Sylvain Arlot


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Marginal and training-conditional guarantees in one-shot federated conformal prediction 2024 Pierre Humbert
Batiste Le Bars
Aurélien Bellet
Sylvain Arlot
+ One-Shot Federated Conformal Prediction 2023 Pierre Humbert
Batiste Le Bars
Aurélien Bellet
Sylvain Arlot
+ One-Shot Federated Conformal Prediction 2023 Pierre Humbert
Batiste Le Bars
Aurélien Bellet
Sylvain Arlot
+ PDF Chat A Conditional Randomization Test for Sparse Logistic Regression in High-Dimension 2022 Binh Tuan Nguyen
Bertrand Thirion
Sylvain Arlot
+ A Conditional Randomization Test for Sparse Logistic Regression in High-Dimension 2022 Binh T. Nguyen
Bertrand Thirion
Sylvain Arlot
+ PDF Chat Online Orthogonal Matching Pursuit 2021 El Mehdi Saad
Gilles Blanchard
Sylvain Arlot
+ PDF Chat Aggregated Hold-Out 2021 Guillaume Maillard
Sylvain Arlot
Matthieu Lerasle
+ PDF Chat Aggregation of Multiple Knockoffs 2020 Tuan-Binh Nguyen
JĂ©rĂ´me-Alexis Chevalier
Bertrand Thirion
Sylvain Arlot
+ Aggregation of Multiple Knockoffs 2020 Tuan-Binh Nguyen
JĂ©rĂ´me-Alexis Chevalier
Bertrand Thirion
Sylvain Arlot
+ Online Orthogonal Matching Pursuit 2020 El Mehdi Saad
Gilles Blanchard
Sylvain Arlot
+ Pénalités minimales et heuristique de pente 2019 Sylvain Arlot
+ Aggregated Hold-Out 2019 Guillaume Maillard
Sylvain Arlot
Matthieu Lerasle
+ PDF Chat Aggregated Hold-Out 2019 Guillaume Maillard
Sylvain Arlot
Matthieu Lerasle
+ PDF Chat Aggregated Hold-Out 2019 Guillaume Maillard
Sylvain Arlot
Matthieu Lerasle
+ Coupling the Yoccoz–Birkeland population model with price dynamics: chaotic livestock commodities market cycles 2019 Sylvain Arlot
Stefano Marmi
Duccio Papini
+ Minimal penalties and the slope heuristics: a survey 2019 Sylvain Arlot
+ Rejoinder on: Minimal penalties and the slope heuristics: a survey 2019 Sylvain Arlot
+ Aggregated Hold-Out 2019 Guillaume Maillard
Sylvain Arlot
Matthieu Lerasle
+ PDF Chat Coupling the Yoccoz-Birkeland population model with price dynamics: chaotic livestock commodities market cycles 2018 Sylvain Arlot
Stefano Marmi
Duccio Papini
+ Fondamentaux de l'apprentissage statistique 2018 Sylvain Arlot
+ PDF Chat Cross-validation 2018 Sylvain Arlot
+ PDF Chat Cross-validation 2018 Sylvain Arlot
+ Consistent change-point detection with kernels 2018 Damien Garreau
Sylvain Arlot
+ Cross-validation 2017 Sylvain Arlot
+ Cross-validation improved by aggregation: Agghoo 2017 Guillaume Maillard
Sylvain Arlot
Matthieu Lerasle
+ Cross-validation 2017 Sylvain Arlot
+ PDF Chat Comments on: A random forest guided tour 2016 Sylvain Arlot
Robin Genuer
+ Comments on: "A Random Forest Guided Tour" by G. Biau and E. Scornet 2016 Sylvain Arlot
Robin Genuer
+ Semidefinite and Spectral Relaxations for Multi-Label Classification 2015 RĂ©mi Lajugie
Piotr Bojanowski
Sylvain Arlot
Francis Bach
+ PDF Chat Contributions to statistical learning theory: estimator selection and change-point detection 2014 Sylvain Arlot
+ Why V=5 is enough in V-fold cross-validation 2014 Sylvain Arlot
Matthieu Lerasle
+ Metric Learning for Temporal Sequence Alignment 2014 Damien Garreau
RĂ©mi Lajugie
Sylvain Arlot
Francis Bach
+ Analysis of purely random forests bias 2014 Sylvain Arlot
Robin Genuer
+ Large-Margin Metric Learning for Partitioning Problems 2013 RĂ©mi Lajugie
Sylvain Arlot
Francis R. Bach
+ Large-Margin Metric Learning for Partitioning Problems 2013 RĂ©mi Lajugie
Sylvain Arlot
Francis Bach
+ $V$-fold cross-validation and $V$-fold penalization in least-squares density estimation 2012 Sylvain Arlot
Matthieu Lerasle
+ Kernel change-point detection 2012 Sylvain Arlot
Alain CĂ©lisse
ZaĂŻd Harchaoui
+ Etude d'un modèle de dynamique des populations 2012 Sylvain Arlot
+ Choice of V for V-Fold Cross-Validation in Least-Squares Density Estimation 2012 Sylvain Arlot
Matthieu Lerasle
+ A Kernel Multiple Change-point Algorithm via Model Selection 2012 Sylvain Arlot
Alain CĂ©lisse
ZaĂŻd Harchaoui
+ Margin-adaptive model selection in statistical learning 2011 Sylvain Arlot
Peter L. Bartlett
+ Multi-task Regression using Minimal Penalties 2011 Matthieu Solnon
Sylvain Arlot
Francis Bach
+ PDF Chat Segmentation of the mean of heteroscedastic data via cross-validation 2010 Sylvain Arlot
Alain CĂ©lisse
+ PDF Chat Some non-asymptotic results on resampling in high dimension, I: Confidence regions, II: Multiple tests 2010 Sylvain Arlot
Gilles Blanchard
Étienne Roquain
+ PDF Chat A survey of cross-validation procedures for model selection 2010 Sylvain Arlot
Alain CĂ©lisse
+ PDF Chat Some non-asymptotic results on resampling in high dimension, II: Multiple tests 2010 Sylvain Arlot
Gilles Blanchard
Étienne Roquain
+ PDF Chat Some nonasymptotic results on resampling in high dimension, II: Multiple tests 2009 Sylvain Arlot
Gilles Blanchard
Étienne Roquain
+ PDF Chat Some nonasymptotic results on resampling in high dimension, I: Confidence regions 2009 Sylvain Arlot
Gilles Blanchard
Étienne Roquain
+ PDF Chat Model selection by resampling penalization 2009 Sylvain Arlot
+ Data-driven calibration of linear estimators with minimal penalties 2009 Sylvain Arlot
Francis Bach
+ Suboptimality of penalties proportional to the dimension for model selection in heteroscedastic regression 2008 Sylvain Arlot
+ PDF Chat Segmentation in the mean of heteroscedastic data via resampling or cross-validation 2008 Alain CĂ©lisse
Sylvain Arlot
+ Slope heuristics for heteroscedastic regression on a random design 2008 Sylvain Arlot
Pascal Massart
+ Choosing a penalty for model selection in heteroscedastic regression 2008 Sylvain Arlot
+ Data-driven calibration of penalties for least-squares regression 2008 Sylvain Arlot
Pascal Massart
+ V-fold cross-validation improved: V-fold penalization 2008 Sylvain Arlot
+ Rééchantillonnage et sélection de modèles 2007 Sylvain Arlot
+ Non-asymptotic resampling-based confidence regions and multiple tests in high dimension 2007 Sylvain Arlot
Gilles Blanchard
Étienne Roquain
+ Resampling-Based Confidence Regions and Multiple Tests for a Correlated Random Vector 2007 Sylvain Arlot
Gilles Blanchard
Étienne Roquain
+ Model selection by resampling penalization 2007 Sylvain Arlot
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Minimal Penalties for Gaussian Model Selection 2006 Lucien Birgé
Pascal Massart
+ V-fold cross-validation improved: V-fold penalization 2008 Sylvain Arlot
+ Cross-Validatory Choice and Assessment of Statistical Predictions 1974 M. Stone
+ PDF Chat Risk bounds for model selection via penalization 1999 Andrew R. Barron
Lucien Birgé
Pascal Massart
+ PDF Chat Model selection by resampling penalization 2009 Sylvain Arlot
+ Data-driven calibration of penalties for least-squares regression 2008 Sylvain Arlot
Pascal Massart
+ More Comments on<i>C<sub>p</sub></i> 1995 Cohn L. Mallows
+ The Relationship Between Variable Selection and Data Agumentation and a Method for Prediction 1974 David M. Allen
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Optimality for $C_p, C_L$, Cross-Validation and Generalized Cross-Validation: Discrete Index Set 1987 Ker-Chau Li
+ Concentration Inequalities and Model Selection 2007 Pascal Massart
Jean Picard
+ The Predictive Sample Reuse Method with Applications 1975 Seymour Geisser
+ Estimating the Error Rate of a Prediction Rule: Improvement on Cross-Validation 1983 Bradley Efron
+ More Comments on C P 1995 Colin L. Mallows
+ PDF Chat Using penalized contrasts for the change-point problem 2005 Marc Lavielle
+ PDF Chat Detecting multiple change-points in the mean of Gaussian process by model selection 2004 Émilie Lebarbier
+ PDF Chat A survey of cross-validation procedures for model selection 2010 Sylvain Arlot
Alain CĂ©lisse
+ Information Theory and an Extension of the Maximum Likelihood Principle 1998 H. Akaike
+ PDF Chat Model selection for regression on a random design 2002 Yannick Baraud
+ A comparative study of ordinary cross-validation, <i>v</i>-fold cross-validation and the repeated learning-testing methods 1989 Prabir Burman
+ PDF Chat Model selection for regression on a fixed design 2000 Yannick Baraud
+ PDF Chat Bootstrap Methods: Another Look at the Jackknife 1979 B. Efron
+ PDF Chat An optimal selection of regression variables 1981 Ritei Shibata
+ Regression Shrinkage and Selection Via the Lasso 1996 Robert Tibshirani
+ Statistical Predictor Identification 1998 Hirotugu Akaike
+ PDF Chat A Rank Statistics Approach to the Consistency of a General Bootstrap 1992 David M. Mason
Michael A. Newton
+ PDF Chat Exchangeably Weighted Bootstraps of the General Empirical Process 1993 Jens Præstgaard
Jon A. Wellner
+ Nonparametric density estimation by exact leave--out cross-validation 2007 Alain CĂ©lisse
Stéphane Robin
+ Rademacher penalties and structural risk minimization 2001 Vladimir Koltchinskii
+ PDF Chat Consistency of cross validation for comparing regression procedures 2007 Yuhong Yang
+ A Distribution-Free Theory of Nonparametric Regression 2002 László Györfi
Michael Köhler
Adam KrzyĹĽak
Harro Walk
+ PDF Chat Estimating the Dimension of a Model 1978 Gideon Schwarz
+ PDF Chat On General Resampling Algorithms and their Performance in Distribution Estimation 1994 Peter Hall
Enno Mammen
+ PDF Chat Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization 2006 Vladimir Koltchinskii
+ PDF Chat Segmentation of the mean of heteroscedastic data via cross-validation 2010 Sylvain Arlot
Alain CĂ©lisse
+ PDF Chat Consistencies and rates of convergence of jump-penalized least squares estimators 2009 Leif Boysen
A. Kempe
Volkmar Liebscher
Axel Munk
Olaf Wittich
+ PDF Chat Simultaneous estimation of the mean and the variance in heteroscedastic Gaussian regression 2008 Xavier Gendre
+ PDF Chat Exact and Approximate Stepdown Methods for Multiple Hypothesis Testing 2005 Joseph P. Romano
Michael Wolf
+ Smooth discrimination analysis 1999 Enno Mammen
Alexandre B. Tsybakov
+ PDF Chat Model selection by bootstrap penalization for classification 2006 Magalie Fromont
+ The Design of Experiments 1935 Ronald Aylmer Fisher
+ Controlling the False Discovery Rate: A Practical and Powerful Approach to Multiple Testing 1995 Yoav Benjamini
Yosef Hochberg
+ PDF Chat Histogram selection in non Gaussian regression 2008 Marie Sauvé
+ PDF Chat Local Rademacher complexities 2005 Peter L. Bartlett
Olivier Bousquet
Shahar Mendelson
+ PDF Chat Model selection via cross-validation in density estimation, regression, and change-points detection 2008 Alain CĂ©lisse
+ Resampling-based multiple testing for microarray data analysis 2003 Yongchao Ge
Sandrine Dudoit
Terence P. Speed
+ PDF Chat Discussion: Local Rademacher complexities and oracle inequalities in risk minimization 2006 Gilles Blanchard
Pascal Massart
+ PDF Chat Optimal model selection in density estimation 2012 Matthieu Lerasle
+ PDF Chat Bootstrap and Randomization Tests of some Nonparametric Hypotheses 1989 Joseph P. Romano