Carl‐Fredrik Westin


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Registration- and Uncertainty-Based Framework for White Matter Tract Segmentation with Only One Annotated Subject 2023 Hao Xu
Tengfei Xue
Dongnan Liu
Fan Zhang
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Ron Kikinis
Lauren J. O’Donnell
Weidong Cai
+ TractoFormer: A Novel Fiber-level Whole Brain Tractography Analysis Framework Using Spectral Embedding and Vision Transformers 2022 Fan Zhang
Tengfei Xue
Weidong Cai
Yogesh Rathi
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Lauren J. O’Donnell
+ PDF Chat TractoFormer: A Novel Fiber-Level Whole Brain Tractography Analysis Framework Using Spectral Embedding and Vision Transformers 2022 Fan Zhang
Tengfei Xue
Weidong Cai
Yogesh Rathi
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Lauren J. O’Donnell
+ Q-space trajectory imaging with positivity constraints (QTI+) 2021 Magnus Herberthson
Deneb Boito
Tom Dela Haije
Aasa Feragen
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Evren Özarslan
+ PDF Chat SNR‐enhanced diffusion MRI with structure‐preserving low‐rank denoising in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces 2021 Gabriel Ramos‐Llordén
Gonzalo Vegas‐Sánchez‐Ferrero
Congyu Liao
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Kawin Setsompop
Yogesh Rathi
+ PDF Chat Magnetic Resonance Assessment of Effective Confinement Anisotropy with Orientationally-Averaged Single and Double Diffusion Encoding 2021 Cem Yolcu
Magnus Herberthson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Evren Özarslan
+ PDF Chat Variance Measures for Symmetric Positive (Semi-) Definite Tensors in Two Dimensions 2021 Magnus Herberthson
Evren Özarslan
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ SNR-enhanced diffusion MRI with structure-preserving low-rank denoising in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces 2020 Gabriel Ramos‐Llordén
Gonzalo Vegas‐Sánchez‐Ferrero
Congyu Liao
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Kawin Setsompop
Yogesh Rathi
+ PDF Chat Maxwell‐compensated design of asymmetric gradient waveforms for tensor‐valued diffusion encoding 2019 Filip Szczepankiewicz
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Markus Nilsson
+ PDF Chat Orientationally-averaged diffusion-attenuated magnetic resonance signal for locally-anisotropic diffusion 2019 Magnus Herberthson
Cem Yolcu
Hans Knutsson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Evren Özarslan
+ Tensor-valued diffusion MRI in under 3 minutes: An initial survey of microscopic anisotropy and tissue heterogeneity in intracranial tumors. 2019 Markus Nilsson
Filip Szczepankiewicz
Jan Brabec
Marie Taylor
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Alexandra J. Golby
Danielle van Westen
Pia C. Sundgren
+ Structural Connectivity Analysis Using Finsler Geometry 2019 Tom Dela Haije
Peter Savadjiev
A. Fuster
Robert T. Schultz
Ragini Verma
Luc Florack
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Searching for the neurite density with diffusion MRI: challenges for biophysical modeling 2018 Björn Lampinen
Filip Szczepankiewicz
Mikael Novén
Danielle van Westen
Oskar Hansson
Elisabet Englund
Johan Mårtensson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Markus Nilsson
+ PDF Chat NMR signal for particles diffusing under potentials: From path integrals and numerical methods to a model of diffusion anisotropy 2016 Cem Yolcu
Muhammet Memiç
Kadir Şimşek
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Evren Özarslan
+ PDF Chat The white matter query language: a novel approach for describing human white matter anatomy 2016 Demián Wassermann
Nikos Makris
Yogesh Rathi
Martha E. Shenton
Ron Kikinis
Marek Kubicki
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Sparse deconvolution of higher order tensor for fiber orientation distribution estimation 2015 Yuanjing Feng
Ye Wu
Yogesh Rathi
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Fusion of white and gray matter geometry: A framework for investigating brain development 2014 Peter Savadjiev
Yogesh Rathi
Sylvain Bouix
Alex R. Smith
Robert T. Schultz
Ragini Verma
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Monomial Phase: A Matrix Representation of Local Phase 2014 Hans Knutsson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat From Expected Propagator Distribution to Optimal Q-space Sample Metric 2014 Hans Knutsson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Diffusion tensor image registration using polynomial expansion 2013 Yuanjun Wang
Zengai Chen
Shengdong Nie
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Combining Surface and Fiber Geometry: An Integrated Approach to Brain Morphology 2013 Peter Savadjiev
Yogesh Rathi
Sylvain Bouix
Alex R. Smith
Robert T. Schultz
Ragini Verma
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Tensor Metrics and Charged Containers for 3D Q-space Sample Distribution 2013 Hans Knutsson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Representation and Estimation of Tensor-Pairs 2012 Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Hans Knutsson
+ On the Choice of a Tensor Distance for DTI White Matter Segmentation 2012 Rodrigo de Luis‐García
Carlos Alberola‐López
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Multi-scale Characterization of White Matter Tract Geometry 2012 Peter Savadjiev
Yogesh Rathi
Sylvain Bouix
Ragini Verma
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Statistical analysis of fiber bundles using multi-tensor tractography: application to first-episode schizophrenia 2011 Yogesh Rathi
Marek Kubicki
Sylvain Bouix
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Jill M. Goldstein
Larry J. Seidman
Raquelle I. Mesholam‐Gately
Robert W. McCarley
Martha E. Shenton
+ PDF Chat Tractography segmentation using a hierarchical Dirichlet processes mixture model 2010 Xiaogang Wang
W. Eric L. Grimson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Tensor kernels for simultaneous fiber model estimation and tractography 2010 Yogesh Rathi
James G. Malcolm
Oleg Michailovich
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Martha E. Shenton
Sylvain Bouix
+ Multi-Diffusion-Tensor Fitting via Spherical Deconvolution: A Unifying Framework 2010 Thomas Schultz
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Gordon Kindlmann
+ PDF Chat Biomarkers for Identifying First-Episode Schizophrenia Patients Using Diffusion Weighted Imaging 2010 Yogesh Rathi
James G. Malcolm
Oleg Michailovich
Jill M. Goldstein
Larry J. Seidman
Robert W. McCarley
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Martha E. Shenton
+ PDF Chat Local white matter geometry from diffusion tensor gradients 2009 Peter Savadjiev
Gordon Kindlmann
Sylvain Bouix
Martha E. Shenton
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Practical and Intuitive Basis for Tensor Field Processing with Invariant Gradients and Rotation Tangents 2009 Gordon Kindlmann
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Local White Matter Geometry Indices from Diffusion Tensor Gradients 2009 Peter Savadjiev
Gordon Kindlmann
Sylvain Bouix
Martha E. Shenton
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Local White Matter Geometry from Diffusion Tensor Gradients 2009 Peter Savadjiev
Gordon Kindlmann
Sylvain Bouix
Martha E. Shenton
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Resolving crossings in the corticospinal tract by two-tensor streamline tractography: Method and clinical assessment using fMRI 2008 Arish A. Qazi
Alireza Radmanesh
Lauren J. O’Donnell
Gordon Kindlmann
Sharon Peled
Stephen Whalen
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Alexandra J. Golby
+ Two-tensor streamline tractography through white matter intra-voxel fiber crossings: Assessed by fMRI 2008 Arish A. Qazi
Gordon Kindlmann
Lauren J. O’Donnell
Sharon Peled
Alireza Radmanesh
Stephen Whalen
Alexandra J. Golby
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Unifying Statistical Classification and Geodesic Active Regions for Segmentation of Cardiac MRI 2008 Jenny Folkesson
Eigil Samset
Raymond Y. Kwong
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Outlier Rejection for Diffusion Weighted Imaging 2007 Marc Niethammer
Sylvain Bouix
Santiago Aja‐Fernández
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Martha E. Shenton
+ PDF Chat Delineating white matter structure in diffusion tensor MRI with anisotropy creases 2007 Gordon Kindlmann
Xavier Tricoche
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Intrinsic and Extrinsic Means on the Circle - A Maximum Likelihood Interpretation 2007 Anders Brun
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Magnus Herberthson
Hans Knutsson
+ PDF Chat Probabilistic Clustering and Quantitative Analysis of White Matter Fiber Tracts 2007 Mahnaz Maddah
William M. Wells
Simon K. Warfield
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
W. Eric L. Grimson
Gordon Kindlmann
Sharon Peled
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Geometrically constrained two-tensor model for crossing tracts in DWI 2006 Sharon Peled
Ola Friman
Ferenc A. Jólesz
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat On Diffusion Tensor Estimation 2006 Marc Niethammer
Raúl San Jośe Estépar
Sylvain Bouix
Martha E. Shenton
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat A Kernel-Based Approach for User-Guided Fiber Bundling using Diffusion Tensor Data 2006 Raúl San Jośe Estépar
Marek Kubicki
Martha E. Shenton
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Anisotropy Creases Delineate White Matter Structure in Diffusion Tensor MRI 2006 Gordon Kindlmann
Xavier Tricoche
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas Generation and Group Analysis 2006 Lauren J. O’Donnell
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Sample Logmaps - Intrinsic processing of empirical manifold data 2006 Anders Brun
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Magnus Herberthson
Hans Knutsson
+ PDF Chat On diffusion tensor estimation 2006 Marc Niethammer
Raúl San Jośe Estépar
Sylvain Bouix
Martha E. Shenton
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Uncertainty in White Matter Fiber Tractography 2005 Ola Friman
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat White Matter Tract Clustering and Correspondence in Populations 2005 Lauren J. O’Donnell
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Fast Manifold Learning Based on Riemannian Normal Coordinates 2005 Anders Brun
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Magnus Herberthson
Hans Knutsson
+ Riemannian Mean Curvature Flow 2005 Raúl San Jośe Estépar
Steve Haker
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Biexponential diffusion tensor analysis of human brain diffusion data 2004 Stephan E. Maier
Sridhar Vajapeyam
Hatsuho Mamata
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Ferenc A. Jólesz
Robert V. Mulkern
+ 3D Bayesian Regularization of Diffusion Tensor MRI Using Multivariate Gaussian Markov Random Fields 2004 Marcos Martín‐Fernández
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Carlos Alberola‐López
+ PDF Chat Bias in Resampling-Based Thresholding of Statistical Maps in fMRI 2004 Ola Friman
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Interface Detection in Diffusion Tensor MRI 2004 Lauren J. O’Donnell
W. Eric L. Grimson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Tensor Splats: Visualising Tensor Fields by Texture Mapped Volume Rendering 2003 Abhir Bhalerao
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Dimitris Mitsouras
Frank J. Rybicki
Robert V. Mulkern
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Regularized Stochastic White Matter Tractography Using Diffusion Tensor MRI 2002 Mats Björnemo
Anders Brun
Ron Kikinis
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Normalized and Differential Convolution : Methods for Interpolation and Filtering of Incomplete and Uncertain Data 1993 Hans Knutsson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Processing and visualization for diffusion tensor MRI 2002 C.-F. Westin
Stephan E. Maier
Hatsuho Mamata
A. Nabavi
F.A. Jolesz
Ron Kikinis
+ A Continuous Tensor Field Approximation of Discrete DT-MRI Data for Extracting Microstructural and Architectural Features of Tissue 2002 Sinisa Pajevic
Akram Aldroubi
Peter J. Basser
+ A normal distribution for tensor-valued random variables: applications to diffusion tensor MRI 2003 Peter J. Basser
Sinisa Pajevic
+ PDF Chat Fiber tract-oriented statistics for quantitative diffusion tensor MRI analysis 2006 Isabelle Corouge
Sarang Joshi
Guido Gerig
+ Automatic Tractography Segmentation Using a High-Dimensional White Matter Atlas 2007 Lauren J. O’Donnell
C.-F. Westin
+ A rigorous framework for diffusion tensor calculus 2004 Philip Batchelor
Maher Moakher
David Atkinson
Fernando Calamante
Alan Connelly
+ PDF Chat Filtered Multitensor Tractography 2010 James G. Malcolm
Martha E. Shenton
Yogesh Rathi
+ Diffusion Tensor Analysis With Invariant Gradients and Rotation Tangents 2007 Gordon Kindlmann
Daniel B. Ennis
Ross T. Whitaker
C.-F. Westin
+ PDF Chat Geometrically constrained two-tensor model for crossing tracts in DWI 2006 Sharon Peled
Ola Friman
Ferenc A. Jólesz
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Multi-Fiber Reconstruction Using Probabilistic Mixture Models for Diffusion MRI Examinations of the Brain 2017 Snehlata Shakya
Nazre Batool
Evren Özarslan
Hans Knutsson
+ PDF Chat Log‐Euclidean metrics for fast and simple calculus on diffusion tensors 2006 Vincent Arsigny
Pierre Fillard
Xavier Pennec
Nicholas Ayache
+ PDF Chat NMR signal for particles diffusing under potentials: From path integrals and numerical methods to a model of diffusion anisotropy 2016 Cem Yolcu
Muhammet Memiç
Kadir Şimşek
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Evren Özarslan
+ Spectral decomposition of a 4th-order covariance tensor: Applications to diffusion tensor MRI 2006 Peter J. Basser
Sinisa Pajevic
+ Multitensor approach for analysis and tracking of complex fiber configurations 2005 Bjoern Kreher
Jacques Schneider
Irina Mader
E. Martin
Jürgen Hennig
K. A. Il’yasov
+ Reconstruction of vector and tensor fields from sampled discrete data 1999 Akram Aldroubi
Peter J. Basser
+ Statistics on the Manifold of Multivariate Normal Distributions: Theory and Application to Diffusion Tensor MRI Processing 2006 Christophe Lenglet
Mikaël Rousson
Rachid Deriche
Olivier Faugeras
+ PDF Chat Regularized positive-definite fourth order tensor field estimation from DW-MRI 2008 Angelos Barmpoutis
Min Sig Hwang
Dena R. Howland
John R. Forder
Baba C. Vemuri
+ Principal Geodesic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces: Statistics of Diffusion Tensors 2004 P. Thomas Fletcher
Sarang Joshi
+ A Bayesian approach for stochastic white matter tractography 2006 Ola Friman
Gunnar Farnebäck
C.-F. Westin
+ PDF Chat Automatically Parcellating the Human Cerebral Cortex 2003 Bruce Fischl
André van der Kouwe
Christophe Destrieux
Eric Halgren
Florent Ségonne
David H. Salat
Evelina Busa
Larry J. Seidman
Jill M. Goldstein
David N. Kennedy
+ PDF Chat White Matter Tract Clustering and Correspondence in Populations 2005 Lauren J. O’Donnell
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat A Kernel Method for the Two-Sample-Problem 2007 Arthur Gretton
Karsten Borgwardt
Malte J. Rasch
Bernhard Schölkopf
Alexander J. Smola
+ PDF Chat Image Processing for Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging 1999 Carl‐Fredrik Westin
Stephan E. Maier
B. Khidhir
Peter C. Everett
Ferenc A. Jólesz
R. Kikinis
+ Regularization of Diffusion-Based Direction Maps for the Tracking of Brain White Matter Fascicles 2000 Cyril Poupon
Chris A. Clark
Vincent Frouin
Jean Régis
Isabelle Bloch
Denis Le Bihan
Jean‐François Mangin
+ PDF Chat Structure-specific statistical mapping of white matter tracts 2008 Paul A. Yushkevich
Hui Zhang
Tony J. Simon
James C. Gee
+ PDF Chat Nonparametric permutation tests for functional neuroimaging: A primer with examples 2001 Thomas E. Nichols
Andrew P. Holmes
+ Fiber Tract-Oriented Statistics for Quantitative Diffusion Tensor MRI Analysis 2005 Isabelle Corouge
P. Thomas Fletcher
Sarang Joshi
John H. Gilmore
Guido Gerig
Maxime Descoteaux
+ PDF Chat Deterministic and Probabilistic Tractography Based on Complex Fibre Orientation Distributions 2008 Maxime Descoteaux
Rachid Deriche
Thomas R. Knösche
Alfred Anwander
+ Orthogonal tensor invariants and the analysis of diffusion tensor magnetic resonance images 2005 Daniel B. Ennis
Gordon Kindlmann
+ PDF Chat Spatial normalization of diffusion tensor MRI using multiple channels 2003 Hae‐Jeong Park
+ PDF Chat Estimating mutual information 2004 Alexander Kraskov
Harald Stögbauer
Peter Grassberger
+ PDF Chat Local white matter geometry from diffusion tensor gradients 2009 Peter Savadjiev
Gordon Kindlmann
Sylvain Bouix
Martha E. Shenton
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ PDF Chat Automated Atlas-Based Clustering of White Matter Fiber Tracts from DTMRI 2005 Mahnaz Maddah
Andrea U. J. Mewes
Steven Haker
W. Eric L. Grimson
Simon K. Warfield
+ Neural Tractography Using an Unscented Kalman Filter 2009 James G. Malcolm
Martha E. Shenton
Yogesh Rathi
+ Resolving fiber crossing using advanced fast marching tractography based on diffusion tensor imaging 2005 Philipp Stäempfli
T. Jaermann
G.R. Crelier
Spyros Kollias
Anton Valavanis
Peter Boesiger
+ Computing a nearest symmetric positive semidefinite matrix 1988 Nicholas J. Higham
+ PDF Chat A Riemannian Framework for Tensor Computing 2005 Xavier Pennec
Pierre Fillard
Nicholas Ayache
+ PDF Chat Higher Order Positive Semidefinite Diffusion Tensor Imaging 2010 Liqun Qi
Gaohang Yu
+ PDF Chat Approximating Symmetric Positive Semidefinite Tensors of Even Order 2012 Angelos Barmpoutis
Jeffrey Ho
Baba C. Vemuri
+ PDF Chat Fronts propagating with curvature-dependent speed: Algorithms based on Hamilton-Jacobi formulations 1988 Stanley Osher
James A. Sethian
+ PDF Chat Quadratic and inverse regressions for Wishart distributions 1998 Gérard Letac
Hélène Massam
+ PDF Chat Interface Detection in Diffusion Tensor MRI 2004 Lauren J. O’Donnell
W. Eric L. Grimson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Mapping brain asymmetry 2003 Arthur W. Toga
Paul M. Thompson
+ Statistical models of sets of curves and surfaces based on currents 2009 Stanley Durrleman
Xavier Pennec
Alain Trouvé
Nicholas Ayache
+ Normalized and Differential Convolution : Methods for Interpolation and Filtering of Incomplete and Uncertain Data 1993 Hans Knutsson
Carl‐Fredrik Westin
+ Probabilities and Statistics on Riemannian Manifolds : A Geometric approach 2004 Xavier Pennec
+ PDF Chat Mean apparent propagator (MAP) MRI: A novel diffusion imaging method for mapping tissue microstructure 2013 Evren Özarslan
Cheng Guan Koay
Timothy M. Shepherd
Michal E. Komlosh
M. Okan İrfanoğlu
Carlo Pierpaoli
Peter J. Basser
+ Applied Smoothing Techniques for Data Analysis 1999 Richard D. DeVeaux
Adrian Bowman
Adelchi Azzalini
+ Elementary Differential Geometry 2018 John Harlim