Christopher I. Byrnes


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the Stability and Instability of Padé Approximants 2010 Christopher I. Byrnes
Anders Lindquist
+ Important moments in systems, control and optimization 2009 Christopher I. Byrnes
Anders Lindquist
+ On the Topology of Liapunov Functions for Dissipative Periodic Processes 2009 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ A note on the Jacobian conjecture 2008 Christopher I. Byrnes
Anders Lindquist
+ Important Moments in Systems and Control 2008 Christopher I. Byrnes
Anders Lindquist
+ PDF Chat On Brockett's Necessary Condition for Stabilizability and the Topology of Liapunov Functions on R$^n$ 2008 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Differential Forms and Dynamical Systems 2007 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Interior point solutions of variational problems and global inverse function theorems 2006 Christopher I. Byrnes
Anders Lindquist
+ The Generalized Moment Problem with Complexity Constraint 2006 Christopher I. Byrnes
Anders Lindquist
+ Toward a global theory of {f,g}-invariant distributions with singularities 2005 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Global properties of the root-locus map 2005 Christopher I. Byrnes
P. Stevens
+ A Homotopy Continuation Solution of the Covariance Extension Equation 2005 Christopher I. Byrnes
Giovanna Fanizza
Anders Lindquist
+ Omega-limit sets of a class of nonlinear systems that are semiglobally practically stabilized 2005 Christopher I. Byrnes
Fabio Celani
Alberto Isidori
+ Generalized interpolation in 𝐻^{∞} with a complexity constraint 2004 Christopher I. Byrnes
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Anders Lindquist
Alexander Megretski
+ The Uncertain Generalized Moment Problem with Complexity Constraint 2004 Christopher I. Byrnes
Anders Lindquist
+ Directions in Mathematical Systems Theory and Optimization 2002 Anders Rantzer
Christopher I. Byrnes
+ On the Riccati Partial Differential Equation for Nonlinear Bolza and Lagrange Problems 2002 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ From Finite Covariance Windows to Modeling Filters: A Convex Optimization Approach 2001 Christopher I. Byrnes
Sergei V. Gusev
Anders Lindquist
+ Persistence of equilibria for locally asymptotically stable systems 2000 Christopher I. Byrnes
Sundarapandian Vaıdyanathan
+ Boundary control, stabilization and zero-pole dynamics for a non-linear distributed parameter system 1999 Christopher I. Byrnes
D.S. Gilliam
V.I. Shubov
+ On the Global Analysis of Linear Systems 1999 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ 0 ut put Regulation for Parabolic Distributed Paramet er Systems: Set Point Control* 1997 Christopher I. Byrnes
IstvSn G. Lauk
D.S. Gilliam
V.I. Shubov
+ Existence Conditions for Regulator Equations 1997 Christopher I. Byrnes
Francesco Delli Priscoli
Alberto Isidori
+ Root-Locus and Boundary Feedback Design for a Class of Distributed Parameter Systems 1994 Christopher I. Byrnes
D.S. Gilliam
Jianqiu He
+ Convergence of Trajectories for a Controlled Viscous Burgers’ Equation 1994 Christopher I. Byrnes
D.S. Gilliam
V.I. Shubov
+ Boundary Control and Stabilization for a Viscous Burgers’ Equation 1993 Christopher I. Byrnes
D.S. Gilliam
+ The Additive Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Lie Perturbations 1993 Christopher I. Byrnes
Xiaochang C. Wang
+ The cohomology of the moduli space of controllable linear systems 1992 Uwe Helmke
Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Shock Waves for Riccati Partial Differential Equations Arising in Nonlinear Optimal Control 1992 Christopher I. Byrnes
Ali Jhemi
+ A Root Locus Methodology for Parabolic Distributed Parameter Feedback Systems 1991 Christopher I. Byrnes
D.S. Gilliam
Jianqiu He
+ Control and stabilization of decentralized systems 1989 Christopher I. Byrnes
D.S. Gilliam
Clyde F. Martin
+ Intersection theory for linear systems 1986 Christopher I. Byrnes
Uwe Helmke
+ Observability of minimal, distal systems† 1986 Christopher I. Byrnes
P.E. Crouch
+ PDF Chat Least-Squares Estimation, Linear Programming, and Momentum: A Geometric Parametrization of Local Minima 1986 Christopher I. Byrnes
Jan C. Willems
+ An Infinite Dimensional Variational Problem Arising in Estimation Theory 1986 Anthony M. Bloch
Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Editor's introduction to euler's “An Essay on Continued Fractions” translated by B. F. Wyman and M. F. Wyman 1985 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Geometric methods for the classification of linear feedback systems 1985 Christopher I. Byrnes
P.E. Crouch
+ Remarks on nonlinear planar control systems which are linearizable by feedback 1985 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ A several complex variables approach to feedback stabilization of linear neutral delay-differential systems 1984 Christopher I. Byrnes
Mark W. Spong
Tzyh‐Jong Tarn
+ Stabilizability of multivariable systems and the Ljusternik—Šnirel'mann category of real Grassmannians 1983 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Geometric Aspects of the Convergence Analysis of Identification Algorithms 1983 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ On compactifications of spaces of systems and dynamic compensation 1983 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ On the stabilizability of multivariable systems by minimum order compensation 1983 Christopher I. Byrnes
Brian D. O. Anderson
D Brian
+ Critical point behavior of objective functions defined on spaces of multivariable systems 1982 David F. Delchamps
Christopher I. Byrnes
+ On Certain Topological Invariants Arising in System Theory 1982 Christopher I. Byrnes
T. E. Duncan
+ The stabilitv and instabilitv of partial realiiations 1982 Christopher I. Byrnes
Anders Lindquist
+ An algebraic-geometric and topological analysis of the solution to the load-flow equations for a power system 1981 John Baillieul
Christopher I. Byrnes
Robert B. Washburn
+ Realization theory and quadratic optimal controllers for systems defined over Banach and Frechét algebras 1980 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Recent results on output feedback problems 1980 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Hamiltonian indices and rational spectral densities 1980 Christopher I. Byrnes
T. E. Duncan
+ Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of the Analysis of Feedback Systems 1980 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Geometrical Methods for the Theory of Linear Systems 1980 Christopher I. Byrnes
Clyde F. Martin
+ On the algebraic geometry of the output feedback pole placement map 1979 Roger W. Brockett
Christopher I. Byrnes
+ On the stabilizability of linear control systems depending on parameters 1979 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Applications of Algebraic Geometry in System Theory 1979 Christopher I. Byrnes
Peter Falb
+ Partial differential equations and geometry : proceedings of the Park City conference 1979 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Applications of Algebraic Geometry in System Theory. 1978 Peter Falb
Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Algebraic Transformation Groups and the Similarity Problem 1978 Michael A. Gauger
Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Algebraic Transformation Groups and the Similarity Problem 1978 Michael A. Gauger
Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Feedback invariants for linear systems defined over rings 1978 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ Characteristic free, improved decidability criteria for the similarity problem 1977 Michael A. Gauger
Christopher I. Byrnes
+ On the realization of delay-diffrential systems, I. Qualitative results, canonical forms, and a new algorithm 1977 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ PDF Chat Closed algebras of smooth functions 1975 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ PDF Chat A spectral decomposition theorem for certain harmonic algebras 1974 Christopher I. Byrnes
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Applications of Algebraic Geometry to Systems Theory: The M<scp>c</scp>Millan Degree and Kronecker Indices of Transfer Functions as Topological and Holomorphic System Invariants 1978 Clyde F. Martin
Róbert Hermann
+ Multivariable Nyquist criteria, root loci, and pole placement: A geometric viewpoint 1981 R. Brockett
C.I. Byrnes
+ Realization of power spectra from partial covariance sequences 1987 Tryphon T. Georgiou
+ From Finite Covariance Windows to Modeling Filters: A Convex Optimization Approach 2001 Christopher I. Byrnes
Sergei V. Gusev
Anders Lindquist
+ Some geometric questions in the theory of linear systems 1976 R. Brockett
+ A complete parameterization of all positive rational extensions of a covariance sequence 1995 C.I. Byrnes
Anders Lindquist
Sergei V. Gusev
Alexey S. Matveev
+ <i>Toeplitz Forms and Their Applications</i> 1958 Ulf Grenander
Gábor Szegő
Mark Kac
+ Generic Properties of the Pole Placement Problem 1978 Jan C. Willems
Wim H. Hesselink
+ Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of the Analysis of Feedback Systems 1980 Christopher I. Byrnes
+ PDF Chat A Topological Approach to Nevanlinna–Pick Interpolation 1987 Tryphon T. Georgiou
+ Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint. 1967 Edgar H. Brown
John Milnor
+ Geometric Invariant Theory 1994 David Mumford
John E. Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ Toeplitz Forms and Their Applications. 1958 Leonard J. Savage
Ulf Grenander
Gábor Szegő
+ Realization of Covariance Sequences 1982 R. E. Kalman
+ An operator theory of linear functional differential equations 1978 Edward W. Kamen
+ On the Lusternik–Schnirelmann category of Grassmannians 1976 Israel Berstein
+ PDF Chat The topology of spaces of rational functions 1979 Graeme Segal
+ PDF Chat The structure of the level surfaces of a Lyapunov function 1967 F. Wilson
+ Applications of algebraic geometry to systems theory--Part I 1977 Róbert Hermann
Clyde F. Martin
+ Output Feedback and Generic Stabilizability 1984 C.I. Byrnes
Brian D. O. Anderson
+ Geometric Invariant Theory 1965 David Mumford
+ On the role of the Nevanlinna–Pick problem in circuit and system theory 1981 P. Delsarte
Y. Genin
Y. Kamp
+ PDF Chat Moduli and canonical forms for linear dynamical systems II: The topological case 1976 Michiel Hazewinkel
+ Feedback Control Theory 1992 John C. Doyle
Bruce A. Francis
Allen Tannenbaum
+ The Classical Moment Problem and Some Related Questions in Analysis 2020 Н. И. Ахиезер
+ Remarks on the pole-shifting problem over rings 1981 Richard T. Bumby
Eduardo D. Sontag
H.J. Sussmann
W.V Vasconcelos
+ On the partial realization problem 1983 William B. Gragg
Anders Lindquist
+ Feedback stabilization of linear dynamical plants with uncertainty in the gain factor 1980 Allen Tannenbaum
+ On Certain Topological Invariants Arising in System Theory 1982 Christopher I. Byrnes
T. E. Duncan
+ Principles of Algebraic Geometry 1978 Phillip Griffiths
Joseph Harris
+ The interpolation problem with a degree constraint 1999 Tryphon T. Georgiou
+ The Geometry of the Set of Controllable Linear Systems 1977 Roger W. Brockett
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ On the Control of Certain Deterministic, Infinite-Dimensional by Algebro-Geometric Techniques 1978 Catherine I. Byrnes
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of an ARMA model 1974 Kalle Åström
T. Söderström
+ On Power Series Which are Bounded in the Interior of the Unit Circle. I 1986 Issai Schur
+ Introduction to Algebraic Geometry. 1960 Alice T. Schafer
Serge Lang
+ Algebraic Geometry I Complex Projective Varieties 1981 David Mumford
+ Generalized interpolation in 𝐻^{∞} with a complexity constraint 2004 Christopher I. Byrnes
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Anders Lindquist
Alexander Megretski
+ Moduli and canonical forms for linear dynamical systems III : the algebraic-geometric case 1977 Michiel Hazewinkel
+ Solution of the general moment problem via a one-parameter imbedding 2005 Tryphon T. Georgiou
+ Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Systems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields 1983 John Guckenheimer
Philip Holmes
+ Interior point solutions of variational problems and global inverse function theorems 2006 Christopher I. Byrnes
Anders Lindquist
+ The Generalized Moment Problem with Complexity Constraint 2006 Christopher I. Byrnes
Anders Lindquist
+ PDF Chat Non-Euclidean functional analysis and electronics 1982 J. William Helton
+ (Fine) Moduli (Spaces) for Linear Systems: What are they and what are they Good for? 1980 Michiel Hazewinkel
+ Basic Algebraic Geometry 2 1994 Igor R. Shafarevich
+ PDF Chat Generalized interpolation in 𝐻^{∞} 1967 Donald Sarason
+ Linear Systems over Commutative Rings. A Survey 1976 Eduardo D. Sontag
+ Galois groups of enumerative problems 1979 Joe Harris