R. J. Nessel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Sharpness Almost Everywhere of Equivalence Assertions for the Best Approximation by Algebraic Polynomials 1996 Lorens A. Imhof
R. J. Nessel
+ Resonance principles with applications to mean ergodic theorems and projection operators 1995 D. Nasri-Roudsari
R. J. Nessel
R. Zeler
+ Sharp error bounds for the Crank-Nicolson and Saulyev difference scheme in connection with an initial boundary value problem for the inhomogeneous heat equation 1995 H. Esser
St.J. Goebbels
Gerald Lüttgens
R. J. Nessel
+ A resonance principle with rates in connection with pointwise estimates for the approximation by interpolation processes 1995 Lorens A. Imhof
R. J. Nessel
+ Towards a survey of Paul Butzer’s contributions to approximation theory 1995 R. J. Nessel
+ The sharpness of a pointwise error bound for the Fejér-Hermite interpolation process on sets of positive measure 1994 Lorens A. Imhof
R. J. Nessel
+ On the comparison of error bounds for finite difference schemes 1993 B. B�ttgenbach
H. Esser
R. J. Nessel
+ Convolution processes of Fejér type and the divergence almost everywhere of a pointwise comparison 1993 N. Kirchhoff
R. J. Nessel
+ Aspects of de La Vallée Poussin's work in approximation and its influence 1993 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
+ A sharp error estimate for the numerical solution of a Dirichlet problem for the Poisson equation 1992 Bernhard Büttgenbach
H. Esser
Gerald Lüttgens
R. J. Nessel
+ Divergence almost everywhere of a pointwise comparison of trigonometric convolution processes with their discrete analogues 1992 N. Kirchhoff
R. J. Nessel
+ On the sharpness of error bounds in connection with finite difference schemes on uniform grids for boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations 1991 Bernhard Büttgenbach
H. Esser
R. J. Nessel
+ PDF Chat Book Review: The averaged moduli of smoothness with applications in numerical methods and approximation 1990 R. J. Nessel
+ Quantitative condensation of singularities for convolution processes of Fejér-type 1990 N. Kirchhoff
R. J. Nessel
E. van Wickeren
+ PDF Chat On the Riemann convergence of positive linear operators 1989 H. Mevissen
R. J. Nessel
E. van Wickeren
+ Some Pointwise Negative Results in Multivariate Approximation by Convolution Processes of Fejér’s Type 1989 N. Kirchhoff
R. J. Nessel
+ PDF Chat On counterexamples in multivariate approximation 1989 R. J. Nessel
E. van-Wickeren
+ Sequential convergence and approximation in the space of Riemann integrable functions 1988 W. Dickmeis
H. Mevissen
R. J. Nessel
E. van Wickeren
+ Book Review: Strong approximation by Fourier series 1987 R. J. Nessel
+ Necessary Conditions for the Comparison of Sequences of Linear Functionals 1987 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
E. van Wickeren
+ The Divergence almost Everywhere of a Pointwise Comparison of Fejér and Abel-Poisson means 1986 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
E. van Wickeren
+ A quantitative condensation of singularities on arbitrary sets 1985 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
+ On the comparison of multiplier processes in Banach spaces 1985 R. J. Nessel
E. van Wickeren
+ A general approach to counterexamples in numerical analysis 1984 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
E. van Wickeren
+ On the Sharpness of Estimates in Terms of Averages 1984 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
E. van Wickeren
+ A general approach to quantitative negative results in approximation theory 1984 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
E. van Wickeren
+ On an Inequality of Devore 1983 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
+ Behavior of partial sums of lacunary Fourier series 1982 Gerhard Wilmes
Gerd Mitschke
R. J. Nessel
+ Quasikonvexe Multiplikatoren starker Konvergenz 1981 H. Mertens
R. J. Nessel
+ A unified approach to certain counterexamples in approximation theory in connection with a uniform boundedness principle with rates 1981 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
+ On uniform boundedness principles and banach - steinhaus theorems with rates 1981 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
+ Some Global Direct Estimates for Kantorovitch Polynomials 1981 M. Becker
R. J. Nessel
+ An equivalence theorem concerning multipliers of strong convergence 1980 H. Mertens
R. J. Nessel
+ Nikolskii-type inequalities in connection with regular spectral measures 1979 R. J. Nessel
Gerhard Wilmes
+ Lax-type theorems and a unified approach to some limit theorems in probability theory with rates 1979 P. L. Butzer
W. Dickmeis
L. Hahn
R. J. Nessel
+ An elementary approach to inverse approximation theorems 1978 Michael Becker
R. J. Nessel
+ Ungleichungen vom Nikolskii- und Riesz-Typ in Banach Räumen und ihre Andwendung auf klassische Potentialräume 1978 Gerhard Wilmes
R. J. Nessel
+ PDF Chat Nikolskii-type inequalities for trigonometric polynomials and entire functions of exponential type 1978 R. J. Nessel
Gerhard Wilmes
+ Global Approximation Theorems for the Szász-Mirakjan Operators in Exponential Weight Spaces 1978 Michael Becker
D. Kucharski
R. J. Nessel
+ Über Multiplikatoren starker Konvergenz für FOURIER‐Entwicklungen in BANACH‐Räumen 1978 H. Mertens
R. J. Nessel
+ Lax-Type Theorems with Orders in Connection with Inhomogeneous Evolution Equations in Banach Spaces 1978 P. L. Butzer
W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
+ Alternative forms with orders of the lax equivalence theorem in Banach spaces 1977 P. L. Butzer
W. Dickmeis
Hu. Jansen
R. J. Nessel
+ A local comparison theorem with applications to approximation in certain group and multiplier algebras 1976 G. K. Bragard
R. J. Nessel
+ Multipliers with respect to Abel-bounded spectral measures in locally convex spaces 1976 J. Junggeburth
R. J. Nessel
+ PDF Chat Saturation for Farvard operators in weighted function spaces 1976 Michael Becker
P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
+ A multiplier criterion in Euclideann-space with applications to Bernstein inequalities 1975 R. J. Nessel
Gerhard Wilmes
+ Multipliers with respect to spectral measures in banach spaces and approximation 1975 R. J. Nessel
Walter Trebels
+ Approximation by families of multipliers for (C, α)-bounded Fourier expansions in locally convex spaces. I. Order-preserving operators 1975 J. Junggeburth
R. J. Nessel
+ PDF Chat On summation processes of Fourier expansions in Banach spaces, III. Jackson- and Zamansky-type inequalities for Abel-bounded expansions 1975 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
Walter Trebels
+ Teilbarkeitssätze in Banach-Algebren mit Anwendungen auf lineare Approximationsprozesse 1975 G. K. Bragard
R. J. Nessel
+ Teilbarkeitssätze in Banach-Algebren 1975 G. K. Bragard
R. J. Nessel
+ On the Comparison of Approximation Processes in Banach Algebras 1974 G. K. Bragard
R. J. Nessel
+ Multipliers with respect to spectral measures in Banach spaces and approximation I. Radial multipliers in connection with Riesz-bounded spectral measures 1973 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
Walter Trebels
+ Saturation Theory in Connection with Mellin Transform Methods 1972 W. Kolbe
R. J. Nessel
+ PDF Chat On summation processes of Fourier expansions in Banach spaces, II. Saturation theorems 1972 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
Walter Trebels
+ On the Comparison of Approximation Processes in Hilbert Spaces 1972 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
Walter Trebels
+ PDF Chat On summation processes of Fourier expansions in Banach spaces, I. Comparison theorems 1972 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
Walter Trebels
+ Simultaneous saturation in connection with dirichlet's problem for a wedge 1971 W. Kolbe
R. J. Nessel
+ Contributions to the theory of saturation for singular integrals in several variables. V 1969 Hubert Berens
R. J. Nessel
+ Über Favardklassen von Summationsprozessen mehrdimensionaler Fourierreihen 1968 R. J. Nessel
Andreas Pawelke
+ Contributions to the Theory of Saturation for Singular Integrals in Several Variables. IV 1968 Hubert Berens
R. J. Nessel
+ Über Peano- und Riemann-Ableitungen in der Norm 1967 E. Görlich
R. J. Nessel
+ Contributions to the Theory of Saturation for Singular Integrals in Several Variables, III Radial Kernels 1967 R. J. Nessel
+ Contributions to the Theory of Saturation for Singular Integrals in Several Variables, II Applications 1967 R. J. Nessel
+ PDF Chat Favard classes for 𝑛-dimensional singular integrals 1966 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
+ Contributions to the theory of saturation for singular integrals in several variables. I 1966 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
+ Über Eine Verallgemeinerung Eines Satzes von de la Vallée Poussin 1964 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Semi-Groups of Operators and Approximation 1967 Paul P. Butzer
Hubert Berens
+ Theory of Approximation of Functions of a Real Variable 1963 A.F. TIMAN
+ PDF Chat On summation processes of Fourier expansions in Banach spaces, II. Saturation theorems 1972 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
Walter Trebels
+ On uniform boundedness principles and banach - steinhaus theorems with rates 1981 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
+ PDF Chat Multipliers for (C, α)-Bounded Fourier Expansions in Banach Spaces and Approximation Theory 1973 Walter Trebels
+ PDF Chat On summation processes of Fourier expansions in Banach spaces, I. Comparison theorems 1972 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
Walter Trebels
+ PDF Chat Comparison theorems for a generalized modulus of continuity 1971 Jan Boman
Harold S. Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Topics in Approximation Theory 1971 Harold S. Shapiro
+ Multipliers with respect to spectral measures in Banach spaces and approximation I. Radial multipliers in connection with Riesz-bounded spectral measures 1973 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
Walter Trebels
+ Some theorems on interpolation spaces with applications to approximation inL p 1967 Jörgen Löfström
+ PDF Chat Some Tauberian theorems with applications to approximation theory 1968 Harold S. Shapiro
+ Introduction to Fourier Analysis on Euclidean Spaces. 1971 Elias M. Stein
Guido Weiss
+ A unified approach to certain counterexamples in approximation theory in connection with a uniform boundedness principle with rates 1981 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
+ Jackson and Bernstein-type inequalities for families of commutative operators in Banach spaces 1972 P. L. Butzer
K. Scherer
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Theory of Fourier Integrals 1938 A. C. Offord
+ The Banach-Steinhaus Theorem with Rates, and Applications to Various Branches of Analysis 1980 P. L. Butzer
+ Uniform-convergence factors for Fourier series of functions with a given modulus of continuity 1971 S. A. Telyakovskiĭ
+ On the Comparison of the Processes of Summation 1964 Jean Favard
+ On the sharpness of error bounds in connection with finite difference schemes on uniform grids for boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations 1991 Bernhard Büttgenbach
H. Esser
R. J. Nessel
+ On the Lax equivalence theorem equipped with orders 1977 P. L. Butzer
R Weis
+ Smoothing and Approximation of Functions 1970 Harold S. Shapiro
+ PDF Chat Tables of integral transforms 1954 3
+ PDF Chat Orthogonal Polynomials 1971 3
+ An equivalence theorem concerning multipliers of strong convergence 1980 H. Mertens
R. J. Nessel
+ <i>Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems</i> 1959 Robert D. Richtmyer
E. H. Dill
+ Difference Methods for Initial-Value Problems 1968 E. I.
Robert D. Richtmyer
K. W. Morton
+ On the Comparison of Approximation Processes in Hilbert Spaces 1972 P. L. Butzer
R. J. Nessel
Walter Trebels
+ The Laplace Transform. By D. V. Widder. Pp. x, 406. 36s. 1941. Princeton Mathematical series, 6. (Princeton University Press; Humphrey Milford) 1943 T. A. A. B.
+ PDF Chat Tables of Integral Transforms 2005 Bateman Manuscript
H. Bateman
Arthur Erdélyi
+ Approximation of functions 2017 George G. Lorentz
+ Nikolskii-type inequalities in connection with regular spectral measures 1979 R. J. Nessel
Gerhard Wilmes
+ PDF Chat A tauberian theorem related to approximation theory 1968 Harold S. Shapiro
+ PDF Chat On the class of saturation in the theory of approximation, II 1961 Gen-ichirô Sunouchi
+ PDF Chat The mean convergence of orthogonal series. II 1948 Harry Pollard
+ On the Sharpness of Estimates in Terms of Averages 1984 W. Dickmeis
R. J. Nessel
E. van Wickeren
+ PDF Chat Besov Spaces and Applications to Difference Methods for Initial Value Problems 1975 Philip Brenner
Vidar Thomée
Lars B. Wahlbin
+ Mean Convergence of Expansions in Laguerre and Hermite Series 1965 Richard Askey
Stephen Wainger
+ Negative Results in Connection with Favard’s Problem on the Comparison of Approximation Processes 1984 Rolf Joachim Nessel
E. van Wickeren
+ PDF Chat Fourier series in several variables 1964 Victor L. Shapiro
+ PDF Chat A remark on the preceding note by Bochner 1934 I. J. Schoenberg
+ PDF Chat Characterization of certain classes of functions 1962 Gen-ichirô Sunouchi
+ Moduli of Smoothness 1987 Z. Ditzian
Вилмос Тотик
+ Convolution processes of Fejér type and the divergence almost everywhere of a pointwise comparison 1993 N. Kirchhoff
R. J. Nessel
+ Saturation in the Theory of Best Approximation 1964 Gen-ichirô Sunouchi
+ Über Multiplikatoren starker Konvergenz für FOURIER‐Entwicklungen in BANACH‐Räumen 1978 H. Mertens
R. J. Nessel
+ Equivalent Representations for the Infinitesimal Generator of Higher Orders in Semi-group Theory 1965 Hubert Berens
+ PDF Chat Discrete analogue of a theorem of Littlewood-Paley 1961 Gen-ichirô Sunouchi
+ PDF Chat Poisson integrals for Hermite and Laguerre expansions 1969 Benjamin Muckenhoupt
+ On Jackson-Type Inequalities in Approximation Theory 1978 P. L. Butzer
J. Junggeburth
+ PDF Chat On the representation of a function by certain Fourier integrals 1939 Harald Cramér