Hideo Kubo


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Global solvability for nonlinear wave equations with singular potential 2023 Vladimir Georgiev
Hideo Kubo
+ Global solvabilty for nonlinear wave equations with singular potential 2022 Vladimir Georgiev
Hideo Kubo
+ Critical exponent for nonlinear wave equations with damping and potential terms 2022 Masakazu Kato
Hideo Kubo
+ On the Rellich Type Inequality for Schrödinger Operators with Singular Potential 2022 Vladimir Georgiev
Hideo Kubo
+ On the Cauchy Problem for the Nonlinear Wave Equation with Damping and Potential 2022 Masakazu Kato
Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat Blow-up for Strauss type wave equation with damping and potential 2020 Wei Dai
Hideo Kubo
Motohiro Sobajima
+ Modification of the vector-field method related to quadratically perturbed wave equations in two space dimensions 2019 Hideo Kubo
+ Critical exponent for nonlinear damped wave equations with non-negative potential in 3D 2019 Vladimir Georgiev
Hideo Kubo
Kyouhei Wakasa
+ PDF Chat On the exterior problem for nonlinear wave equations with small initial data 2019 Hideo Kubo
+ Uniform decay estimates for the wave equation in an exterior domain 2019 Hideo Kubo
+ Beckner type of the logarithmic Sobolev and a new type of Shannon’s inequalities and an application to the uncertainty principle 2018 Hideo Kubo
Takayoshi Ogawa
Takeshi Suguro
+ Critical exponent for nonlinear damped wave equations with non-negative potential in 3D 2018 Vladimir Georgiev
Hideo Kubo
Kyouhei Wakasa
+ Proceedings of the 42nd Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations ‐ In memory of Professor Taira Shirota ‐ 2017 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Yoshikazu Giga
Nao Hamamuki
Shuji Jimbo
Hideo Kubo
Tohru Ozawa
Takashi Sakajo
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ Proceedings of the 41st Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differntial Equations 2016 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Yoshikazu Giga
Shuji Jimbo
Hideo Kubo
Tohru Ozawa
Takashi Sakajo
Hideo Takaoka
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ Proceedings of the 40th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2015 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Shuji Jimbo
Hideo Kubo
Tohru Ozawa
Takashi Sakajo
Hideo Takaoka
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ Mathematics for Nonlinear Phenomena: Analysis and Computation - International Conference in honor of Professor Yoshikazu Giga on his 60th birthday - 2015 Shuji Jimbo
Susumu Goto
Yoshihito Kohsaka
Hideo Kubo
Yasunori Maekawa
Masaki Ohnuma
+ PDF Chat On the pointwise decay estimate for the wave equation with compactly supported forcing term 2015 Hideo Kubo
+ Proceedings of the 39th Sapporo Symposium on Partial Differential Equations 2014 Shin-Ichiro Ei
Yoshikazu Giga
Shuji Jimbo
Hideo Kubo
Takashi Sakajo
Hideo Takaoka
Yoshihiro Tonegawa
Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ PDF Chat Almost global existence for nonlinear wave equations in an exterior domain in two space dimensions 2014 Hideo Kubo
+ Global Existence for Quadratically Perturbed Massless Dirac Equations Under the Null Condition 2013 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
+ Lower bound of the lifespan of solutions to nonlinear elastic wave equation (Regularity and Singularity for Geometric Partial Differential Equations and Conservation Laws) 2013 Hideo Kubo
Hideo Kubo
+ Generalized wave operators for a system of semilinear wave equations in three space dimensions 2013 Hideo Kubo
Kôji Kubota
+ PDF Chat Global Existence and Blow-Up for Wave Equations with Weighted Nonlinear Terms in One Space Dimension 2013 Hideo Kubo
Muhammet Yazıcı
+ PDF Chat Global existence for exterior problems of semilinear wave equations with the null condition in $2$D 2013 Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat Almost global existence for exterior Neumann problems of semilinear wave equations in $2$D 2013 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
Sandra Lucente
+ Parameter identification problem for a parabolic equation – application to the Black–Scholes option pricing model 2012 Yu. M. Korolev
Hideo Kubo
A. G. Yagola
+ Lower Bounds for the Lifespan of Solutions to Nonlinear Wave Equations in Elasticity 2012 Hideo Kubo
+ Almost global existence for nonlinear wave equations in an exterior domain in two space dimensions 2012 Hideo Kubo
+ Almost global existence for exterior Neumann problems of semilinear wave equations in 2D 2012 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
Sandra Lucente
+ A Remark on Long Range Effect for a System of Semilinear Wave Equations 2010 Hideo Kubo
Motoharu Takaki
+ Lower bound of the lifespan of solutions to semilinear wave equations in an exterior domain 2010 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat The Rate of Convergence to the Asymptotics for the Wave Equation in an Exterior Domain 2010 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
+ The rate of convergence to the asymptotics for the wave equation in an exterior domain 2009 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat An alternative proof of global existence for nonlinear wave equations in an exterior domain 2008 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
+ SAPPORO GUEST HOUSE SYMPOSIUM ON MATHEMATICS, FINAL : Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 2008 Hideo Kubo
Tohru Ozawa
+ PDF Chat Decay Estimates of a Tangential Derivative to the Light Cone for the Wave Equation and Their Application 2008 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
+ Asymptotic behavior of solutions to semilinear systems of wave equations 2008 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
+ Asymptotic behavior of solutions to semilinear wave equations with dissipative structure 2007 Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat Note on weighted Strichartz estimates for Klein-Gordon equations with potential 2007 Hideo Kubo
Sandra Lucente
+ An elementary proof of global existence for nonlinear wave equations in an exterior domain 2007 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
+ Asymptotic behavior of solutions to semilinear wave equations with dissipative structure 2007 Hideo Kubo
+ Existence and Asymptotic Behavior of Radially Symmetric Solutions to a Semilinear Hyperbolic System in Odd Space Dimensions* 2006 Hideo Kubo
Kôji Kubota
+ PDF Chat Blowup for systems of semilinear wave equations in two space dimensions 2006 Hideo Kubo
Masahito Ohta
+ Large time behavior of solutions to semilinear systems of wave equations 2006 Hideo Kubo
Kôji Kubota
Hideaki Sunagawa
+ On the Global Behavior of Classical Solutions to Coupled Systems of Semilinear Wave Equations 2006 Hideo Kubo
Masahito Ohta
+ Sapporo Guest House Symposium 22“Nonlinear Wave Equations” 2006 Hideo Kubo
Tohru Ozawa
+ Large-time behavior of solutions for a nonlinear system of wave equations 2005 Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat On Systems of Semilinear Wave Equations with Unequal Propagation Speeds in Three Space Dimensions 2005 Hideo Kubo
Masahito Ohta
+ Blow-up for nonlinear wave equations with multiple speeds (Evolution Equations and Asymptotic Analysis of Solutions) 2004 Hideo Kubo
Masahito Ohta
+ PDF Chat Global solvability for systems of nonlinear wave equations with multiple speeds in two space dimensions 2004 Akira Hoshiga
Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat Global solutions and self-similar solutions of the coupled system of semilinear wave equations in three space dimensions 2002 Kotaro Tsugawa
Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat Scattering for systems of semilinear wave equations with different speeds of propagation 2002 Hideo Kubo
Kôji Kubota
Hideo Kubo
Vladimir Georgiev
+ Weighted Decay Estimates for the Wave Equation 2001 Piero DʼAncona
Vladimir Georgiev
Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of classical solutions to a system of semilinear wave equations in low space dimensions 2001 Hideo Kubo
Kôji Kubota
+ Small Data Blowup for Systems of Semilinear Wave Equations with Different Propagation Speeds in Three Space Dimensions 2000 Hideo Kubo
Masahito Ohta
+ Small Data Blowup for Systems of Semilinear Wave Equations with Different Propagation Speeds in Three Space Dimensions 2000 Hideo Kubo
Masahito Ohta
+ Weighted Strichartz estimate for the wave equation 2000 Piero DʼAncona
Vladimir Georgiev
Hideo Kubo
+ Global existence and blow-up of the classical solutions to systems of semilinear wave equations in three space dimensions 2000 Masahito Ohta
Hideo Kubo
+ Weighted Strichartz Estimate for the Wave Equation and Low Regularity Solutions 2000 Vladimir Georgiev
Piero DʼAncona
Hideo Kubo
+ Global Small Amplitude Solutions of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems with a Critical Exponent under the Null Condition 2000 Akira Hoshiga
Hideo Kubo
+ Critical exponent for wave equation with potential 2000 Vladimir Georgiev
Charlotte Heiming
Hideo Kubo
+ Critical Blowup for Systems of Semilinear Wave Equations in Low Space Dimensions 1999 Hideo Kubo
Masahito Ohta
+ Chauchy problem of nonlinear wave equations with small and smooth initial data (Harmonic Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations) 1999 Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behaviors of radially symmetric solutions of _??_<i>u</i>=|<i>u</i>|<sup><i>p</i></sup> for super critical values <i>p</i> in even space dimensions 1998 Hideo Kubo
Kôji Kubota
+ PDF Chat Slowly decaying solutions for semilinear wave equations in odd space dimensions 1997 Hideo Kubo
+ Asymptotic behaviors of radially symmetric solutions of $\Box u = \mid u \mid^p$ for super critical values $p$ in high dimensions(Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Applications) 1996 Hideo Kubo
Kôji Kubota
+ On the critical decay and power for semilinear wave equtions in odd space dimensions 1996 Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behaviors of radial solutions to semilinear wave equations in odd space dimensions 1995 Hideo Kubo
Kôji Kubota
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behaviors of radially symmetric solutions of $\square u=|u|^{p}$ for super critical values $p$ in odd space dimensions 1995 Hideo Kubo
Kôji Kubota
+ Asymptotic behaviour of solutions to semilinear wave equations with initial data of slow decay 1994 Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat Blow-up for semilinear wave equations with initial data of slow decay in low space dimensions 1994 Hideo Kubo
+ Global existence of solutions of semilinear wave equations with data of non compact support in odd space dimensions 1992 Hideo Kubo
+ TDF Formula with Arbitrary Exponents for Treatment Time and Fraction Numbers 1990 Hideo Kubo
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Existence of a global solution to a semi–linear wave equation with slowly decreasing initial data in three space dimensions 1986 Fumioki Asakura
+ Blow-up of solutions of nonlinear wave equations in three space dimensions 1979 Fritz John
+ Finite-time blow-up for solutions of nonlinear wave equations 1981 Robert T. Glassey
+ Uniform decay estimates and the lorentz invariance of the classical wave equation 1985 Sergiù Klainerman
+ PDF Chat Global existence of classical solutions to systems of wave equations with critical nonlinearity in three space dimensions 2000 Kazuyoshi Yokoyama
+ Nonexistence of global solutions to semilinear wave equations in high dimensions 1984 Thomas C. Sideris
+ Global solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic equations for small initial data 1986 Demetrios Christodoulou
+ PDF Chat Weighted Strichartz estimates and global existence for semilinear wave equations 1997 Vladimir Georgiev
Hans Lindblad
Christopher D. Sogge
+ On a global existence theorem of small amplitude solutions for nonlinear wave equations in an exterior domain 1986 Yoshihiro Shibata
Yoshio Tsutsumi
+ Existence in the large for ?u=F(u) in two space dimensions 1981 Robert T. Glassey
+ Scattering for semilinear wave equations with small data in three space dimensions 1988 Hartmut Pecher
+ PDF Chat Global and almost-global existence for systems of nonlinear wave equations with different propagation speeds 2004 Soichiro Katayama
+ PDF Chat An alternative proof of global existence for nonlinear wave equations in an exterior domain 2008 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
+ Resonance-type behaviour in a system of nonlinear wave equations 1989 Mikhail Y. Kovalyov
+ PDF Chat Global existence of quasilinear, nonrelativistic wave equations satisfying the null condition 2005 Jason Metcalfe
Makoto Nakamura
Christopher D. Sogge
+ Uniform decay estimates for the wave equation in an exterior domain 2019 Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat Global existence of classical solutions to systems of nonlinear wave equations with different speeds of propagation 2001 Kôji Kubota
Kazuyoshi Yokoyama
+ PDF Chat Global solvability for systems of nonlinear wave equations with multiple speeds in two space dimensions 2004 Akira Hoshiga
Hideo Kubo
+ PDF Chat The lifespan of classical solutions to nonlinear wave equations in two space dimensions 1992 Rentarô Agemi
Hiroyuki Takamura
+ Existence of a global solution to a semi-linear wave equation with initial data of non-compact support in low space dimensions 1993 Kôji Kubota
+ PDF Chat Nonexistence of global solutions of a nonlinear hyperbolic system 1997 Keng Deng
+ Global existence of the solutions and formation of singularities for a class of hyperbolic systems 1997 Daniele Del Santo
Vladimir Georgiev
Enzo Mitidieri
+ Nonlinear scattering theory at low energy 1981 Walter A. Strauss
+ The equation <i>u<sub>tt</sub> − Δu = |u|<sup>p</sup></i> for the critical value of <i>p</i> 1985 Jack Schaeffer
+ Global existence and blow-up for a hyperbolic system in three space dimensions 1997 Daniele Del Santo
+ Lifespan of solutions of semilinear wave equations in two space dimensions 1993 Paul Godin
+ Global Existence for a Quasilinear Wave Equation Outside of Star-Shaped Domains 2002 M. Keel
Hart F. Smith
Christopher D. Sogge
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolic trapped rays and global existence of quasilinear wave equations 2004 Jason Metcalfe
Christopher D. Sogge
+ Global Existence Theorem for Semilinear Wave Equations with Non-compact Data in Two Space Dimensions 1993 Kimitoshi Tsutaya
+ Critical Curve for p-q Systems of Nonlinear Wave Equations in Three Space Dimensions 2000 Rentarô Agemi
Yuki Kurokawa
Hiroyuki Takamura
+ Blow-up of solutions to nonlinear wave equations in two space dimensions 1991 Rentarô Agemi
+ Critical Blowup for Systems of Semilinear Wave Equations in Low Space Dimensions 1999 Hideo Kubo
Masahito Ohta
+ Blow‐up for quasi‐linear wave equations in three space dimensions 1981 Fritz John
+ Global Existence of Small Solutions to Quadratic Nonlinear Wave Equations in an Exterior Domain 1995 Nako Hayashi
+ The null condition for quasilinear wave equations in two space dimensions I 2001 Serge Alinhac
+ Global existence for solutions of □u = A¦u¦p 1989 Yvonne Choquet–Bruhat
+ An elementary proof of the exponential blow‐up for semi‐linear wave equations 1994 Hiroyuki Takamura
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic behavior of classical solutions to a system of semilinear wave equations in low space dimensions 2001 Hideo Kubo
Kôji Kubota
+ Global Small Amplitude Solutions of Nonlinear Hyperbolic Systems with a Critical Exponent under the Null Condition 2000 Akira Hoshiga
Hideo Kubo
+ Global Existence of Solutions to Some Exterior Radial Quasilinear Cauchy- Dirichlet Problems 1995 Paul Godin
+ Existence for large times of strict solutions of nonlinear wave equations in three space dimensions for small initial data 1987 Fritz John
+ Finite time blow up for critical wave equations in high dimensions 2005 Borislav Yordanov
Qi S. Zhang
+ PDF Chat Blow-up for semilinear wave equations with slowly decaying data in high dimensions 1995 Hiroyuki Takamura
+ PDF Chat On small data scattering for 2-dimensional semilinear wave equations 1993 Kôji Kubota
Kiyoshi Mochizuki
+ Global small amplitude solutions to systems of nonlinear wave equations with multiple speeds 2006 Soichiro Katayama
Kazuyoshi Yokoyama
+ PDF Chat Global Existence for Systems of Nonlinear Wave Equations in 3D with Multiple Speeds 2001 Thomas C. Sideris
Shu-Yi Tu
+ PDF Chat Existence of global solutions to nonlinear massless Dirac system and wave equation with small data 1998 N. Tzvetkov
+ Global existence for semilinear wave equations exterior to nontrapping obstacles 2002 Jason Metcalfe
+ PDF Chat Decay Estimates of a Tangential Derivative to the Light Cone for the Wave Equation and Their Application 2008 Soichiro Katayama
Hideo Kubo
+ Weighted Decay Estimates for the Wave Equation 2001 Piero DʼAncona
Vladimir Georgiev
Hideo Kubo