L. Yu. Kolotilina


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Upper Bounds for $${\Vert {A}^{-1}\Vert }_{\infty }$$ for Some Eventually $$\mathcal{H}$$-Matrices 2024 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Upper Bounds for the Spectral Radius of a PF Matrix 2024 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat On SDD1 Matrices 2023 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ New Two-Sided Bounds for the Perron Root and Related Nonsingularity Criteria 2021 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Some Bounds for Inverses Involving Matrix Sparsity Pattern 2020 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ A New Subclass of the Class of Nonsingular $$ \mathcal{H} $$-Matrices and Related Inclusion Sets for Eigenvalues and Singular Values 2019 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ An Approach to Bounding the Spectral Radius of a Weighted Digraph 2018 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Bounds for the Inverses of Generalized Nekrasov Matrices 2015 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Bounds for the Determinants of Nekrasov and S-Nekrasov Matrices 2015 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Some Inequalities Connecting the Singular Values of a Complex Matrix with the Perron Roots of Related Nonnegative Matrices 2014 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ On Bounding Inverses to Nekrasov Matrices in the Infinity Norm 2014 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the Largest Two Eigenvalues of the Signless Laplacian 2014 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Upper bounds for the second largest eigenvalue of symmetric nonnegative matrices 2013 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ New circuit bounds for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix 2012 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the extreme eigenvalues of the laplacian and signless laplacian of a graph 2012 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Inequalities for the extreme eigenvalues of block-partitioned Hermitian matrices with applications to spectral graph theory 2011 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat On determinantal diagonal dominance conditions 2011 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat On Ostrowski’s disk theorem and lower bounds for the smallest eigenvalues and singular values 2011 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Bounds for the inverses of PM- and PH-matrices 2010 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Inclusion sets for the singular values of a rectangular matrix 2009 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Inclusion sets for the singular values of a square matrix 2009 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Improving Chistyakov's bounds for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix 2009 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Bounds for the infinity norm of the inverse for certain M- and H-matrices 2008 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Bounds for the determinants and inverses of certain H-matrices 2008 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Improving Chistyakov’s bounds for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix 2008 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat The generalized monotonicity property of the Perron root 2007 Yu. A. Al’pin
L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Joint bounds for the Perron roots of nonnegative matrices with applications 2007 Yu. A. Al’pin
L. Yu. Kolotilina
N. N. Korneeva
+ PDF Chat Filling the gap between the Gerschgorin and Brualdi theorems 2007 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Bounds for the singular values of a matrix involving its sparsity pattern 2006 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Bounds and inequalities for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix. III. Bounds dependent on simple paths and circuits 2006 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ The Singularity/Nonsingularity Problem for Matrices Satisfying Diagonal Dominance Conditions in Terms of Directed Graphs 2005 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Solution of the Problem of Optimal Diagonal Scaling for Quasireal Hermitian Positive-Definite 3×3 Matrices 2005 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the Extreme Eigenvalues of Block 2 × 2 Hermitian Matrices 2005 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Bounds for the eigenvalues of block 2 × 2 Hermitian positive‐definite matrices 2005 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat On the extreme eigenvalues of block 2 × 2 Hermitian matrices 2005 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat The strengthened versions of the additive and multiplicative Weyl inequalities 2005 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat On Brualdi's Theorem 2004 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Bounds and Inequalities for the Perron Root of a Nonnegative Matrix 2004 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Generalizations of the Ostrowski–Brauer theorem 2003 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ None 2003 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat None 2003 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat None 2003 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Nonsingularity/singularity criteria for nonstrictly block diagonally dominant matrices 2002 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Optimally conditioned block matrices 2002 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat A robust AINV-type method for constructing sparse approximate inverse preconditioners in factored form 2001 С. А. Харченко
L. Yu. Kolotilina
A. A. Nikishin
A. Yu. Yeremin
+ PDF Chat Factorized sparse approximate inverse preconditionings. III. Iterative construction of preconditioners 2000 A. Yu. Yeremin
L. Yu. Kolotilina
A. A. Nikishin
+ PDF Chat A generalization of weyl’s inequalities with implications 2000 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Inequalities for the Perron root related to Levinger's theorem 1998 Yu. A. Al’pin
L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Interrelations between eigenvalues and diagonal entries of Hermitian matrices implying their block diagonality 1998 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Twofold deflation preconditioning of linear algebraic systems. I. Theory 1998 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Eigenvalue bounds and inequalities using vector aggregation of matrices 1998 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Eigenvalue bounds and inequalities using vector aggregation of matrices 1998 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Eigenvalue bounds for block preconditioned matrices 1997 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Convergence of certain incomplete block factorization splittings 1997 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Bounds for eigenvalues of symmetric block Jacobi scaled matrices 1996 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat The sparsity of Bruhat decomposition factors of nonsingular matrices 1996 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Two-sided bounds for the inverse of an H-matrix 1995 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Lower bounds for the perron root of a nonnegative matrix 1993 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Factorized Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditionings I. Theory 1993 L. Yu. Kolotilina
A. Yu. Yeremin
+ Block SSOR preconditionings for high-order 3D FE systems. II. Incomplete BSSOR preconditionings 1991 Igor Kaporin
L. Yu. Kolotilina
A. Yu. Yeremin
+ Monotonicity and Discretization Error Estimates 1990 Owe Axelsson
L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Incomplete block factorization methods for complex-structure matrices 1989 Andrew Eremin
L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Explicit preconditioning of systems of linear algebraic equations with dense matrices 1988 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Bruhat decomposition and solution of sparse linear algebraic systems 1987 L. Yu. Kolotilina
A. Yu. Yeremin
+ On a family of two-level preconditionings of the incomplete block factorization type 1986 L. Yu. Kolotilina
A. Yu. Yeremin
+ Normalizer of the subgroup of diagonal matrices in the general linear group over a ring 1985 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Aplication of net subgroups to the theory of sparse matrices 1985 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Subnormalizer of net subgroups in the general linear group over a ring 1984 Z. I. Borevich
L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Subgroups in T-groups 1984 P. V. Gavron
L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat A class of test Hessenberg matrices 1984 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Normal structure of the full linear group over a semilocal ring 1982 N. A. Vavilov
L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Conjugacy of net subgroups of linear groups 1981 Z. I. Borevich
E. V. Dybkova
L. Yu. Kolotilina
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ �ber die determinanten mit �berwiegender Hauptdiagonale 1937 Alexander Ostrowski
+ PDF Chat Bounds and Inequalities for the Perron Root of a Nonnegative Matrix 2004 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Geršgorin and His Circles 2004 Richard S. Varga
+ A lower bound for the smallest singular value of a matrix 1975 J. M. Varah
+ Generalizations of the Ostrowski–Brauer theorem 2003 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Blocs-H-matrices et convergence des methodes iteratives classiques par blocs 1969 François Robert
+ Matrices eigenvalues, and directed graphs 1982 Richard A. Brualdi
+ Convergence Properties of the Spline Fit 1963 J. H. Ahlberg
E. N. Nilson
+ Criteria for generalized diagonally dominant matrices and M-matrices 1992 Yiming Gao
Xiaohui Wang
+ Bounds for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix involving the properties of its graph 1995 Yu. A. Al’pin
+ Nonsingularity/singularity criteria for nonstrictly block diagonally dominant matrices 2002 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Bounds for the determinants and inverses of certain H-matrices 2008 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Upper bounds for the infinity norm of the inverse of SDD and <mml:math xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" altimg="si6.gif" overflow="scroll"><mml:mi mathvariant="script">S</mml:mi></mml:math>-SDD matrices 2006 Nenad Morača
+ PDF Chat Cyclic products and an inequality for determinants 1969 Miroslav Fiedler
Vlastimil Pták
+ Optimal block diagonal scaling of block 2-cyclic matrices 1982 Stanley C. Eisenstat
John W. Lewis
Martin H. Schultz
+ Bounds for the greatest characteristic root of an irreducible nonnegative matrix 1974 Alfred Brauer
Ivey C. Gentry
+ The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem 1998 Beresford Ν. Parlett
+ On some metrical properties of operator matrices and matrices partitioned into blocks 1961 Alexander Ostrowski
+ The Singularity/Nonsingularity Problem for Matrices Satisfying Diagonal Dominance Conditions in Terms of Directed Graphs 2005 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Improving Chistyakov's bounds for the Perron root of a nonnegative matrix 2009 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat None 2003 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ Eigenvalue bounds and inequalities using vector aggregation of matrices 1998 L. Yu. Kolotilina
+ PDF Chat Bounds for determinants with dominant principal diagonal 1951 G. Baley Price
+ On conjectures involving second largest signless Laplacian eigenvalue of graphs 2010 Kinkar Ch. Das
+ A Recurring Theorem on Determinants 1949 Olga Taussky
+ Factorizations of Transfer Functions 1980 Harm Bart
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
Paul Van Dooren
+ The condition number of equivalence transformations that block diagonalize matrix pencils 1983 James Demmel
+ A note on A. Brauer's theorem 1994 Zhang Xian
Gu Dun-he
+ A Recurring Theorem on Determinants 1949 Olga Taussky
+ A new subclass of H-matrices 2008 Ljiljana Cvetković
Vladimir Kostić
Sonja Rauški
+ PDF Chat Infinity norm bounds for the inverse of Nekrasov matrices 2012 Ljiljana Cvetković
Ping-Fan Dai
Ksenija Doroslovački
Yaotang Li
+ Short Communication: Two Properties of Diagonally Dominant Matrices 1996 Xuerong Yong
+ Sur La Détermination Des Bornes Inférieures Pour Une Classe Des Déterminants; 1983 Alexander Ostrowski
+ Doubly diagonally dominant matrices 1997 Bishan Li
Michael J. Tsatsomeros
+ The Condition Number of Equivalence Transformations That Block Diagonalize Matrix Pencils 1983 James Demmel
+ PDF Chat On best conditioned matrices 1955 George E. Forsythe
E. G. Straus
+ PDF Chat On the extreme eigenvalues of block 2 × 2 Hermitian matrices 2005 L. Yu. Kolotilina
Gene H. Golub
Dianne P. O’Leary
+ Commutativity and spectra of Hermitian matrices 1994 Wasin So
+ On diagonal dominance arguments for bounding ‖A-1‖∞ 1976 Richard S. Varga
+ Further lower bounds for the smallest singular value 1998 Charles R. Johnson
Tomasz Szulc
+ Factorized Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditionings I. Theory 1993 L. Yu. Kolotilina
A. Yu. Yeremin
+ PDF Chat A note on optimal block-scaling of matrices 1984 L. Elsner
+ An inequality for non-negative matrices 1999 Ming‐Wei Wang
Jeffrey Shallit
+ Some monotonicity properties of Schur powers of matrices and related inequalities 1985 Samuel Karlin
Friedemann Ost
+ Digraphs and Inclusion Intervals of Brualdi-type for Singular Values 2002 Jiong-Sheng Li
Kai Yang
Qing-xue Wang
+ The Monotonicity Theorem, Cauchy's Interlace Theorem, and the Courant- Fischer Theorem 1987 Yasuhiko Ikebe
Toshiyuki Inagaki
Sadaaki Miyamoto
+ PDF Chat The perron root of a weighted geometric mean of nonneagative matrices 1988 L. Elsner
Charles R. Johnson
J. A. Dias Da Silva
+ Estimation for matrix singular values 1999 Luoluo Li
+ Unzerlegbare, nicht negative Matrizen 1950 Helmut Wielandt