Jack Goldberg


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Differential Equations with Linear Algebra 2009 Jack Goldberg
Merle C. Potter
Matthew Boelkins
+ Modeling Multiple Source Risk Factor Data and Health Outcomes in Twins 2007 Jack Goldberg
A. Bogart
+ Modelling ordinal responses from co-twin control studies 1998 Frank B. Hu
Jack Goldberg
Donald Hedeker
William G. Henderson
+ Comparison of Population-Averaged and Subject-Specific Approaches for Analyzing Repeated Binary Outcomes 1998 Frank B. Hu
Jack Goldberg
Donald Hedeker
Brian R. Flay
Mary Ann Pentz
+ Renormalisation of curlicues 1988 Michael Berry
Jack Goldberg
+ A Note on Positive Real Functions 1977 Jack Goldberg
J. L. Ullman
+ Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations: An Introduction. 1974 R. G. Buschman
Jack Goldberg
Arthur J. Schwartz
+ PDF Chat Index-dependent parameters of Laguerre and related polynomial sets. 1970 James W.H. Brown
Jack Goldberg
+ A Note on Generalized Appell Polynomials 1968 James W.H. Brown
Jack Goldberg
+ Richards’ Transformation and Positive‐Real Functions: II 1967 Jack Goldberg
+ Bounds on the Derivatives of Positive Functions 1966 Jack Goldberg
+ PDF Chat On the Sheffer $A$-type of polynomials generated by $A(t)\psi [xB(t)]$ 1966 Jack Goldberg
+ PDF Chat Polynomials orthogonal over a denumerable set 1965 Jack Goldberg
+ A note on polynomials generated by A(t)ψ[xH(t)] 1965 Jack Goldberg
+ Complex Numbers and Conformal Mappings. 1965 Jack Goldberg
A. I. Markushevich
+ Functions with positive real part in a half-plane 1962 Jack Goldberg
+ PDF Chat Richards' Transformation and Positive Real Functions 1962 Jack Goldberg
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On a class of polynomials orthogonal over a denumerable set 1956 David Dickinson
H. O. Pollak
Gregory H. Wannier
+ A special class of functions with positive real part in a half-plane 1947 P.I. Richards
+ A Comparison of Cluster-Specific and Population-Averaged Approaches for Analyzing Correlated Binary Data 1991 John Neuhaus
John D. Kalbfleisch
Walter W. Hauck
+ Note on the sampling error of the difference between correlated proportions or percentages 1947 Quinn McNemar
+ Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models 1986 Kung‐Yee Liang
Scott L. Zeger
+ A Random-Effects Ordinal Regression Model for Multilevel Analysis 1994 Donald Hedeker
Robert D. Gibbons
+ Association models for periodontal disease progression: A comparison of methods for clustered binary data 1995 Rth Ho
J. Richard Landis
Susan L. Weaver
+ The Effect of Retrospective Sampling on Binary Regression Models for Clustered Data 1990 John Neuhaus
Nicholas P. Jewell
+ Analysis of Longitudinal Data 2001 Peter J. Diggle
Patrick J. Heagerty
Kung‐Yee Liang
Scott L. Zeger
+ Missing data in longitudinal studies 1988 Nan M. Laird
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Theory of Infinite Series 1966 T. J. Bromwich
+ Bounds on the Derivatives of Positive Functions 1966 Jack Goldberg
+ PDF Chat Richards' Transformation and Positive Real Functions 1962 Jack Goldberg
+ Analysis of Repeated Categorical Measurements with Conditional Likelihood Methods 1989 Mark R. Conaway
+ PDF Chat ÎŚ-bounded harmonic functions and classification of Riemann surfaces 1965 Mitsuru Nakai
+ PDF Chat Ring-logics and residue class rings 1965 Adil Yaqub
+ Uniform distribution modulo one: a geometrical viewpoint. 1981 F. M. Dekking
+ Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics 1966 Wilhelm Magnus
Fritz Oberhettinger
Raj Pal Soni
+ Some generating functions for Laguerre polynomials 1968 L. Carlitz
+ PDF Chat Functions which operate on characteristic functions 1965 Alan G. Konheim
Benjamin Weiss
+ Statistical methods for longitudinal and clustered designs with binary responses 1992 John Neuhaus
+ A Note on the Second Derivative of a P. R. Function 1965 Carl E. Pearson
+ Conditions for consistent estimation in mixed‐effects models for binary matched‐pairs data 1994 John Neuhaus
John D. Kalbfleisch
Walter W. Hauck
+ PDF Chat On a conjecture of R. J. Koch 1965 L. E. Ward
+ PDF Chat On real eigenvalues of complex matrices 1965 David Carlson
+ PDF Chat The Borel space of von Neumann algebras on a separable Hilbert space 1965 Edward G. Effros
+ MIXOR: a computer program for mixed-effects ordinal regression analysis 1996 Donald Hedeker
Robert D. Gibbons
+ PDF Chat Polynomial Expansions of Analytic Functions 1961 J. D. Todd
R. P. Boas
R. Creighton Buck
+ Trend in correlated proportions 1987 Robert D. Gibbons
R. Darrell Bock
+ PDF Chat Some topological properties of certain spaces of differentiable homeomorphisms of disks and spheres 1965 Jack Robertson
+ PDF Chat Polynomials orthogonal over a denumerable set 1965 Jack Goldberg
+ PDF Chat Correction to: Non-linear differential equations on cones in Banach spaces 1965 Charles V. Coffman
+ PDF Chat Applied logistic regression 1990 David W. Hosmer
Stanley Lemeshow
+ PDF Chat Some results in the location of zeros of polynomials 1965 Zalman Rubinstein
+ The Hierarchical Logistic Regression Model for Multilevel Analysis 1985 George Y. Wong
William M. Mason
+ PDF Chat Chain sequences and orthogonal polynomials 1962 T. S. Chihara
+ A Survey of Methods for Analyzing Clustered Binary Response Data 1996 Jane Pendergast
Stephen J. Gange
Michael A. Newton
Mary J. Lindstrom
Mari Palta
Marian R. Fisher
+ A comparison of methods for correlated ordinal measures with ophthalmic applications 1995 Stephen J. Gange
Kathryn L.P. Linton
Alastair J. Scott
David L. DeMets
Ronald Klein
+ Functions with positive real part in a half-plane 1962 Jack Goldberg
+ Recherches sur les fractions continues 1894 T.-J. Stieltjes
+ Disorder, renormalizability, theta functions and Cornu spirals 1987 Evangelos A. Coutsias
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff
+ Statistical Analysis With Missing Data 1989 Maureen Lahiff
Roderick J. A. Little
Donald B. Rubin
+ A Bound for the Derivative of Positive Real Functions 1962 F.M. Reza
+ PDF Chat Isometric immersions of manifolds of nonnegative constant sectional curvature 1965 Edsel F. Stiel
+ PDF Chat Almost invariant measures 1965 Ronald Larsen
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the coefficients used in the theory of homology manifolds 1965 Frank Raymond
+ Modeling the Drop-Out Mechanism in Repeated-Measures Studies 1995 Roderick J. A. Little
+ Transformations of positive real functions 1957 S. Seshu
Norman Balabanian
+ PDF Chat Regression Models for Discrete Longitudinal Responses 1993 Garrett M. Fitzmaurice
Nan M. Laird
Andrea Rotnitzky
+ Random-Effects Models for Serial Observations with Binary Response 1984 Robert G. Stiratelli
Nan M. Laird
James H. Ware