G. Adomian


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Nonlinear dissipative wave equations 1998 G. Adomian
+ Solutions of nonlinear P.D.E. 1998 G. Adomian
+ Analytic solution of nonlinear integral equations of Hammerstein type 1998 G. Adomian
+ Numerical integration, analytic continuation, and decomposition 1997 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
Ronald E. Meyers
+ Explicit solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations 1997 G. Adomian
+ On KdV type equations 1997 G. Adomian
+ Non-perturbative solution of the Klein-Gordon-Zakharov equation 1997 G. Adomian
+ A nonperturbative analytical solution of immune response with time-delays and possible generalization 1996 G. Adomian
Y. Cherruault
K. Abbaoui
+ The dissipative sine-Gordon equation 1996 G. Adomian
+ Nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation 1996 G. Adomian
+ Solution of coupled nonlinear partial differential equations by decomposition 1996 G. Adomian
+ PDF Chat The fifth‐order Korteweg‐de Vries equation 1996 G. Adomian
+ Generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation with time-dependent dissipation 1995 G. Adomian
Ronald E. Meyers
+ Random volterra integral equations 1995 G. Adomian
+ The nikolaevskiy model for nonlinear seismic waves 1995 G. Adomian
+ On the analytic solution of the lane-emden equation 1995 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
Nabil Shawagfeh
+ Fisher-Kolmogorov equation 1995 G. Adomian
+ The generalized Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piskunov equation 1995 G. Adomian
+ Isentropic flow of an inviscid gas 1995 G. Adomian
Ronald E. Meyers
+ Further remarks on convergence of decomposition method 1995 Y. Cherruault
G. Adomian
K. Abbaoui
Randolph Rach
+ On the solution of boundary value problem. The decomposition method 1994 E.S. Lee
G. Adomian
+ Solution of nonlinear evolution equations 1994 G. Adomian
+ Analytic solutions for time-dependent Schrödinger equations with linear of nonlinear Hamiltonians 1994 G. Adomian
H. J. Efinger
+ Modified decomposition solution of linear and nonlinear boundary-value problems 1994 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Solution of physical problems by decomposition 1994 G. Adomian
+ Solving frontier problems of physics : the decomposition methoc [i.e. method] 1994 G. Adomian
+ Decomposition methods: A new proof of convergence 1993 Y. Cherruault
G. Adomian
+ A new algorithm for matching boundary conditions in decomposition solutions 1993 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Solution of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in One, Two, Three, and Four Dimensions 1993 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Analytic Solution of Nonlinear Boundary-Value Problems in Several Dimensions by Decomposition 1993 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Modified decomposition solution of nonlinear partial differential equations 1992 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Generalization of adomian polynomials to functions of several variables 1992 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Nonlinear transformation of series—part II 1992 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Inhomogeneous nonlinear partial differential equations with variable coefficients 1992 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Differential equations with singular coefficients 1992 Randolph Rach
A. Baghdasarian
G. Adomian
+ A modified decomposition 1992 Randolph Rach
G. Adomian
Ronald E. Meyers
+ A further consideration of partial solutions in the decomposition method 1992 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ An analytical solution of the stochastic Navier-Stokes system 1991 G. Adomian
+ Solving frontier problems modelled by nonlinear partial differential equations 1991 G. Adomian
+ Numerical algorithms and decomposition 1991 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
Ronald E. Meyers
+ Transformation of series 1991 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Equality of partial solutions in the decomposition method for linear or nonlinear partial differential equations 1990 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Multiple decompositions for computational convenience 1990 Randolph Rach
G. Adomian
+ Decomposition solution of nonlinear hyperbolic equations 1990 G. Adomian
+ Purely nonlinear differential equations 1990 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ On the solution of partial differential equations with specified boundary conditions 1989 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
M. K. Elrod
+ A new approach to boundary value equations and application to a generalization of Airy's equation 1989 G. Adomian
M. K. Elrod
Randolph Rach
+ Smooth polynomial expansions of piecewise-differentiable functions 1989 Randolph Rach
G. Adomian
+ PDF Chat Application of decomposition to hyperbolic, parabolic, and elliptic partial differential equations 1989 G. Adomian
+ Propagation in dissipative or dispersive media 1988 G. Adomian
+ An adaptation of the decomposition method for asymptotic solutions 1988 G. Adomian
+ The decomposition method applied to stiff systems 1988 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
M. K. Elrod
+ A new approach to Burger's equation 1988 G. Adomian
+ Analysis of model equations of gas dynamics 1988 G. Adomian
+ Elliptic equations and decomposition 1988 G. Adomian
+ Corrigenda and comment on “A general approach to solution of partial differential equation systems” 1988 G. Adomian
+ Solving the nonlinear equations of physics 1988 G. Adomian
+ Application of decomposition to convection-diffusion equations 1988 G. Adomian
+ An investigation of the asymptotic decomposition method for nonlinear equations in physics 1987 G. Adomian
+ Explicit solutions for differential equations 1987 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ A new approach to the Efinger model for a nonlinear quantum theory for gravitating particles 1987 G. Adomian
+ Analytical solutions for ordinary and partial differential equations 1987 G. Adomian
+ A general approach to solution of partial differential equation systems 1987 G. Adomian
+ Nonlinear equations with mixed derivatives 1986 G. Adomian
+ Nonlinear hyperbolic initial value problem 1986 G. Adomian
+ Solution of the Navier-Stokes equation—I 1986 G. Adomian
+ The decomposition method for nonlinear dynamical systems 1986 G. Adomian
+ The noisy convergence phenomena in decomposition method solutions 1986 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ On the Tricomi problem 1986 G. Adomian
Nicola Bellomo
+ Systems of nonlinear partial differential equations 1986 G. Adomian
+ State-delayed matrix differential-difference equations 1986 G. Adomian
+ On the solution of nonlinear differential equations with convolution product nonlinearities 1986 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ A coupled nonlinear system 1986 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Existence of the inverse of a linear stochastic operator 1986 G. Adomian
Karl Malakian
+ PDF Chat Decomposition solution for Duffing and Van der Pol oscillators 1986 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Solution of the Marchuk model of infectious disease and immune response 1986 G. Adomian
G. Adomian
+ Nonlinear differential equations with negative power nonlinearities 1985 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Discretization, decomposition, and supercomputers 1985 G. Adomian
+ On the convergence region for decomposition solutions 1984 G. Adomian
+ Convergent series solution of nonlinear equations 1984 G. Adomian
+ A new approach to nonlinear partial differential equations 1984 G. Adomian
+ A global method for solution of complex systems 1984 G. Adomian
G. Adomian
+ Coupled nonlinear stochastic differential equations 1983 G. Adomian
Leon H. Sibul
Randolph Rach
+ Approximate calculation of Green's functions 1983 G. Adomian
+ Anharmonic oscillator systems 1983 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Partial differential equations with integral boundary conditions 1983 G. Adomian
+ Existence and uniqueness of statistical measures for solution processes for linear-stochastic differential equations 1982 G. Adomian
Karl Malakian
+ On Green's function in higher order stochastic differential equations 1982 G. Adomian
+ The stochastic Riccati equation 1980 Richard Bellman
G. Adomian
+ PDF Chat Symmetrized solutions for nonlinear stochastic differential equations 1980 G. Adomian
Leon H. Sibul
+ Self-correcting approximate solution by the iterative method for linear and nonlinear stochastic differential equations 1980 G. Adomian
Karl Malakian
+ Closure approximation error in the mean solution of stochastic differential equations by the hierarchy method 1979 G. Adomian
Karl Malakian
+ On the existence of solutions for linear and nonlinear stochastic operator equations 1978 G. Adomian
+ Stochastic differential operator equations with random initial conditions 1977 G. Adomian
Thomas M. Lynch
+ Note on orthonormal expansions 1974 Charles C Miao
G. Adomian
+ Absolute Value Boundedness, Operator Decomposition, and Stochastic Media and Equations 1973 G. Adomian
Cong-rong Miao
+ PDF Chat Addendum: Linear Random Operator Equations in Mathematical Physics. III 1972 G. Adomian
+ PDF Chat Erratum: Linear Random Operator Equations in Mathematical Physics. I 1971 G. Adomian
+ Linear Random Operator Equations in Mathematical Physics. III 1971 G. Adomian
+ Erratum: Random Operator Equations in Mathematical Physics. I 1971 G. Adomian
+ Stochastic Green’s functions 1964 G. Adomian
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Nonlinear Stochastic Operator Equations 1986 George Adomian
+ Nonlinear Stochastic Operator Equations 1986 38
+ Solving Frontier Problems of Physics: The Decomposition Method 1994 George Adomian
+ Convergence of Adomian's Method 1989 Y. Cherruault
+ Equality of partial solutions in the decomposition method for linear or nonlinear partial differential equations 1990 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Nonlinear Stochastic Systems Theory and Applications to Physics 1988 George Adomian
+ Convergent series solution of nonlinear equations 1984 G. Adomian
+ Convergence of Adomian's method applied to differential equations 1994 K. Abbaoui
Y. Cherruault
+ A convenient computational form for the Adomian polynomials 1984 Randolph Rach
+ New results for convergence of Adomian's method applied to integral equations 1992 Y. Cherruault
Giuseppe Saccomandi
Blaise Somé
+ Convergence of Adomian's Method and Applications to Non‐linear Partial Differential Equations 1992 T. Mavoungou
Y. Cherruault
+ Convergence of Adomian's method applied to nonlinear equations 1994 K. Abbaoui
Y. Cherruault
+ Transformation of series 1991 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Solutions of nonlinear boundary value problems by the decomposition method 1986 Dante Bigi
R. Riganti
+ Analytic Solution of Nonlinear Boundary-Value Problems in Several Dimensions by Decomposition 1993 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Analysis of stochastic Van der Pol oscillators using the decomposition method 1986 Ida Bonzani
+ Decomposition solution of nonlinear hyperbolic equations 1990 G. Adomian
+ Decomposition methods: A new proof of convergence 1993 Y. Cherruault
G. Adomian
+ A modified decomposition 1992 Randolph Rach
G. Adomian
Ronald E. Meyers
+ Coupled nonlinear stochastic differential equations 1983 G. Adomian
Leon H. Sibul
Randolph Rach
+ New ideas for proving convergence of decomposition methods 1995 K. Abbaoui
Y. Cherruault
+ Stochastic Green’s functions 1964 G. Adomian
+ Coupled Nonlinear Stochastic Differential Equations 1986 George Adomian
+ Generalization of adomian polynomials to functions of several variables 1992 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Partial Differential Equations: New Methods for Their Treatment and Solution 1984 Richard Bellman
George Adomian
+ Solution of the Navier-Stokes equation—I 1986 G. Adomian
+ Practical formulae for the calculus of multivariable adomian polynomials 1995 K. Abbaoui
Y. Cherruault
Virginie Seng
+ Stochastic differential operator equations with random initial conditions 1977 G. Adomian
Thomas M. Lynch
+ The theoretical foundation of the Adomian method 1994 Lionel Gabet
+ A comparison between Adomian's decomposition methods and perturbation techniques for nonlinear random differential equations 1985 Nicola Bellomo
Roberto Monaco
+ PDF Chat Symmetrized solutions for nonlinear stochastic differential equations 1980 G. Adomian
Leon H. Sibul
+ The noisy convergence phenomena in decomposition method solutions 1986 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ A new approach to nonlinear partial differential equations 1984 G. Adomian
+ Modern nonlinear equations 1981 Thomas L. Saaty
+ PDF Chat Random Differential Equations in Science and Engineering 1974 T. T. Soong
J. L. Bogdanoff
+ Numerical algorithms and decomposition 1991 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
Ronald E. Meyers
+ Multiple decompositions for computational convenience 1990 Randolph Rach
G. Adomian
+ Numerical study of fisher's equation by Adomian's method 1994 T. Mavoungou
Y. Cherruault
+ Modified decomposition solution of nonlinear partial differential equations 1992 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ On continuous approximate solutions of nonlinear differential equations 1987 Randolph Rach
+ Anharmonic oscillator systems 1983 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ Initial value problems for the Carleman equation 1980 Hans G. Kaper
G. K. Leaf
+ Nonlinear transformation of series—part II 1992 G. Adomian
Randolph Rach
+ A global method for solution of complex systems 1984 G. Adomian
G. Adomian
+ Equations stochastiques du type Navier-Stokes 1973 Alain Bensoussan
Roger TĂ©mam
+ Global smooth solution for the Klein–Gordon–Zakharov equations 1995 Boling Guo
Yuan Guangwei
+ On certain nonlinear equations arising in self-consistent theories 1980 H. J. Efinger
+ PDF Chat Decomposition solution for Duffing and Van der Pol oscillators 1986 G. Adomian
+ On bound state solutions for certain nonlinear Schrïżœdinger equations 1984 H. J. Efinger
Harald Grosse
+ PDF Chat Smoothing properties and retarded estimates for some dispersive evolution equations 1992 J. Ginibre
G. Velo