Julian C. Stanley


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Insights From SMPY's Greatest Former Child Prodigies: Drs. Terence (“Terry”) Tao and Lenhard (“Lenny”) Ng Reflect on Their Talent Development 2006 Michelle Muratori
Julian C. Stanley
Lenhard Ng
Jack Ng
Miraca U. M. Gross
Terence Tao
Billy Tao
+ A quiet revolution: finding boys and girls who reason exceptionally well and/or verbally and helping them get the supplemental educational opportunities they need 2005 Julian C. Stanley
+ Youths Who Reason Exceptionally Well Mathematically and/or Verbally: Using the MVT:D<sup>4</sup> Model to Develop Their Talents 2005 Linda E. Brody
Julian C. Stanley
+ Able youths and achievement tests 1996 Julian C. Stanley
Heinrich Stumpf
+ In the Beginning: The Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth (SMPY). 1996 Julian C. Stanley
+ An Academic Model for Educating the Mathematically Talented 1991 Julian C. Stanley
+ Eight Considerations for Mathematically Talented Youth 1990 Julian C. Stanley
Ann E. Lupkowski
Susan G. Assouline
+ Applying: A Mentor Model: For Young Mathematically Talented Students 1990 Ann E. Lupkowski
Susan G. Assouline
Julian C. Stanley
+ Leta Hollingworth's contributions to above‐level testing of the gifted 1990 Julian C. Stanley
+ Mathematics Achievement 1988 Julian C. Stanley
+ Do Asian Americans Tend to Reason Better Mathematically Than White Americans 1988 Julian C. Stanley
+ Some Characteristics of SMPY's "700-800 on SAT-M Before Age 13 Group": Youths Who Reason Extremely Well Mathematically1 1988 Julian C. Stanley
+ Mathematical Aptitude in China 1987 Julian C. Stanley
+ State Residential High Schools for Mathematically Talented Youth 1987 Julian C. Stanley
+ Two Articles on State Residential Schools for Mathematically Talented Youth 1987 Julian C. Stanley
Charles R. Eilber
+ Family Backgrounds of Young Asian Americans Who Reason Extremely Well Mathematically. 1987 Sara Delano Moore
Julian C. Stanley
+ Finding Intellectually Talented Youths and Helping Them Educationally 1985 Julian C. Stanley
+ A baker's dozen of years applying all four aspects of the study of mathematically precocious youth (SMPY) 1985 Julian C. Stanley
+ Sex Differences in Mathematical Reasoning Ability: More Facts 1983 Camilla Persson Benbow
Julian C. Stanley
+ Structure of intelligence in intellectually precocious children and in their parents 1983 Camilla Persson Benbow
Julian C. Stanley
Marshall K. Kirk
Alan B. Zonderman
+ Smpy's First Decade: Ten Years of Posing Problems and Solving Them 1983 Julian C. Stanley
Camilla Persson Benbow
+ Educating Mathematically Precocious Youths: Twelve Policy Recommendations 1982 Julian C. Stanley
Camilla Persson Benbow
+ Educating Mathematically Precocious Youths: Twelve Policy Recommendations 1982 Julian C. Stanley
Camilla Persson Benbow
+ Consequences in High School and College of Sex Differences in Mathematical Reasoning Ability: A Longitudinal Perspective 1982 Camilla Persson Benbow
Julian C. Stanley
+ Consequences in High School and College of Sex Differences in Mathematical Reasoning Ability: A Longitudinal Perspective 1982 Camilla Persson Benbow
Julian C. Stanley
+ <i>Response</i> :Mathematical Ability: Is Sex a Factor? 1981 Camilla Persson Benbow
Julian C. Stanley
+ <i>Response</i> :Mathematical Ability: Is Sex a Factor? 1981 Camilla Persson Benbow
Julian C. Stanley
+ Sex Differences in Mathematical Ability: Fact or Artifact? 1980 Camilla Persson Benbow
Julian C. Stanley
+ Advanced Placement Oriented Calculus for High School Students 1980 Karen Mezynski
Julian C. Stanley
+ The Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth 1979 W.C. George
Julian C. Stanley
+ Chapter X: <i>The Study and Facilitation of Talent for Mathematics</i> 1979 Julian C. Stanley
+ The Study and Facilitation of Talent for Mathematics. 1977 Julian C. Stanley
+ Mathematical Talent: Discovery, Description and Development 1977 Kenneth J. Travers
Julian C. Stanley
Daniel P. Keating
Lynn H. Fox
+ The Student Gifted in Mathematics and Science 1976 Julian C. Stanley
+ Brilliant Youth: Improving the Quality and Speed of Their Education. 1976 Julian C. Stanley
+ Mathematical Talent: Discovery, Description, and Development (MT:D<sup>3</sup>) 1975 Julian C. Stanley
Daniel P. Keating
Lynn H. Fox
+ Special Fast Mathematics Classes During School: Algebra Taught Quickly by College Professors to Fourth through Seventh Graders. 1975 Julian C. Stanley
+ Mathematical talent : discovery, description, and development : proceedings of the Third Annual Hyman Blumerg Symposium on Research in Early Childhood Education 1974 Julian C. Stanley
Daniel P. Keating
Lynn H. Fox
+ Concerning the Mean of the Central F Distribution 1972 Julian C. Stanley
+ ANOVA analysis of unweighted and weighted fisher z's 1972 Julian C. Stanley
Andrew C. Porter
+ What is the true coefficient of partial correlation? 1972 Samuel A. Livingston
Julian C. Stanley
+ Differential Weighting: A Review of Methods and Empirical Studies 1970 Marilyn W. Wang
Julian C. Stanley
+ Definition of True Score Appropriate for Estimated True Scores 1970 Julian C. Stanley
+ Olkin's New Formula for Significance of r<sub>13</sub> vs. r<sub>23</sub> Compared with Hotelling's Method 1970 Gerry F. Hendrickson
Julian C. Stanley
John R. Hills
+ Restrictions on the Possible Values of r12, Given r13 and r23 1969 Julian C. Stanley
Marilyn D. Wang
+ Book Reviews : David M. Messick (Ed.). Mathematical Thinking in Behavioral Sciences. San Francisco : W. H. Freeman, 1968. Pp. viii + 231. $10.00 and $4.95 (paperback 1969 Julian C. Stanley
+ Maximum Possible Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 Coefficients for Test Scores from Constant, Rectangular, and Rectangular-Normal Distributions of Difficulties of Dichotomously Scored Zero-Chance-Success Items 1968 Julian C. Stanley
Andrew C. Porter
+ Problems in Equating Groups in Mental Retardation Research 1967 Julian C. Stanley
+ The Influence of Fisher’s “The Design of Experiments” on Educational Research Thirty Years Later 1966 Julian C. Stanley
+ A Common Class of Pseudo-Experiments 1966 Julian C. Stanley
+ Words on Numbers 1963 Julian C. Stanley
Gene V. Glass
+ Book Review: Simplified Statistics for Students in Education and Psychology 1962 Ronald G. Ragsdale
Julian C. Stanley
+ Analysis of unreplicated three-way classifications, with applications to rater bias and trait independence 1961 Julian C. Stanley
+ Interactions in Psychometrics and Experimentation 1961 Julian C. Stanley
Marilyn C. Lee
Ardie Lubin
Raymond O. Collier
Samuel T. Mayo
+ Statistics with a Psychometric Flavor 1956 Julian C. Stanley
+ Fixed, Random, and Mixed Models in the Analysis of Variance as Special Cases of Finite Model III 1956 Julian C. Stanley
+ Statistical Analysis of Scores from Counterbalanced Tests 1955 Julian C. Stanley
+ Study of Values profiles adjusted for sex and variability differences. 1953 Julian C. Stanley
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Women and the Mathematical Mystique 1981 Judith Roitman
Lauren Fox
L. Brody
Dianne Tobin
+ Mathematical Talent: Discovery, Description, and Development (MT:D<sup>3</sup>) 1975 Julian C. Stanley
Daniel P. Keating
Lynn H. Fox
+ Sex Differences in Mathematical Ability: Fact or Artifact? 1980 Camilla Persson Benbow
Julian C. Stanley
+ Mathematical Talent: Discovery, Description and Development 1977 Kenneth J. Travers
Julian C. Stanley
Daniel P. Keating
Lynn H. Fox
+ Consequences in High School and College of Sex Differences in Mathematical Reasoning Ability: A Longitudinal Perspective 1982 Camilla Persson Benbow
Julian C. Stanley
+ Mathematical Ability: Is Sex a Factor? 1981 Alison Kelly
+ Sex Differences in Mathematical Reasoning Ability: More Facts 1983 Camilla Persson Benbow
Julian C. Stanley
+ Sex-Related Differences in Mathematics Achievement, Spatial Visualization and Affective Factors 1977 Élizabeth Fennema
Julia A. Sherman
+ Spatial visualization and sex differences in quantitative ability 1979 Sarah A. Burnett
David M. Lane
Lewis M. Dratt
+ Time and method in coaching for the SAT. 1981 Samuel Messick
Ann Jungeblut
+ Mathematical Ability: Is Sex a Factor? 1981 Edward H. Egelman
Joseph S. Alper
Lila Leibowitz
Jonathan G. Beckwith
Regina Levine
Anthony Leeds
+ Fast-Paced Precalculus Mathematics for Talented Junior High Students: Two Recent SMPY Programs 1981 Kevin G. Bartkovich
Karen Mezynski
+ PDF Average Values of Mean Squares in Factorials 1956 Jerome Cornfield
John W. Tukey
+ Statistical inference. 1953 Helen M. Walker
Joseph Lev
+ Leta Hollingworth's contributions to above‐level testing of the gifted 1990 Julian C. Stanley
+ Advanced Placement Oriented Calculus for High School Students 1980 Karen Mezynski
Julian C. Stanley
+ Statistical methods in education and psychology 1970 Gene V. Glass
Kenneth D. Hopkins
+ Family Backgrounds of Young Asian Americans Who Reason Extremely Well Mathematically. 1987 Sara Delano Moore
Julian C. Stanley
+ The Study of Mathematically Precocious Youth 1975 Daniel P. Keating
+ Large-Sample Covariance Analysis when the Control Variable is Fallible 1960 Frederic M. Lord
+ The Design and Analysis of Experiments 1952 Oscar Kempthorne
+ Differential factor structures in mathematical ability. 1967 Philip S. Very
+ Eight Considerations for Mathematically Talented Youth 1990 Julian C. Stanley
Ann E. Lupkowski
Susan G. Assouline
+ International Mathematical Olympaid 1988 Susan L. Dauber
+ Educating Mathematically Precocious Youths: Twelve Policy Recommendations 1982 Julian C. Stanley
Camilla Persson Benbow
+ Analysis of unreplicated three-way classifications, with applications to rater bias and trait independence 1961 Julian C. Stanley
+ Mathematics Learning and the Sexes: A Review 1974 Élizabeth Fennema
+ Structure of intelligence in intellectually precocious children and in their parents 1983 Camilla Persson Benbow
Julian C. Stanley
Marshall K. Kirk
Alan B. Zonderman
+ Sex differences in math achievement: Toward a model of academic choice. 1982 Judith L. Meece
Jacquelynne E. Parsons
Caroline M. Kaczala
Susan B. Goff
+ Mathematical Talent: Discovery, Description and Development 1976 Ralph A. Raimi
+ Alpha factor analysis 1965 Henry F. Kaiser
John Caffrey
+ Environmental input to the development of sex-related differences in spatial and mathematical ability 1995 MaryAnn Baenninger
Nora S. Newcombe
+ Regression fallacies in the matched groups experiment 1942 Robert L. Thorndike
+ The Study and Facilitation of Talent for Mathematics. 1977 Julian C. Stanley
+ The Development of Numerical Competence 2014 Sarah T. Boysen
E. J. Capaldi
+ The Development of Informal and Formal Mathematical Thinking in Korean and U.S. Children 1987 Myung-Ja Song
Herbert P. Ginsburg
+ Difficulties Involved in the Estimation of a Population Mean Using Transformed Sample Data 1966 Richard L. Patterson
+ Sex differences in participation rates in mathematics and science at Irish schools and universities 1973 Monica Nevin
+ Fixed, Random, and Mixed Models in the Analysis of Variance as Special Cases of Finite Model III 1956 Julian C. Stanley
+ Children’s Counting and Concepts of Number 1988 Karen C. Fuson
+ Applying: A Mentor Model: For Young Mathematically Talented Students 1990 Ann E. Lupkowski
Susan G. Assouline
Julian C. Stanley
+ Children's Logical and Mathematical Cognition: Progress in Cognitive Development Research. 1982 Charles J. Brainerd
+ A Common Class of Pseudo-Experiments 1966 Julian C. Stanley
+ How we should measure "change": Or should we? 1970 Lee J. Cronbach
Lita Furby
+ Male‐Female Differences in SAT‐Verbal Ability Among Students of High SAT‐Mathematical Ability 1987 Neil J. Dorans
Samuel A. Livingston
+ Gender differences in academically talented young students' mathematical reasoning: Patterns across age and subskills. 1993 Carol J. Mills
Karen E. Ablard
Heinrich Stumpf
+ PDF First principles organize attention to and learning about relevant data: Number and the animate-inanimate distinction as examples 1990 Rochel Gelman
+ The early development of numerical reasoning 1992 Prentice Starkey
+ Academic achievement in mathematics and science of students between ages 13 and 23: Are there differences among students in the top one percent of mathematical ability? 1992 Camilla Persson Benbow
+ A new perspective on women's math achievement. 1989 Meredith M. Kimball