L. M. Kelly


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat CP-rays in simplicial cones 1990 L. M. Kelly
Katta G. Murty
Layne T. Watson
+ PDF Chat On representing sylvester-gallai designs 1989 Endre Boros
Zoltán Füredi
L. M. Kelly
+ PDF Chat A resolution of the sylvester-gallai problem of J.-P. serre 1986 L. M. Kelly
+ A Geometric Problem in Simplicial Cones with Applications to Linear Complementarity Problems 1986 Katta G. Murty
Layne T. Watson
L. M. Kelly
+ The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, Problems and Solutions: 1938-1964. 1981 Paul R. Halmos
Abbot Gleason
Royston Greenwood
L. M. Kelly
+ Q-matrices and spherical geometry 1979 L. M. Kelly
Layne T. Watson
+ Erratum: Some Perturbation Theorems for Q-Matrices 1978 L. M. Kelly
Liam Watson
+ On the equilateral feeble four-point property 1975 L. M. Kelly
+ The Geometry of metric and linear spaces : proceedings of a conference held at Michigan State University, East Lansing, June 17-19, 1974 1975 L. M. Kelly
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Metric and Linear Spaces 1975 L. M. Kelly
+ PDF Chat On the length of some curves in the unit sphere 1973 L. M. Kelly
Joseph Zaks
+ PDF Chat Simple points in pseudoline arrangements 1972 L. M. Kelly
Reuven R. Rottenberg
+ On the number of ordinary planes 1971 William E. Bonnice
L. M. Kelly
+ Metrically homogeneous sets 1968 Branko Grünbaum
L. M. Kelly
+ Mathematical Notes 1966 L. F. Shampine
Fred Gross
B. S. Yadav
M. V. Subbarao
L. M. Kelly
Seymour Haber
Trevor Evans
J. M. Gandhi
+ PDF Chat Bisecants of Finite Collections of Sets in Linear Spaces 1966 Michael Edelstein
L. M. Kelly
+ Two Dimensional Spaces are Quadrilateral Spaces 1965 L. M. Kelly
D. M. Smiley
M. F. Smiley
+ Arcs of vanishing metric curvature. 1965 David C. Kay
L. M. Kelly
+ PDF Chat A generalization of the theorem of Sylvester 1960 Fritz Herzog
L. M. Kelly
+ Tangents in Real Banach Spaces. 1960 L. M. Kelly
Günter Ewald
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Ordinary Lines Determined by n Points 1958 L. M. Kelly
W. O. J. Moser
+ Paths and Circuits in Critical Graphs 1954 John Kelly
L. M. Kelly
+ Distance sets in metric spaces 1951 L. M. Kelly
E. A. Nordhaus
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On the Number of Ordinary Lines Determined by n Points 1958 L. M. Kelly
W. O. J. Moser
+ Some Perturbation Theorems for <i>Q</i>-Matrices 1976 Layne T. Watson
+ Erratum: Some Perturbation Theorems for Q-Matrices 1978 L. M. Kelly
Liam Watson
+ A Problem of Collinear Points 1948 H. S. M. Coxeter
+ Q-matrices and spherical geometry 1979 L. M. Kelly
Layne T. Watson
+ Arrangements of Lines and Algebraic Surfaces 1983 Friedrich Hirzebruch
+ PDF Chat The uniformizing function for a class of Riemann surfaces 1972 Joe Kirk
+ PDF Chat Maximinimax, minimax, and antiminimax theorems and a result of R. C. James 1972 Stephen Simons
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on set theory 1950 Péter L. Erdős
+ PDF Chat Integral inequalities of Wirtinger-type and fourth-order elliptic differential inequalities 1972 Pui-kei Wong
+ On the Linear Complementarity Problem 1975 Arza K. Rao
+ PDF Chat On a class of parametric integrals and their application in the theory of fourier series 1911 William Young
+ PDF Chat Linear complementarity problems solvable by A single linear program 1976 O. L. Mangasarian
+ PDF Chat Two bridge knots are alternating knots 1972 Richard E. Goodrick
+ Notes on the Theory of Series (IX) : On the Absolute Convergence of Fourier Series 1928 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ Finding the nearest point in A polytope 1976 Philip Wolfe
+ PDF Chat Norm convergence of martingales of Radon-Nikodym derivatives given a<i>σ</i>-lattice 1972 R. B. Darst
Gene DeBoth
+ PDF Chat Some results on nearest points and support properties of convex sets in<i>c</i><sub>0</sub> 1972 Michael Edelstein
Anthony Thompson
+ PDF Chat A note on relatively prime sequences 1947 Richard Bellman
+ An algorithm for the linear complementarity problem 1978 Layne T. Watson
+ Complementary pivot theory of mathematical programming 1968 Richard W. Cottle
George B. Dantzig
+ Eine Bemerkung zu einem Satz von Sylvester 1984 Jakob Joussen
+ PDF Chat Uniformly convex spaces 1936 James A. Clarkson
+ PDF Chat Degrees of members of Π<sub>1</sub><sup>0</sup>classes 1972 Carl G. Jockusch
Robert I. Soare
+ PDF Chat A convergence theorem with boundary 1972 Stephen Simons
+ PDF Chat Establishing isomorphism between tame prime knots in<i>E</i><sup>3</sup> 1972 David E. Penney
+ PDF Chat On spaces with regular<i>G</i><sub><i>δ</i></sub>-diagonals 1972 Phillip Zenor
+ Geometric Properties of Hidden Minkowski Matrices 1989 Walter D. Morris
Jim Lawrence
+ Semi-stable curves on algebraic surfaces and logarithmic pluricanonical maps 1980 Fumio Sakai
+ On the Chern numbers of surfaces of general type 1977 Yoichi Miyaoka
+ The complementarity problem 1972 S. Karamardian
+ PDF Chat A quasi-Kummer function 1972 Wazir Hasan Abdi
+ PDF Chat The classification of certain classes of torsion free Abelian groups 1972 Charles Murley
+ On the Set of Distances Between the Points of a Carathéodory Linearly Measurable Plane Point Set 1948 A. S. Besicovitch
Daniel Miller
+ PDF Chat Completions of Boolean algebras with partially additive operators 1972 Yen-Yi Wu
+ PDF Chat Simple points in pseudoline arrangements 1972 L. M. Kelly
Reuven R. Rottenberg
+ PDF Chat Minimal injective cogenerators for the class of modules of zero singular submodule 1972 Vasily C. Cateforis
+ The Jacobian matrix and global univalence of mappings 1965 David Gale
Hukukane Nikaidō
+ PDF Chat The Solution of a Quadratic Programming Problem Using Systematic Overrelaxation 1971 Colin W. Cryer
+ PDF Chat A resolution of the sylvester-gallai problem of J.-P. serre 1986 L. M. Kelly
+ PDF Chat On<i>L</i>(<i>S</i>)-tuples and<i>l</i>-pairs of matrices 1972 T. S. Motzkin
+ On the Diophantine Equation <i>x<sup>3</sup> +y<sup>3</sup> +z<sup>3</sup> </i> = 1 1956 D. H. Lehmer
+ Monotone solutions of the parametric linear complementarity problem 1972 Richard W. Cottle
+ PDF Chat Some geometric properties related to the fixed point theory for nonexpansive mappings 1972 Jean–Pierre Gossez
E. Lami Dozo
+ PDF Chat Calabi's conjecture and some new results in algebraic geometry 1977 Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat The absolute convergence of Fourier series 1942 Min-Teh Cheng
+ PDF Chat Operators satisfying condition (<i>G</i><sub>1</sub>) locally 1972 Glenn R. Luecke
+ On the number of solutions to the complementarity problem and spanning properties of complementary cones 1972 Katta G. Murty
+ A convergence criterion for Fourier series 1928 G. H. Hardy
J. E. Littlewood
+ PDF Chat Finitely-valued<i>f</i>-modules 1972 Stuart A. Steinberg