Philip L. Bowers


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Tame and relatively elliptic ℂℙ1–structures on the thrice-punctured sphere 2024 Samuel A. Ballas
Philip L. Bowers
Alex Casella
Lorenzo Ruffoni
+ Infinite circle packings on surfaces with conical singularities 2024 Philip L. Bowers
Lorenzo Ruffoni
+ Infinite circle packings on surfaces with conical singularities 2023 Philip L. Bowers
Lorenzo Ruffoni
+ Tame and relatively elliptic $\mathbb{CP}^1$-structures on the thrice-punctured sphere 2021 Samuel A. Ballas
Philip L. Bowers
Alex Casella
Lorenzo Ruffoni
+ Tame and relatively elliptic $\mathbb{CP}^1$-structures on the thrice-punctured sphere 2021 Samuel A. Ballas
Philip L. Bowers
Alex Casella
Lorenzo Ruffoni
+ Lectures on Quantum Mechanics: A Primer for Mathematicians 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ The Mathematical Structure of Quantum Mechanics 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Clifford Algebras and Spin Representations ∗ 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Hamilton–Jacobi Theory ∗ 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Wave Mechanics VI: Hidden Symmetry Solved 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Evaluating Path Integrals II 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Ensembles and Density Operators 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Bibliography 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Classical Mechanics Regain’d 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Wave Mechanics I: Heisenberg Uncertainty 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Angular Momentum I: Basics 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Observables and Expectation Values 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ A Review of Classical Mechanics 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Unitary Representations and Conservation Laws 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ The Feynman Formulation of Quantum Mechanics 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Preface 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Lectures on Quantum Mechanics 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Wave Mechanics V: Hidden Symmetry Revealed 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Evaluating Path Integrals I 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Angular Momentum IV: Addition Rules and Spin 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Bosons and Fermions 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ A Mathematical Interlude: Gaussian Integrals 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Angular Momentum II: Representations of su(2) 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Wave Mechanics III: The Quantum Oscillator 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Rigged Hilbert Space and the Dirac Calculus 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Epilogue 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Wave Mechanics VII: Pauli’s Spinor Theory 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ The Projection Postulate Examined 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Wave Mechanics II: The Fourier Transform 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Index 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Combinatorics Encoding Geometry: The Legacy of Bill Thurston in the Story of One Theorem 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ Combinatorics encoding geometry: the legacy of Bill Thurston in the story of one theorem 2020 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat Almost all circle polyhedra are rigid 2019 John C. Bowers
Philip L. Bowers
Kevin Pratt
+ Almost all circle polyhedra are rigid. 2018 John C. Bowers
Philip L. Bowers
Kevin Pratt
+ Almost all circle polyhedra are rigid 2018 John C. Bowers
Philip L. Bowers
Kevin Pratt
+ PDF Chat Rigidity of circle polyhedra in the $2$-sphere and of hyperideal polyhedra in hyperbolic $3$-space 2017 John C. Bowers
Philip L. Bowers
Kevin Pratt
+ PDF Chat Ma–Schlenker c-Octahedra in the 2-Sphere 2017 John C. Bowers
Philip L. Bowers
+ Rigidity of Circle Polyhedra in the 2-Sphere and of Hyperideal Polyhedra in Hyperbolic 3-Space 2017 John C. Bowers
Philip L. Bowers
Kevin Pratt
+ Conformal tilings I: foundations, theory, and practice 2017 Philip L. Bowers
Kenneth Stephenson
+ A Menger Redux: Embedding Metric Spaces Isometrically in Euclidean Space 2017 John C. Bowers
Philip L. Bowers
+ Rigidity of Circle Polyhedra in the 2-Sphere and of Hyperideal Polyhedra in Hyperbolic 3-Space 2017 John C. Bowers
Philip L. Bowers
Kevin Pratt
+ Ma-Schlenker c-Octahedra in the 2-Sphere 2016 John C. Bowers
Philip L. Bowers
+ Ma-Schlenker c-Octahedra in the 2-Sphere 2016 John C. Bowers
Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Introduction to circle packing: The theory of discrete analytic functions 2009 Philip L. Bowers
+ CirclePack: Software for creating quasi-conformal flat maps of the brain 1999 Monica K. Hurdal
D. W. Sumners
Ken Stephenson
Philip L. Bowers
David A. Rottenberg
+ PDF Chat Negatively curved graph and planar metrics with applications to type. 1998 Philip L. Bowers
+ A “regular” pentagonal tiling of the plane 1997 Philip L. Bowers
Kenneth Stephenson
+ PDF Chat Boundaries of nonpositively curved groups of the form <i>G</i> × ℤ<sup><i>n</i></sup> 1996 Philip L. Bowers
Kim Ruane
+ PDF Chat Fixed points in boundaries of negatively curved groups 1996 Philip L. Bowers
Kim Ruane
+ The upper Perron method for labelled complexes with applications to circle packings 1993 Philip L. Bowers
+ Circle packings in surfaces of finite type: an in situ approach with applications to moduli 1993 Philip L. Bowers
Kenneth Stephenson
+ The set of circle packing points in the Teichmüller space of a surface of finite conformal type is dense 1992 Philip L. Bowers
Kenneth Stephenson
+ The Borsuk dimension of a graph and Borsuk's partition conjecture for finite sets 1990 Philip L. Bowers
+ Maximally symmetric homogeneous metrics on manifolds 1990 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat Limitation Topologies on Function Spaces 1989 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat Limitation topologies on function spaces 1989 Philip L. Bowers
+ Dense embeddings of nowhere locally compact separable metric spaces 1987 Philip L. Bowers
+ Homological characterization of boundary set complements 1987 Philip L. Bowers
+ Characterization of Hilbert space manifolds revisited 1986 Mladen Bestvina
Philip L. Bowers
Jerzy Mogilsky
John Walsh
+ An Example of a Fake s-Manifold with a Nice Locally Contractible Compactification 1986 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat An example of a fake 𝑠-manifold with a nice locally contractible compactification 1986 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat Dense Embeddings of Sigma-Compact, Nowhere Locally Compact Metric Spaces 1985 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat General Position Properties Satisfied by Finite Products of Dendrites 1985 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat General position properties satisfied by finite products of dendrites 1985 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat Discrete cells properties in the boundary set setting 1985 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat Dense embeddings of sigma-compact, nowhere locally compact metric spaces 1985 Philip L. Bowers
+ Embedding EnG in Euclidean space 1984 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat Detecting cohomologically stable mappings 1982 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat Detecting Cohomologically Stable Mappings 1982 Philip L. Bowers
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Differential Geometry, Lie Groups, and Symmetric Spaces 2001 Sigurđur Helgason
+ PDF Chat Les groupes projectifs qui ne laissent invariante aucune multiplicité plane 1913 Élie Cartan
+ Finite Dimensional Approximation Approach to Oscillatory Integrals and Stationary Phase in Infinite Dimensions 1993 S. Albeverio
Zdzisław Brzeźniak
+ Linear Transformations in Hilbert Space and Their Applications to Analysis 1932 Margaret E. Stone
+ None 1999 Kolokoltsov Vassili
+ Inside Interesting Integrals 2014 Paul J. Nahin
+ PDF Chat What Bell did 2014 Tim Maudlin
+ The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences. Richard courant lecture in mathematical sciences delivered at New York University, May 11, 1959 1960 E. P. Wigner
+ Applied Functional Analysis: Applications to Mathematical Physics 1995 Eberhard Zeidler
+ Introduction to Lie Algebras and Representation Theory 1972 James E. Humphreys
+ Lectures on Clifford (Geometric) Algebras and Applications 2004 Rafał Abłamowicz
W. E. Baylis
Thomas Branson
Pertti Lounesto
Ian R. Porteous
John Ryan
J. M. Selig
Garret Sobczyk
+ Clifford Algebras: An Introduction 2011 D. J. H. Garling
+ Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces. 1971 Elias M. Stein
Guido Weiss
+ Representation Theory: A First Course 1991 William Fulton
+ PDF Chat Calibrated geometries 1982 Reese Harvey
H. Blaine Lawson
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ A Family of Integrals Serving to Connect the Wiener and Feynman Integrals 1960 R. H. Cameron
+ Companion to concrete mathematics : mathematical techniques and various applications 1973 Z. A. Melzak
+ PDF Chat Marshall Stone and the internationalization of the American mathematical research community 2009 Karen Hunger Parshall
+ Mathematical Methods in Quantum Mechanics 2009 Gerald Teschl
+ Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction 1996 Anthony W. Knapp
+ Lecture Notes on Elementary Topology and Geometry. 1968 Morris W. Hirsch
I. M. Singer
J. A. Thorpe
+ Interpreting the quantum world 1998 29
+ The Classical Theory of Fields 1975 L.D. LANDAU
Efrat Lifshitz
+ SEMI-RIEMANNIAN GEOMETRY With Applications to Relativity 1984 M. A. H. MacCallum
+ Operator Methods in Quantum Mechanics 1982 Dimitri D. Vvedensky
+ Special Functions 2010 Richard Beals
Roderick Wong
+ Special Functions 1999 George E. Andrews
Richard Askey
Ranjan Roy
+ Geometry, Particles, and Fields 1998 Bjørn Felsager
+ A = B 1996 Marko Petkovšek
Herbert S. Wilf
Doron Zeilberger
+ Elementary Lectures in Statistical Mechanics 2000 George D. J. Phillies
+ Do We Really Understand Quantum Mechanics? 2012 Franck Laloë
+ Hypergeometric Functions and Their Applications 1991 James B. Seaborn
+ Special Functions and their Applications 1966 Y. L. L.
Nikolai Lebedev
Richard A. Silverman
+ Hilbert 1996 Constance Reid
+ An Introduction to Spinors and Geometry With Applications in Physics 1988 I. M. Benn
R.W. Tucker
+ Lie Groups, Lie Algebras, and Representations 2015 Brian C. Hall
+ The Calculus of Variations 2004 Bruce van Brunt
+ Geometry, Topology and Physics 1997 Boris N. Apanasov
+ PDF Chat Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics 2004 Jonathan P. Keating
+ PDF Chat Characterizing Hilbert space topology 1981 H. Toruńczyk
+ PDF Chat On CE-images of the Hubert cube and characterization of Q-manifolds 1980 H. Toruńczyk
+ PDF Chat Non-rigidity of Spherical Inversive Distance Circle Packings 2012 Jiming Ma
Jean‐Marc Schlenker
+ PDF Chat Discrete cells properties in the boundary set setting 1985 Philip L. Bowers
+ PDF Chat The convergence of circle packings to the Riemann mapping 1987 Burt Rodin
Dennis Sullivan
+ Boundary sets in the Hilbert cube 1985 D. W. Curtis
+ PDF Chat The Schwarz-Pick Lemma for circle packings 1991 Alan F. Beardon
Kenneth Stephenson
+ PDF Chat The combinatorial Riemann mapping theorem 1994 J. W. Cannon