domination parameters for paths 1990 B Bollobás
E. J. Cockayne
Christina M. Mynhardt
+ A new upper bound for the list chromatic number 1989 B Bollobás
H.R. Hind
+ Reverse Kleitman Inequalities 1989 B Bollobás
Imre Leader
A. J. Radcliffe
+ PDF Chat The Diameter of a Cycle Plus a Random Matching 1988 B Bollobás
Fan Chung
+ The chromatic number of random graphs 1988 B Bollobás
+ The number of matchings in random regular graphs and bipartite graphs 1986 B Bollobás
Brendan D. McKay
+ List-colourings of graphs 1985 B Bollobás
A. J. Harris
+ On the expected behavior of disjoint set union algorithms 1985 B Bollobás
István Simon
+ Inequalities for quadratic polynomials in Hermitian and dissipative operators 1984 B Bollobás
J. R. Partington
+ On complete bipartite subgraphs contained in spanning tree complements 1983 B Bollobás
Fan Chung
Ronald Graham
+ Topological cliques of random graphs 1981 B Bollobás
Paul A. Catlin
+ Hadwiger's Conjecture is True for Almost Every Graph 1980 B Bollobás
Paul A. Catlin
Paul Erdős
+ PDF Chat Extremal Graphs without Large Forbidden Subgraphs 1978 B Bollobás
P. Erdős
Miklós Simonovits
Endre Szemerédi
+ Cliques in random graphs 1976 B Bollobás
P. Erdős
+ Maximal matchings in graphs with given minimal and maximal degrees 1976 B Bollobás
Stephen Eldridge
+ PDF Chat On the Structure of Edge Graphs II 1976 B Bollobás
P. Erdős
Miklós Simonovits
+ On complete subgraphs of r-chromatic graphs 1975 B Bollobás
Paul Erdős
Endre Szemerédi
+ Filling the Plane with Congruent Convex Hexagons without Overlapping 1963 B Bollobás
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Extremal Graph Theory 1978 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat Some Extremal Properties of Bipartite Subgraphs 1973 C. S. Edwards
+ Improved upper bounds for the critical probability of oriented percolation in two dimensions 1994 Paul Balister
Béla Bollobás
Alan Stacey
+ Random Graphs 2001 Béla Bollobás
+ How to make a graph bipartite 1988 Paul Erdős
Ralph J. Faudree
János Pach
Joel Spencer
+ PDF Chat Judicious partitions of graphs 1993 B Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ On the Strength of Connectivity of Random Subgraphs of the n-Cube 1987 Martin Dyer
Alan Frieze
L. R. Foulds
+ Probability: Theory and Examples. 1992 Kathryn Prewitt
Richard Durrett
+ The Theory of Branching Processes 1965 Peter Ney
T. E. Harris
+ Cliques in random graphs 1976 B Bollobás
P. Erdős
+ PDF Chat Weighted sums of certain dependent random variables 1967 Kazuoki Azuma
+ A Probabilistic Proof of an Asymptotic Formula for the Number of Labelled Regular Graphs 1980 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat Solution of the minimum modulus problem for covering systems 2014 Bob Hough
+ Approximate upper bounds for the critical probability of oriented percolation in two dimensions based on rapidly mixing Markov chains 1997 Béla Bollabás
Alan Stacey
+ On the Structure of Edge Graphs 1973 Béla Bollobás
Paul Erdős
+ The interlace polynomial: a new graph polynomial 2000 Richard Arratia
Béla Bollobás
Gregory B. Sorkin
+ On colouring random graphs 1975 Geoffrey Grimmett
Colin McDiarmid
+ On the method of bounded differences 1989 Colin McDiarmid
+ PDF Chat On the Behavior of Some Cellular Automata Related to Bootstrap Percolation 1992 Roberto H. Schonmann
+ On the conjecture of hajós 1981 Paul Erdős
Siemion Fajtlowicz
+ Simulation of a cellular automat with an oriented bootstrap rule 1989 J. A. M. S. Duarté
+ PDF Chat Max Cut for Random Graphs with a Planted Partition 2004 B Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ Onk-connectivity for a geometric random graph 1999 Mathew D. Penrose
+ PDF Chat Rates for the probability of large cubes being non-internally spanned in modified bootstrap percolation 1992 Thomas Mountford
+ Almost all regular graphs are hamiltonian 1994 Robert W. Robinson
N. C. Wormald
+ Random Graphs of Small Order 1985 Béla Bollobás
Andrew Thomason
+ Sieving by large integers and covering systems of congruences 2006 Michael Filaseta
Kevin Ford
Sergeĭ Konyagin
Carl Pomerance
Gang Yu
+ Algorithms for graph partitioning on the planted partition model 2001 Anne Condon
Richard M. Karp
+ PDF Chat On the Structure of Edge Graphs II 1976 B Bollobás
P. Erdős
Miklós Simonovits
+ PDF Chat The Evolution of Random Subgraphs of the Cube 1992 B Bollobás
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa
Tomasz Łuczak
+ Hamiltonian circuits in random graphs 1976 L. Pósa
+ PDF Chat Survival of Discrete Time Growth Models, with Applications to Oriented Percolation 1995 Thomas M. Liggett
+ Radius and diameter of random subgraphs of the hypercube 1993 Alexandr Kostochka
A. A. Sapozhenko
Karl Weber
+ The evolution of random graphs 1984 Béla Bollobás
+ PDF Chat Finite Size Scaling in Three-Dimensional Bootstrap Percolation 1999 Raphaël Cerf
Emilio N. M. Cirillo
+ Heuristics for Semirandom Graph Problems 2001 Uriel Feige
Joe Kilian
+ Complete matchings in random subgraphs of the cube 1990 Béla Bollobás
+ Metastability effects in bootstrap percolation 1988 Michael Aizenman
Joel L. Lebowitz
+ PDF Chat The longest chain among random points in Euclidean space 1988 Béla Bollobás
Peter Winkler
+ PDF Chat The Survival of Contact Processes 1978 Richard A. Holley
Thomas M. Liggett
+ Judicious Partitions of Hypergraphs 1997 B Bollobás
Alex Scott
+ The Metropolis algorithm for graph bisection 1998 Mark Jerrum
Gregory B. Sorkin
+ Largest random component of ak-cube 1982 Miklós Ajtai
János Komlós
Endre Szemerédi
+ “Lion and Man”: A Postscript 1964 H. T. Croft
+ Periodic behavior of cellular automata 1993 Yves Pomeau
+ Statistical Mechanics of Probabilistic Cellular Automata 1985 G. Grinstein
C. Jayaprakash
Yu He
+ On complete subgraphs of different orders 1976 Béla Bollobás
+ Bootstrap percolation in a polluted environment 1997 Janko Gravner
Elaine T. McDonald
+ PDF Chat Percolation on the projective plane 1997 Michael Freedman