S. Kupin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On Discrete Spectra of Bergman–Toeplitz Operators with Harmonic Symbols 2023 Leonid Golinskiĭ
S. Kupin
Juliette Leblond
Masimba Nemaire
+ PDF Chat On the Instability of the Essential Spectrum for Block Jacobi Matrices 2018 S. Kupin
Serguei Naboko
+ On non-selfadjoint perturbations of infinite band Schrödinger operators and Kato method 2015 Leonid Golinskiĭ
S. Kupin
+ On the growth of the polynomial entropy integrals for measures in the Szegő class 2013 Sergey A. Denisov
S. Kupin
+ A Blaschke-type condition for analytic functions on finitely connected domains. Applications to complex perturbations of a finite-band selfadjoint operator 2011 Leonid Golinskiĭ
S. Kupin
+ Multipoint Schur algorithm and orthogonal rational functions, I: Convergence properties 2011 Laurent Baratchart
S. Kupin
Vincent Lunot
M. Olivi
+ PDF Chat Ito Diffusions, Modified Capacity, and Harmonic Measure. Applications to Schrodinger Operators 2011 Sergey A. Denisov
S. Kupin
+ A Blaschke-type condition for analytic functions on finitely connected domains. Applications to complex perturbations of a finite-band selfadjoint operator 2011 Leonid Golinskiĭ
S. Kupin
+ On the growth of the polynomial entropy integrals for the measures in the Szego class 2011 Sergey A. Denisov
S. Kupin
+ Multipoint Schur algorithm, II: generalized moment problems, Gaussian processes and prediction 2010 Laurent Baratchart
Leonid Golinskiĭ
S. Kupin
+ Ito diffusions, modified capacity and harmonic measure. Applications to Schrodinger operators 2010 Sergey A. Denisov
S. Kupin
+ PDF Chat A Blaschke-type condition and its application to complex Jacobi matrices 2009 Alexander Borichev
Leonid Golinskiĭ
S. Kupin
+ PDF Chat Inverse Scattering Problem for a Special Class of Canonical Systems and Non-linear Fourier Integral. Part I: Asymptotics of Eigenfunctions 2008 S. Kupin
Franz Peherstorfer
Alexander Volberg
Peter Yuditskii
+ Multipoint Schur algorithm and orthogonal rational functions: convergence properties, I 2008 Laurent Baratchart
S. Kupin
Vincent Lunot
M. Olivi
+ PDF Chat Absolutely continuous spectrum of a Schrödinger operator on a tree 2008 S. Kupin
+ Absolutely continuous spectrum of a Schrödinger operator on a tree 2008 S. Kupin
+ PDF Chat Lieb–Thirring Bounds for Complex Jacobi Matrices 2007 Leonid Golinskiĭ
S. Kupin
+ Lieb--Thirring bounds for complex Jacobi matrices 2007 Leonid Golinskiĭ
S. Kupin
+ Spectral properties of Jacobi matrices and sum rules of special form 2005 S. Kupin
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics of the orthogonal polynomials for the Szegő class with a polynomial weight 2005 Sergey A. Denisov
S. Kupin
+ Inverse scattering problem for a special class of canonical systems and non-linear Fourier integral. Part I: asymptotics of eigenfunctions 2005 S. Kupin
Franz Peherstorfer
Alexander Volberg
Peter Yuditskii
+ PDF Chat On the singular spectrum of Schrödinger operators with decaying potential 2004 Sergey A. Denisov
S. Kupin
+ The Szego class with a polynomial weight 2004 Sergey A. Denisov
S. Kupin
+ Asymptotics of the orthogonal polynomials for the Szego class with a polynomial weight 2004 Sergey A. Denisov
S. Kupin
+ PDF Chat On a spectral property of Jacobi matrices 2003 S. Kupin
+ PDF Chat On sum rules of special form for Jacobi matrices 2003 S. Kupin
+ PDF Chat Operators similar to contractions and their similarity to a normal operator 2003 S. Kupin
+ PDF Chat Linear resolvent growth test for similarity of a weak contraction to a normal operator 2001 S. Kupin
+ Criteria for Similarity of a Dissipative Integral Operator to a Normal Operator 2001 S. Kupin
Vasiliy Vasyunin
+ PDF Chat Linear resolvent growth of a weak contraction does not imply its similarity to a normal operator 2001 S. Kupin
Sergei Treil
+ Operators Similar to Contractions and Their Similarity to a Normal Operator 2001 S. Kupin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Sum rules for Jacobi matrices and their applications to spectral theory 2003 Rowan Killip
Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Bounded Analytic Functions. 1982 Peter W. Jones
John B. Garnett
+ Treatise on the Shift Operator 1986 Н. К. Никольский
+ Introduction to the Theory of Linear Non-selfadjoint Operators 1969 Israel Gohberg
+ Introduction to the theory of linear nonselfadjoint operators 1969 M. Г. Крейн
Israel Gohberg
+ PDF Chat On a spectral property of Jacobi matrices 2003 S. Kupin
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 6
+ Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle 2005 Barry Simon
+ Schur's Algorithm, Orthogonal Polynomials, and Convergence of Wall's Continued Fractions in L2(T) 2001 Sergey Khrushchev
+ None 2005 Fëdor Nazarov
Franz Peherstorfer
Alexander Volberg
Peter Yuditskii
+ PDF Chat Sum Rules and the Szegő Condition for Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line 2003 Barry Simon
Andrej Zlatoš
+ Resolvent Tests for Similarity to a Normal Operator 1999 Nour-Eddine Benamara
Nikolaï Nikolski
+ Spectral properties of Jacobi matrices and sum rules of special form 2005 S. Kupin
+ First KdV Integrals¶and Absolutely Continuous Spectrum¶for 1-D Schrödinger Operator 2001 Stanislav Molchanov
M. V. Novitskii
B. Vaĭnberg
+ PDF Chat Lieb–Thirring Inequalities for Schrödinger Operators with Complex-valued Potentials 2006 Rupert L. Frank
Ари Лаптев
Élliott H. Lieb
Robert Seiringer
+ Lieb–Thirring Inequalities for Jacobi Matrices 2002 Dirk Hundertmark
Barry Simon
+ On the Absolutely Continuous Spectrum¶of One-Dimensional Schrödinger Operators¶with Square Summable Potentials 1999 Percy Deift
Rowan Killip
+ On the preservation of absolutely continuous spectrum for Schrödinger operators 2005 Sergey A. Denisov
+ On the location of the discrete spectrum for complex Jacobi matrices 2005 Iryna Egorova
Leonid Golinskiĭ
+ PDF Chat On sum rules of special form for Jacobi matrices 2003 S. Kupin
+ PDF Chat A Blaschke-type condition and its application to complex Jacobi matrices 2009 Alexander Borichev
Leonid Golinskiĭ
S. Kupin
+ Trace Ideals and Their Applications 2010 Barry Simon
+ PDF Chat Limit sets for the discrete spectrum of complex Jacobi matrices 2005 Leonid Golinskiĭ
Iryna Egorova
+ PDF Chat The spectral measure of a Jacobi matrix in terms of the Fourier transform of the perturbation 2004 Oleg Safronov
+ PDF Chat Lieb–Thirring Bounds for Complex Jacobi Matrices 2007 Leonid Golinskiĭ
S. Kupin
+ None 2002 Rowan Killip
+ Orthogonal polynomials from the viewpoint of scattering theory 1974 K. M. Case
+ PDF Chat On Orthogonal Polynomials 1961 Burton Wendroff
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Rational Functions 1999 Adhemar Bultheel
Pablo González-Vera
Erik Hendriksen
Olav Njåstad
+ PDF Chat Linear resolvent growth test for similarity of a weak contraction to a normal operator 2001 S. Kupin
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Rational Functions on the Unit Circle: from the Scalar to the Matrix Case 2006 Adhemar Bultheel
Erik Hendriksen
Pablo González-Vera
Olav Njåstad
+ Boundary Behaviour of Conformal Maps 1992 Christian Pommerenke
+ On New Relations Between Spectral Properties of Jacobi Matrices and Their Coefficients 2003 Ари Лаптев
Serguei Naboko
Oleg Safronov
+ Introduction to Hp Spaces 1999 Paul Koosis
+ Scattering and Wave Operators for One-Dimensional Schr�dinger Operators with Slowly Decaying Nonsmooth Potentials 2002 Michael Christ
Alexander Kiselev
+ PDF Chat Linear resolvent growth of a weak contraction does not imply its similarity to a normal operator 2001 S. Kupin
Sergei Treil
+ Harmonic Analysis of Operators on Hilbert Space 1970 Béla Szõkefalvi-Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
Hari Bercovici
László Kérchy
+ PDF Chat Jacobi Operators and Completely Integrable Nonlinear Lattices 1999 Gerald Teschl
+ Orthogonal polynomials. II 1975 K. M. Case
+ PDF Chat Commuting spectral measures on Hilbert space 1954 John Wermer
+ Probabilistic Techniques in Analysis 1994 Richard F. Bass
+ Solution of a multiple Nevanlinna–Pick problem via orthogonal rational functions 2004 Heinz Langer
Andreas Lasarow
+ PDF Chat Fine convergence and parabolic convergence for the Helmholtz equation and the heat equation 1983 Adam Korányi
J. C. Taylor
+ Elliptic Problems in Nonsmooth Domains 2011 Pierre Grisvard
+ PDF Chat Discrete spectrum for complex perturbations of periodic Jacobi matrices 2005 Iryna Egorova
Leonid Golinskiĭ
+ PDF Chat Absolutely Continuous Spectra of Quantum Tree Graphs with Weak Disorder 2005 Michael Aizenman
Robert Sims
Simone Warzel
+ On the convergence of rational functions orthogonal on the unit circle 1996 K. Pan
+ PDF Chat Perturbation Theory for Linear Operators 1995 Tosio Kato
+ PDF Chat Continued fractions and bounded analytic functions 1944 H. S. Wall
+ PDF Chat Spreading of wave packets in the Anderson model on the Bethe Lattice 1996 Abel Klein