Xinwen Zhu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Real-time Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication Based Network Cooperative Control System through Distributed Database and Multimodal Perception: Demonstrated in Crossroads 2024 Xinwen Zhu
Zihao Li
Yuxuan Jiang
Jiazhen Xu
Jie Wang
Xuyang Bai
+ Arithmetic and geometric Langlands program 2023 Xinwen Zhu
+ A $p$-adic analogue of Borel's theorem 2023 Abhishek Oswal
Ananth N. Shankar
Xinwen Zhu
Anand Patel
+ PDF Chat De Rham Comparison and Poincaré Duality for Rigid Varieties 2022 Kai‐Wen Lan
Ruochuan Liu
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Logarithmic Adic Spaces: Some Foundational Results 2022 Hansheng Diao
Kai‐Wen Lan
Ruochuan Liu
Xinwen Zhu
+ Logarithmic Riemann–Hilbert correspondences for rigid varieties 2022 Hansheng Diao
Kai‐Wen Lan
Ruochuan Liu
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat On the Beilinson–Bloch–Kato conjecture for Rankin–Selberg motives 2022 Yifeng Liu
Yichao Tian
Xiao Liang
Wei Zhang
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Bessel F-isocrystals for reductive groups 2022 Daxin Xu
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Isolation of cuspidal spectrum, with application to the Gan–Gross–Prasad conjecture 2021 Raphaël Beuzart-Plessis
Yifeng Liu
Wei Zhang
Xinwen Zhu
+ $\ell$-adic Tautological Systems 2021 Lei Fu
An Huang
Bong H. Lian
Shing‐Tung Yau
Dingxin Zhang
Xinwen Zhu
+ Deformation of rigid conjugate self-dual Galois representations 2021 Yifeng Liu
Yichao Tian
Liang Xiao
Wei Zhang
Xinwen Zhu
+ A note on Integral Satake isomorphisms 2020 Xinwen Zhu
+ Coherent sheaves on the stack of Langlands parameters 2020 Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Isolation of cuspidal spectrum, with application to the Gan--Gross--Prasad conjecture 2019 RaphaĂŤl Beuzart-Plessis
Yifeng Liu
Wei Zhang
Xinwen Zhu
+ Bessel $F$-isocrystals for reductive groups 2019 Daxin Xu
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat On vector-valued twisted conjugation invariant functions on a group; with an appendix by Stephen Donkin 2019 Liang Xiao
Xinwen Zhu
+ Isolation of cuspidal spectrum, with application to the Gan--Gross--Prasad conjecture 2019 RaphaĂŤl Beuzart-Plessis
Yifeng Liu
Wei Zhang
Xinwen Zhu
+ Logarithmic adic spaces: some foundational results 2019 Hansheng Diao
Kai‐Wen Lan
Ruochuan Liu
Xinwen Zhu
+ De Rham comparison and Poincaré duality for rigid varieties 2019 Kai‐Wen Lan
Ruochuan Liu
Xinwen Zhu
+ On vector-valued twisted conjugate invariant functions on a group 2018 Liang Xiao
Xinwen Zhu
+ Geometric Satake, categorical traces, and arithmetic of Shimura varieties 2018 Xinwen Zhu
+ DÊcomposition au-dessus des paramètres de Langlands elliptiques 2018 Vincent Lafforgue
Xinwen Zhu
+ Logarithmic Riemann-Hilbert correspondences for rigid varieties 2018 Hansheng Diao
Kai‐Wen Lan
Ruochuan Liu
Xinwen Zhu
+ An introduction to affine Grassmannians and the geometric Satake equivalaence 2017 Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Affine Grassmannians and the geometric Satake in mixed characteristic 2017 Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Geometric Langlands in prime characteristic 2017 Tsao-Hsien Chen
Xinwen Zhu
+ Cycles on Shimura varieties via geometric Satake 2017 Liang Xiao
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Period integrals and the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence 2016 An Huang
Bong H. Lian
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Rigidity and a Riemann–Hilbert correspondence for p-adic local systems 2016 Ruochuan Liu
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat The two-dimensional Contou-Carrère symbol and reciprocity laws 2016 Denis Vasilievich Osipov
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Frenkel–Gross’ irregular connection and Heinloth–Ngô–Yun’s are the same 2016 Xinwen Zhu
+ An introduction to affine Grassmannians and the geometric Satake equivalence 2016 Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Geometric Satake, categorical traces, and arithmetic of Shimura varieties 2016 Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Chain integral solutions to tautological systems 2016 An Huang
Bong H. Lian
Shing‐Tung Yau
Xinwen Zhu
+ Frenkel-Gross' irregular connection and Heinloth-NgĂ´-Yun's are the same 2016 Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Non-abelian Hodge theory for algebraic curves in characteristic p 2015 Tsao-Hsien Chen
Xinwen Zhu
+ Chain Integral Solutions to Tautological Systems 2015 An Huang
Bong H. Lian
Shing‐Tung Yau
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat The geometric Satake correspondence for ramified groups 2015 Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat On the coherence conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport 2014 Xinwen Zhu
+ Affine Grassmannians and the geometric Satake in mixed characteristic 2014 Xinwen Zhu
+ The two-dimensional Contou-Carrère symbol and reciprocity laws 2013 Denis Vasilievich Osipov
Xinwen Zhu
+ Period Integrals and the Riemann-Hilbert Correspondence 2013 An Huang
Bong H. Lian
Xinwen Zhu
+ Non-abelian Hodge theory for algebraic curves in characteristic p 2013 Tsao-Hsien Chen
Xinwen Zhu
+ Frenkel-Gross' irregular connection and Heinloth-NgĂ´-Yun's are the same 2012 Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat A categorical proof of the Parshin reciprocity laws on algebraic surfaces 2011 Denis Vasilievich Osipov
Xinwen Zhu
+ Integral homology of loop groups via Langlands dual groups 2011 Zhiwei Yun
Xinwen Zhu
+ The Geometric Satake Correspondence for Ramified Groups 2011 Xinwen Zhu
+ Algebra & Number Theory 2011 Денис Васильевич Осипов
Xinwen Zhu
+ On the coherence conjecture of Pappas and Rapoport 2010 Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Any flat bundle on a punctured disc has an oper structure 2010 Edward Frenkel
Xinwen Zhu
+ Affine Demazure modules and T-fixed point subschemes in the affine Grassmannian 2009 Xinwen Zhu
+ An example of the derived geometrical Satake correspondence over integers 2009 Xinwen Zhu
+ The 2-group of linear auto-equivalences of an abelian category and its Lie 2-algebra 2009 Xinwen Zhu
+ Integral homology of loop groups via Langlands dual groups 2009 Zhiwei Yun
Xinwen Zhu
+ Any flat bundle on a punctured disc has an oper structure 2008 Edward Frenkel
Xinwen Zhu
+ Gerbal Representations of Double Loop Groups 2008 Edward Frenkel
Xinwen Zhu
+ Affine Demazure modules and $T$-fixed point subschemes in the affine Grassmannian 2007 Xinwen Zhu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Geometric Langlands duality and representations of algebraic groups over commutative rings 2007 Ivan Mirković
Kari Vilonen
+ Perverse sheaves on a Loop group and Langlands' duality 1995 Victor Ginzburg
+ PDF Chat Algebraic loop groups and moduli spaces of bundles 2003 Герд Фалтингс
+ PDF Chat The geometric Satake correspondence for ramified groups 2015 Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat None 1997 Robert Kottwitz
+ PDF Chat Construction of central elements in the affine Hecke algebra via nearby cycles 2001 Dennis Gaitsgory
+ PDF Chat Local models of Shimura varieties and a conjecture of Kottwitz 2012 G. Pappas
Xuling Zhu
+ PDF Chat Conformal blocks and generalized theta functions 1994 Arnaud Beauville
Yves Laszlo
+ PDF Chat Kloosterman sheaves for reductive groups 2012 Jochen Heinloth
B. C. NgĂ´
Zhiwei Yun
+ An introduction to affine Grassmannians and the geometric Satake equivalence 2016 Xinwen Zhu
+ Cycles on Shimura varieties via geometric Satake 2017 Liang Xiao
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat Irreducible components of rigid spaces 1999 Brian Conrad
+ Twisted loop groups and their affine flag varieties 2008 G. Pappas
Michael Rapoport
+ Frobenius Splitting and Cohomology Vanishing for Schubert Varieties 1985 V. B. Mehta
A. Ramanathan
+ Affine Demazure modules and T-fixed point subschemes in the affine Grassmannian 2009 Xinwen Zhu
+ De Rham Cohomology of Differential Modules on Algebraic Varieties 2001 Yves AndrĂŠ
Francesco Baldassarri
+ PDF Chat Period integrals of CY and general type complete intersections 2012 Bong H. Lian
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Rigidity and a Riemann–Hilbert correspondence for p-adic local systems 2016 Ruochuan Liu
Xinwen Zhu
+ PDF Chat The conjectural connections between automorphic representations and Galois representations 2014 Kevin Buzzard
Toby Gee
+ PDF Chat A new approach to the geometric Satake equivalence 2014 Timo Richarz
+ Canonical desingularization in characteristic zero by blowing up the maximum strata of a local invariant 1997 Edward Bierstone
+ Éléments de géométrie algébrique 1964 Alexandre Grothendieck
+ PDF Chat Regular elements of semisimple algebraic groups 1965 Robert Steinberg
+ PDF Chat A rigid irregular connection on the projective line 2009 Edward Frenkel
Benedict H. Gross
+ PDF Chat On the Beilinson–Bloch–Kato conjecture for Rankin–Selberg motives 2022 Yifeng Liu
Yichao Tian
Xiao Liang
Wei Zhang
Xinwen Zhu
+ Perfectoid Spaces 2012 Peter Scholze
+ Vertex Algebras and Algebraic Curves 2000 Edward Frenkel
Dani Ben‐Zvi
+ PDF Chat Lie Group Representations on Polynomial Rings 1963 Bertram Kostant
+ A guide to the reduction modulo p of Shimura varieties 2002 Michael Rapoport
+ How to glue perverse sheaves 1987 Alexander Beilinson
+ PDF Chat Tensor Product Structure of Affine Demazure Modules and Limit Constructions 2006 Ghislain Fourier
Peter Littelmann
+ The Satake isomorphism for special maximal parahoric Hecke algebras 2010 Thomas J. Haines
Sean Rostami
+ PDF Chat Gerbal Representations of Double Loop Groups 2011 Edward Frenkel
Xuejin Zhu
+ Representations of Algebraic Groups 2007 Jens Carsten Jantzen
+ Hypergeometric functions and rings generated by monomials 1994 Alan Adolphson
+ E-factors for Gauss—Manin Determinants 2002 Alexander Beilinson
Spencer Bloch
HÊlène Esnault
+ PDF Chat GKZ-Generalized hypergeometric systems in mirror symmetry of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces 1996 Shinobu Hosono
Bong H. Lian
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Nearby cycles of automorphic étale sheaves 2017 Kai‐Wen Lan
BenoĂŽt Stroh
+ PDF Chat Fibration de Hitchin et endoscopie 2006 Båo Châu Ngô
+ Moduli of flat connections in positive characteristic 2012 Michael Groechenig
+ PDF Chat Formal loops II: A local Riemann–Roch theorem for determinantal gerbes 2007 Mikhail Kapranov
Éric Vasserot
+ PDF Chat Local models in the ramified case. III Unitary groups 2009 G. Pappas
Michael Rapoport
+ None 2001 Yves Laszlo
Christian Pauly
+ Étale Cohomology of Rigid Analytic Varieties and Adic Spaces 1996 Roland Huber
+ PDF Chat Homology of affine Springer fibers in the unramified case 2004 Mark Goresky
Robert Kottwitz
Robert MacPherson
+ PDF Chat Le lemme fondamental pour les algèbres de Lie 2010 Båo Châu Ngô
+ PDF Chat Higgs bundles and local systems 1992 Carlos Simpson
+ PDF Chat The line bundles on the moduli of parabolic G-bundles over curves and their sections 1997 Yves Laszlo
+ PDF Chat Local geometric Langlands correspondence and affine Kac-Moody algebras 2007 Edward Frenkel
Dennis Gaitsgory