Gerhard Frey


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Une Note Sur La Conjecture ABC 2020 Gerhard Frey
Abdelmajid Ben Hadj Salem
+ PDF Chat Curves, Jacobians, and cryptography 2019 Gerhard Frey
Tony Shaska
+ Curves, Jacobians, and Cryptography 2018 Gerhard Frey
Tony Shaska
+ Curves, Jacobians, and Cryptography 2018 Gerhard Frey
Tony Shaska
+ Normal forms of hyperelliptic curves of genus 3 2015 Gerhard Frey
Ernst Kani
+ Isogenies in Theory and Praxis 2014 Gerhard Frey
+ Galois representations attached to elliptic curves and diophantine problems 2013 Gerhard Frey
+ Relations between arithmetic geometry and public key cryptography 2010 Gerhard Frey
+ PDF Chat The Way to the Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem 2009 Gerhard Frey
+ PDF Chat On Bilinear Structures on Divisor Class Groups 2009 Gerhard Frey
+ Curves of genus 2 with elliptic differentials and associated Hurwitz spaces 2009 Gerhard Frey
Ernst Kani
+ Discrete Logarithms, Duality, and Arithmetic in Brauer Groups 2008 Gerhard Frey
+ PDF Chat Non-constant curves of genus 2 with infinite pro-Galois covers 2008 Claus Diem
Gerhard Frey
+ Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography 2005 Henri Cohen
Gerhard Frey
Roberto Avanzi
Christophe Doche
Tanja Lange
Kim Nguyễn
Fréderik Vercauteren
+ Background on Weil Descent 2005 Gerhard Frey
Tanja Lange
+ Varieties over Special Fields 2005 Gerhard Frey
Tanja Lange
+ Background on Curves and Jacobians 2005 Gerhard Frey
Tanja Lange
+ Complex Multiplication 2005 Gerhard Frey
Tanja Lange
+ PDF Chat On the number of elliptic curves with CM cover large algebraic fields 2005 Gerhard Frey
Moshe Jarden
+ On using expansions to the base of −2 2004 Roberto Avanzi
Gerhard Frey
Tanja Lange
Roger Oyono¶
+ Non-constant genus 2 curves with pro-Galois covers 2003 Claus Diem
Gerhard Frey
+ Non-constant curves of genus 2 with infinite pro-Galois covers 2003 Claus Diem
Gerhard Frey
+ On Using Expansions to the Base of -2 2003 Roberto Avanzi
Gerhard Frey
Tanja Lange
Roger Oyono
+ Non-constant curves of genus 2 with infinite pro-Galois covers 2003 Claus Diem
Gerhard Frey
+ On Using Expansions to the Base of -2 2003 Roberto Avanzi
Gerhard Frey
Tanja Lange
Roger Oyono
+ PDF Chat Der Satz von Preda Mihailescu. Die Vermutung von Catalan ist richtig! 2002 Gerhard Frey
+ The way to the proof of Fermat's theorem 2002 Gerhard Frey
+ Horizontal isogeny theorems 2002 Gerhard Frey
Moshe Jarden
+ PDF Chat Projective p-adic representations of the K-rational geometric fundamental group 2001 Gerhard Frey
Ernst Kani
+ Curves with infinite K-rational geometric fundamental group 2001 Gerhard Frey
Ernst Kani
+ Applications of Arithmetical Geometry to Cryptographic Constructions 2001 Gerhard Frey
+ Arithmetic of Modular Curves and Applications 1999 Gerhard Frey
Michael R. Müller
+ On Ternary Equations of Fermat Type and Relations with Elliptic Curves 1997 Gerhard Frey
+ PDF Chat Algebra and Number Theory 1994 Gerhard Frey
Joachim Ritter
+ A Remark Concerning m-Divisibility and the Discrete Logarithm in the Divisor Class Group of Curves 1994 Gerhard Frey
Hans-Georg Rück
+ Construction and arithmetical applications of modular forms of low weight 1994 Gerhard Frey
+ Curves with infinitely many points of fixed degree 1994 Gerhard Frey
+ PDF Chat A remark concerning 𝑚-divisibility and the discrete logarithm in the divisor class group of curves 1994 Gerhard Frey
Hans-Georg Rück
+ Über A. Wiles’ Beweis der Fermatschen Vermutung 1993 Gerhard Frey
+ On the different of abelian extensions of global fields 1992 Gerhard Frey
Marc Perret
Henning Stichtenoth
+ Galois representations of octahedral type and 2-coverings of elliptic curves 1991 Pilar Báyer
Gerhard Frey
+ Curves of genus 2 covering elliptic curves and an arithmetical application 1991 Gerhard Frey
Ernst Kani
+ Properties of twists of elliptic curves. 1990 J.A. Antoniadis
M. Bungert
Gerhard Frey
+ Links between solutions of A−B=C and elliptic curves 1989 Gerhard Frey
+ PDF Chat On the Selmer Group of Twists of Elliptic Curves with Q-Rational Torsion Points 1988 Gerhard Frey
+ Links Between Elliptic Curves and Solutions of A-B=C 1987 Gerhard Frey
+ The strong Lefschetz principle in algebraic geometry 1986 Gerhard Frey
Hans -Georg R�ck
+ A remark about isogenies of elliptic curves over quadratic fields 1986 Gerhard Frey
+ Links between stable elliptic curves and certain diophantine equations 1986 Gerhard Frey
+ A relation between the value of theL-series of the curve:y 2=x 3?k 3 ins=1 and its Selmer group 1985 Gerhard Frey
+ Der Rang der L�sungen von Y2=X3�p3 �ber 2e 1984 Gerhard Frey
+ Quadratische Formen über Q und Qp 1984 Gerhard Frey
+ Quadrate in Qp 1984 Gerhard Frey
+ Komplettierungen von Q 1984 Gerhard Frey
+ Quadratische Zahlkörper 1984 Gerhard Frey
+ Teilbarkeitslehre 1984 Gerhard Frey
+ Elementare Zahlentheorie 1984 Gerhard Frey
+ Kongruenzen 1984 Gerhard Frey
+ Non standard arithmetic and application to height functions 1982 Gerhard Frey
+ Cyclic isogenies and nonstandard arithmetic 1980 Gerhard Frey
+ On the structure of the class group of a function field 1979 Gerhard Frey
+ PDF Chat Computation of the 2-rank of pure cubic fields 1978 H. Eisenbeis
Gerhard Frey
B. Ommerborn
+ PDF Chat Some remarks concerning points of finite order on elliptic curves over global fields 1977 Gerhard Frey
+ Maximal abelsche Erweiterung von Funktionenk�rpern �ber lokalen K�rpern 1977 Gerhard Frey
+ Die Klassengruppen quadratischer und kubischer Zahlk�rper und die Selmergruppen gewisser elliptischer Kurven 1975 Gerhard Frey
+ Approximation Theory and the Rank of Abelian Varieties Over Large Algebraic Fields 1974 Gerhard Frey
Moshe Jarden
+ Pseudo algebraically closed fields with non-Archimedean real valuations 1973 Gerhard Frey
+ Elliptische Funktionenk�rper mit schlechter Reduktion und nichttrivialer Hasse-Invariante 1972 Gerhard Frey
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves 1986 Joseph H. Silverman
+ Analytic Theory of Elliptic Functions Over Local Fields 1970 Peter Roquette
+ Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions 1972 Marvin Tretkoff
Goro Shimura
+ On Ternary Equations of Fermat Type and Relations with Elliptic Curves 1997 Gerhard Frey
+ PDF Chat Modular curves and the eisenstein ideal 1977 Barry Mazur
+ Handbook of Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography 2005 Henri Cohen
Gerhard Frey
Roberto Avanzi
Christophe Doche
Tanja Lange
Kim Nguyễn
Fréderik Vercauteren
+ Propri�t�s galoisiennes des points d'ordre fini des courbes elliptiques 1971 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ Points d'ordre $2p^h$ sur les courbes elliptiques 1975 Yves Hellegouarch
+ Notes on elliptic curves. II. 1965 B. J. Birch
H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer
+ Duality theorems for curves overP-adic fields 1969 Stephen Lichtenbaum
+ Rational isogenies of prime degree 1978 Barry Mazur
Dorian Goldfeld
+ PDF Chat Modèles minimaux des variétés abéliennes sur les corps locaux et globaux 1964 André Néron
+ Geometric Invariant Theory 1994 David Mumford
John E. Fogarty
Frances Kirwan
+ Endlichkeitss�tze f�r abelsche Variet�ten �ber Zahlk�rpern 1983 Герд Фалтингс
+ Bornes pour la torsion des courbes elliptiques sur les corps de nombres 1996 Lo x EF c Merel
+ Links between solutions of A−B=C and elliptic curves 1989 Gerhard Frey
+ PDF Chat Algebraic number theory 1999 Kazuya Katô
Nobushige Kurokawa
Takeshi Saito
+ Arithmetic moduli of elliptic curves 1985 Nicholas M. Katz
Barry Mazur
+ Die Typen der Multiplikatorenringe elliptischer Funktionenkörper 1941 Max Deuring
+ An Introduction to the Theory of Groups 1965 Joseph Rotman
+ Finite Permutation Groups. 1966 Franklin Haimo
Helmut Wielandt
+ On modular representations of $$(\bar Q/Q)$$ arising from modular forms 1990 Kenneth A. Ribet
+ PDF Chat Projective p-adic representations of the K-rational geometric fundamental group 2001 Gerhard Frey
Ernst Kani
+ Sur les coefficients de Fourier des formes modulaires de poids demi-entier 1981 J. L. Waldspurger
+ Algebraic Number Fields 1995 Gerald J. Janusz
+ Links between stable elliptic curves and certain diophantine equations 1986 Gerhard Frey
+ Notes on elliptic curves. I. 1963 B.J. BIRCH
H. P. F. Swinnerton-Dyer
+ Sur les représentations modulaires de degré 2 de Gal(Q¯/Q) 1987 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat On Unramified Extensions of Function Fields over Finite Fields 2018 Yasutaka Ihara
+ Hurwitz spaces of genus 2 covers of an elliptic curve 2003 Ernst Kani
+ Geometric Invariant Theory 1965 David Mumford
+ Sur l'équation y<sup>2</sup> = x<sup>3</sup> - Ax - B dans les corps p-adiques. 1937 Elisabeth Lutz
+ Commutative Ring Theory 1987 H. Matsumura
+ PDF Chat Abelian varieties over finite fields 1969 William C. Waterhouse
+ Construction de courbes de genre 2 à partir de leurs modules 1991 Jean-François Mestre
+ PDF Chat Elliptic curves over finite fields and the computation of square roots mod 𝑝 1985 René Schoof
+ PDF Chat On the asymptotic behavior of scaled singular value and 𝑄𝑅 decompositions 1984 G. W. Stewart
+ Fundamentals of Diophantine Geometry 1983 Serge Lang
+ Modular Forms and Fermat’s Last Theorem 1997 Gary Cornell
Joseph H. Silverman
Glenn Stevens
+ Arithmetic Variety of Moduli for Genus Two 1960 Jun-ichi Igusa
+ Die Klassengruppen quadratischer und kubischer Zahlk�rper und die Selmergruppen gewisser elliptischer Kurven 1975 Gerhard Frey
+ Endomorphisms of abelian varieties over finite fields 1966 John Tate
+ Calculus on Arithmetic Surfaces 1984 Герд Фалтингс
+ Linear Series on 4 - Gonal Curves 2000 Marc Coppens
Gerriet Martens
+ Curves with infinite K-rational geometric fundamental group 2001 Gerhard Frey
Ernst Kani
+ PDF Chat The Weil Pairing, and Its Efficient Calculation 2004 Victor S. Miller
+ Elliptische Funktionenk�rper mit schlechter Reduktion und nichttrivialer Hasse-Invariante 1972 Gerhard Frey
+ Groupes algébriques et corps de classes 1997 Jean Pierre Serre