Toyokazu Hiramatsu


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat A Formula for the Dimension of Spaces of Cusp Forms of Weight 1 2018 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ Theory of Automorphic Forms of Weight 1 2018 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ An Introduction to Non-Abelian Class Field Theory: Automorphic Forms of Weight 1 and 2-Dimensional Galois Representations 2016 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Seiken Saito
+ An Introduction to Non-Abelian Class Field Theory 2016 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Seiken Saito
+ Cyclotomy and its application to duadic codes 2009 Hideki Tada
Shigeto Nishimura
Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ Coding Theory and Number Theory, Vol. 554 2003 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Günter Köhler
Michiel Hazewinkel
+ Diophantine Equations and Cyclic Codes 2003 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Günter Köhler
+ Elliptic Curves, Hecke Operators and Weight Distribution of Codes 2003 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Günter Köhler
+ Hyper-Kloosterman Sums and their Applications to the Coding Theory 2001 Koji Chinen
Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ Some results of the Zetterberg codes 1995 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Tetsuya Ochiai
+ A dimension formula for the space of the Hilbert cusp forms of weight 1 of two variables 1991 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ PDF Chat On numbers of type $x^{2} + Ny^{2}$ 1990 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Yoshio Mimura
+ On traces of Hecke operators on the space of cusp froms of weight 1. 1989 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ PDF Chat A Formula for the Dimension of Spaces of Cusp Forms of Weight 1 1989 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ PDF Chat On some dimension formula for automorphic forms of weight one III 1988 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Shigeki Akiyama
+ PDF Chat On Some Dimension Formula for Automorphic Forms of Weight One, II 1987 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ On some dimension formula for automorphic forms of weight one. II, With an addendum to: "The modular equation and modular forms of weight one'' 1987 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ Corrections to "Quartic Residuacity and Cusp Forms of Weight One", Comment. Math. Univ. Sancti Pauli, 34 (1985), 91-103 1986 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Noburo Ishii
+ PDF Chat On indefinite modular forms of weight one 1986 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Noburo Ishii
Yoshio Mimura
+ PDF Chat The modular equation and modular forms of weight one 1985 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Yoshio Mimura
+ Quartic Residuacity and Cusp Forms of Weight One 1985 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Noburo Ishii
+ Higher Reciprocity Laws and Modular Forms of Weight One 1982 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ PDF Chat On some dimension formula for automorphic forms of weight one I 1982 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ On automorphic forms of weight one, III The Selberg eigenspace for discontinuous groups of finite type 1982 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ On Automorphic Forms of Weight One II The Arf Invariant and d0 mod 2 1981 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Yoshio Mimura
+ On Automorphic Forms of Weight One I 1980 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ Remarks on hyperbolic Poincare series 1971 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ PDF Chat Eichler Maps and Hyperbolic Fourier Expansion 1970 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ Modular forms obtained from L-functions with Grossen-characters of Q(√ ) 1966 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ Eichler classes attached to automorphic forms of dimension -1 1966 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Elementary theory of Eisenstein series 1973 富雄 久保田
+ PDF Chat On some dimension formula for automorphic forms of weight one I 1982 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ PDF Chat On Some Dimension Formula for Automorphic Forms of Weight One, II 1987 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ Harmonic Analysis and Discontinuous Groups in Weakly Symmetric Riemannian Spaces With Applications to Dirichlet Series 1956 Atle Selberg
+ Eichler classes attached to automorphic forms of dimension -1 1966 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ Modular forms of weight one and Galois representations 2003 Jean-Pierre Serre
+ PDF Chat On some dimension formula for automorphic forms of weight one III 1988 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Shigeki Akiyama
+ PDF Chat On certain ray class invariants of real quadratic fields 1977 Takuro Shintani
+ Higher Reciprocity Laws and Modular Forms of Weight One 1982 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ PDF Chat Coincidence of $L$-functions 2022 Yuta Katayama
Masanari Kida
+ PDF Chat The modular equation and modular forms of weight one 1985 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Yoshio Mimura
+ The Weil representation, Maslov index and Theta series 1980 Gérard Lion
Michèle Vergne
+ PDF Chat Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, theta functions and modular forms 1984 Victor G. Kač
Dale H. Peterson
+ PDF Chat A Formula for the Dimension of Spaces of Cusp Forms of Weight 1 1989 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ PDF Chat Über den Klassenkörper zum quadratischen Zahlkörper mit der Diskriminante - 47 (Fortsetzung) 1969 Helmut Hasse
Joseph Liang
+ Lehrbuch der Algebra 1921 Heinrich Weber
+ PDF Chat On cusp forms of octahedral type 1986 Yoshio Tanigawa
+ PDF Chat On certain ray class invariants of real quadratic fields 1978 Takuro Shintani
+ On Discontinuous Groups Operating on the Product of the Upper Half Planes 1963 Hideo Shimizu
+ PDF Chat Seminar on Complex Multiplication 1966 A. Borel
S. Chowla
C. S. Herz
Kenkichi Iwasawa
J-P. Serre
+ Einheitliche Begründung der Vollständigkeitssätze für die Poincaréschen Reihen von reeller Dimension bei beliebigen Grenzkreisgruppen von erster Art 1941 Hans Petersson
+ ÜberEisensteinsche Reihen und automorphe Formen von der Dimension-1 1956 Hans Petersson
+ PDF Chat Artin’s conjecture for representations of octahedral type 1981 Jerrold B. Tunnell
+ Die Fixpunkte einiger Hilbertscher Modulgruppen 1964 Karl-Bernhard Gundlach
+ PDF Chat On a problem of Hasse 1969 Hans Zassenhaus
J. Liang
+ Der Hilbertsche Klassenk�rper eines imagin�rquadratischen Zahlk�rpers 1956 Martin Eichler
+ On the Arf invariant 1978 R. H. Dye
+ On n-dimensional kloosterman sums 1979 Robert A. Smith
+ A classical Diophantine problem and modular forms of weight 3/2 1983 Jerrold B. Tunnell
+ Distribution of the weights of the dual of the melas code 1990 Gilles Lachaud
+ Minimal Polynomials and Distinctness of Kloosterman Sums 1995 D. Wan
+ The weights of the dual code of the MELAS code over GF(3) 1989 J. Wolfmann
+ Ein Summationsverfahren f�r die Poincar�schen Reihen von der Dimension?2 zu den hyperbolischen Fixpunktepaaren 1943 Hans Petersson
+ Die Bestimmung der Dichtigkeit einer Menge von Primzahlen, welche zu einer gegebenen Substitutionsklasse gehören 1926 Nikolaj Tschebotareff
+ Arithmetische Theorie der Normalkörper von 2-Potenzgrad mit Diedergruppe 1971 Franz Halter‐Koch
+ De integralibus definites et seriebus infinites. 1837 E.E. Kummer
+ The higher reciprocity laws: An example 1980 Carlos Moreno
+ PDF Chat On the trace formula for Hecke operators 1974 Goro Shimura
+ A Treatise on the Theory of Bessel Functions. 1923 Matthew Porter
G. N. Watson
+ PDF Chat Automorphic Forms on GL (2) 1970 H. Jacquet
R. P. Langlands
+ Cyclotomy and duadic codes of prime lengths 1999 Cunsheng Ding
Vera Pless
+ Duadic Codes 1984 Jeffrey S. Leon
John Myron Masley
Vera Pless
+ Irreducible Decomposition of Fundamental Modules for $A_{l}^{(1)}$ and $C_{l}^{(1)}$, and Hecke Modular Forms 2018 Michio Jimbo
Tetsuji Miwa
+ Theory of Automorphic Forms of Weight 1 2018 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
+ PDF Chat Icosahedral Galois Representations 1978 Joe Buhler
+ Zur analytischen Theorie hyperbolischer Raumformen und Bewegungsgruppen 1959 Heinz Huber
+ Gauss sums, Kloosterman sums, and monodromy groups 1987 Nicholas M. Katz
+ Automorphic forms and Artin's conjecture 1977 Stephen Gelbart
+ Quartic Residuacity and Cusp Forms of Weight One 1985 Toyokazu Hiramatsu
Noburo Ishii