Michelle Bucher


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Alternating cochains on Furstenberg boundaries and measurable cohomology 2023 Michelle Bucher
Alessio Savini
+ Kernels in measurable cohomology for transitive actions 2023 Michelle Bucher
Alessio Savini
+ PDF Chat Trivial cup products in bounded cohomology of the free group via aligned chains 2022 Sofia Amontova
Michelle Bucher
+ Some explicit cocycles on the Furstenberg boundary for products of isometries of hyperbolic spaces and $\mathrm{SL}(3,\mathbb{K})$ 2022 Michelle Bucher
Alessio Savini
+ PDF Chat Integrality of volumes of representations 2021 Michelle Bucher
Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
+ Trivial cup products in bounded cohomology of the free group via aligned chains 2021 Sofia Amontova
Michelle Bucher
+ PDF Chat Surface bundles over surfaces: new inequalities between signature, simplicial volume and Euler characteristic 2020 Michelle Bucher
Caterina Campagnolo
+ PDF Chat The simplicial volume of mapping tori of 3-manifolds 2019 Michelle Bucher
Christoforos Neofytidis
+ PDF Chat The bounded Borel class and 3-manifold groups 2018 Michelle Bucher
Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
+ PDF Chat The cup product of Brooks quasimorphisms 2018 Michelle Bucher
Nicolas Monod
+ The cup product of Brooks quasimorphisms 2017 Michelle Bucher
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat A note on semi-conjugacy for circle actions 2017 Michelle Bucher
Roberto Frigerio
Tobias Hartnick
+ Vanishing simplicial volume for certain affine manifolds 2017 Michelle Bucher
Chris Connell
Jean-François Lafont
+ The Bounded Cohomology of SL$_{\textbf{2}}$ Over Local Fields and $\boldsymbol{S}$-Integers 2017 Michelle Bucher
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Minimal exponential growth rates of metabelian Baumslag–Solitar groups and lamplighter groups 2017 Michelle Bucher
Alexey Talambutsa
+ The cup product of Brooks quasimorphisms 2017 Michelle Bucher
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat A quantitative version of a theorem by Jungreis 2016 Michelle Bucher
Roberto Frigerio
Cristina Pagliantini
+ Vanishing simplicial volume for certain affine manifolds 2016 Michelle Bucher
Chris Connell
Jean-François Lafont
+ The bounded cohomology of SL_2 over local fields and S-integers 2016 Michelle Bucher
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat Exponential growth rates of free and amalgamated products 2016 Michelle Bucher
Alexey Talambutsa
+ Vanishing simplicial volume for certain affine manifolds 2016 Michelle Bucher
Chris Connell
Jean-François Lafont
+ The bounded cohomology of SL_2 over local fields and S-integers 2016 Michelle Bucher
Nicolas Monod
+ Minimal exponential growth rates of metabelian Baumslag-Solitar groups and lamplighter groups 2015 Michelle Bucher
Alexey Talambutsa
+ PDF Chat The simplicial volume of 3-manifolds with boundary 2015 Michelle Bucher
Roberto Frigerio
Cristina Pagliantini
+ A quantitative version of a theorem by Jungreis 2015 Michelle Bucher
Roberto Frigerio
Cristina Pagliantini
+ A quantitative version of a theorem by Jungreis 2015 Michelle Bucher
Roberto Frigerio
Cristina Pagliantini
+ Minimal exponential growth rates of metabelian Baumslag-Solitar groups and lamplighter groups 2015 Michelle Bucher
Alexey Talambutsa
+ Rigidity of representations of hyperbolic lattices $\Gamma<PSL(2,\mathbb{C})$ into $PSL(n,\mathbb{C})$ 2014 Michelle Bucher
Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
+ PDF Chat The bounded Borel class and complex representations of 3-manifold groups 2014 Michelle Bucher
Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
+ A note on semi-conjugacy for circle actions 2014 Michelle Bucher
Roberto Frigerio
Tobias Hartnick
+ Integrality of Volumes of Representations 2014 Michelle Bucher
Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
+ Integrality of Volumes of Representations 2014 Michelle Bucher
Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
+ A note on semi-conjugacy for circle actions 2014 Michelle Bucher
Roberto Frigerio
Tobias Hartnick
+ Proportionality principle for the simplicial volume of families of $$\mathbb Q $$ Q -rank 1 locally symmetric spaces 2013 Michelle Bucher
Инканг Ким
Sungwoon Kim
+ PDF Chat Milnor–Wood inequalities for products 2013 Michelle Bucher
Tsachik Gelander
+ Isometric Embeddings in Bounded Cohomology 2013 Michelle Bucher
Marc Burger
Roberto Frigerio
Alessandra Iozzi
Cristina Pagliantini
Maria Beatrice Pozzetti
+ Isometric Embeddings in Bounded Cohomology 2013 Michelle Bucher
Marc Burger
Roberto Frigerio
Alessandra Iozzi
Cristina Pagliantini
Maria Beatrice Pozzetti
+ PDF Chat A Dual Interpretation of the Gromov–Thurston Proof of Mostow Rigidity and Volume Rigidity for Representations of Hyperbolic Lattices 2012 Michelle Bucher
Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
+ Isometric properties of bounded cohomology and applications to volumes of representations 2012 Michelle Bucher
+ Exponential growth rates of free and amalgamated products 2012 Michelle Bucher
Alexey Talambutsa
+ Proportionality principle for the simplicial volume of families of Q-rank 1 locally symmetric spaces 2012 Michelle Bucher
Инканг Ким
Sungwoon Kim
+ Exponential growth rates of free and amalgamated products 2012 Michelle Bucher
Alexey Talambutsa
+ A Dual Interpretation of the Gromov--Thurston Proof of Mostow Rigidity and Volume Rigidity for Representations of Hyperbolic Lattices 2012 Michelle Bucher
Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
+ The generalized Chern conjecture for manifolds that are locally a product of surfaces 2011 Michelle Bucher
Tsachik Gelander
+ PDF Chat The norm of the Euler class 2011 Michelle Bucher
Nicolas Monod
+ Milnor-Wood inequalities for manifolds which are locally a product of surfaces 2009 Michelle Bucher
Tsachik Gelander
+ The generalized Chern conjecture for manifolds that are locally a product of surfaces 2009 Michelle Bucher
Tsachik Gelander
+ Simplicial volume of products and fiber bundles 2009 Michelle Bucher
+ PDF Chat Milnor–Wood inequalities for manifolds locally isometric to a product of hyperbolic planes 2008 Michelle Bucher
Tsachik Gelander
+ Milnor-Wood inequalities for manifolds locally isometric to a product of hyperbolic planes 2008 Michelle Bucher
Tsachik Gelander
+ An introduction to bounded cohomology 2008 Michelle Bucher
+ PDF Chat On the definition of bolic spaces 2002 Michelle Bucher
Anders Karlsson
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Volume and bounded cohomology 1982 Michael Gromov
+ Continuous Bounded Cohomology of Locally Compact Groups 2014 Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat The simplicial volume of closed manifolds covered by ℍ<sup>2</sup>× ℍ<sup>2</sup> 2008 Michelle Bucher-Karlsson
+ PDF Chat Surface group representations with maximal Toledo invariant 2010 Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
Anna Wienhard
+ PDF Chat Continuous Bounded Cohomology of Locally Compact Groups 2001 Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat On the existence of a connection with curvature zero 1958 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat A Dual Interpretation of the Gromov–Thurston Proof of Mostow Rigidity and Volume Rigidity for Representations of Hyperbolic Lattices 2012 Michelle Bucher
Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
+ None 2003 Stefano Francaviglia
+ PDF Chat Bounded cohomology of lattices in higher rank Lie groups 1999 Marc Burger
Nicolas Monod
+ Geometry and Topology of 3-manifolds 2011 Richard E. Hughes
+ PDF Chat Isometric embeddings in bounded cohomology 2014 Martin Juan José Bucher
M. Burger
Roberto Frigerio
Alessandra Iozzi
Cristina Pagliantini
Maria Beatrice Pozzetti
+ Isometric properties of relative bounded cohomology 2012 Martin Juan José Bucher
M. Burger
Roberto Frigerio
Alessandra Iozzi
Cristina Pagliantini
Maria Beatrice Pozzetti
+ PDF Chat The norm of the Euler class 2011 Michelle Bucher
Nicolas Monod
+ PDF Chat The Gromov norm of the Kaehler class and the Maslov index 2003 Jean-Louis Clerc
Bent Ørsted
+ Some Remarks on Bounded Cohomology 1981 Robert Brooks
+ Bundles with totally disconnected structure group 1971 John W. Wood
+ The gromov norm of the Kaehler class of symmetric domains 1987 Antun Domic
Domingo Toledo
+ PDF Chat The proportionality constant for the simplicial volume of locally symmetric spaces 2008 Michelle Bucher-Karlsson
+ Lectures on Hyperbolic Geometry 1992 Riccardo Benedetti
Carlo Petronio
+ PDF Chat The simplicial volume of hyperbolic manifolds with geodesic boundary 2010 Roberto Frigerio
Cristina Pagliantini
+ Continuous Cohomology, Discrete Subgroups, and Representations of Reductive Groups 2000 A. Borel
Nolan R. Wallach
+ Chains that realize the Gromov invariant of hyperbolic manifolds 1997 Douglas S. Jungreis
+ Foundations of the theory of bounded cohomology 1987 Nikolai V. Ivanov
+ PDF Chat Milnor–Wood inequalities for manifolds locally isometric to a product of hyperbolic planes 2008 Michelle Bucher
Tsachik Gelander
+ PDF Chat Cyclic surgery, degrees of maps of character curves, and volume rigidity for hyperbolic manifolds 1999 Nathan M. Dunfield
+ Algebraic topology 2001 Allen Hatcher
+ PDF Chat Simplices of maximal volume in hyperbolic n-space 1981 Uffe Haagerup
Hans J. Munkholm
+ Discrete Subgroups of Semisimple Lie Groups 1991 Gregori Aleksandrovitch Margulis
+ PDF Chat Inégalités de Milnor–Wood géométriques 2007 Gérard Besson
Gilles Courtois
Sylvestre Gallot
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Hyperbolic Manifolds 2006 John G. Ratcliffe
+ In\'egalit\'es de Milnor-Wood g\'eom\'etriques 2005 Gérard Besson
Gilles Courtois
Sylvestre Gallot
+ PDF Chat The Euler characteristic of an affine space form is zero 1975 Bertram Kostant
Dennis Sullivan
+ Automorphe Formen und der Satz von Riemann-Roch 1958 Friedrich Hirzebruch
+ PDF Chat Continuous bounded cohomology and applications to rigidity theory 2002 M. Burger
Nicolas Monod
+ Simplicial volume of compact manifolds with amenable boundary 2012 Sungwoon Kim
Thilo Kuessner
+ Foliated Bundles, Invariant Measures and Flat Manifolds 1975 Morris W. Hirsch
William P. Thurston
+ PDF Chat Topics in geometric group theory 2001 La Harpe
P. K. De
+ The growth of free products 2010 Avinoam Mann
+ PDF Chat Bounded differential forms, generalized Milnor–Wood inequality and an application to deformation rigidity 2007 Marc Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
+ Construction and recognition of hyperbolic 3-manifolds with geodesic boundary 2003 Roberto Frigerio
Carlo Petronio
+ Volumes of hyperbolic manifolds with geodesic boundary 1994 Yosuke Miyamoto
+ Boundary maps in bounded cohomology¶Appendix to: Burger and Monod, in this issue 2002 M. Burger
Alessandra Iozzi
+ The generalized Chern conjecture for manifolds that are locally a product of surfaces 2011 Michelle Bucher
Tsachik Gelander
+ Bounded Cohomology, Boundary Maps, and Rigidity of Representations into Homeo+(S1) and SU(1, n) 2002 Alessandra Iozzi
+ Cohomologie des groupes topologiques et des algèbres de Lie 1980 Alain Guichardet
+ PDF Chat The space of positive definite matrices and Gromov’s invariant 1982 Richard P. Savage
+ On Finite Index Subgroups of Linear Groups 1987 Alexander Lubotzky
+ Lie Groups Beyond an Introduction 1996 Anthony W. Knapp
+ Simplicial de rham cohomology and characteristic classes of flat bundles 1976 Johan L. Dupont
+ On exponential growth and uniformly exponential growth for groups 2004 John S. Wilson