Joseph P. Zbilut


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ On the Existence of Quantum Wave Function and Quantum Interference Effects in Mental States: An Experimental Confirmation During Perception and Cognition in Humans 2009 Elio Conte
Andrei Khrennikov
Orlando Todarello
Antonio Federici
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ PDF Chat Mental States Follow Quantum Mechanics During Perception and Cognition of Ambiguous Figures 2009 Elio Conte
Andrei Yuri Khrennikov
Orlando Todarello
Antonio Federici
Leonardo Mendolicchio
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ PDF Chat Fractal fluctuations and quantum-like chaos in the brain by analysis of variability of brain waves: A new method based on a fractal variance function and random matrix theory: A link with El Naschie fractal Cantorian space–time and V. Weiss and H. Weiss golden ratio in brain 2008 Elio Conte
Andrei Khrennikov
Antonio Federici
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ Mind States Follow Quantum Mechanics During Perception and Cognition of Ambiguous Figures: A Final Experimental Confirmation 2008 Elio Conte
Orlando Todarello
Antonio Federici
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ Evidence of Low Dimensional Chaos in Glow Curves of Thermoluminescence 2008 Elio Conte
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ An Application of Chaos Theory for Estimation of Simultaneous Variability of RR-intervals in Heart and Systolic Blood Pressure in Humans 2008 Elio Conte
Antonio Federici
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ A Conclusive Experimentation Evidences that Mental States Follow Quantum Mechanics. Further Experimentation Indicates that in Mind States Bell Inequality Violation is Possible 2008 Elio Conte
Andrei Yuri Khrennikov
Orlando Todarello
Antonio Federici
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ On the Existence of Quantum Wave Function and Quantum Interference Effects in Mental States: An Experimental Confirmation during Perception and Cognition in Humans 2008 Elio Conte
Andrei Yuri Khrennikov
Orlando Todarello
Antonio Federici
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ New possible properties of atomic nuclei investigated by non linear methods: Fractal and recurrence quantification analysis 2007 Elio Conte
Andrei Khrennikov
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on an experiment suggesting quantum-like behavior of cognitive entities and formulation of an abstract quantum mechanical formalism to describe cognitive entity and its dynamics 2006 Elio Conte
Orlando Todarello
Antonio Federici
Francesco Vitiello
Michele Lopane
Andrei Khrennikov
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ The transition from ontic potentiality to actualization of states in quantum mechanical approach to reality: The Proof of a Mathematical Theorem to Support It 2006 Elio Conte
Andrei Khrennikov
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ On some detailed examples of quantum like structures containing quantum potential states in the sphere of biological dynamics 2006 Elio Conte
Gianpaolo Pierri
Leonardo Mendolicchio
Andrei Khrennikov
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ Probability and Dynamics 2004 Joseph P. Zbilut
+ PDF Chat Recurrence quantification analysis as a tool for characterization of molecular dynamics simulations 1999 Cesare Manetti
Marc-Antoine Ceruso
Alessandro Giuliani
Charles L. Webber
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ PDF Chat Recurrence quantification analysis and principal components in the detection of short complex signals 1998 Joseph P. Zbilut
Alessandro Giuliani
Charles L. Webber
+ Orthographic Structuring of Human Speech and Texts: Linguistic Application of Recurrence Quantification Analysis 1997 Franco Orsucci
Kimberly Walter
Alessandro Giuliani
Charles L. Webber
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ A Method for Detecting Possible Non-determinism in a Time Series 1994 David Dixon
Michail Zak
Joseph P. Zbilut
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ The Principle of Supplementarity: A Contextual Probabilistic Viewpoint to Complementarity, the Interference of Probabilities and Incompatibility of Variables in Quantum Mechanics 2005 Andrei Khrennikov
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on an experiment suggesting quantum-like behavior of cognitive entities and formulation of an abstract quantum mechanical formalism to describe cognitive entity and its dynamics 2006 Elio Conte
Orlando Todarello
Antonio Federici
Francesco Vitiello
Michele Lopane
Andrei Khrennikov
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ PDF Chat Linear representations of probabilistic transformations induced by context transitions 2001 Andrei Khrennikov
+ Logical Self-Reference as a Model for Conscious Experience 2001 Andrei G. Khromov
+ Quantum formalism to describe binocular rivalry 2007 Efstratios Manousakis
+ A preliminar evidence of quantum like behavior in measurements of mental state 2004 E. Conte
Orlando Todarello
Antonio Federici
Francesco Vitiello
Michele Lopane
+ <i>The Fractal Geometry of Nature</i> 1983 Benoît B. Mandelbrot
John Wheeler
+ PDF Chat Quantum-like brain: “Interference of minds” 2006 Andrei Khrennikov
+ PDF Chat Wave-particle duality in general relativity 1996 Paul O’Hara
+ PDF Chat On quantum iterated function systems 2004 Arkadiusz Jadczyk
+ PDF Chat Nonlinear Schrödinger equations from prequantum classical statistical field theory 2006 Andrei Khrennikov
+ Hydrodynamics of Spinning Particles 1998 Giovanni Salesi
Luis C. Kretly
Hugo E. Hernandez
Erasmo Recami
+ None 1999 Salvatore Esposito
+ PDF Chat Quantum Zeno features of bistable perception 2004 Harald Atmanspacher
Thomas Filk
H. R�mer
+ Quantum theory: Reconsideration of foundations 2003 Andrei Khrennikov
+ PDF Chat Nuclear Masses: Evidence of Order-Chaos Coexistence 2002 O. Bohigas
P. Lebœuf
+ Measuring the strangeness of strange attractors 1983 Peter Grassberger
Itamar Procaccia
+ PDF Chat How To Play Two-Player Restricted Quantum Games with 10 Cards 2007 Diederik Aerts
Bart D’Hooghe
Andrzej Posiewnik
Jarosław Pykacz
Jeroen Dehaene
Bart De Moor
+ Lyapunov Exponents without Rescaling and Reorthogonalization 1998 Govindan Rangarajan
Salman Habib
Robert D. Ryne
+ PDF Chat Parameter differentiation and quantum state decomposition for time varying Schrödinger equations 2003 Claudio Altafini
+ Quantum theory, consciousness and temporal perception: Binocular rivalry 2007 Efstratios Manousakis
+ On the exponential solution of differential equations for a linear operator 1954 Wilhelm Magnus
+ Algebras with three anticommuting elements. I. Spinors and quaternions 1981 Yehiel Ilamed
Nikos Angelos Salingaros
+ On Quantum-Like Probabilistic Structure of Mental Information 2004 Andrei Khrennikov
+ <i>Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations</i> 1956 Earl A. Coddington
Norman Levinson
T. Teichmann
+ Multivariate Descriptive Statistical Analysis. 1985 Peter A. Lachenbruch
Ludovic Lebart
Alain Morineau
K. M. Warwick
+ PDF Chat Predictability in the large: an extension of the concept of Lyapunov exponent 1997 Erik Aurell
G. Boffetta
A. Crisanti
G. Paladin
Angelo Vulpiani
+ Symplectic Calculation of Lyapunov Exponents 1995 Salman Habib
Robert D. Ryne
+ PDF Chat Recurrence quantification analysis and principal components in the detection of short complex signals 1998 Joseph P. Zbilut
Alessandro Giuliani
Charles L. Webber
+ PDF Chat Mental States Follow Quantum Mechanics During Perception and Cognition of Ambiguous Figures 2009 Elio Conte
Andrei Yuri Khrennikov
Orlando Todarello
Antonio Federici
Leonardo Mendolicchio
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ PDF Chat Cross recurrence plot based synchronization of time series 2002 Norbert Marwan
Marko Thiel
Norbert R Nowaczyk
+ E-infinity theory—Some recent results and new interpretations 2006 Μ.S. El Naschie
+ Regularity and chaos in the nuclear masses 2004 P. Lebœuf
+ Principal Component Analysis 1988 Colin Goodall
Ian T. Jolliffe
+ PDF Chat Proof of the Ergodic Theorem 1931 George D. Birkhoff
+ PDF Chat Founding Quantum Theory on the Basis of Consciousness 2006 Efstratios Manousakis
+ PDF Chat Logistic map: A possible random-number generator 1995 S. C. Phatak
S. Rao
+ On the generation of sequential unitary gates from continuous time Schrodinger equations driven by external fields 2002 Claudio Altafini
+ PDF Chat The arrow of time, complexity and the scale free analysis 2005 Dhurjati Prasad Datta
Santanu Raut
+ A Theoretical Model of Gamma-Ray Bursts 1993 David Dixon
+ PDF Chat Quantum structures: An attempt to explain the origin of their appearance in nature 1995 Diederik Aerts
+ Computing Lyapunov spectra with continuous Gram - Schmidt orthonormalization 1997 F. Christiansen
Hans Henrik Rugh
+ PDF Chat A case for applying an abstracted quantum formalism to cognition 2010 Diederik Aerts
Jan Broekaert
Liane Gabora
+ PDF Chat Algebraic Quantum Mechanics and Pregeometry 2006 David Böhm
+ PDF Chat Contextualizing concepts using a mathematical generalization of the quantum formalism 2002 Liane Gabora
Diederik Aerts
+ Mind States Follow Quantum Mechanics During Perception and Cognition of Ambiguous Figures: A Final Experimental Confirmation 2008 Elio Conte
Orlando Todarello
Antonio Federici
Joseph P. Zbilut
+ Intercontinental quantum liaisons between entangled electrons in ion traps of thermoluminescent crystals 2006 R. Desbrandes
D Van Gent
+ TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness 2010 Matti Pitkänen
+ Remote Stimulated Triggering of Quantum Entangled Photoluminescent Molecules of Strontium Aluminate 2005 D.L. Van Gent
R. Desbrandes
+ Induced Quantum Entanglement of Nuclear Metastable States of 115In 2004 Van Gent
L Daniel