J. F. Colombeau


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Convolution Equations in Spaces of Polynomials on Locally Convex Spaces 2020 J. F. Colombeau
B. Perrot
+ Generalized solutions of the multidimensional stochastic Burgers equation 2018 Pedro Catuogno
J. F. Colombeau
Christian Olivera
+ Multiplication of Distributions and Nonperturbative Calculations of Transition Probabilities 2018 J. Aragona
Pedro Catuogno
J. F. Colombeau
S. O. Juriaans
Christian Olivera
+ PDF Chat Multiplication of Distributions and Nonperturbative Calculations of Transition Probabilities 2018 J. F. Colombeau
J. Aragona
Pedro Catuogno
S. O. Juriaans
Christian Olivera
+ Multiplication of Distributions in Mathematical Physics 2016 J. Aragona
Pedro Catuogno
J. F. Colombeau
S. O. Juriaans
Ch. Olivera
+ PDF Chat Locally convex topological algebras of generalized functions: Compactness and nuclearity in a nonlinear context 2015 J. Aragona
S. O. Juriaans
J. F. Colombeau
+ Weak assymptotic solutions for the stochastic Burgers equation 2015 Pedro Catuogno
J. F. Colombeau
Christian Olivera
+ Generalized solutions of the stochastic Burgers equation 2015 Pedro Catuogno
J. F. Colombeau
Christian Olivera
+ Nonlinear generalized functions and jump conditions for a standard one pressure liquid–gas model 2014 J. Aragona
J. F. Colombeau
S. O. Juriaans
+ Nonlinear Generalized Functions: their origin, some developments and recent advances 2014 J. F. Colombeau
+ Locally convex topological algebras of generalized functions: compactness and nuclearity in a nonlinear context 2014 J. Aragona
J. F. Colombeau
S. O. Juriaans
+ Nonlinear Generalized Functions: their origin, some developments and recent advances 2013 J. F. Colombeau
+ Topics on nonlinear generalized functions 2011 J. F. Colombeau
+ Approximate generalized solutions and measure-valued solutions to conservation laws 2009 J. Aleksić
J. F. Colombeau
Michael Oberguggenberger
Stevan Pilipović
+ Nonlinear generalized functions and nonlinear numerical simulations in fluid and solid continuum mechanics 2007 J. F. Colombeau
+ Mathematical problems on generalized functions and the canonical Hamiltonian formalism 2007 J. F. Colombeau
+ Sur les applications G-analytiques et analytiques en dimension infinie 2006 J. F. Colombeau
+ Composition and exponential of compactly supported generalized integral operators 2006 SĂ©verine Bernard
J. F. Colombeau
Antoine Delcroix
+ Generalized functions as a tool for nonsmooth nonlinear problems in mathematics and physics 2006 J. F. Colombeau
+ Conservation Laws with Discontinuous Coefficients 2001 SĂ©verine Bernard
J. F. Colombeau
Alex MĂ©ril
Lakhdar Remaki
+ Generalized solutions to partial differential equations of evolution type 1996 J. F. Colombeau
Arnaud Heibig
Michael Oberguggenberger
+ Generalized Functions and Multiplication of Distributions on C∞ Manifolds 1994 J. F. Colombeau
Alex MĂ©ril
+ Multiplication of Distributions and Applications to Partial Differential Equations (M. Oberguggenberger) 1994 J. F. Colombeau
+ Generalized solutions to Cauchy problems 1994 J. F. Colombeau
Arnaud Heibig
+ Multiplication of Distributions: A Tool in Mathematics, Numerical Engineering and Theoretical Physics 1993 J. F. Colombeau
+ Nonconservative Products in Bounded Variation Functions 1992 J. F. Colombeau
Arnaud Heibig
+ PDF Chat Multiplication of Distributions 1992 J. F. Colombeau
+ Introduction to generalized functions and distributions 1992 J. F. Colombeau
+ Jump formulas for systems in nonconservative form. New numerical methods 1992 J. F. Colombeau
+ The abstract theory of generalized functions 1992 J. F. Colombeau
B. Perrot
+ On a hyperbolic system with a compatible quadratic 1990 J. F. Colombeau
Michael Oberguggenberger
+ Generalized solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations with distributions as initial conditions 1990 J. F. Colombeau
Michel Langlais
+ Convergence of numerical schemes involving powers of the Dirac delta function 1990 M Adamczewski
J. F. Colombeau
A. Roux
+ PDF Chat Multiplication of distributions 1990 J. F. Colombeau
+ Microscopic Profiles of Shock Waves and Ambiguities in Multiplications of Distributions 1989 J. F. Colombeau
A. Roux
A. Noussair
B. Perrot
+ Discontinuous generalized solutions of nonlinear nonconservative hyperbolic equations 1989 J.J Cauret
J. F. Colombeau
A. Roux
+ Review: Elemér E. Rosinger, Generalized solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations 1989 J. F. Colombeau
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Generalized solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations 1989 J. F. Colombeau
+ Analytic continuation of generalized functions 1988 J. F. Colombeau
Joƛe E. GalĂ©
+ Multiplications of distributions in elasticity and hydrodynamics 1988 J. F. Colombeau
A. Roux
+ Generalized Functions; Multiplication of Distributions; Applications to Elasticity, Elastoplasticity, Fluid Dynamics and Acoustics 1988 J. F. Colombeau
+ PDF Chat The interpolation theorem for holomorphic generalized functions 1988 J. Aragona
J. F. Colombeau
+ Whitney's extension theorem for generalized functions 1986 H. A. Biagioni
J. F. Colombeau
+ New Generalized Functions and C<sup>∞</sup> Functions with Values in Generalized Complex Numbers 1986 H. A. Biagioni
J. F. Colombeau
+ A New Theory of Generalized Functions 1986 J. F. Colombeau
+ Some Aspects of Infinite-Dimensional Holomorphy in Mathematical Physics 1986 J. F. Colombeau
+ On the Paley-Wiener-Schwartz isomorphism in Hilbert spaces 1986 J. F. Colombeau
Otilia Terezinha Wiermann Paques
+ On the ∂-Neumann problem for generalized functions 1985 J. Aragona
J. F. Colombeau
+ Elementary Introduction to New Generalized Functions 1985 J. F. Colombeau
+ Holomorphic generalized functions 1984 J. F. Colombeau
Joƛe E. GalĂ©
+ New Generalized Functions and Multiplication of Distributions 1984 J. F. Colombeau
+ A multiplication of distributions 1983 J. F. Colombeau
+ Structure of spaces ofC ∞-functions on nuclear spaces 1983 J. F. Colombeau
Otilia Terezinha Wiermann Paques
+ New generalized functions multiplication of distributions physical applications contribution of J. Sebastiao e Silva 1982 J. F. Colombeau
+ An infinite dimensional version of the Paley-Wiener-Schwartz isomorphism 1982 J. F. Colombeau
Socorro Ponte
+ Convolution Equations in Infinite Dimenstions: Brief Survey, New Results and Proofs 1982 J. F. Colombeau
MĂĄrio C. Matos
+ Finite-Difference Partial Differential Equations in Normed and Locally Convex Spaces 1982 J. F. Colombeau
OtĂ­lia W. Paques
+ Differential Calculus and Holomorphy - Real and complex analysis in locally convex spaces 1982 J. F. Colombeau
+ PDF Chat On some spaces of entire functions defined on infinite-dimensional spaces 1981 J. F. Colombeau
MĂĄrio Matos
+ PDF Chat Division by Holomorphic Functions and Convolution Equations in Infinite Dimension 1981 J. F. Colombeau
R. Gay
B. Perrot
+ PDF Chat Division by holomorphic functions and convolution equations in infinite dimension 1981 J. F. Colombeau
Roger Gay
B. Perrot
+ On the solvability of differential equations of infinite order in non-metrizable spaces 1981 J. F. Colombeau
B. Perrot
Thomas A. Dwyer
+ Existence of holomorphic mappings with prescribed asymptotic expansions at a given set of points in infinite dimensions 1981 J. F. Colombeau
Jorge MĂșjica
+ The Paley-Wiener-Schwartz isomorphism in nuclear spaces 1981 José María M. Ansemil
J. F. Colombeau
+ The fourier-borel transform in infinitely many dimensions and applications 1981 J. F. Colombeau
B. Perrot
+ The ∂̄ equation in DFN spaces 1980 J. F. Colombeau
B. Perrot
+ A Remark on Equations $y'' + p_1 y' + p_2 y = 0$ at an Irregular Singular Point 1980 J. F. Colombeau
Alex MĂ©ril
+ Convolution Equations in Spaces of Infinite Dimensional Entire Functions of Exponential and Related Types 1980 J. F. Colombeau
B. Perrot
+ Convolution equations in spaces of infinite dimensional entire functions 1980 J. F. Colombeau
MĂĄrio C. Matos
+ PDF Chat Convolution equations in spaces of infinite-dimensional entire functions of exponential and related types 1980 J. F. Colombeau
B. Perrot
+ Holomorphy in locally convex spaces and operators on the Fock spaces 1980 J. F. Colombeau
+ Holomorphic maps with a given asymptotic expansion at a boundary point 1979 J. F. Colombeau
+ PDF Chat A density result in spaces of Silva holomorphic mappings 1979 J. F. Colombeau
Reinhold Meise
B. Perrot
+ Infinite dimensional C∞ mappings with a given sequence of derivatives at a given point 1979 J. F. Colombeau
+ Infinite Dimensional Holomorphic “Normal Forms” of Operators on the Fock Spaces of Boson Fields and an Extension of the Concept of Wick Product 1979 J. F. Colombeau
B. Perrot
+ A Result of Existence of Holomorphic Maps Which Admit a Given Asymptotic Expansion 1979 J. F. Colombeau
+ On some various notions of infinite dimensional holomorphy 1974 J. F. Colombeau
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Elementary Introduction to New Generalized Functions 1985 J. F. Colombeau
+ New Generalized Functions and Multiplication of Distributions 1984 J. F. Colombeau
+ PDF Chat A Nonlinear Theory of Generalized Functions 1990 Hebe de Azevedo Biagioni
+ Multiplications of distributions in elasticity and hydrodynamics 1988 J. F. Colombeau
A. Roux
+ PDF Chat Multiplication of Distributions 1992 J. F. Colombeau
+ PDF Chat The elastoplastic shock problem as an example of the resolution of ambiguities in the multiplication of distributions 1989 Jean-François Colombeau
+ A multiplication of distributions 1983 J. F. Colombeau
+ Generalized Solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations 1987 Elemér E Rosinger
+ Geometric Theory of Generalized Functions with Applications to General Relativity 2001 Michael Grosser
Michael Kunzinger
Michael Oberguggenberger
Roland Steinbauer
+ Discontinuous generalized solutions of nonlinear nonconservative hyperbolic equations 1989 J.J Cauret
J. F. Colombeau
A. Roux
+ Microscopic Profiles of Shock Waves and Ambiguities in Multiplications of Distributions 1989 J. F. Colombeau
A. Roux
A. Noussair
B. Perrot
+ Malgrange theorem for entire functions on nuclear spaces 1974 Philip J. Boland
+ PDF Chat The use of generalized functions and distributions in general relativity 2006 Roland Steinbauer
James Vickers
+ PDF Chat A density result in spaces of Silva holomorphic mappings 1979 J. F. Colombeau
Reinhold Meise
B. Perrot
+ Generalized solutions to semilinear hyperbolic systems 1987 Michael Oberguggenberger
+ PDF Chat Multiplication of distributions 1990 J. F. Colombeau
+ Multiplication of Distributions and Applications to Partial Differential Equations 1992 Michael Oberguggenberger
+ Intrinsic definition of the Colombeau algebra of generalized functions 1991 J. Aragona
H. A. Biagioni
+ Generalized solutions of nonlinear parabolic equations with distributions as initial conditions 1990 J. F. Colombeau
Michel Langlais
+ Topology on Spaces of Holomorphic Mappings 1969 LĂ©opoldo Nachbin
+ Convergence of numerical schemes involving powers of the Dirac delta function 1990 M Adamczewski
J. F. Colombeau
A. Roux
+ The fourier-borel transform in infinitely many dimensions and applications 1981 J. F. Colombeau
B. Perrot
+ PDF Chat Differential calculus and integration of generalized functions over membranes 2010 J. Aragona
R. Fernandez
S. O. Juriaans
Michael Oberguggenberger
+ PDF Chat Colombeau's generalized functions: Topological structures, microlocal properties - a simplified point of view - part II 2004 Dimitris Scarpalézos
+ The linear theory of Colombeau generalized functions 1998 Marko Nedeljkov
Stevan Pilipović
Dimitris Scarpalézos
+ Nuclear Locally Convex Spaces 1972 Albrecht Pietsch
+ Nuclear Locally Convex Spaces 1972 Albrecht Pietsch
+ Differential Calculus and Holomorphy - Real and complex analysis in locally convex spaces 1982 J. F. Colombeau
+ On some various notions of infinite dimensional holomorphy 1974 J. F. Colombeau
+ Hyperbolic systems with discontinuous coefficients: Generalized solutions and a transmission problem in acoustics 1989 Michael Oberguggenberger
+ Multiplication of Distributions: A Tool in Mathematics, Numerical Engineering and Theoretical Physics 1993 J. F. Colombeau
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic functions on nuclear spaces 1975 Philip J. Boland
+ Whitney's extension theorem for generalized functions 1986 H. A. Biagioni
J. F. Colombeau
+ Nonlinear generalized functions and jump conditions for a standard one pressure liquid–gas model 2014 J. Aragona
J. F. Colombeau
S. O. Juriaans
+ Introduction to a nonlinear theory of generalized functions 1988 H. A. Biagioni
+ Introduction to Complex Analysis in Several Variables 2005 Volker Scheidemann
+ PDF Chat Generalized solutions of a nonlinear parabolic equation with generalized functions as initial data 2009 J. Aragona
AntĂŽnio Ronaldo Gomes Garcia
S. O. Juriaans
+ Distributional geometry in general relativity 2011 James Vickers
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic Functions on Nuclear Spaces 1975 Philip J. Boland
+ New generalized functions multiplication of distributions physical applications contribution of J. Sebastiao e Silva 1982 J. F. Colombeau
+ Convolution equations in spaces of infinite dimensional entire functions 1980 J. F. Colombeau
MĂĄrio C. Matos
+ Measure-valued solutions to conservation laws 1985 Ronald J. DiPerna
+ A Discontinuous Colombeau Differential Calculus 2004 J. Aragona
R. Fernandez
S. O. Juriaans
+ Holomorphic generalized functions 1984 J. F. Colombeau
Joƛe E. GalĂ©
+ A Version of the Paley-Wiener-Schwartz Theorem in Infinite Dimensions 1979 TeĂłfilo Abuabara
+ Generalized solutions to symmetric hyperbolic systems with discontinuous coefficients: The multidimensional case 1991 F. Lafon
Michael Oberguggenberger
+ Infinite Dimensional Holomorphic “Normal Forms” of Operators on the Fock Spaces of Boson Fields and an Extension of the Concept of Wick Product 1979 J. F. Colombeau
B. Perrot
+ A New Theory of Generalized Functions 1986 J. F. Colombeau
+ The sharp topology on the full Colombeau algebra of generalized functions 2006 J. Aragona
R. Fernandez
S. O. Juriaans
+ Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations - Sequential and Weak Solutions 1980 Elemér E Rosinger