Verner E. Hoggatt


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers 2020 Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Generalized Fibonacci Numbers 1980 Anne Silva
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ The Fibonacci Association Proudly Announces the Publication of a Collection of Manuscripts Related to the Fibonacci Sequence 18th Anniversary Volume 1980 Verner E. Hoggatt
Marjorie Bicknell-Johnson
+ Another Proof that <i>ϕ</i> ( <i> F <sub>n</sub> </i> ) ≡ 0 MOD 4 for all <i>n</i> &gt; 4 1980 Verner E. Hoggatt
Hugh M. Edgar
+ Roots of ( <i>H - L</i> ) / 15 Recurrence Equations in Generalized Pascal Triangles 1980 C. D. Smith
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ A collection of manuscripts related to the Fibonacci sequence : 18th anniversary volume 1980 Verner E. Hoggatt
Majorie Bicknell
+ A Study of the Maximal Values in Pascal’s Quadrinomial Triangle 1979 Claudia Smith
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Infinite Series with Fibonacci and Lucas Polynomials 1979 Gerald E. Bergum
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Generating Functions of Central Values in Generalized Pascal Triangles 1979 Claudia Smith
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ A Note on the Summation of Squares 1977 Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Limits of Quotients for the Convolved Fibonacci Sequence and Related Sequences 1977 Gerald E. Bergum
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Generalized Lucas Sequences 1977 Verner E. Hoggatt
Marjorie Bicknell-Johnson
+ Divisibility Properties of Generalized Fibonacci Polynomials 1974 Verner E. Hoggatt
Calvin T. Long
+ Irreducibility of Lucas and Generalized Lucas Polynomials 1974 Gerald E. Bergum
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Sets of Binomial Coefficients with Equal Products 1974 Calvin T. Long
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Generalized Fibonacci Polynomials and Zeckendorf's Theorem 1973 Verner E. Hoggatt
Marjorie Bicknell
+ A Primer for the Fibonacci Numbers: Part XII 1973 Verner E. Hoggatt
Nanette Cox
Marjorie Bicknell
+ A Primer for the Fibonacci Numbers Part XI: Multisection Generating Functions for the Columns of Pascal's Triangle 1973 Verner E. Hoggatt
Janet Crump Anaya
+ A primer for the Fibonacci numbers 1973 Majorie Bicknell
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Convolution Triangles 1972 Verner E. Hoggatt
Marjorie Bicknell
+ Special Cases of Fibonacci Periodicity 1972 Judy Kramer
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Addendum to the Paper “Fibonacci Representations” 1972 L. Carlitz
Richard Scoville
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ A Primer for the Fibonacci Numbers: Part IX 1971 Marjorie Bicknell
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Some Special Fibonacci and Lucas Generating Functions 1971 Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Combinatorial Problems for Generalized Fibonacci Numbers 1970 Verner E. Hoggatt
+ An Application of the Lucas Triangle 1970 Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Convolution Triangles for Generalized Fibonacci Numbers 1970 Verner E. Hoggatt
+ An Extension of the Fibonacci Numbers (Part II) 1970 J Arkin
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Golden Triangles, Rectangles, and Cuboids 1969 Marjorie Bicknell
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Dissection of a Square into n Acute Isosceles Triangles 1968 Verner E. Hoggatt
Free Jamison
+ Fourth Power Fibonacci Identities from Pascal’s Triangle 1964 Verner E. Hoggatt
Marjorie Bicknell
+ Fibonacci Numbers from a Differential Equation 1964 Verner E. Hoggatt
+ A Primer on the Fibonacci Sequence, Part V 1964 Verner E. Hoggatt
I. D. Bruggles
+ Some New Fibonacci Identities 1964 Verner E. Hoggatt
Marjorie Bicknell
+ A Primer on the Fibonacci Sequence, Part III 1963 I. D. Ruggles
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ An Investigation of Nine-Digit Determinants 1963 Marjorie Bicknell
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ An Investigation of Nine-Digit Determinants 1963 Marjorie Bicknell
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ A Primer on the Fibonacci Sequence, Part II 1963 S. L. Basin
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ A Primer on the Fibonacci Sequence, Part I 1963 S. L. Basin
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Acute Isosceles Dissection of an Obtuse Triangle 1961 Verner E. Hoggatt
Russ Denman
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A New Angle on Pascal’s Triangle 1968 V. E. Hoggatt
+ A Primer for the Fibonacci Numbers, Part XVI the Central Column Sequence 1978 John L. Brown
V. E. Hoggatt
+ Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers 1997 Peter Hilton
Derek Holton
Jean Pedersen
+ A Generalization of Fibonacci Numbers 1964 V. C. Harris
Carolyn C. Styles
+ On Convoluted Numbers and Sums 1967 David Zeitlin
+ Divisibility Properties of Fibonaccci Polynomials 1969 William A. Webb
E. A. Parberry
+ Diagonal Sums of Generalized Pascal Triangles 1969 V. E. Hoggatt
Marjorie Bicknell
+ Partitions of N into Distinct Fibonacci Numbers 1968 David A. Klarner
+ Some New Fibonacci Identities 1964 Verner E. Hoggatt
Marjorie Bicknell
+ Generating Functions of Central Values in Generalized Pascal Triangles 1979 Claudia Smith
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Convolution Triangles for Generalized Fibonacci Numbers 1970 Verner E. Hoggatt
+ A Lucas Triangle 1967 Mark Feinberg
+ Some Orthogonal Polynomials Related to Fibonacci Numbers 1966 L. Carlitz
+ Representation of Natural Numbers as sums of Generalized Fibonacci Numbers-II 1969 D. E. Daykin
+ A Study of the Maximal Values in Pascal’s Quadrinomial Triangle 1979 Claudia Smith
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Unique Representations of Integers as sums of Distinct Lucas Numbers 1969 Jerram L. Brown
+ A Primer for the Fibonacci Numbers: Part VIII 1971 Marjorie Bicknell
+ Convergence of the Coefficients in a Recurring Power Series 1969 J Arkin
+ A Primer for the Fibonacci Numbers: Part VII 1970 Marjorie Bicknell
+ On the Representation of Integers as Sums of Distinct Fibonacci Numbers 1965 H. H. Ferns
+ A New Characterization of the Fibonacci Numbers 1965 Jerram L. Brown
+ Fibonacci Summations 1963 Ken Siler
+ A Note on Fibonacci Numbers 1964 L. Carlitz
+ Binomial Sums of Fibonacci Powers 1966 John Wessner
+ On the Periodicity of the Last Digits of the Fibonacci Numbers 1963 Dov Jarden
+ On the Ordering of the Fibonacci Sequence 1963 Brother U. Alfred
+ A Primer for the Fibonacci Numbers: Part VI 1967 V. E. Hoggatt
Douglas Lind
+ A Reciprocal Series of Fibonacci Numbers 1974 I. J. Good
+ More Hidden Hexagon Squares 1973 Carl F. Moore
+ Divisibility Properties of Generalized Fibonacci Polynomials 1974 Verner E. Hoggatt
Calvin T. Long
+ A Proof of Gould’s Pascal Hexagon Conjecture 1972 A. P. Hillman
V. E. Hoggatt
+ New Mathematical Diversions from "Scientific American" 1975 Martin Gardner
+ Diagonal Sums of the Trinomial Triangle 1974 V. E. Hoggatt
Marjorie Bicknell
+ Representations of Integers as Sums of Fibonacci Squares 1972 Roger O’Connell
+ Generalized Fibonacci Polynomials 1973 V. E. Hoggatt
Marjorie Bicknell
+ Convolution Triangles 1972 Verner E. Hoggatt
Marjorie Bicknell
+ A primer for the Fibonacci numbers 1973 Majorie Bicknell
Verner E. Hoggatt
+ Fibonacci Numbers and Geometry 1972 Alfred Brousseau
+ Generalized Fibonacci Numbers and Associated Matrices 1960 E. P. Miles
+ Fibonacci Series Modulo <i>m</i> 1960 D. D. Wall
+ Note on Complete Sequences of Integers 1961 Jerram L. Brown
+ Collegiate Articles: Graduate Training Not Required for Reading: A Type of Periodicity for Fibonacci Numbers 1955 Vern Hoggatt
+ Restricted Occupancy Theory—A Generalization of Pascal's Triangle 1956 John E. Freund
+ An Extension of the Fibonacci Numbers 1965 J Arkin
+ Some Properties of the Fibonacci Numbers 1960 George Shapiro
+ Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis. 1959 David Barton
John Riordan
+ Generating Functions for Products of Powers of Fibonacci Numbers 1963 H. W. Gould
+ A Computer Investigation of a Property of the Fibonacci Sequence 1963 Stephen P. Geller