René P. Sperb


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Bounds for the first eigenvalue of the elastically supported membrane on convex domains 2003 René P. Sperb
+ An alternative to Ewald sums 2000 René P. Sperb
+ Some complementary estimates in the dead core problem 1995 René P. Sperb
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric Inequalities in a Boundary Value Problem in an Unbounded Domain 1994 René P. Sperb
+ Isoperimetric inequalities in a boundary value problem in an unbounded domain 1993 René P. Sperb
+ An isoperimetric inequality for the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian under Robin boundary conditions 1992 René P. Sperb
+ Optimal Bounds for the Critical Value in a Semilinear Boundary Value Problem on a Surface 1987 René P. Sperb
+ Qualitative Behavior and Bounds in a Nonlinear Plasma Problem 1983 Catherine Bandle
René P. Sperb
+ Isoperimetric inequalities in a boundary value problem on a Riemannian manifold 1980 René P. Sperb
+ Maximum principles and nonlinear elliptic problems 1979 René P. Sperb
+ Corrigendum and Addendum: Maximum Principles and Bounds in Some Inhomogeneous Elliptic Boundary Problems 1979 René P. Sperb
+ Nonlinear diffusion-reaction problems with time-dependent diffusion coefficient 1979 René P. Sperb
+ On a mathematical model describing the aggregation of amoebae 1979 René P. Sperb
+ On Hopf type maximum principles for convex domains 1977 L. E. Payne
René P. Sperb
Ivar Stakgold
+ A maximum principle for a class of functionals in nonlinear dirichlet problems 1976 Philip Schaefer
René P. Sperb
+ Extension of two theorems of Payne to some nonlinear Dirichlet problems 1975 René P. Sperb
+ Applications of Rellich's perturbation theory to a classical boundary and eigenvalue problem 1973 Catherine Bandle
René P. Sperb
+ A Priori-Schranken für das Energieintegral in einem Randwertproblem mit einem Parameter α 1972 René P. Sperb
+ Ein Beitrag zum Typenproblem der Riemannschen Flächen 1964 René P. Sperb
Common Coauthors
Coauthor Papers Together
Catherine Bandle 2
Philip Schaefer 1
L. E. Payne 1
Ivar Stakgold 1
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Isoperimetric Inequalities and Their Applications 1967 L. E. Payne
+ On the mean value of the fundamental mode in the fixed membrane problem 1973 L. E. Payne
Ivar Stakgold
+ Maximum Principles in Differential Equations 1984 Murray H. Protter
Hans F. Weinberger
+ Maximum principles for some functionals associated with the solution of elliptic boundary value problems 1976 Philip Schaefer
R. Sperb
+ Maximum Principles and Bounds in Some Inhomogeneous Elliptic Boundary Value Problems 1977 Philip Schaefer
R. Sperb
+ PDF Chat A remark on linear elliptic differential equations of second order 1952 Eberhard Hopf
+ Isoperimetric inequalities in mathematical physics 1951 George Pólya
Gábor Szegő
+ Isoperimetric inequalities and applications 1980 Catherine Bandle
+ PDF Chat Bounds for solutions of a class of quasilinear elliptic boundary value problems in terms of the torsion function 1981 L. E. Payne
+ Konstruktion isoperimetrischer Ungleichungen der mathematischen Physik aus solchen der Geometrie 1971 Catherine Bandle
+ Fixed Point Equations and Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems in Ordered Banach Spaces 1976 Herbert Amann
+ On Hopf type maximum principles for convex domains 1977 L. E. Payne
René P. Sperb
Ivar Stakgold
+ Une méthode de comparaison isopérimétrique de fonctionnelles de domaines de la physique mathématique I. Première partie: une démonstration de la conjecture isopérimétrique Pλ2 ≥ πj 0 4 /2 de Pólya et Szegö 1978 Marie–Thérèse Kohler–Jobin
+ Optimal bounds in semilinear elliptic problems with nonlinear boundary conditions 1993 R. Sperb
+ Positive eigenfunctions for ?u + ?f(u) = 0 1962 Norman Levinson
+ Non-uniqueness in the equilibrium shape of a confined plasma<sup>†</sup> 1977 David G. Schaeffer
+ A Priori-Schranken für das Energieintegral in einem Randwertproblem mit einem Parameter α 1972 René P. Sperb
+ Maximal and minimal solutions of elliptic differential equations with discontinuous non-linearities 1978 C. A. Stuart
+ On the boundary values of solutions of a problem arising in plasma physics 1982 Catherine Bandle
Moshe Marcus
+ On two conjectures in the fixed membrane eigenvalue problem 1973 L. E. Payne
+ PDF Chat Sur la nature analytique des solutions des �quations aux d�riv�es partielles du second ordre 1904 S. Bernstein
+ Isoperimetric inequalities in a boundary value problem on a Riemannian manifold 1980 René P. Sperb
+ On the Existence of Positive Solutions of Semilinear Elliptic Equations 1982 Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ Diffusion and reaction with monotone kinetics 1984 Catherine Bandle
R. Sperb
Ivar Stakgold
+ Asymptotic estimates for the plasma problem 1980 Luis Caffarelli
Avner Friedman
+ A non-linear eigenvalue problem: The shape at equilibrium of a confined plasma 1975 Roger Témam
+ Gradient bounds for plasma confinement 1980 Ivar Stakgold
George C. Hsiao
+ PDF Chat The Number of Solutions of a Nonlinear Two Point Boundary Value Problem 1970 Theodore W. Laetsch
+ A semilinear elliptic eigenvalue problem, II. The plasma problem 1980 Grant Keady
John Norbury
+ PDF Chat A Maximum Principle and Gradient Bounds for Linear Elliptic Equations 1973 Murray H. Protter
Hans F. Weinberger
+ Lower Bounds for the First Eigenvalue of Elliptic Equations 1960 Murray H. Protter
+ Isoperimetric Inequalities in Mathematical Physics. (AM-27) 1951 Georg Pólya
Giorgio P. Szegö
+ Optimal Bounds for the Critical Value in a Semilinear Boundary Value Problem on a Surface 1987 René P. Sperb
+ PDF Chat Sur les périodes des solutions de l'équation différentielle x'' + g(x) = 0 1961 Z. Opial
+ PDF Chat Linear elliptic differential systems and eigenvalue problems 1965 Gaetano Fichera
+ Abschaetzung der Randwerte bei Nichtlinearen Elliptischen Gleichungen aus der Plasmaphysik 1981 Catherine Bandle
+ Global estimates for nonlinear reaction and diffusion 1974 Ivar Stakgold
+ Existence theorems, qualitative results and a priori bounds for a class of nonlinear Dirichlet problems 1975 Catherine Bandle
+ Maximum principles and nonlinear elliptic problems 1979 René P. Sperb
+ Maximum principles for functionals associated with the solution of semilinear elliptic boundary value problems 1989 J. R. L. Webb
+ PDF Chat Symmetry and related properties via the maximum principle 1979 Basilis Gidas
Wei‐Ming Ni
Louis Nirenberg
+ Isoperimetric Inequalities in a Class of Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems 1978 Philip S. Crooke
R. Sperb
+ Remarks on a free Boundary Value Problem Arising in Plasma Physics 1977 Roger Témam
+ On a free boundary problem arising in plasma physics 1980 Henri Berestycki
Haı̈m Brezis
+ Membranes �lastiquement li�es inhomog�nes ou sur une surface: Une nouvelle extension du th�or�me isop�rim�trique de Rayleigh-Faber-Krahn 1988 Marie-H�l�ne Bossel
+ An isoperimetric inequality for the first eigenfunction in the fixed membrane problem 1972 L. E. Payne
Margaret E. Rayner
+ Some Isoperimetric Inequalities for Harmonic Functions 1970 L. E. Payne