Mikhael Gromov


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Different Faces of Geometry 2004 Simon Donaldson
Yakov Eliashberg
Mikhael Gromov
+ Harmonic Maps between Riemannian Polyhedra 2001 James Eells
Bent Fuglede
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Carnot-Carathéodory spaces seen from within 1996 Mikhael Gromov
+ Geometric reflections on the Novikov conjecture 1995 Mikhael Gromov
+ Geometries in interaction : GAFA special issue in honor of Mikhail Gromov 1995 Mikhael Gromov
Yakov Eliashberg
+ Asymptotic invariants of infinite groups 1993 Mikhael Gromov
Graham A. Niblo
Martin A. Roller
+ PDF The Riemann-Roch theorem for elliptic operators and solvability of elliptic equations with additional conditions on compact subsets 1993 Mikhael Gromov
Mikhail Shubin
+ Embeddings of Stein Manifolds of Dimension n into the Affine Space of Dimension 3n/2 + 1 1992 Yakov Eliashberg
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Nilpotent Structures and Invariant Metrics on Collapsed Manifolds 1992 Jeff Cheeger
Kenji Fukaya
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Nilpotent structures and invariant metrics on collapsed manifolds 1992 Jeff Cheeger
Kenji Fukaya
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Spectral geometry of semi-algebraic sets 1992 Mikhael Gromov
+ Geometric topology : recent developments : lectures given on the 1st Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) held at Montecatini Terme, Italy, June 4-12, 1990 1991 Centro internazionale matematico estivo. Session
Jeff Cheeger
Paolo de Bartolomeis
F. Tricerri
Mikhael Gromov
Christian Okonek
Pierre Pansu
+ Convex symplectic manifolds 1991 Yakov Eliashberg
Mikhael Gromov
+ Chopping Riemannian manifolds 1990 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Collapsing Riemannian manifolds while keeping their curvature bounded. II 1990 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ Bifurcations de points fixes elliptiques, III. - Orbites périodiques de > périodes et élimination résonnante des couples de courbes invariantes . Non-arithmetic groups in Lobachevsky spaces . Existence de faisceaux réflexifs de rang deux sur P[3] à bonne cohomologie . On the creation of homoclinic points . A proof of the C[1] stability conjecture . On the C[1] Ω-stability conjecture 1988 Alain Chenciner
Mikhael Gromov
Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
André Hirschowitz
Ricardo Mañé
Jacob Palis
+ Isometric C∞-Immersions 1986 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Collapsing Riemannian manifolds while keeping their curvature bounded. I 1986 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ L2-Cohomology and group cohomology 1986 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ Partial Differential Relations 1986 Mikhael Gromov
+ Soft and hard symplectic geometry 1986 Mikhael Gromov
+ Manifolds of bounded negative curvature 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ The theorem of Hadamard-Cartan and complete simply connected manifolds of nonpositive curvature 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ On the Characteristic Numbers of Complete Manifolds of Bounded Curvature and Finite Volume 1985 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Bounds on the von Neumann dimension of $L\sp 2$-cohomology and the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for open manifolds 1985 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ Manifolds of Nonpositive Curvature 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Analytic manifolds of nonpositive curvature 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Proof of the rigidity theorem 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Local geometry and convexity 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Stable isometries. essential volume and essential volume of stable submanifolds 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Special groups of isometries 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Discrete groups of isometries and the Margulis lemma 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ The Tits metric on X(∞) 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Manifolds of Nonpositive Curvature 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Individual isometries 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Rigidity and extensions of isometric maps 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Bieberbach groups and a proof of the Margulis Lemma 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Topology of analytic manifolds of nonpositive curvature 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ Mostow’s rigidity theorem and its generalization. An outline of the proof 1985 Werner Ballmann
Mikhael Gromov
Viktor Schroeder
+ PDF Positive scalar curvature and the Dirac operator on complete riemannian manifolds 1983 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ PDF Filling Riemannian manifolds 1983 Mikhael Gromov
+ The Neron model for families of intermediate Jacobians acquiring "algebraic" singularities . Homological equivalence modulo algebraic equivalence is not finitely generated . The index of signature operators on Lipschitz manifolds . An analytic proof of Novikov's theorem on rational Pontrjagin classes . Positive scalar curvature and the Dirac operator on complete Riemannian manifolds . C[*]-algebras, positive scalar curvature, and the Novikov conjecture 1983 C. Herbert Clemens
Nicolae Teleman
Mikhael Gromov
Dennis Sullivan
Jonathan Rosenberg
H. Blaine Lawson
+ Volume and bounded cohomology . The topological rationality of linear representations . Homotopy representations of finite groups . Contributions of rational homotopy theory to global problems in geometry . The homotopy Lie algebra for finite complexes 1983 Mikhael Gromov
Sylvain E. Cappell
Julius L. Shaneson
Tammo tom Dieck
Ted Petrie
Karsten Grove
Stephen Halperin
Yves Félix
J. C. Thomas
+ Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps 1981 Mikhael Gromov
+ Structure of mappings of an interval with zero entropy . Absolutely continuous measures for certain maps of an interval . Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps . Real algebraic structures on topological spaces . A topological resolution theorem 1981 Michał Misiurewicz
Mikhael Gromov
Selman Akbulut
Henry C. King
Laurence R. Taylor
+ The Classification of Simply Connected Manifolds of Positive Scalar Curvature 1980 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ Spin and Scalar Curvature in the Presence of a Fundamental Group. I 1980 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ Volume and bounded cohomology 1980 Mikhael Gromov
+ Paul Levy's isoperimetric inequality 1980 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Homotopical effects of dilatation 1978 Mikhael Gromov
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ On the Characteristic Numbers of Complete Manifolds of Bounded Curvature and Finite Volume 1985 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Almost flat manifolds 1978 M. Gromov
+ Finiteness Theorems for Riemannian Manifolds 1970 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Bounds on the von Neumann dimension of $L\sp 2$-cohomology and the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for open manifolds 1985 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ Volume and bounded cohomology 1982 Michael Gromov
+ PDF Filling Riemannian manifolds 1983 Mikhael Gromov
+ How to conjugateC 1-close group actions 1973 Karsten Grove
Hermann Karcher
+ Some remarks on operator theory and index theory 1977 I. M. Singer
+ Convergence of riemannian manifolds 1987 Stefan Peters
+ The Classification of Simply Connected Manifolds of Positive Scalar Curvature 1980 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ Discrete Subgroups of Lie Groups 1972 M. S. Raghunathan
+ A boundary of the set of the Riemannian manifolds with bounded curvatures and diameters 1988 Kenji Fukaya
+ PDF Finite propagation speed, kernel estimates for functions of the Laplace operator, and the geometry of complete Riemannian manifolds 1982 Jeff Cheeger
M. Gromov
Michael E. Taylor
+ De Rham-Hodge theory for L2-cohomology of infinite coverings 1977 Józef Dodziuk
+ On the Upper Estimate of the Heat Kernel of a Complete Riemannian Manifold 1981 Siu Yuen Cheng
Peter Li
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Partial Differential Relations 1986 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Lipschitz convergence of Riemannian manifolds 1988 Robert E. Greene
Hung-Hsi Wu
+ PDF Collapsing Riemannian manifolds while keeping their curvature bounded. I 1986 Jeff Cheeger
Mikhael Gromov
+ Gromov's almost flat manifolds 1981 Peter Buser
Hermann Karcher
+ PDF Collapsing Riemannian manifolds to ones with lower dimension II 1989 Kenji Fukaya
+ PDF Hausdorff Convergence of Riemannian Manifolds and Its Applications 1990 Kenji Fukaya
+ Singular Integrals and Differentiability Properties of Functions. 1971 Elias M. Stein
+ The L 2 -Index Theorem for Homogeneous Spaces of Lie Groups 1982 Alain Connes
Henri Moscovici
+ Characteristic Forms and Geometric Invariants 1974 Shiing-Shen Chern
James Simons
+ Cheeger's finiteness theorem for diffeomorphism classes of Riemannian manifolds. 1984 Stefan Peters
+ Some lower bounds for the area of surfaces 1982 James J. Hebda
+ PDF The splitting theorem for manifolds of nonnegative Ricci curvature 1971 Jeff Cheeger
Detlef Gromoll
+ PDF Almost nonpositively curved manifolds 1991 Kenji Fukaya
Takao Yamaguchi
+ PDF Croissance des boules et des géodésiques fermées dans les nilvariétés 1983 Pierre Pansu
+ Spectral asymmetry and Riemannian Geometry. I 1975 Michael Atiyah
V. K. Patodi
I. M. Singer
+ Existence of Incompressible Minimal Surfaces and the Topology of Three Dimensional Manifolds with Non-Negative Scalar Curvature 1979 Richard Schoen
Shing‐Tung Yau
+ Free subgroups in linear groups 1972 Jacques Tits
+ Pseudo holomorphic curves in symplectic manifolds 1985 M. Gromov
+ Smoothing Riemannian metrics 1984 Josef Bemelmans
Ernst A. Ruh
+ PDF Geometric construction of holonomy coverings for almost flat manifolds 1991 Patrick Ghanaat
+ Real analyticity of solutions of Hamilton's equation 1987 Shigetoshi Bando
+ The Gromov invariant of links 1981 Teruhiko Soma
+ Analytic Torsion and The Heat Equation 1979 Jeff Cheeger
+ PDF Collapsing Riemannian manifolds to ones of lower dimensions 1987 Kenji Fukaya
+ Quelques propriétés globales des variétés différentiables 1954 René Thom
+ Spin and Scalar Curvature in the Presence of a Fundamental Group. I 1980 Mikhael Gromov
H. Blaine Lawson
+ Manifolds of negative curvature 1978 M. Gromov
+ PDF Some inequalities in certain nonorientable Riemannian manifolds 1952 P. M. Pu
+ PDF Novikov's higher signature and families of elliptic operators 1972 Gheorghe Lusztig
+ Groups of polynomial growth and expanding maps 1981 Mikhael Gromov
+ PDF Deforming the metric on complete Riemannian manifolds 1989 Wan-Xiong Shi
+ PDF The filling radius of two-point homogeneous spaces 1983 Mikhail G. Katz
+ On the Hodge theory of Riemannian pseudomanifolds 1980 Jeff Cheeger
+ Curvature, diameter and betti numbers 1981 Michael Gromov