Frédéric Campana


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ The nilpotent quotients of normal quasi-projective varieties with proper quasi-Albanese map 2025 Rodolfo Aguilar Aguilar
Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat The Weakly Special Conjecture contradicts orbifold Mordell, and thus abc 2024 Finn Bartsch
Frédéric Campana
Ariyan Javanpeykar
Olivier Wittenberg
+ PDF Chat Remarks on Lang's Conjectural Characterisation of Hyperbolicity of Projective Manifolds 2024 Kyle Broder
Frédéric Campana
+ Numerical and Kodaira dimensions of cotangent bundles 2024 Frédéric Campana
+ On the existence of logarithmic and orbifold jet differentials 2024 Frédéric Campana
Lionel Darondeau
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Erwan Rousseau
+ PDF Chat On algebraically coisotropic submanifolds of holomorphic symplectic manifolds 2023 Ekaterina Amerik
Frédéric Campana
+ Dense entire curves in rationally connected manifolds (with an appendix by János Kollár) 2023 Frédéric Campana
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat Albanese map of special manifolds: a correction 2023 Frédéric Campana
+ The nilpotent quotients of normal quasi-projective varieties with proper quasi-Albanese map 2023 Rodolfo Aguilar Aguilar
Frédéric Campana
+ Erratum and addendum to the paper: Abundance for Kähler threefolds 2023 Frédéric Campana
Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Hyperbolicity and specialness of symmetric powers 2022 Benoît Cadorel
Frédéric Campana
Erwan Rousseau
+ Rational points over complex function fields: remarks on isotriviality and dominatedness 2022 Frédéric Campana
+ Algebraicity of foliations on complex projective manifolds, applications 2022 Frédéric Campana
+ On algebraically coisotropic submanifolds of holomorphic symplectic manifolds 2022 Ekaterina Amerik
Frédéric Campana
+ Projective klt pairs with nef anti-canonical divisor 2021 Frédéric Campana
Junyan Cao
Shin-ichi Matsumura
+ PDF Chat The Bogomolov-Beauville-Yau decomposition for klt projective varieties with trivial first Chern class - without tears 2021 Frédéric Campana
+ On the existence of logarithmic and orbifold jet differentials 2021 Frédéric Campana
Lionel Darondeau
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Erwan Rousseau
+ Orbifold hyperbolicity 2020 Frédéric Campana
Lionel Darondeau
Erwan Rousseau
+ PDF Chat The bogomolov-beauville-yau decomposition for klt projective varieties with trivial first chern class -without tears- 2020 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Local projectivity of Lagrangian fibrations on Hyperkähler manifolds 2020 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat The algebraic dimension of compact complex threefolds with vanishing second Betti number 2020 Frédéric Campana
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
+ Arithmetic Aspects of Orbifold Pairs 2020 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Foliations with positive slopes and birational stability of orbifold cotangent bundles 2019 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ Dense entire curves in Rationally Connected manifolds 2019 Frédéric Campana
J. Winkelmann
+ Subharmonicity of direct images and applications 2019 Fréderic Campana
Junyan Cao
Mihai Păun
+ Projective klt pairs with nef anti-canonical divisor 2019 Frédéric Campana
Junyan Cao
Shin-ichi Matsumura
+ Foliations with positive slopes and birational stability of orbifold cotangent bundles . Fourier interpolation on the real line . Joinings of higher rank torus actions on homogeneous spaces . Categorical actions on unipotent representations of finite unitary groups . Topological Hochschild homology and integral ρ-adic Hodge theory 2019 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
Danylo Radchenko
Maryna Viazovska
Manfred Einsiedler
Elon Lindenstrauss
Olivier Dudas
Michela Varagnolo
Éric Vasserot
Bhargav Bhatt
+ PDF Chat Specialness and Isotriviality for Regular Algebraic Foliations 2018 Ekaterina Amerik
Frédéric Campana
+ Local projectivity of Lagrangian fibrations on Hyperk\"ahler manifolds 2017 Frédéric Campana
+ Specialness and Isotriviality for Regular Algebraic Foliations 2017 Ekaterina Amerik
Frédéric Campana
+ F. Campana - Birational stability of the orbifold cotangent bundle 2017 Frédéric Campana
Jérémy Magnien
+ Specialness and Isotriviality for Regular Algebraic Foliations 2017 Ekaterina Amerik
Frédéric Campana
+ Local projectivity of Lagrangian fibrations on Hyperkähler manifolds 2017 Frédéric Campana
+ Characteristic foliation on non-uniruled smooth divisors on hyperkähler manifolds 2016 Ekaterina Amerik
Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Positivity properties of the bundle of logarithmic tensors on compact Kähler manifolds 2016 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ Slope rational connectedness for orbifolds 2016 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Quelques propriétés de stabilité des variétés spéciales 2016 Frédéric Campana
Benoît Claudon
+ PDF Chat Fundamental Group and Pluridifferentials on Compact Kähler Manifolds 2016 Yohan Brunebarbe
Frédéric Campana
+ Orbifold slope-rational connectedness 2016 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ Abundance for Kähler threefolds 2016 Frédéric Campana
Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ Orbifold Slope Rational-Connectedness 2016 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ PDF Chat Rational connectedness and order of non-degenerate meromorphic maps from $${{\mathbb C}}^n$$ C n 2015 Frédéric Campana
J. Winkelmann
+ Foliations with positive slopes and birational stability of orbifold cotangent bundles 2015 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ On the h-principle and specialness for complex projective manifolds 2015 Frédéric Campana
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat Abundance for Kähler threefolds 2015 Frédéric Campana
Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Orbifold generic semi-positivity: an application to families of canonically polarized manifolds 2015 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ Special manifolds, arithmetic and hyperbolic aspects: a short survey 2015 Frédéric Campana
+ Foliations with positive slopes and birational stability of orbifold cotangent bundles 2015 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ Fundamental group and pluridifferentials on compact Kähler manifolds 2015 Yohan Brunebarbe
Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Représentations linéaires des groupes kählériens : factorisations et conjecture de Shafarevich linéaire 2014 Frédéric Campana
Benoît Claudon
Philippe Eyssidieux
+ Quelques propri\'et\'es de stabilit\'e des vari\'et\'es sp\'eciales 2014 Frédéric Campana
Benoît Claudon
+ PDF Chat Représentations linéaires des groupes kählériens et de leurs analogues projectifs 2014 Frédéric Campana
Benoît Claudon
Philippe Eyssidieux
+ Quelques propriétés de stabilité des variétés spéciales 2014 Frédéric Campana
Benoît Claudon
+ Repr\'esentations lin\'eaires de groupes k\"ahl\'eriens et de leurs analogues projectifs 2014 Frédéric Campana
Benoît Claudon
Philippe Eyssidieux
+ PDF Chat Abundance for Kaehler threefolds 2014 Frédéric Campana
Andreas Hoering
Thomas Peternell
+ Compact Kähler 3-manifolds without nontrivial subvarieties 2014 Frédéric Campana
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Misha Verbitsky
+ Characteristic foliation on non-uniruled smooth divisors on hyperkaehler manifolds 2014 Ekaterina Amerik
Frédéric Campana
+ Rational connectedness and order of non-degenerate meromorphic maps from\ ${\bf C}^n$ 2014 Frédéric Campana
J. Winkelmann
+ Abundance for Kaehler threefolds 2014 Frédéric Campana
Andreas Hoering
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Compact kähler 3-manifolds without nontrivial subvarieties 2014 Frédéric Campana
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Misha Verbitsky
+ Quelques propriétés de stabilité des variétés spéciales 2014 Frédéric Campana
Benoît Claudon
+ PDF Chat Abelianity Conjecture for Special Compact Kähler 3-Folds 2013 Frédéric Campana
Benoît Claudon
+ PDF Chat Automorphism groups of positive entropy on projective threefolds 2013 Frédéric Campana
Fei Wang
De‐Qi Zhang
+ Compact Kahler 3-manifolds without non-trivial subvarieties 2013 Frédéric Campana
Demailly Jean-Pierre
Misha Verbitsky
+ PDF Chat On families of lagrangian tori on hyperkähler manifolds 2013 Ekaterina Amerik
Frédéric Campana
+ Orbifold generic semi-positivity: an application to families of canonically polarized manifolds 2013 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ PDF Chat Metrics with cone singularities along normal crossing divisors and holomorphic tensor fields 2013 Frédéric Campana
Henri Guenancia
Mihai Păun
+ Orbifold generic semi-positivity: an application to families of canonically polarized manifolds 2013 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ On h-principle and specialness for complex projective manifolds 2012 Frédéric Campana
J. Winkelmann
+ Kodaira dimension and fundamental group of compact Kähler manifolds 2012 Frédéric Campana
+ Automorphism groups of positive entropy on projective threefolds 2012 Frédéric Campana
Fei Wang
De‐Qi Zhang
+ PDF Chat Numerical character of the effectivity of adjoint line bundles 2012 Frédéric Campana
Vincent Koziarz
Mihai Păun
+ On h-principle and specialness for complex projective manifolds 2012 Frédéric Campana
J. Winkelmann
+ Abelianity Conjecture for special threefolds 2011 Frédéric Campana
Benoît Claudon
+ K\"ahler-Einstein metrics and vanishing/parallelism theorems for holomorphic orbifold tensors 2011 Frédéric Campana
Henri Guenancia
Mihai Păun
+ PDF Chat Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal cover of a projective manifold 2011 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Metrics with cone singularities along normal crossing divisors and holomorphic tensor fields 2011 Frédéric Campana
Henri Guenancia
Mihai Păun
+ Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal cover of a projective manifold. With an appendix by Matei Toma 2011 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Remarks on an example of K. Ueno 2010 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Special orbifolds and birational classification: a survey 2010 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Quotients résolubles ou nilpotents des groupes de kähler orbifoldes 2010 Frédéric Campana
+ Birational stability of the cotangent bundle 2010 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Nonalgebraic hyperkähler manifolds 2010 Frédéric Campana
Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Orbifoldes géométriques spéciales et classification biméromorphe des variétés kählériennes compactes 2010 Frédéric Campana
+ Numerical character of the effectivity of adjoint line bundles 2010 Frédéric Campana
Vincent Koziarz
Mihai Păun
+ Birational stability of the cotangent bundle 2010 Frédéric Campana
+ Numerical character of the effectivity of adjoint line bundles 2010 Frédéric Campana
Vincent Koziarz
Mihai Păun
+ Quotients resolubles ou nilpotents des groupes de Kaehler orbifoldes 2009 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat A Brody theorem for orbifolds 2008 Frédéric Campana
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat Strictly nef divisors 2008 Frédéric Campana
Jungkai A. Chen
Thomas Peternell
+ Une généralisation du théorème de Kobayashi-Ochiai 2008 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ Non-algebraic Hyperkaehler manifolds 2008 Frédéric Campana
Keiji Oguiso
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Fibrations Meromorphes Sur Certaines Varietes a Fibre Canonique Trivial 2008 Ekaterina Amerik
Frédéric Campana
+ Orbifoldes speciales et classification bimeromorphe des varietes kaehleriennes compactes 2007 Frédéric Campana
+ The qualitative structure of projective varieties: geometric, arithmetic and complex hyperbolic aspects 2007 Frédéric Campana
+ Sur la conjecture abc, version corps de fonctions d'Oesterle 2007 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Variétés faiblement spéciales à courbes entières dégénérées 2007 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ PDF Chat A brody theorem for orbifolds 2006 Frédéric Campana
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat Sur la conjecture abc version corps de fonction, d'Oesterle 2006 Frédéric Campana
+ A Brody theorem for orbifolds 2006 Frédéric Campana
J. Winkelmann
+ Strictly Nef Divisors 2005 Frédéric Campana
Jungkai A. Chen
Thomas Peternell
+ Fibrations meromorphes sur certaines varietes de classe canonique triviale 2005 Ekaterina Amerik
Frédéric Campana
+ Isotrivialité de certaines familles kählériennes de variétés non projectives 2005 Frédéric Campana
+ Une généralisation du théorème de Kobayashi-Ochiai 2005 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ Fibres multiples sur les surfaces: aspects geométriques, hyperboliques et arithmétiques 2005 Frédéric Campana
+ Une généralisation du théorème de Kobayashi-Ochiai 2005 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ Un Critere D'Isotrivialite Pour Les Familles De Varietes Hyperkähleriennes Sans Facteur Algebrique 2005 Frédéric Campana
+ Varietes faiblement speciales a courbes entieres degenerees 2005 Frédéric Campana
Paun Mihai
+ Fibrations meromorphes sur certaines varietes de classe canonique triviale 2005 Ekaterina Amerik
Frédéric Campana
+ Strictly Nef Divisors 2005 Frédéric Campana
Jungkai A. Chen
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Orbifolds, special varieties and classification theory 2004 Frédéric Campana
+ Orbifoldes, variétés spéciales et classification des variétés K\" ahlériennes compactes 2004 Frédéric Campana
+ Fibres multiples des surfaces 2004 Frédéric Campana
+ Orbifoldes à premi\ere classe de Chern nulle 2004 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Orbifolds, special varieties and classification theory: an appendix 2004 Frédéric Campana
+ Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal cover of a projective manifold 2004 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
Matei Toma
+ Un Critere D'Isotrivialite Pour Les Familles De Varietes Hyperkähleriennes Sans Facteur Algebrique 2004 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Generalized Tsen's theorem and rationally connected Fano fibrations 2002 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
Aleksandr V. Pukhlikov
+ A Reduction Map for Nef Line Bundles 2002 Thomas Bauer
Frédéric Campana
Thomas Eckl
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Sławomir Rams
Tomasz Szemberg
Lorenz Wotzlaw
+ PDF Chat Variétés complexes dont l'éclatée en un point est de Fano 2002 Laurent Bonavero
Frédéric Campana
Jarosław A. Wiśniewski
+ Special Varieties and classification Theory 2001 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Cohomologie L2 sur les revêtements d’une varie’ete’ complexe compacte 2001 Frédéric Campana
Jean-Pierre Demailly
+ PDF Chat Appendix to the article of T. Peternell: the Kodaira dimension of Kummer threefolds 2001 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Projective manifolds with splitting tangent bundles, I 2001 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Special Varieties and classification Theory 2001 Fréderic Campana
+ A reduction map for nef line bundles 2001 Thomas Bauer
Frédéric Campana
Thomas Eckl
Stefan Kebekus
Thomas Peternell
Sławomir Rams
Tomasz Szemberg
Lorenz Wotzlaw
+ Contact Singularities 2001 Frédéric Campana
Hubert Flenner
+ L^2 Cohomology on coverings of a compact Kähler manifold 2000 Frédéric Campana
Jean-Pierre Demailly
+ Quotients résolubles des groupes de Kähler et ensembles de Green—Lazarsfeld 1999 Frédéric Campana
+ Recent Developments in the Classification Theory of Compact Kähler Manifolds 1999 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ 𝒢-connectedness of compact Kähler manifolds. I 1999 Frédéric Campana
+ Rational curves and ampleness properties¶of the tangent bundle of algebraic varieties 1998 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Holomorphic 2-forms on Complex Threefolds 1998 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Connexité abélienne des variétés kählériennes compactes 1998 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat None 1998 Frédéric Campana
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
+ Connexité abélienne des variétés kählérieimes compactes 1997 Frédéric Campana
+ Seminégativité des courbes compactes des revêtements non compacts des surfaces projectives complexes 1997 Frédéric Campana
+ Towards a Mori Theory on Compact Kähler Threefolds, I 1997 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Rational curves and ampleness properties of the tangent bundle of algebraic varieties 1996 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ The algebraic dimension of compact complex threefolds with vanishing second Betti number 1996 Frédéric Campana
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Thomas Peternell
+ Existence of twistor spaces of algebraic dimension two over the connected sum o 1995 Frédéric Campana
Bernd Kreußler
+ PDF Chat Remarques sur le revêtement universel des variétés kählériennes compactes 1994 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Rigidity theorems for primitive Fano 3-folds 1994 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ 4-folds with numerically effective tangent bundles and second Betti numbers greater than one 1993 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ On the second exterior power of tangent bundles of threefolds 1992 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ Images directes de cycles compacts par un morphisme et application a l'espace des cycles des tores 1980 Frédéric Campana
+ Variations de fibrés vectoriels applications aux espaces de sections et aux diviseurs 1978 Frédéric Campana
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Orbifolds, special varieties and classification theory 2004 Frédéric Campana
+ Families of rationally connected varieties 2002 Tom Graber
Joe Harris
Jason Starr
+ The pseudo-effective cone of a compact Kähler manifold and varieties of negative Kodaira dimension 2012 Sébastien Boucksom
Jean-Pierre Demailly
Mihai Păun
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Existence of minimal models for varieties of log general type 2009 Caucher Birkar
Paolo Cascini
Christopher D. Hacon
James M textupc Kernan
+ PDF Chat Introduction to the Minimal Model Problem 2018 Yūjirō Kawamata
Katsumi Matsuda
Kenji Matsuki
+ PDF Chat Geometric stability of the cotangent bundle and the universal cover of a projective manifold 2011 Frédéric Campana
Thomas Peternell
+ A Numerical Criterion for Uniruledness 1986 Yoichi Miyaoka
Шигефуми Мори
+ Compact Complex Surfaces 1984 Wolf Barth
Chris Peters
A. Van de Ven
+ PDF Chat Variétés Kähleriennes dont la première classe de Chern est nulle 1983 Arnaud Beauville
+ Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties 1998 Janós Kollár
Шигефуми Мори
+ Shafarevich maps and plurigenera of algebraic varieties 1993 János Kollár
+ Pluricanonical systems on minimal algebraic varieties 1985 Yūjirō Kawamata
+ On the ricci curvature of a compact kähler manifold and the complex monge‐ampére equation, I 1978 Shing‐Tung Yau
+ PDF Chat Connexité rationnelle des variétés de Fano 1992 F. Campana
+ Base Spaces of Non-Isotrivial Families of Smooth Minimal Models 2002 Eckart Viehweg
Kang Zuo
+ Special Varieties and classification Theory 2001 Fréderic Campana
+ PDF Chat A Brody theorem for orbifolds 2008 Frédéric Campana
J. Winkelmann
+ PDF Chat Rational points on quartics 2000 Joe Harris
Yuri Tschinkel
+ PDF Chat Subspaces of moduli spaces of rank one local systems 1993 Carlos Simpson
+ PDF Chat Weak Positivity and the Additivity of the Kodaira Dimension for Certain Fibre Spaces 2018 Eckart Viehweg
+ Special elliptic fibrations 2003 Fedor Bogomolov
Yuri Tschinkel
+ PDF Chat The Chern Classes and Kodaira Dimension of a Minimal Variety 2018 Yoichi Miyaoka
+ PDF Chat The isotriviality of smooth families of canonically polarized manifolds over a special quasi-projective base 2016 Behrouz Taji
+ PDF Chat Families over special base manifolds and a conjecture of Campana 2010 Kelly Jabbusch
Stefan Kebekus
+ Isotrivialité de certaines familles kählériennes de variétés non projectives 2005 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Orbifold generic semi-positivity: an application to families of canonically polarized manifolds 2015 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ Espace analytique reduit des cycles analytiques complexes compacts d'un espace analytique complexe de dimension finie 1975 Daniel Barlet
+ Hyperbolic Complex Spaces 1998 Shôshichi Kobayashi
+ BIRATIONAL GEOMETRY OF ALGEBRAIC VARIETIES (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 134) 2000 P. Μ. H. Wilson
+ Higher-Dimensional Algebraic Geometry 2001 Olivier Debarre
+ Fibres multiples sur les surfaces: aspects geométriques, hyperboliques et arithmétiques 2005 Frédéric Campana
+ Threefolds Whose Canonical Bundles Are Not Numerically Effective 1982 Шигефуми Мори
+ Lectures on Vanishing Theorems 1992 Hélène Esnault
Eckart Viehweg
+ Deformations of a morphism along a foliation and applications 1987 Yoichi Miyaoka
+ PDF Chat Orbifoldes géométriques spéciales et classification biméromorphe des variétés kählériennes compactes 2010 Frédéric Campana
+ PDF Chat Algebraic integrability of foliations with numerically trivial canonical bundle 2019 Andreas Höring
Thomas Peternell
+ PDF Chat Equidimensionality of Lagrangian fibrations on holomorphic symplectic manifolds 2000 Daisuke Matsushita
+ Abundance theorem for minimal threefolds 1992 Yūjirō Kawamata
+ PDF Chat Remarques sur les groupes de Kähler nilpotents 1995 F. Campana
+ Orbifold slope-rational connectedness 2016 Frédéric Campana
Mihai Păun
+ Rational Curves on Foliated Varieties 2016 Fedor Bogomolov
Michael McQuillan
+ PDF Chat Rationally connected varieties 2005 Carolina Araujo
+ On compact analytic threefolds with non-trivial albanese tori 1987 Kenji Ueno
+ PDF Chat Remarques sur le revêtement universel des variétés kählériennes compactes 1994 Frédéric Campana
+ Compactness of the Chow scheme: Applications to automorphisms and deformations of Kahler manifolds 1978 David I. Lieberman
+ Rational curves on quasi-projective surfaces 1999 Seán Keel
James McKernan
+ PDF Chat Divisorial Zariski decompositions on compact complex manifolds 2004 Sébastien Boucksom
+ Two Applications of Algebraic Geometry to Entire Holomorphic Mappings 1980 Mark Green
Phillip Griffiths