Shigeo Sasaki


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Geodesics on the tangent sphere bundles over space forms. 1976 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On a property of Brieskorn manifolds 1976 Shigeo Sasaki
Chên Jung Hsu
+ PDF Chat Almost contact structures on Brieskorn manifolds 1976 Shigeo Sasaki
Toshio Takahashi
+ PDF Chat On the tangent sphere bundle of a $2$-sphere 1975 Wilhelm Klingenberg
Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On complete flat surfaces in hyperbolic $3$-space 1973 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Spherical space forms with normal contact metric 3-structure 1972 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On complete surfaces with Gaussian curvature zero in 3-sphere 1972 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On the integrability of almost contact structure 1962 Shigeo Sasaki
Chen-jung Hsu
+ PDF Chat On the differential geometry of tangent bundles of Riemannian manifolds, II 1962 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On differentiable manifolds with $(\phi ,\,\psi)$-structures 1961 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On differentiable manifolds with certain structures which are closely related to almost contact structure, II 1961 Shigeo Sasaki
Yoji Hatakeyama
+ PDF Chat On differentiable manifolds with certain structures which are closely related to almost contact structure, I 1960 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On the total curvature of a closed curve 1959 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat A Global Formulation of the Fundamental Theorem of the theory of Surfaces in three Dimensional Euclidean Space 1958 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On the differential geometry of tangent bundles of Riemannian manifolds 1958 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-analytic vectors on pseudo-Kählerian manifold 1955 Shigeo Sasaki
Kentaro Yano
+ PDF Chat Some Theorems on Holonomy Groups of Riemannian Manifolds 1955 Shigeo Sasaki
Morikuni Gotô
+ PDF Chat Some theorems on holonomy groups of Riemannian manifolds 1955 Shigeo Sasaki
Morikuni Gotô
+ PDF Chat On the influence of the topological structure of Riemannian manifolds upon their holonomy groups 1954 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat An alternative proof of Liber's theorem 1951 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On a theorem concerning the homological structure and the holonomy groups of closed orientable symmetric spaces 1951 Shigeo Sasaki
+ On the real representation of spaces with Hermitian connexion 1950 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat A boundary value problem of some special ordinary differential equations of the second order. 1949 Shigeo Sasaki
+ On the structure of spaces with normal projective connexions whose groups of holonomy fix a hyperquadric or a quadric of $(N-2)$-dimension 1949 Shigeo Sasaki
Kentarô Yano
+ PDF Chat Sur la structure des espaces de Riemann dont le groupe d'holonomie fixe un plan à un nombre quelconque de dimensions 1948 Kentaro Yano
Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Sur les espaces à connexion conforme normale dont les groupes d'holonomie fixent une sphere à un nombre quelconque de dimensions, II 1946 Kentaro Yano
Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Sur les espaces à connexion conforme normale dont les groupes d'holonomie fixent une sphere à un nombre quelconque de dimensions II 1946 Kentaro Yano
Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Sur les espaces a connexion conforme normale dont les groupes d'holonomie fixent une sphère à un nombre quelconque de dimensions, I 1944 Kentaro Yano
Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On the spaces with normal conformal connexions whose groups of holonomy fix a point or a hypersphere. I 1941 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On the spaces with normal conformal connexions whose groups of holonomy fix a point or a hypersphere. II 1941 Shigeo Sasaki
+ Some Theorems on Conformal Transformations of Riemannian Spaces 1936 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Contributions to the Affine and Projective Differential Geometries of Plane Curves 1936 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Contributions to the affine- and projective differential geometries of space curves 1936 Shigeo Sasaki
+ Einige charakteristische Eigenschaften derjenigen ebenen Kurven, deren Affin- und Projektivnormalen übereinstimmen 1935 Shigeo Sasaki
+ Einige charakteristische Eigenschaften derjenigen ebenen Kurven, deren Affin- und Projektivnormalen übereinstimmen 1935 Shigeo Sasaki
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat On differentiable manifolds with certain structures which are closely related to almost contact structure, I 1960 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Les groupes d'holonomie des espaces généralisés 1926 Élie Cartan
+ PDF Chat On differentiable manifolds with certain structures which are closely related to almost contact structure, II 1961 Shigeo Sasaki
Yoji Hatakeyama
+ Some complex structures on products of fhomotopy spheres 1968 Egbert Brieskorn
A. Van de Ven
+ On differentiable manifolds with contact metric structures 1962 Shinya Sasaki
Yoji Hatakeyama
+ PDF Chat Some examples of non-regular almost contact structures on exotic spheres 1976 Kinetsu Abe
+ PDF Chat On the convergence behaviour of trigonometric interpolating polynomial 1955 Richard P. Gosselin
+ PDF Chat An algebra associated with a compact grou 1955 Meyer Jerison
+ Über die Lösungen der Differentialgleichungrt−s 2=1 1954 Konrad Jörgens
+ PDF Chat Pseudo-discriminant and Dickson invarian 1955 Jean Dieudonné
+ Einige charakteristische Eigenschaften derjenigen ebenen Kurven, deren Affin- und Projektivnormalen übereinstimmen 1935 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Abstract Riemann sum 1955 Paul Civin
+ PDF Chat Vector fields and Ricci curvature 1946 S. Bochner
+ PDF Chat On the isometry groups of Sasakian manifolds 1970 Shûkichi Tanno
+ PDF Chat Note on $(\phi,\,\xi ,\,\eta)$-structure 1961 Chen-jung Hsu
+ PDF Chat On the tower theorem for finite group 1955 Eugene Schenkman
+ A theorem on uniform imbedding 1972 G. L. Garg
+ PDF Chat Some ergodic theorems involving two operator 1955 Paul Civin
+ PDF Chat Sur la réductibilité du groupe d'holonomie, II. Les espaces de Riemann 1944 Makoto Abe
+ PDF Chat On the relation between homological structure of Riemannian spaces and exact differential forms which are invariant under holonomy groups, I 1951 Hideyuki Iwamoto
+ PDF Chat An algebraic characterization of fixed ideals in certain function ring 1955 Lyle E. Pursell
+ PDF Chat Solution of the problem of Plateau 1931 Jesse Douglas
+ PDF Chat Weak locally multiplicatively-convex algebra 1955 Seth Warner
+ Einstein spaces which are mapped conformally on each other 1925 Hans-Berndt Brinkmann
+ PDF Chat The number of solutions of certain cubic congruence 1955 Eckford Cohen
+ PDF Chat On generating functions of the Jacobi polynomial 1955 Peter Henrici
+ PDF Chat On the differential geometry of tangent bundles of Riemannian manifolds, II 1962 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Group-theoretic origin of certain generating function 1955 Louis Weisner
+ PDF Chat Sur la structure des espaces de Riemann dont le groupe d'holonomie fixe un plan à un nombre quelconque de dimensions 1948 Kentaro Yano
Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat Additional note on some Tauberian theorems of O. Szás 1955 C. T. Rajagopal
+ PDF Chat On a Riemannian space admitting more than one Sasakian structures 1970 Shun-ichi Tachibana
Wen Neng Yu
+ PDF Chat Error bounds for iterative solutions of Fredholm integral equation 1955 L. B. Rall
+ PDF Chat On a property of Brieskorn manifolds 1976 Shigeo Sasaki
Chên Jung Hsu
+ PDF Chat On normal almost contact structures 1963 Akihiko Morimoto
+ PDF Chat The mappings of the positive integers into themselves which preserve divisio 1955 Morgan Ward
+ PDF Chat On almost contact $3$-structure 1970 Ying-yan Kuo
+ Les groupes linéaires finis sans points fixes 1947 Vincent Georges
+ PDF Chat Conformal and concircular geometries in Einstein spaces 1943 Kentarô Yano
+ PDF Chat Sur la théorie des espaces à connexion conforme normale et la géométrie conforme des espaces de Riemann 1941 Kentaro Yano
Yosio Mutô
+ Beispiele zur Differentialtopologie von Singularit�ten 1966 Egbert Brieskorn
+ PDF Chat On the differential geometry of closed space curves 1951 Werner Fenchel
+ PDF Chat Nonregular contact structures on Brieskorn manifolds 1975 Kinetsu Abe
Joseph Erbacher
+ PDF Chat Surfaces of Gaussian curvature zero in Euclidean $3$-space 1962 William S. Massey
+ PDF Chat On some properties of $\pi $-structures on differentiable manifold 1960 Chen-ung Hsu
+ PDF Chat Sur une classe remarquable d'espaces de Riemann 1926 Élie Cartan
+ On the Total Curvature of Knots 1950 John Milnor
+ The Topology of Fibre Bundles. (PMS-14) 1951 Norman Steenrod
+ PDF Chat Riemann spaces conformal to Einstein spaces 1924 Hans-Berndt Brinkmann
+ On the real representation of spaces with Hermitian connexion 1950 Shigeo Sasaki
+ PDF Chat On a theorem of S. Bernstei 1955 N. C. Ankeny
T. J. Rivlin