Servet Martı́nez


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Maxentropy Completion and Properties of Some Partially Defined Stationary Markov Chains 2024 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Sterile versus prolific individuals pertaining to linear-fractional Bienaymé–Galton–Watson trees 2023 Thierry Huillet
Servet Martı́nez
+ Tessellation-valued processes that are generated by cell division 2023 Servet Martı́nez
Werner Nagel
+ Level numbers preserving transformations on excursionsdefined by random walks with state dependent jump laws 2023 Thierry Huillet
Servet Martı́nez
+ A note on the convergence of the Bayesian entropy estimator for exchangeable partitions 2023 Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Revisiting John Lamperti's maximal branching process 2021 Thierry Huillet
Servet Martı́nez
+ Entropy of killed-resurrected stationary Markov chains 2021 Servet Martı́nez
+ Finite delayed branching processes 2021 Andrew Hart
Servet Martı́nez
+ Reproduction matrix for an epidemic and lockdowns in a city 2020 Vicente Acuña
María Paz Cortés
Andrew Hart
Servet Martı́nez
Juan Carlos Maureira
+ Revisiting John Lamperti's maximal branching process 2019 Thierry Huillet
Servet Martı́nez
+ Corrigendum to “A probabilistic analysis of a discrete-time evolution in recombination” [Adv. in Appl. Math. 91 (2017) 115–136] 2019 Servet Martı́nez
+ Entropy of absorbed Markov chains 2019 Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat A note on the quasi-stationary distribution of the Shiryaev martingale on the positive half-line 2018 Aleksey S. Polunchenko
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ A probabilistic analysis of a continuous-time evolution in recombination 2018 Ian Letter
Servet Martı́nez
+ A probabilistic analysis of a discrete-time evolution in recombination 2017 Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat An entropy-based technique for classifying bacterial chromosomes according to synonymous codon usage 2016 Andrew Hart
Servet Martı́nez
+ A probabilistic analysis of a discrete-time evolution in recombination II. (On partitions) 2016 Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Asymptotics for the heat kernel in multicone domains 2015 Pierre Collet
Mauricio Duarte
Servet Martı́nez
Arturo Prat-Waldron
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Asymptotics for the heat kernel in multicone domains 2015 Pierre Collet
Mauricio Duarte
Servet Martı́nez
Arturo Prat-Waldron
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Existence and Uniqueness of a Quasistationary Distribution for Markov Processes with Fast Return from Infinity 2014 Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
Denis Villemonais
+ PDF Chat Existence and Uniqueness of a Quasistationary Distribution for Markov Processes with Fast Return from Infinity 2014 Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
Denis Villemonais
+ PDF Chat Markovianness and conditional independence in annotated bacterial DNA 2014 Andrew Hart
Servet Martı́nez
+ The $β$-Mixing Rate of STIT Tessellations 2014 Servet Martı́nez
Werner Nagel
+ STIT Process and Trees 2014 Servet Martı́nez
Werner Nagel
+ Markovianness and Conditional Independence in Annotated Bacterial DNA 2013 Andrew Hart
Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Models for a Chemostat and Long-Time Behavior 2013 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Sylvie Méléard
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Models for a Chemostat and Long-Time Behavior 2013 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Sylvie Méléard
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Infinity as Entrance Boundary 2012 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Regular Diffusions on [0,∞) 2012 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Markov Chains on Finite Spaces 2012 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Dynamical Systems 2012 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Ergodic Description of STIT Tessellations 2010 Servet Martı́nez
Werner Nagel
+ <mml:math xmlns:mml="" altimg="si1.gif" display="inline" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi>R</mml:mi></mml:math>-positivity of nearest neighbor matrices and applications to Gibbs states 2010 Jorge Littin
Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Energy efficiency of consecutive fragmentation processes 2010 Joaquín Fontbona
Nathalie Krell
Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Energy efficiency of consecutive fragmentation processes 2010 Joaquín Fontbona
Nathalie Krell
Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Quasi-stationary distributions for structured birth and death processes with mutations 2010 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Sylvie Méléard
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Quasi-stationary distributions and diffusion models in population dynamics 2009 Patrick Cattiaux
Pierre Collet
Amaury Lambert
Servet Martı́nez
Sylvie Méléard
Jaime San Martı́n
Servet Martı́nez
+ Quasi-stationarity for population diffusion processes 2007 Patrick Cattiaux
Pierre Collet
Amaury Lambert
Servet Martı́nez
Sylvie Méléard
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Large deviations-based upper bounds on the expected relative length of longest common subsequences 2006 Raphael Hauser
Servet Martı́nez
Heinrich Matzinger
+ PDF Chat Large deviations-based upper bounds on the expected relative length of longest common subsequences 2006 Raphael Hauser
Servet Martı́nez
Heinrich Matzinger
+ Ratio limit theorem for parabolic horn-shaped domains 2006 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Fragmentation energy 2005 Jean Bertoin
Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Fragmentation energy 2005 Jean Bertoin
Servet Martı́nez
+ Some bounds on the coupon collector problem 2004 Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Classification of killed one-dimensional diffusions 2004 Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Dynamics and Randomness II 2004 Alejandro Maass
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Large deviation based upper bounds for the LCS-problem 2003 Raphael Hauser
Servet Martı́nez
Heinrich Matzinger
+ Order relations of measures when avoiding decreasing sets 2003 Pierre Collet
F. Javier López
Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic of the heat kernel in general Benedicks domains 2003 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ None 2003 Thierry Huillet
Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Evolution of probability measures by cellular automata on algebraic topological Markov chains 2003 Alejandro Maass
Servet Martı́nez
+ Dynamics and Randomness 2002 Alejandro Maass
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ None 2001 Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Cesàro mean distribution of group automata starting from measures with summable decay 2000 Pablo A. Ferrari
Alejandro Maass
Servet Martı́nez
Peter Ney
+ Limiting conditional and conditional invariant distributions for the Poisson process with negative drift 1999 Raól Fierro
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Ratio Limit Theorems for a Brownian Motion Killed at the Boundary of a Benedicks Domain 1999 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ On the enhancement of diffusion by chaos, escape rates and stochastic instability 1999 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
B. Schmitt
+ PDF Chat Thermodynamics of a Brownian bridge polymer model in a random environment 1996 Servet Martı́nez
Dimitri Petritis
+ PDF Chat Entropy Values of Chains of Partitions of Infinite Countable Sets 1996 Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Laws for One-Dimensional Diffusions Conditioned to Nonabsorption 1995 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Inverse of Strictly Ultrametric Matrices are of Stieltjes Type 1994 Servet Martı́nez
Gérard Michon
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Simple nests invariant by compact self-adjoint operators: A nonstandard approach 1991 N. Bertoglio
Servet Martı́nez
+ Measure preserving Markov processes densely similar to endomorphisms 1991 N. Bertoglio
Servet Martı́nez
+ Fluctuations in Derrida's random energy and generalized random energy models 1989 Antonio Galves
Servet Martı́nez
Pierre Picco
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Existence of Quasi-Stationary Distributions. A Renewal Dynamical Approach 1995 Pablo A. Ferrari
Harry Kesten
Sofía Boza
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Laws for One-Dimensional Diffusions Conditioned to Nonabsorption 1995 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ On Quasi-Stationary distributions in absorbing discrete-time finite Markov chains 1965 J. N. Darroch
E. Seneta
+ PDF Chat Spectral theory of semi-groups connected with diffusion processes and its application 1961 Petr Mandl
+ PDF Chat Ratio Limit Theorems for a Brownian Motion Killed at the Boundary of a Benedicks Domain 1999 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Single-crossover recombination and ancestral recombination trees 2013 Ellen Baake
Ute von Wangenheim
+ PDF Chat Classification of killed one-dimensional diffusions 2004 Servet Martı́nez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Ranked Fragmentations 2002 Julien Berestycki
+ PDF Chat Homogeneous fragmentation processes 2001 Jean Bertoin
+ PDF Chat Ergodic Theory on Compact Spaces 1976 Manfred Denker
Christian Grillenberger
Karl Sigmund
+ Positive Harmonic Functions and Diffusion 1995 Ross G. Pinsky
+ PDF Chat $R$-positivity, quasi-stationary distributions and ratio limit theorems for a class of probabilistic automata 1996 Pablo A. Ferrari
Harry Kesten
Sofía Boza
+ PDF Chat Quasi-stationary distributions for structured birth and death processes with mutations 2010 Pierre Collet
Servet Martı́nez
Sylvie Méléard
Jaime San Martı́n
+ Large time behavior of the heat kernel and the behavior of the Green function near criticality for nonsymmetric elliptic operators 1992 Yehuda Pinchover
+ PDF Chat Two Moments Suffice for Poisson Approximations: The Chen-Stein Method 1989 Richard Arratia
Larry Goldstein
Louis Gordon
+ PDF Chat The general recombination equation in continuous time and its solution 2015 Majid Salamat
Michael Baake
Ellen Baake
+ On the distribution of the length of the longest increasing subsequence of random permutations 1999 Jinho Baik
Percy Deift
Kurt Johansson
+ PDF Chat Existence and Uniqueness of Countable One-Dimensional Markov Random Fields 1976 Harry Kesten
+ PDF Chat Weighted sums of certain dependent random variables 1967 Kazuoki Azuma
+ PDF Chat A Phase Transition for the Score in Matching Random Sequences Allowing Deletions 1994 Richard Arratia
Michael S. Waterman
+ Quasistationary distributions for one-dimensional diffusions with killing 2006 David Steinsaltz
Steven N. Evans
+ Generalized hypergeometric, digamma and trigamma distributions 1979 Masaaki Sibuya
+ PDF Chat The Erdos-Renyi Strong Law for Pattern Matching with a Given Proportion of Mismatches 1989 Richard Arratia
Michael S. Waterman
+ PDF Chat On the convergence of supercritical general (C-M-J) branching processes 1981 Olle Nerman
+ PDF Chat A Poisson Approximation for Sequence Comparisons with Insertions and Deletions 1994 Claudia Neuhauser
+ A probabilistic analysis of a discrete-time evolution in recombination 2017 Servet Martı́nez
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion in cones 1997 Rodrigo Bañuelos
Robert G. Smits
M. V. Safonov
+ PDF Chat Ergodic properties of nonnegative matrices. I 1967 D. Vere‐Jones
+ PDF Chat An Exactly Solved Model for Mutation, Recombination and Selection 2003 Michael Baake
Ellen Baake
+ PDF Chat Longest increasing subsequences: from patience sorting to the Baik-Deift-Johansson theorem 1999 David Aldous
Persi Diaconis
+ Existence of non-trivial quasi-stationary distributions in the birth-death chain 1992 Pablo A. Ferrari
Servet Martı́nez
Pierre Picco
+ Heat kernel, eigenfunctions, and conditioned Brownian motion in planar domains 1989 Rodrigo Bañuelos
Burgess Davis
+ PDF Chat An Efron-Stein Inequality for Nonsymmetric Statistics 1986 John Steele
+ Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes 2010 Masatoshi Fukushima
Yōichi Ōshima
Masayoshi Takeda
+ PDF Chat Self-similar fragmentations 2002 Jean Bertoin
+ Quasi-stationary distributions for discrete-state models 2013 Erik A. van Doorn
P. K. Pollett
+ On the existence of thermodynamics for the generalized random energy model 1987 D. Capocaccia
M. Cassandro
Pierre Picco
+ General branching processes as Markov fields 1989 Peter Jagers
+ PDF Chat A Course in Functional Analysis. 1986 T. W. Gamelin
John B. Conway
+ PDF Chat Foundations of Modern Probability 2021 Olav Kallenberg
+ PDF Chat Singularity Analysis of Generating Functions 1990 Philippe Flajolet
Andrew Odlyzko
+ Direct analytical methods for determining quasistationary distributions for continuous-time Markov chains 1996 Andrew Hart
P. K. Pollett
+ Existence of non-trivial quasi-stationary distributions in the birth-death chain 1992 Pablo A. Ferrari
Servet Martı́nez
Pierre Picco
+ PDF Chat Operateurs filtres et chaines de tribus invariantes sur un espace probabilise denombrable 1988 Pablo Dartnell
Salomé Martínez
Jaime San Martı́n
+ PDF Chat Transient Markov chains with stationary measures 1957 T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat First passage and recurrence distributions 1952 T. E. Harris
+ PDF Chat Behavior of diffusion semi-groups at infinity 1974 Robert Azencott
+ Domain of attraction of quasi-stationary distributions for the brownian motion with drift 1998 Servet Martı́nez
Pierre Picco
Jaime San Martı́n