Maxime Bôcher


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Plane analytic geometry, with introductory chapters on the differential calculus 2005 Maxime Bôcher
+ Note Supplementary to the Paper "On Certain Pairs of Transcendental Functions Whose Roots Separate Each Other" 1917 Maxime Bôcher
+ Leçons sur les méthodes de Sturm dans la théorie des équations différentielles linéaires et leurs développements modernes 1917 Maxime Bôcher
Gastón Julia
+ PDF Chat Note supplementary to the paper “On certain pairs of transcendental functions whose roots separate each other” 1917 Maxime Bôcher
+ On the Wronskian Test for Linear Dependence 1916 Maxime Bôcher
+ Plane Analytic Geometry. 1916 Elijah Swift
Maxime Bôcher
+ Trigonometry. 1915 J. C. Rayworth
Maxime Bôcher
Harry D. Gaylord
+ Plane analytic geometry, with introductory chapters on the differential calculus, by Maxime Bôcher ... 1915 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat The infinite regions of various geometries 1914 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat The smallest characteristic numbers in a certain exceptional case 1914 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat On a small variation which renders a linear differential system incompatible 1914 Maxime Bôcher
+ Mathématiques et mathématiciens français 1914 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Applications and generalizations of the conception of adjoint systems 1913 Maxime Bôcher
+ A Simple Proof of a Fundamental Theorem in the Theory of Integral Equations 1912 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Graduate Work in Mathematics in Universities and in Other Institutions of Like Grade in the United States 1911 Maxime Bôcher
D. R. Curtiss
Percey F. Smith
Edward B. Van Vleck
+ PDF Chat Graduate work in mathematics in universities and in other institutions of like grade in the United States 1911 Xii Chairman
Maxime Bôcher
R. H. Curtiss
+ PDF Chat The published and unpublished work of Charles Sturm on algebraic and differential equations 1911 Maxime Bôcher
+ Boundary Problems and Green's Functions for Linear Differential and Difference Equations 1911 Maxime Bôcher
+ On Linear Equations with an Infinite Number of Variables 1911 Maxime Bôcher
Louis Brand
+ On Semi-Analytic Functions of Two Variables 1910 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Analytische Geometrie der Ebene 1909 Maxime Bôcher
+ On the Regions of Convergence of Power-Series which Represent Two-Dimensional Harmonic Functions 1909 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat On the regions of convergence of power-series which represent two-dimensional harmonic functions 1909 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Publications: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1909 Maxime Bôcher
Edward B. Van Vleck
Henry S. White
Gilbert Ames Bliss
Edward Kasner
Charles P. Bouton
F. R. Moulton
Leonard Dickson
Ernst Wilczynski
John Hutchinson
+ Review: T. J. I' A. Bromwich, Quadratic Forms and their Classification by Means of Invariant Factors 1908 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Quadratic Forms and their Classification by Means of Invariant Factors 1908 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Publications: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1908 Maxime Bôcher
Edward B. Van Vleck
Henry S. White
Charles P. Bouton
Eugene Dickson
Irwin Hutchinson
Edward Kasner
Edwin Bidwell
+ Another Proof of the Theorem Concerning Artificial Singularities 1906 Maxime Bôcher
+ Introduction to the Theory of Fourier's Series 1906 Maxime Bôcher
+ A Problem in Analytic Geometry with a Moral 1905 Maxime Bôcher
+ Linear Differential Equations with Discontinuous's Coefficients 1905 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat The fundamental conceptions and methods of mathematics 1904 Maxime Bôcher
+ On the Uniformity of the Convergence of Certain Absolutely Convergent Series 1903 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Singular points of functions which satisfy partial differential equations of the elliptic type 1903 Maxime Bôcher
+ On Systems of Linear Differential Equations of the First Order 1902 Maxime Bôcher
+ On the Real Solutions of Systems of Two Homogeneous Linear Differential Equations of the First Order 1902 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Einführung in die Theorie der Differentialgleichungen mit einer unabhängigen Variablen 1902 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat On the real solutions of systems of two homogeneous linear differential equations of the first order 1902 Maxime Bôcher
+ On Certain Pairs of Transcendental Functions Whose Roots Separate Each Other 1901 Maxime Bôcher
+ An Elementary Proof of a Theorem of Sturm 1901 Maxime Bôcher
+ Certain Cases in Which the Vanishing of the Wronskian is a Sufficient Condition for Linear Dependence 1901 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Green’s functions in space of one dimension 1901 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Non-oscillatory linear differential equations of the second order 1901 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat On Wronskians of functions of a real variable 1901 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat An elementary proof of a theorem of Sturm 1901 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Certain cases in which the vanishing of the Wronskian is a sufficient condition for linear dependence 1901 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat On certain pairs of transcendental functions whose roots separate each other 1901 Maxime Bôcher
+ Some Applications of the Method of Abridged Notation 1901 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Some theorems concerning linear differential equations of the second order 1900 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Errata: “On regular singular points of linear differential equations of the second order whose coefficients are not necessarily analytic” [Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 1 (1900), no. 1, 40–52; 1500523] 1900 Maxime Bôcher
+ On regular singular points of linear differential equations of the second order whose coefficients are not necessarily analytic 1900 Maxime Bôcher
+ On Regular Singular Points of Linear Differential Equations of the Second Order Whose Coefficients are Not Necessarily Analytic 1900 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Funktionentheoretische Vorlesungen 1899 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat On singular points of linear differential equations with real coefficients 1899 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat An elementary proof that Bessel’s functions of the zeroth order have an infinite number of real roots 1899 Maxime Bôcher
+ Examples in the Theory of Functions 1899 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Cours de Géométrie analytique 1898 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat The theorems of oscillation of Sturm and Klein. ( first paper.) 1898 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Note on Poisson’s integral 1898 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat The roots of polynomials which satisfy certain linear differential equations of the second order 1898 Maxime Bôcher
+ Notes on Some Points in the Theory of Linear Differential Equations 1898 Maxime Bôcher
+ Examples of the Construction of Riemann's Surfaces for the Inverse of Rational Functions, by the Method of Conformal Representation 1898 Chas. L. Bouton
Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat The theorems of oscillation of Sturm and Klein ( Second Paper ) 1898 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat The theorems of oscillation of Sturm and Klein. (third paper.) 1898 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Plane and Solid Analytic Geometry 1897 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat On certain methods of Sturm and their application to the roots of Bessel’s functions 1897 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Handbuch der Theorie der linearen Differentialgleichungen 1897 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Einleitung in die Theorie der linearen Differentialgleichungen mit einer unabhängigen Variablen 1896 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Book Review: A Treatise on Bessel Functions and their Applications to Physics 1896 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat On Cauchy’s theorem concerning complex integrals 1896 Maxime Bôcher
+ Regular points of linear differential equations of the second order, by Maxime Bôcher 1896 Maxime Bôcher
+ Simplification of Gauss's Third Proof that Every Algebraic Equation has a Root 1895 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat Gauss’s third proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra 1895 Maxime Bôcher
+ PDF Chat A bit of mathematical history 1893 Maxime Bôcher
+ On the Differential Equation Δu + k 2 u = 0 1893 Maxime Bôcher
+ Note on the Nine-Point Conic 1892 Maxime Bôcher
+ On Some Applications of Bessel's Functions with Pure Imaginary Index 1892 Maxime Bôcher
+ On a Nine-Point Conic 1892 Maxime Bôcher
+ Pockels on the Differential Equation Δu + k 2 u = 0 1892 Maxime Bôcher
+ Some Propositions Concerning the Geometric Representation of Imaginaries 1892 Maxime Bôcher
+ On Bessel's Functions of the Second Kind 1892 Maxime Bôcher