Vladimir Rubtsov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Algebraic $2-$valued group structures on $\mathbb P^1$, Kontsevich-type polynomials, and multiplication formulas, I 2024 Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
Ilia Gaiur
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Dualities for rational multi-particle Painlevé systems: Spectral versus Ruijsenaars 2024 Ilia Gaiur
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Towards a theory of homotopy structures for differential equations: First definitions and examples 2024 Jean-Pierre Magnot
Enríque G. Reyes
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Non-Abelian discrete Toda chains and related lattices 2024 Irina Bobrova
Vladimir Retakh
Vladimir Rubtsov
Georgy Sharygin
+ PDF Chat Product formulas for the Higher Bessel functions 2024 Ilia Gaiur
Vladimir Rubtsov
Duco van Straten
+ PDF Chat Monge–Ampère geometry and vortices 2024 Lewis Napper
Ian Roulstone
Vladimir Rubtsov
Martin Wolf
+ Diffeologies and generalized Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchies 2024 Anahita Eslami Rad
Jean-Pierre Magnot
Enríque G. Reyes
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Isomonodromic Deformations: Confluence, Reduction and Quantisation 2023 Ilia Gaiur
Marta Mazzocco
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Monge-Ampere Geometry and Vortices 2023 Lewis Napper
Ian Roulstone
Vladimir Rubtsov
Martin Wolf
+ PDF Chat Lectures on Poisson Algebras 2023 Vladimir Rubtsov
Radek Suchánek
+ Frölicher structures, diffieties, and a formal KP hierarchy 2023 Jean-Pierre Magnot
Enríque G. Reyes
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Non-Abelian Discrete Toda Chains and Related Lattices 2023 Irina Bobrova
Vladimir Retakh
Vladimir Rubtsov
Georgy Sharygin
+ Non-Abelian discrete Toda chains and related lattices 2023 Irina Bobrova
Vladimir Retakh
Vladimir Rubtsov
Georgy Sharygin
+ PDF Chat A fully noncommutative analog of the Painlevé IV equation and a structure of its solutions* 2022 Irina Bobrova
Vladimir Retakh
Vladimir Rubtsov
Georgy Sharygin
+ PDF Chat On (<i>t</i>2, <i>t</i>3)-Zakharov–Shabat equations of generalized Kadomtsev–Petviashvili hierarchies 2022 Jean-Pierre Magnot
Enríque G. Reyes
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ A fully noncommutative analog of the Painlevé IV equation and a structure of its solutions 2022 Irina Bobrova
Vladimir Retakh
Vladimir Rubtsov
Georgy Sharygin
+ Frolicher structures, diffieties, and a formal KP hierarchy 2022 Jean-Pierre Magnot
Enríque G. Reyes
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Isomonodromic deformations: Confluence, Reduction $\&$ quantisation 2021 Ilia Gaiur
Marta Mazzocco
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat On the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy in an extended class of formal pseudo-differential operators 2021 Jean-Pierre Magnot
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Isomonodromic deformations: Confluence, Reduction $\&amp;$ Quantisation 2021 Ilia Yu. Gaiur
Marta Mazzocco
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Koszul complexes and spectral sequences associated with Lie algebroids 2020 Ugo Bruzzo
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Quantised Painlevé monodromy manifolds, Sklyanin and Calabi-Yau algebras 2020 Leonid Chekhov
Marta Mazzocco
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Cross-Ratio and Schwarz Derivative 2020 Vladimir Retakh
Vladimir Rubtsov
Georgy Sharygin
+ PDF Chat Alexandre Mikhailovich Vinogradov (obituary) 2020 A M Astashov
И.В. Асташова
Aleksei Vadimovich Bocharov
Victor Matveevich Buchstaber
V. A. Vassiliev
Alexander Verbovetsky
Анатолий Моисеевич Вершик
А. П. Веселов
Michael M. Vinogradov
L Vitagliano
+ PDF Chat Dualities for rational multi-particle Painlev\'e systems: Spectral versus Ruijsenaars 2020 Ilia Gaiur
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Dualities for rational multi-particle Painlevé systems: Spectral versus Ruijsenaars 2019 Ilia Gaiur
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Algebras of Quantum Monodromy Data and Character Varieties 2018 Leonid Chekhov
Marta Mazzocco
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Lie algebroid cohomology and Lie algebroid extensions 2017 Ettore Aldrovandi
Ugo Bruzzo
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Algebras of quantum monodromy data and decorated character varieties 2017 Marta Mazzocco
Vladimir Rubtsov
Leonid Chekhov
+ Lie algebroid cohomology and Lie algebroid extensions 2017 Ettore Aldrovandi
Ugo Bruzzo
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Painlevé Monodromy Manifolds, Decorated Character Varieties, and Cluster Algebras 2016 Leonid Chekhov
Marta Mazzocco
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Quantization and Dynamisation of Trace-Poisson Brackets 2015 Jean Avan
E. Ragoucy
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Nonabelian holomorphic Lie algebroid extensions 2015 Ugo Bruzzo
Igor Mencattini
Vladimir Rubtsov
Pietro Tortella
+ Painlevé monodromy manifolds, decorated character varieties and cluster algebras 2015 Leonid Chekhov
Marta Mazzocco
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Parameter-dependent associative Yang–Baxter equations and Poisson brackets 2014 Alexander Odesskii
Vladimir Rubtsov
В. В. Соколов
+ PDF Chat Generalizations of Poisson Structures Related to Rational Gaudin Model 2014 Dimitri Gurevich
Vladimir Rubtsov
Pavel Saponov
Zoran Škoda
+ PDF Chat Parameter-dependent associative Yang-Baxter equations and Poisson brackets 2013 Alexander Odesskii
Vladimir Rubtsov
В. Б. Соколов
+ PDF Chat Nonabelian Lie algebroid extensions 2013 Ugo Bruzzo
Igor Mencattini
Pietro Tortella
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Nonabelian holomorphic Lie algebroid extensions 2013 Ugo Bruzzo
Igor Mencattini
Vladimir Rubtsov
Pietro Tortella
+ PDF Chat Double Poisson brackets on free associative algebras 2013 Alexander Odesskii
Vladimir Rubtsov
В. Б. Соколов
+ Nonabelian holomorphic Lie algebroid extensions 2013 Ugo Bruzzo
Igor Mencattini
Vladimir Rubtsov
Pietro Tortella
+ PDF Chat On localization in holomorphic equivariant cohomology 2012 Ugo Bruzzo
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Classical elliptic current algebras. I 2012 S. Pakuliak
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Confluence on the Painlevé Monodromy Manifolds, their Poisson Structure and Quantisation 2012 Marta Mazzocco
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Бигамильтоновы обыкновенные дифференциальные уравнения с матричными переменными 2012 A. V. Odesskiĭ
Alexander Vladimirovich Odesskii
Vladimir Rubtsov
Vladimir Rubtsov
Vladimir Rubtsov
Vladimir Rubtsov
Владимир Вячеславович Соколов
В. В. Соколов
+ PDF Chat Classical elliptic current algebras. II 2012 S. Pakuliak
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Bi-Hamiltonian ODEs with matrix variables 2011 Alexander Odesskii
Vladimir Rubtsov
В. В. Соколов
+ Integer solutions of integral inequalities and H-invariant Jacobian Poisson structures 2011 G. Ortenzi
Vladimir Rubtsov
Serge Roméo Tagne Pelap
+ PDF Chat Noncommutative Toda chains, Hankel quasideterminants and the Painlevé II equation 2010 Vladimir Retakh
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat On the Heisenberg Invariance and the Elliptic Poisson Tensors 2010 G. Ortenzi
Vladimir Rubtsov
Serge Roméo Tagne Pelap
+ Systems of first-order partial differential equations on two-dimensional manifolds 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Exterior algebra on symplectic vector spaces 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Classification of symplectic MAOs on two-dimensional manifolds 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Contact classification of MAEs on two-dimensional manifolds 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Ordinary differential equations 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Classification of exterior 3-forms on a six-dimensional symplectic space 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ A symplectic classification of exterior 2-forms in dimension 4 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Model differential equations and the Lie superposition principle 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Monge–Ampère equations on two-dimensional manifolds and geometric structures 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Symmetries and contact transformations of Monge–Ampère equations 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Symplectic classification of exterior 2-forms 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Linear algebra of symplectic vector spaces 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Symplectic manifolds 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Monge–Ampère equations 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Symplectic classification of MAEs on three-dimensional manifolds 2010 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Когомологии косоголоморфных алгеброидов Ли 2010 У Бруццо
Ugo Bruzzo
У Бруццо
Ugo Bruzzo
Vladimir Rubtsov
Vladimir Rubtsov
Vladimir Rubtsov
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Manin Matrices, Quantum Elliptic Commutative Families and Characteristic Polynomial of Elliptic Gaudin Model 2009 Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Holomorphic equivariant cohomology of Atiyah algebroids and localization 2009 Ugo Bruzzo
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Compatible Structures on Lie Algebroids and Monge-Ampère Operators 2009 Yvette Kosmann–Schwarzbach
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Эквивариантные когомологии и локализация для алгеброидов Ли 2009 У Бруццо
Ugo Bruzzo
У Бруццо
Ugo Bruzzo
Л Чирио
Lucio S. Cirio
Л Чирио
Lucio S. Cirio
Paolo Rossi
Paolo Rossi
+ Compatible structures on Lie algebroids and Monge-Amp\`ere operators 2008 Yvette Kosmann–Schwarzbach
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Integrable systems associated with elliptic algebras 2008 Alexander Odesskii
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat On the Higher Poisson Structures of the Camassa–Holm Hierarchy 2008 G. Ortenzi
Marco Pedroni
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Classical elliptic current algebras. I 2008 S. Pakuliak
Vladimir Rubtsov
Alexey Silantyev
+ Classical elliptic current algebras. II 2008 S. Pakuliak
Vladimir Rubtsov
Alexey Silantyev
+ Compatible structures on Lie algebroids and Monge-Ampère operators 2008 Yvette Kosmann–Schwarzbach
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Basic representations of quantum current algebras in higher genus 2007 Benjamin Enriquez
S. Pakuliak
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Contact Geometry and Non-linear Differential Equations 2006 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Quantizations of the Hitchin and Beauville–Mukai Integrable Systems 2005 Benjamin Enriquez
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Commuting families in skew fields and quantization of Beauville's fibration 2003 Benjamin Enriquez
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Quantizations of Hitchin and Beauville-Mukai integrable systems 2002 Benjamin Enriquez
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Полиномиальные алгебры Пуассона с регулярной структурой симплектических листов 2002 A. V. Odesskiĭ
Alexander Vladimirovich Odesskii
A. V. Odesskiĭ
Alexander Vladimirovich Odesskii
Vladimir Rubtsov
Vladimir Rubtsov
Vladimir Rubtsov
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Duality in integrable systems and gauge theories 2000 V. V. Fock
A. Gorsky
Nikita Nekrasov
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Quasi-hopf algebras associated withsl 2 and complex curves 1999 Benjamin Enriquez
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat A family of poisson structures on hermitian symmetric spaces 1993 Сергей Михайлович Хорошкин
Andrey Radul
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ Quantization of poisson pairs: the R-matrix approach 1992 Dmitri Gurevich
Vladimir Rubtsov
Naum Zobin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the Associative Analog of Lie Bialgebras 2001 Marcelo Aguiar
+ A theory of noncommutative determinants and characteristic functions of graphs 1992 Israel M. Gelfand
Vladimir Retakh
+ General Theory of Lie Groupoids and Lie Algebroids 2005 Kirill C. H. Mackenzie
+ PDF Chat Transverse measures, the modular class and a cohomology pairing for Lie algebroids 1999 Sam Evens
+ PDF Chat Double Poisson algebras 2008 Michel Van den Bergh
+ Some algebraic structures connected with the Yang?Baxter equation 1983 E. K. Sklyanin
+ Monodromy perserving deformation of linear ordinary differential equations with rational coefficients. II 1981 Michio Jimbo
Tetsuji Miwa
+ PDF Chat Integrable ODEs on Associative Algebras 2000 А. В. Михайлов
В. В. Соколов
+ PDF Chat Quantization of Coset Space σ-Models Coupled to Two-Dimensional Gravity 1997 D. Korotkin
Henning Samtleben
+ Cohomology of Lie Algebras 1953 G. Hochschild
J-P. Serre
+ PDF Chat Solvability of the super KP equation and a generalization of the Birkhoff decomposition 1988 Motohico Mulase
+ Poisson homogeneous spaces and Lie algebroids associated to Poisson actions 1997 Jiang-Hua Lu
+ Determinants of matrices over noncommutative rings 1991 Israel M. Gelfand
Vladimir Retakh
+ A simple model of the integrable Hamiltonian equation 1978 Franco Magri
+ Determinant Formulas for the Toda and Discrete Toda Equations 1999 Kenji Kajiwara
Tetsu Masuda
Masatoshi Noumi
Yasuhiro Ohta
Yasuhiko Yamada
+ Conformal Field Theory and Integrable Systems Associated to Elliptic Curves 1995 Giovanni Felder
+ PDF Chat Moduli spaces for linear differential equations and the Painlevé equations 2009 Marius van der Put
Masa-Hiko Saito
+ Stable bundles and integrable systems 1987 Nigel Hitchin
+ PDF Chat The Cauchy problem of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy with arbitrary coefficient algebra 2017 Anahita Eslami Rad
Jean-Pierre Magnot
Enríque G. Reyes
+ Holomorphic equivariant cohomology 1995 Kefeng Liu
+ Complete integrability of the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation 1984 Motohico Mulase
+ PDF Chat Geometry and braiding of Stokes data; Fission and wild character varieties 2013 Philip Boalch
+ Contact Geometry and Non-linear Differential Equations 2006 Alexei Kushner
Valentin Lychagin
Vladimir Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Well-Posedness of the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili Hierarchy, Mulase Factorization, and Frölicher Lie Groups 2020 Jean-Pierre Magnot
Enríque G. Reyes
+ Poisson structures on moduli spaces of representations 2010 William Crawley-Boevey
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Quantum Groups $E_{\tau ,\eta } (\mathfrak{s}\mathfrak{l}_2 )$ and Quasi-Hopf Algebras 1998 Benjamin Enriquez
Giovanni Felder
I. S. Krasil’shchik
+ PDF Chat Monodromy- and spectrum-preserving deformations I 1980 H. Flaschka
Alan C. Newell
+ PDF Chat Invariant functions on Lie groups and Hamiltonian flows of surface group representations 1986 William M. Goldman
+ PDF Chat Holomorphic Poisson Manifolds and Holomorphic Lie Algebroids 2008 Camille Laurent-Gengoux
Mathieu Stiénon
Ping Xu
+ Solutions of the classical Yang - Baxter equation for simple Lie algebras 1983 A. A. Belavin
Vladimir Drinfeld
+ PDF Chat The Geometry of Three-Forms in Six Dimensions 2000 Nigel Hitchin
+ PDF Chat Mirror symmetry for log Calabi-Yau surfaces I 2015 Mark Gross
Paul Hacking
Seán Keel
+ Double Poisson cohomology of path algebras of quivers 2007 Anne Pichereau
Geert Van de Weyer
+ PDF Chat Elliptic Algebra $\Apqsect$ in the Scaling Limit 1998 S. Khoroshkin
D. V. Lebedev
S. Pakuliak
+ Formal (Non)-Commutative Symplectic Geometry 1993 Maxim Kontsevich
+ PDF Chat Hilbert Schemes, Separated Variables, and D-Branes 2001 A. Gorsky
Nikita Nekrasov
V. Rubtsov
+ PDF Chat Integrable matrix equations related to pairs of compatible associative algebras 2006 A. V. Odesskiĭ
В. В. Соколов
+ Ring theory from symplectic geometry 1998 Daniel R. Farkas
Gail Letzter
+ PDF Chat The discrete Korteweg-de Vries equation 1995 Frank Nijhoff
H.W. Capel
+ PDF Chat Dual isomonodromic deformations and moment maps to loop algebras 1994 J. Harnad
+ PDF Chat Riemann–Roch for Real Varieties 2009 Paul Bressler
Mikhail Kapranov
Boris Tsygan
Éric Vasserot
+ Heat Kernels and Dirac Operators 1992 Nicole Berline
Ezra Getzler
Michèle Vergne
+ PDF Chat Poisson algebras and Yang-Baxter equations 2009 Travis Schedler
+ Matrix Painlevé systems 2015 Hiroshi Kawakami
+ PDF Chat The Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy and the Mulase factorization of formal Lie groups 2013 Anahita Eslami Rad
Enríque G. Reyes
+ PDF Chat Double Poisson brackets on free associative algebras 2013 Alexander Odesskii
Vladimir Rubtsov
В. Б. Соколов
+ On the Painlevé test for non-Abelian equations 1998 Сергей Павлович Баландин
В. В. Соколов
+ PDF Chat Factorization of differential operators, quasideterminants, and nonabelian Toda field equations 1997 Pavel Etingof
Israel M. Gelfand
Vladimir Retakh