Craig R. Hollingsworth


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Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Strategies for mitigating an influenza pandemic 2006 Neil M. Ferguson
Derek A. T. Cummings
Christophe Fraser
James Cajka
Philip C. Cooley
Donald S. Burke
+ PDF Chat Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in Southeast Asia 2005 Neil M. Ferguson
Derek A. T. Cummings
Simon Cauchemez
Christophe Fraser
Steven Riley
Aronrag Meeyai
Sopon Iamsirithaworn
Donald S. Burke
+ PDF Chat Mitigation strategies for pandemic influenza in the United States 2006 Timothy C. Germann
Kai Kadau
Ira M. Longini
Catherine A. Macken
+ PDF Chat Containing Pandemic Influenza at the Source 2005 Ira M. Longini
Azhar Nizam
Shufu Xu
Kumnuan Ungchusak
Wanna Hanshaoworakul
Derek A. T. Cummings
M. Elizabeth Halloran
+ PDF Chat Modelling disease outbreaks in realistic urban social networks 2004 Stephen Eubank
Hasan Güçlü
V. S. Anil Kumar
Madhav Marathe
Aravind Srinivasan
Zoltán Toroczkai
Nan Wang
+ PDF Chat Estimating the impact of school closure on influenza transmission from Sentinel data 2008 Simon Cauchemez
Alain‐Jacques Valleron
Pierre‐Yves Boëlle
Antoine Flahault
Neil M. Ferguson
+ PDF Chat A Computer Simulation of Employee Vaccination to Mitigate an Influenza Epidemic 2009 Bruce Y. Lee
Shawn T. Brown
Philip C. Cooley
Richard K. Zimmerman
William D. Wheaton
Shanta M. Zimmer
John J. Grefenstette
Tina-Marie Assi
Timothy J. Furphy
Diane K. Wagener
+ Containing Pandemic Influenza with Antiviral Agents 2004 Ira M. Longini
+ PDF Chat Modeling targeted layered containment of an influenza pandemic in the United States 2008 M. Elizabeth Halloran
Neil M. Ferguson
Stephen Eubank
Ira M. Longini
Derek A. T. Cummings
Bryan Lewis
Shufu Xu
Christophe Fraser
Anil Vullikanti
Timothy C. Germann
+ PDF Chat Effectiveness of Interventions to Reduce Contact Rates during a Simulated Influenza Pandemic 2007 Michael Haber
David K. Shay
Xiaohong M. Davis
Rajan Patel
Xiaoping Jin
Eric Weintraub
Evan Orenstein
W. Thompson
+ PDF Chat Heterogeneity and Network Structure in the Dynamics of Diffusion: Comparing Agent-Based and Differential Equation Models 2008 Hazhir Rahmandad
John D. Sterman
+ Targeted Social Distancing Designs for Pandemic Influenza 2006 Robert J. Glass
Laura M. Glass
Walter Beyeler
Hu Min
+ PDF Chat Simulating School Closure Strategies to Mitigate an Influenza Epidemic 2010 Bruce Y. Lee
Shawn T. Brown
Philip C. Cooley
Maggie A. Potter
William D. Wheaton
Ronald E. Voorhees
Samuel Stebbins
John J. Grefenstette
Shanta M. Zimmer
Richard K. Zimmerman
+ A Simplex Method for Function Minimization 1965 J. A. Nelder
R. Mead
+ PDF Chat Protecting health care workers: a pandemic simulation based on Allegheny County 2010 Philip C. Cooley
Bruce Y. Lee
Shawn T. Brown
James Cajka
Bernadette Chasteen
L. Ganapathi
James H. Stark
William D. Wheaton
Diane K. Wagener
Donald S. Burke
+ PDF Chat The timing of influenza vaccination for older adults (65 years and older) 2009 Bruce Y. Lee
Julie Tai-Schmiedel
Rachel R. Bailey
Kenneth J. Smith
+ Incidence of 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1 infection in England: a cross-sectional serological study 2010 Elizabeth Miller
Katja Höschler
Pia Hardelid
Elaine Stanford
Nick Andrews
Maria Zambon
+ Mass commuting and influenza vaccination prevalence in New York City: Protection in a mixing environment 2010 Burton Levine
Tim Wilcosky
Diane K. Wagener
Philip C. Cooley