Paul Pollack


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Densities of integer sets represented by quadratic forms 2023 Pete L. Clark
Paul Pollack
Jeremy Rouse
Katherine Thompson
+ On Benford’s law for multiplicative functions 2023 Vorrapan Chandee
Xiannan Li
Paul Pollack
Akash Singha Roy
+ Two problems on the distribution of Carmichael's lambda function 2023 Paul Pollack
+ Densities of integer sets represented by quadratic forms 2023 Pete L. Clark
Paul Pollack
Jeremy Rouse
Katherine Thompson
+ The distribution of intermediate prime factors 2023 Nathan McNew
Paul Pollack
Akash Singha Roy
+ On the stable reduction of hyperelliptic curves 2022 Cheng Gong
Yi Gu
Jun Lu
Paul Pollack
+ On Benford's Law for multiplicative functions 2022 Vorrapan Chandee
Xiannan Li
Paul Pollack
Akash Singha Roy
+ A problem in comparative order theory 2021 SergeÄ­ Konyagin
Paul Pollack
+ Powerfree sums of proper divisors 2021 Paul Pollack
Akash Singha Roy
+ Joint distribution in residue classes of polynomial-like multiplicative functions 2021 Paul Pollack
Akash Singha Roy
+ Distribution mod $p$ of Euler's totient and the sum of proper divisors 2021 Noah Lebowitz-Lockard
Paul Pollack
Akash Singha Roy
+ A quick route to unique factorization in quadratic orders 2020 Paul Pollack
Noah P. Snyder
+ Numbers which are orders only of cyclic groups 2020 Paul Pollack
+ Finite sets containing near-primitive roots 2020 Komal Agrawal
Paul Pollack
+ The reciprocal sum of divisors of Mersenne numbers 2020 Zebediah Engberg
Paul Pollack
+ Twists of hyperelliptic curves by integers in progressions modulo $p$ 2018 David Krumm
Paul Pollack
+ Dirichlet’s class number formula 2017 Paul Pollack
+ Back to basics: Starting over with arbitrary number fields 2017 Paul Pollack
+ Ideal theory in general number rings 2017 Paul Pollack
+ A case study: Units in â„€[√[3]2] and the Diophantine equation 𝕏³-2𝕐³=±1 2017 Paul Pollack
+ PDF Chat Finiteness of the class group and the arithmetic of \overline{â„€} 2017 Paul Pollack
+ Prime ideals in quadratic number rings 2017 Paul Pollack
+ Small prime $k$th power residues for $k=2,3,4$: A reciprocity laws approach 2017 KĂŒbra Benli̇
Paul Pollack
+ Bounded gaps between primes and the length spectra of arithmetic hyperbolic 3-orbifolds 2017 Benjamin Linowitz
D. B. McReynolds
Paul Pollack
Lola Thompson
+ Refinements of Lagrange's four-square theorem 2017 Leo Goldmakher
Paul Pollack
+ Typically bounding torsion 2017 Pete L. Clark
Marko Milosevic
Paul Pollack
+ Pursuing polynomial bounds on torsion 2017 Pete L. Clark
Paul Pollack
+ Torsion subgroups of CM elliptic curves over odd degree number fields 2016 Abbey Bourdon
Paul Pollack
+ Two problems concerning irreducible elements in rings of integers of number fields 2016 Paul Pollack
Lee Troupe
+ An elemental ErdƑs-Kac theorem for algebraic number fields 2016 Paul Pollack
+ The truth about torsion in the CM case, II 2016 Pete L. Clark
Paul Pollack
+ An Easy Generalization of Euler's Theorem on the Series of Prime Reciprocals 2015 Paul Pollack
+ Bounds for the first several prime character nonresidues 2015 Paul Pollack
+ Clusters of primes with square-free translates 2015 Roger C. Baker
Paul Pollack
+ Systoles of Arithmetic Hyperbolic Surfaces and 3-manifolds 2015 Benjamin Linowitz
D. B. McReynolds
Paul Pollack
Lola Thompson
+ Digitally delicate primes 2015 Jackson Hopper
Paul Pollack
+ The truth about torsion in the CM case 2015 Pete L. Clark
Paul Pollack
+ Besicovitch, Bisection, and the normality of $0.(1)(4)(9)(16)(25)\dots$ 2014 Paul Pollack
Joseph Vandehey
+ Arithmetic functions at consecutive shifted primes 2014 Paul Pollack
Lola Thompson
+ The average of the first invariant factor for reductions of CM elliptic curves mod $p$ 2014 Tristan Freiberg
Paul Pollack
+ Bounded gaps between primes in number fields and function fields 2014 Abel Castillo
Chris Hall
Robert J. Lemke Oliver
Paul Pollack
Lola Thompson
+ Bounded gaps between primes with a given primitive root, II 2014 Roger C. Baker
Paul Pollack
+ Practical pretenders 2012 Paul Pollack
Lola Thompson
+ On the degrees of divisors of T^n-1 2012 Paul Pollack
Lola Thompson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Number Theory, Fourier Analysis and Geometric Discrepancy 2014 Giancarlo Travaglini
+ On a claim of Ramanujan in his first letter to Hardy 1999 Pieter Moree
J. Cazaran
+ Über die Darstellung von positiven, ganzen Zahlen durch die primitiven, binĂ€ren quadratischen Formen einer nicht-quadratischen Diskriminante 1912 Paul Bernays
+ Algebraic Numbers and Algebraic Functions 1967 Emil Artin
+ Complex Algebraic Surfaces 1996 Arnaud Beauville
+ PDF Chat A new equidistribution property of norms of ideals in given classes 1977 R. W. K. Odoni
+ Two-dimensional lattices with few distances 2006 Pieter Moree
Robert Osburn
+ Good Reduction of Abelian Varieties 1968 Jean-Pierre Serre
John Tate
+ PDF Chat Euclidean quadratic forms and ADC forms II: integral forms 2014 Pete L. Clark
William C. Jagy
+ PDF Chat Benford's law, values of L-functions and the 3x+1 problem 2005 Alex Kontorovich
Steven J. Miller
+ On the stable reduction of pencils of curves 1990 Gang Xiao
+ PDF Chat Uniform bounds for Fourier coefficients of theta-series with arithmetic applications 2004 Valentin Blomer
+ PDF Chat Regular and semi-regular positive ternary quadratic forms 1939 Burton W. Jones
Gordon Pall
+ On the lang-trotter conjecture 1990 Daqing Wan
+ Darstellung durch Spinorgeschlechter ternĂ€rer quadratischer formen 1980 Rainer Schulze‐Pillot
+ PDF Chat A Family of Calabi–Yau Varieties and Potential Automorphy II 2011 Tom Barnet-Lamb
David Geraghty
Michael Harris
Richard Taylor
+ An Explicit Formula for Local Densities of Quadratic Forms 1998 Tonghai Yang
+ New Proofs of Euclid's and Euler's Theorems 2009 Juan Pablo Pinasco
+ PDF Chat The irreducibility of the space of curves of given genus 1969 Pierre Deligne
D. Mumford
+ Local densities and explicit bounds for representability by a quadratic form 2004 Jonathan Hanke
+ Modular Forms and the Chebotarev Density Theorem II 1997 V. Kumar Murty
+ Introduction to Quadratic Forms over Fields 2004 T. Y. Lam
+ Integral Quadratic Forms. 1961 Ivan Niven
G. L. Watson
+ La conjecture de Weil. I 1974 Pierre Deligne
+ PDF Chat The Distribution of Leading Digits and Uniform Distribution Mod 1 1977 Persi Diaconis
+ PDF Chat Primes of the form x2 + ny2: Fermat, class field theory, and complex multiplication 1990 David A. Cox
+ Large character sums: Pretentious characters and the PĂłlya-Vinogradov theorem 2006 Andrew Granville
K. Soundararajan
+ The Theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function 1987 E. C. Titchmarsh
D. R. Heath‐Brown
+ PDF Chat Chebyshev’s bias for composite numbers with restricted prime divisors 2003 Pieter Moree
+ PDF Chat BENFORD'S LAW FOR THE $3x+1$ FUNCTION 2006 Jeffrey C. Lagarias
K. Soundararajan
+ PDF Chat Benford’s law for coefficients of modular forms and partition functions 2010 Theresa C. Anderson
Larry Rolen
Ruth Stoehr
+ Representation by ternary quadratic forms 2014 Robert J. Lemke Oliver
+ The Integers Represented by Sets of Ternary Quadratic Forms 1933 A. A. Albert
+ PDF Chat Almost regular quaternary quadratic forms 2008 Jacek Bochnak
Byeong-Kweon Oh
+ An Extension of a Problem of Kloosterman 1946 Arnold E. Ross
Gordon Pall
+ Note on the Frequency of Use of the Different Digits in Natural Numbers 1881 Simon Newcomb
+ Arithmetic of Quadratic Forms 2010 Goro Shimura
+ Arithmetic Progressions and Binary Quadratic Forms 2008 AyƟe Alaca
ƞaban Alaca
Kenneth S. Williams
+ PDF Chat Quelques résultats nouveaux sur les fonctions additives 1971 Hubert Delange
+ PDF Chat Euclidean quadratic forms and ADC forms: I 2012 Pete L. Clark
+ A Positive-Definite Ternary Quadratic Form Does Not Represent All Positive Integers. 2017 Greg Doyle
Kenneth S. Williams
+ Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Benford Sequences 2013 Siqi Zheng
+ PDF Chat New Proofs of Euclid's and Euler's Theorems 2009 Juan Pablo Pinasco
+ Disquisitiones Arithmeticae 1986 Carl Friedrich Gauß
+ Quadratic and Higher Degree Forms 2013 Krishnaswami Alladi
Manjul Bhargava
David Savitt
Pham Huu Tiep
+ Rational Quadratic Forms 1985 Winfried Scharlau
+ Probabilistic Number Theory I 1979 P. D. T. A. Elliott