Ciprian Foiaş


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat On Galerkin approximations of the Navier–Stokes equations in the limit of large Grashof numbers 2024 Ciprian Foiaş
Luan Hoang
Michael S. Jolly
+ On Galerkin approximations of the Navier-Stokes equations in the limit of large Grashof numbers 2023 Ciprian Foiaş
Luan Hoang
Michael S. Jolly
+ PDF Chat Properties of Stationary Statistical Solutions of the Three-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations 2019 Ciprian Foiaş
Ricardo Rosa
Roger Témam
+ Downscaling data assimilation algorithm with applications to statistical solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations 2018 Cecilia F. Mondaini
Edriss S. Titi
Animikh Biswas
Ciprian Foiaş
Luan Hoang
Jean‐Claude Saut
+ Existence time for the 3D Navier–Stokes equations in a generalized Gevrey class 2017 Animikh Biswas
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
+ Downscaling data assimilation algorithm with applications to statistical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations 2017 Animikh Biswas
Ciprian Foiaş
Cecilia F. Mondaini
Edriss S. Titi
+ PDF Chat One-Dimensional Parametric Determining form for the Two-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations 2017 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
Dan Lithio
Edriss S. Titi
+ Navier and Stokes meet Poincar\' e and Dulac 2017 Ciprian Foiaş
Luan Hoang
Jean–Claude Saut
+ On quasinilpotent operators. III 2017 Ciprian Foiaş
Il Bong Jung
Eung Il Ko
Carl Pearcy
+ Downscaling data assimilation algorithm with applications to statistical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations 2017 Animikh Biswas
Ciprian Foiaş
Cecilia F. Mondaini
Edriss S. Titi
+ PDF Chat On the emergence of the Navier-Stokes-<i>α</i> model for turbulent channel flows 2016 Ciprian Foiaş
Jing Tian
Bingsheng Zhang
+ Properties of stationary statistical solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations 2016 Ciprian Foiaş
Ricardo Rosa
Roger Témam
+ Contractions with Polynomial Characteristic Functions II. Analytic Approach 2016 Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
Jaydeb Sarkar
+ A discrete data assimilation scheme for the solutions of the 2D Navier-Stokes equations and their statistics 2016 Ciprian Foiaş
Cecilia F. Mondaini
Edriss S. Titi
+ PDF Chat A Discrete Data Assimilation Scheme for the Solutions of the Two-Dimensional Navier--Stokes Equations and Their Statistics 2016 Ciprian Foiaş
Cecilia F. Mondaini
Edriss S. Titi
+ Contractions with Polynomial Characteristic Functions II. Analytic Approach 2016 Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
Jaydeb Sarkar
+ Properties of stationary statistical solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations 2016 Ciprian Foiaş
Ricardo Rosa
Roger Témam
+ On the attractor for the semi-dissipative Boussinesq equations 2015 Animikh Biswas
Ciprian Foiaş
Adam Larios
+ On the Attractor for the Semi-Dissipative Boussinesq Equations 2015 Animikh Biswas
Ciprian Foiaş
Adam Larios
+ PDF Chat Convergence of Time Averages of Weak Solutions of the Three-Dimensional Navier–Stokes Equations 2015 Ciprian Foiaş
Ricardo Rosa
Roger Témam
+ On the Attractor for the Semi-Dissipative Boussinesq Equations 2015 Animikh Biswas
Ciprian Foiaş
Adam Larios
+ PDF Chat On whether zero is in the global attractor of the 2D Navier–Stokes equations 2014 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
Yong Yang
Bingsheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Time analyticity with higher norm estimates for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations 2014 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
Ruijia Lan
Rishika Rupam
Ying‐Hui Yang
B. Zhang
+ PDF Chat A unified approach to determining forms for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations -- the general interpolants case 2014 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
Rostyslav Kravchenko
Edriss S. Titi
+ PDF Chat Единый подход к построению определяющих форм для двумерной системы уравнений Навье - Стокса: случай общих интерполирующих операторов 2014 Киприан Фояш
Ciprian Foiaş
Майкл С Джолли
Michael S. Jolly
Ростислав Кравченко
Rostyslav Kravchenko
Эдрисc С Тити
Edriss S. Titi
+ Transitivity and structure of operator algebras with a metric property 2013 Ciprian Foiaş
Il Bong Jung
E. Ko
Carl Pearcy
+ Time analyticity with higher norm estimates for the 2D Navier-Stokes equations 2013 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
Ruomeng Lan
Rishika Rupam
Yong Yang
Bingsheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Properties of time-dependent statistical solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations 2013 Ciprian Foiaş
Ricardo Rosa
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat On the maximal space analyticity radius for the 3D Navier–Stokes equations and energy cascades 2012 Animikh Biswas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat A determining form for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations: The Fourier modes case 2012 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
Rostyslav Kravchenko
Edriss S. Titi
+ PDF Chat Contractions with polynomial characteristic functions I. Geometric approach 2012 Ciprian Foiaş
Jaydeb Sarkar
+ PDF Chat Canonical Models for Bi-isometries 2012 Hari Bercovici
R. G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Navier-Stokes equations, determining forms, determining modes, inertial manifolds, dissipative dynamical systems 2012 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
Rostyslav Kravchenko
Edriss S. Titi
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic integration of Navier–Stokes equations with potential forces. II. An explicit Poincaré–Dulac normal form 2011 Ciprian Foiaş
Luan Hoang
Jean‐Claude Saut
+ PDF Chat Resolutions of Hilbert Modules and Similarity 2010 Ronald G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
Jaydeb Sarkar
+ Spectral decomposability of rank-one perturbations of normal operators 2010 Ciprian Foiaş
Il Bong Jung
E. Ko
Carl Pearcy
+ Weak orbit-transitivity on Hilbert space 2010 Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
Lidia Smith
+ Confluent operator algebras and the closability property 2010 Hari Bercovici
R. G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ PDF Chat A note on statistical solutions of the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations: The stationary case 2010 Ciprian Foiaş
Ricardo Rosa
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat A note on statistical solutions of the three-dimensional Navier–Stokes equations: The time-dependent case 2010 Ciprian Foiaş
Ricardo Rosa
Roger Témam
+ Estimates on enstrophy, palinstrophy, and invariant measures for 2-D turbulence 2010 Radu Dascaliuc
Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
+ Contractions and Their Dilations 2010 Béla Nagy
Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
László Kérchy
+ Operator-Valued Analytic Functions 2010 Béla Sz.-Nagy
Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
László Kérchy
+ The Structure of Operators of Class C 0 2010 Béla Sz.-Nagy
Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
László Kérchy
+ Extended Functional Calculus 2010 Béla Sz.-Nagy
Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
László Kérchy
+ Topological properties of the weak global attractor of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations 2010 Ciprian Foiaş
Ricardo Rosa
Roger Témam
+ Harmonic Analysis of Operators on Hilbert Space 2010 Béla Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
Hari Bercovici
László Kérchy
+ Functional Calculus 2010 Béla Sz.-Nagy
Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
László Kérchy
+ Canonical Models For Bi-Isometries 2010 Hari Bercovici
Ronald G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Contractions with Polynomial characteristic functions I. Geometric approach 2010 Ciprian Foiaş
Jaydeb Sarkar
+ Regular Factorizations and Invariant Subspaces 2010 Béla Sz.-Nagy
Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
László Kérchy
+ Geometrical and Spectral Properties of Dilations 2010 Béla Sz.-Nagy
Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
László Kérchy
+ Resolutions of Hilbert Modules and Similarity 2009 Ronald G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
Jaydeb Sarkar
+ PDF Chat On the Helicity in 3D-Periodic Navier–Stokes Equations II: The Statistical Case 2009 Ciprian Foiaş
Luan Hoang
B. Nicolaenko
+ On the asymptotic behavior of average energy and enstrophy in 3D turbulent flows 2009 Radu Dascaliuc
Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
+ PDF Chat Bi-Isometries and Commutant Lifting 2009 Hari Bercovici
Ronald G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Confluent operator algebras and the closability property 2009 Hari Bercovici
R. G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ Resolutions of Hilbert Modules and Similarity 2009 Ronald G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
Jaydeb Sarkar
+ PDF Chat The normal form of the Navier–Stokes equations in suitable normed spaces 2008 Eric J. Olson
Mohammed Ziane
Ciprian Foiaş
Luan Hoang
+ PDF Chat On the Hyperinvariant Subspace Problem. IV 2008 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ Some specific mathematical constraints on 2D turbulence 2008 Radu Dascaliuc
Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
+ PDF Chat On rank-one perturbations of normal operators, II 2008 Ciprian Foiaş
Il Bong Jung
E. Ko
Carl Pearcy
+ Bi-isometries and commutant lifting 2008 Hari Bercovici
R. G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ On rank-one perturbations of normal operators 2007 Ciprian Foiaş
Il Bong Jung
E. Ko
Carl Pearcy
+ PDF Chat Kraichnan Turbulence via Finite Time Averages 2007 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
O. P. Manley
+ On the Structure of the Square of a C 0(1) Operator 2007 Ronald G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Hyperinvariant subspaces for some subnormal operators 2007 Ciprian Foiaş
Il Bong Jung
E. Ko
Carl Pearcy
+ Transitive operators and a problem of Halmos 2007 Ciprian Foiaş
Il Bong Jung
E. Ko
Carl Pearcy
+ On the helicity in 3D Navier-Stokes equations I: The non-statistical case 2007 Luan Hoang
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
+ On the helicity in 3D-periodic Navier-Stokes equations I: the non-statistical case 2006 Ciprian Foiaş
Luan Hoang
B. Nicolaenko
+ On global attractors of the 3D Navier–Stokes equations 2006 Alexey Cheskidov
Ciprian Foiaş
+ On the clssification of multi-isometries 2006 Hari Bercovici
R. G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ On the solutions to the normal form of the Navier-Stokes equations 2006 Ciprian Foiaş
Luan Hoang
Eric J. Olson
Mohammed Ziane
+ On global attractors of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations 2006 Alexey Cheskidov
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Operators that admit a moment sequence 2005 Ciprian Foiaş
Il Bong Jung
Eungil Ko
Carl Pearcy
+ On the structured singular value for operators on Hilbert space 2005 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Kolmogorov theory via finite-time averages 2005 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
O. P. Manley
Ricardo Rosa
Roger Témam
+ Kraichnan Turbulence via Finite Time Averages 2005 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
O. P. Manley
+ On the General Intertwining Lifting Problem - I 2005 Anup Biswas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ On the Structure of the Square of a C_0(1) Operator 2005 Ronald G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ On the hyperinvariant subspace problem III 2004 Ciprian Foiaş
Sami Hamid
Constantin Onica
Carl Pearcy
+ PDF Chat On quasinilpotent Operators, II 2004 Ciprian Foiaş
Il Bong Jung
Eungil Ko
Carl Pearcy
+ On the hyperinvariant subspace problem 2004 Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ On the behavior of the Lorenz equation backward in time 2004 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
+ Recurrence in the 2-$D$ Navier--Stokes equations 2003 O. P. Manley
Michael S. Jolly
Ciprian Foiaş
+ The Distance to Intertwining Operators, Contractive Liftings and a Related Optimality Result 2003 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
M. A. Kaashoek
+ Complete contractivity of maps associated with the Aluthge and Duggal transforms 2003 Ciprian Foiaş
Il Bong Jung
Eungil Ko
Carl Pearcy
+ Remarks on H/sup infinity / optimization multivariate distributed systems 2003 Ciprian Foiaş
Hitay Özbay
Allen Tannenbaum
+ PDF Chat The four block problem for distributed systems 2003 Ciprian Foiaş
A. Tannebaum
+ None 2003 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
O. P. Manley
Ricardo Rosa
+ On structured tangential Nevanlinna-Pick 2002 Hari Bercovici
Juan C. Cockburn
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Nevanlinna Pick interpolation of attractors 2002 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
W-S Li
+ Relaxation of metric constrained interpolation and a new lifting theorem 2002 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
M. A. Kaashoek
+ None 2002 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
O. P. Manley
Ricardo Rosa
+ PDF Chat Contractive liftings and the commutator 2002 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
M. A. Kaashoek
+ None 2002 Ciprian Foiaş
Darryl D. Holm
Edriss S. Titi
+ Integral Equations and Operator Theory 2002 Constrained Interpolation
Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
M. A. Kaashoek
+ PDF Chat The Navier–Stokes-alpha model of fluid turbulence 2001 Ciprian Foiaş
Darryl D. Holm
Edriss S. Titi
+ The Three Dimensional Viscous Camassa-Holm Equations, and Their Relation to the Navier-Stokes Equations and Turbulence Theory 2001 Ciprian Foiaş
Darryl D. Holm
Edriss S. Titi
+ The general commutant extension problem 2001 Ciprian Foiaş
+ Weighted variants of the Three Chains Completion Theorem 2001 Animikh Biswas
Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ Recent Advances in Operator Theory and Related Topics 2001 László Kérchy
Israel Gohberg
Ciprian Foiaş
Heinz Langer
+ Recent advances in operator theory and related topics : the Béla Szökefalvi-Nagy memorial volume 2001 László Kérchy
Ciprian Foiaş
Israel Gohberg
Heinz Langer
+ A Weighted Version of Almost Commutant Lifting 2001 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
M. A. Kaashoek
+ Operator theory and interpolation : International Workshop on Operator Theory and Applications, IWOTA 96 2000 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat The Camassa–Holm equations and turbulence 1999 Shiyi Chen
Ciprian Foiaş
Darryl D. Holm
Eric J. Olson
Edriss S. Titi
Shannon Wynne
+ PDF Chat A connection between the Camassa–Holm equations and turbulent flows in channels and pipes 1999 Shiyi Chen
Ciprian Foiaş
Darryl D. Holm
Eric J. Olson
Edriss S. Titi
Shannon Wynne
+ PDF Chat Self-Consistent Multiscale Theory of Internal Wave, Mean-Flow Interactions 1999 Darryl D. Holm
Alejandro Aceves
Jeffrey S. Allen
Mark Alber
Roberto Camassa
Hernán Cendra
S. Chen
Jinqiao Duan
Bruce R. Fabijonas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Camassa-Holm Equations as a Closure Model for Turbulent Channel and Pipe Flow 1998 Shiyi Chen
Ciprian Foiaş
Darryl D. Holm
Eric J. Olson
Edriss S. Titi
Shannon Wynne
Ciprian Foiaş
+ The maximum principle for the three chains completion problem 1998 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ Applications to Control Systems 1998 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ Parameterization of All Solutions of the Three Chains Completion Problem 1998 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ Central State Space Solutions 1998 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ Central Commutant Lifting 1998 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ Nonselfadjoint Operator Algebras, Operator Theory, and Related Topics 1998 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Interpolation Problems for Operator-Valued Functions 1998 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ Metric Constrained Interpolation, Commutant Lifting and Systems 1998 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ On Skew Toeplitz Operators, II 1998 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Nonselfadjoint Operator Algebras, Operator Theory, and Related Topics : The Carl M. Pearcy Anniversary Volume 1998 Carl Pearcy
Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Discrete time-variant interpolation as classical interpolation with an operator argument 1997 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ Parameterization of all solutions of the three chains completion problem 1997 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ A time-variant version of the commutant lifting theorem and nonstationary interpolation problems 1997 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet quotients and 2D periodic Navier-Stokes equations 1997 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
Igor Kukavica
Andrew J. Majda
+ Projective Hilbert A(D)-Modules 1997 Hilbert A -Modules
Jon Carlson
Douglas N. Clark
Ciprian Foiaş
J.P. Williams
J.P. Williams
+ Discrete time-variant interpolation as classical interpolation with an operator argument 1996 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ PDF Chat The Structured Singular Value for Linear Input/Output Operators 1996 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Finite fractal dimension and Holder-Lipshitz parametrization 1996 Ciprian Foiaş
Eric J. Olson
+ OnH 2 minimization for the Carath�odory-Schur interpolation problem 1995 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
W. S. Li
+ Nonlinearity inH ?-control theory, causality in the commutant lifting theorem, and extension of intertwining operators 1995 Ciprian Foiaş
Caixing Gu
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Nonlinear $H^\infty $ Optimization: A Causal Power Series Approach 1995 Ciprian Foiaş
Caixing Gu
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Nonlinearity in H ∞-Control Theory, Causality in the Commutant Lifting Theorem, and Extension of Intertwining Operators 1995 Ciprian Foiaş
Caixing Gu
Allen Tannenbaum
+ On the extension of intertwining operators 1995 Ciprian Foiaş
+ Approximation of Attractors by Algebraic or Analytic Sets 1994 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ Continuity of the spectrum on closed similarity orbits 1994 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ On combined H∞-H2 suboptimal interpolants 1994 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Allen Tannenbaum
+ On a Causal Linear Optimization Theorem 1994 Ciprian Foiaş
Caixing Gu
Allen Tannenbaum
+ A Relative Toeplitz-Hausdorff Theorem 1994 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Causality in Commutant Lifting Theory 1993 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ . On Structured Tangential Nevanlinna-Pick Interpolation 1993 Hari Bercovici
Juan C. Cockburn
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Iterated Approximate Inertial Manifolds for Navier-Stokes Equations in 2-D 1993 Ciprian Foiaş
O. P. Manley
Roger Témam
+ Hölder Continuity for the Inverse of Mañé′s Projection 1993 Asher Ben-Artzi
A. Eden
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
+ Exponential attractors and their relevance to fluid dynamics systems 1993 A. Eden
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
Zhen-Su She
+ The Exact H2 Estimate for the Central H∞ Interpolant 1993 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
W. S. Li
+ Commutant Lifting and Simultaneous $H^\infty $ and $L^2 $ Suboptimization 1992 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ A Simple proof of the generalized Lieb-Thirring inequalities in one-space dimension 1991 A. Eden
Ciprian Foiaş
+ On the optimal solutions in spectral commutant lifting theory 1991 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Inertial sets for dissipative evolution equations Part I: Construction and applications 1991 A. Eden
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat A spectral commutant lifting theorem 1991 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ On spectral tangential Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation 1991 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Local and Global Lyapunov exponents 1991 A. Eden
Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ H [infinity]-control theory : lectures given at the 2nd session of the Centro internazionale matematico estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Como, Italy, June 18-26, 1990 1991 Centro internazionale matematico estivo. Session
Ciprian Foiaş
E. Mosca
Luciano Pandolfi
Bruce A. Francis
J. William Helton
Huibert Kwakernaak
J.B. Pearson
+ Asymptotic integration of Navier--Stokes equations with potential forces. I 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
Jean–Claude Saut
+ Inertial sets for dissipative evolution equations 1990 A. Eden
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
Roger Témam
+ On certain minimal entropy extensions appearing in dilation theory. I 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Allen Tannenbaum
+ PDF Chat Spectral Tangential Interpolation and Gain Margin Problems 1990 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Contractive One Step Intertwining Liftings 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ Analysis of the Caratheodory Interpolation Problem 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ The Schur Representation 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ H∞ Optimization and Functional Models 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ The Commutant Lifting Approach to Interpolation Problems 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ PDF Chat Structured interpolation and robust control 1990 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Geometric techniques for robust stabilization of linear time-varying systems 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
Tryphon T. Georgiou
Malcolm Smith
+ Geometric Applications of the Commutant Lifting Theorem 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ Some Classical Interpolation Problems 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ Inverse Scattering Algorithms for the Commutant Lifting Theorem 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ Positive Definite Block Matrices 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ Analysis of the Caratheodory Interpolation Problem for Positive-Real Functions 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ A Geometric Approach to Positive Definite Sequences 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ Structured Interpolation Theory 1990 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Nonlinear H ∞ Theory 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Isometric and Unitary Dilations 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ Contractive Expansions on Euclidian and Hilbert Space 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ Operator Theoretic Methods in the Control of Distributed and Nonlinear Systems 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Interpolation as a Momentum Problem 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ The Commutant Lifting Theorem 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ Standard Problem for Distributed Systems 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Gevrey class regularity for the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations 1989 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ On the parametrization of the suboptimal solutions in generalized interpolation 1989 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ PDF Chat Weighted Optimization Theory for Nonlinear Systems 1989 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ A strong Parrot theorem 1989 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ PDF Chat A Strong Parrott Theorem 1989 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ A Poincaré-Dulac approach to a nonlinear Beurling-Lax-Halmos theorem 1989 Joseph A. Ball
Ciprian Foiaş
J. William Helton
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Iterative Commutant Lifting for Systems with Rational Symbol 1989 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Integral Manifolds and Inertial Manifolds for Dissipative Partial Differential Equations 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ PDF Chat A strong Parrott theorem 1989 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Spectral barriers and inertial manifolds for dissipative partial differential equations 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. T�mam
+ Choice of the Initial Manifold 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ Construction of the Inertial Manifold 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ Toeplitz Operators and Spectral Function Theory 1989 Israel Gohberg
Aharon Atzmon
Joseph A. Ball
L. A. Coburn
Robert J. Douglas
Peter Fillmore
Ciprian Foiaş
Peter Fuhrmann
Seymour Goldberg
J.C. Helton
+ Iterative Commutant Lifting for Systems with Rational Symbol 1989 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Spectral Blocking Property 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ Strong Squeezing Property 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ Application: A Parabolic Equation in Two Space Variables 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ Lower Bound for the Exponential Rate of Convergence to the Attractor 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ Exponential Decay of Volume Elements and the Dimension of the Global Attractor 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ Application: The Chaffee—Infante Reaction—Diffusion Equation 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ Cone Invariance Properties 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ Local Exponential Decay Toward Blocked Integral Surfaces 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ Consequences Regarding the Global Attractor 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ Application: A Nonlocal Burgers Equation 1989 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
R. Teman
+ On the Nehari problem for a certain class of L∞ functions appearing in control theory, II 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ On an interpolation problem of Dym and Gohberg 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
+ Some remarks on optimal interpolation 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ On the four block problem, II: The singular system 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ PDF Chat Some Explicit Formulae for the Singular Values of Certain Hankel Operators with Factorizable Symbol 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
G. Zames
+ PDF Chat Inertial manifolds for nonlinear evolutionary equations 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
George R. Sell
Roger Témam
+ Two Banach space methods and dual operator algebras 1988 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ On the dimension of the attractors in two-dimensional turbulence 1988 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ On Skew Toeplitz Operators, I 1988 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ On the Schur Representation in the Commutant Lifting Theorem II 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ On the Four Block Problem, I 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ PDF Chat On the Uniqueness of a Minimal Norm Representative of an Operator in the Commutant of the Compressed Shift 1987 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ An interpolation theorem and operator ranges 1987 Ciprian Foiaş
Sing-Cheong Ong
Peter Rosenthal
+ On the Nehari problem for a certain class of L∞-functions appearing in control theory 1987 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Attractors for the Bénard problem: existence and physical bounds on their fractal dimension 1987 Ciprian Foiaş
O. P. Manley
Roger Témam
+ Nonlinear Interpolation Theory in H∞ 1987 Joseph A. Ball
Ciprian Foiaş
J. William Helton
Allen Tannenbaum
+ The Connection Between the Navier-Stokes Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Turbulence Theory 1987 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat On the uniqueness of a minimal norm representative of an operator in the commutant of the compressed shift 1987 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ PDF Chat Weighted sensitivity minimization for delay systems 1986 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
G. Zames
+ On decoupling the H∞-optimal sensitivity problem for products of plants 1986 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
G. Zames
+ A spectral mapping theorem for functions with finite Dirichlet integral. 1986 H. Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ On the Theory of the Class $${A_{{\aleph _0}}}$$ with Applications to Invariant Subspaces and the Bergman Shift Operator 1986 C. A postol
Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ On the Schur Representation in the Commutant Lifting Theorem, I 1986 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
+ PDF Chat On the reflexivity of algebras and linear spaces of operators. 1986 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ A minimax approach to the implicit programming problem 1986 Robert A. Becker
Ciprian Foiaş
+ On the behavior of the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations lying on invariant manifolds 1986 Ciprian Foiaş
Colette Guillopé
+ Inertial Manifolds for the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation and an Estimate of their Lowest Dimension 1986 Ciprian Foiaş
B. Nicolaenko
George R. Sell
Roger Témam
+ Dual Algebras with Applications to Invariant Subspaces and Dilation Theory 1985 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ The Classes (BCP)_{𝜃} and the Functional Model of a Contraction 1985 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ PDF Chat Weighted sensitivity minimization for delay systems 1985 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
G. Zames
+ On stable invariant subspaces 1985 Constantin Apostol
Ciprian Foiaş
Norberto Salinas
+ Invariant subspaces, dilation theory, and the structure of the predual of a dual algebra, I 1985 Constantin Apostol
Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ Lagrangian representation of a flow 1985 Ciprian Foiaş
Colette Guillopé
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Global lyapunov exponents, kaplan‐yorke formulas and the dimension of the attractors for 2D navier‐stokes equations 1985 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
+ A real variable restatement of Riemann’s hypothesis 1984 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
+ On the Large Time Galerkin Approximation of the Navier–Stokes Equations 1984 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Determination of the Solutions of the Navier-Stokes Equations by a Set of Nodal Values 1984 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Dilation theory and systems of simultaneous equations in the predual of an operator algebra. II 1984 Hari Bercovici
B. Chevreau
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ Subisometric Dilations and the Commutant Lifting Theorem 1984 R. G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Determination of the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations by a set of nodal values 1984 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Self-similar universal homogeneous statistical solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations 1983 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Contractions without cyclic vectors 1983 Béla Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
+ On the Hausdorff dimension of an attractor for the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations 1983 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Dilation theory and systems of simultaneous equations in the predual of an operator algebra. I. 1983 Hari Bercovici
B. Chevreau
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ PDF Chat Quasiaffine transforms of operators. 1982 Constantin Apostol
Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ (BCP)-operators are reflexive. 1982 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
J. Langsam
Carl Pearcy
+ Toeplitz Operators and the Theory of Homogenization for Partial Differential Equations 1982 Ciprian Foiaş
+ Finite Parameter Approximative Structure of Actual Flows 1982 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ An elementary proof of a theorem of tacon 1981 Lawrence G. Brown
Ciprian Foiaş
+ New a priori estimates for navier-stokes equations in dimension 3 1981 Ciprian Foiaş
Colette Guillopé
Roger Témam
+ A survey on the functional dynamical system generated by the Navier-Stokes equations 1980 Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Compact operators with root vectors that span 1979 Don Deckard
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ On intertwining dilations. VII 1979 Grigore Arsene
Zoia Ceauşescu
+ PDF Chat That quasinilpotent operators are norm-limits of nilpotent operators revisited 1979 Constantin Apostol
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
Roger Témam
+ Biquasitriangular Operators and Quasisimilarity 1978 Carl Pearcy
Ciprian Foiaş
Dan Voiculescu
+ Remarques sur les équations de Navier-Stokes stationnaires et les phénomènes successifs de bifurcation 1978 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ Structure of the set of stationary solutions of the navier‐stokes equations 1977 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Sur les solutions statistiques des équations de Navier-Stokes 1976 Ciprian Foiaş
G. A. Prodi
+ PDF Chat The staircase representation of biquasitriangular operators. 1976 Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
Dan Voiculescu
+ PDF Chat Quasi-similar models for nilpotent operators 1976 Constantin Apostol
R. G. Douglas
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat On contractions similar to isometries and Toeplitz operators 1976 Béla Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Properties which normal operators share with normal derivations and related operators 1975 Joel Anderson
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat A model for quasinilpotent operators. 1975 Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ On the Lax-Phillips nonconservative scattering theory 1975 Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Solution d'un problème sur les itérés d'un opérateur positif sur $C(K)$ et propriétés de moyennes associées 1975 Gustave Choquet
Ciprian Foiaş
+ On the statistical study of the Navier-Stokes equations 1975 Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Regular Factorizations of Contractions 1974 Béla Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Injection of Shifts Into Strict Contractions 1974 Béla Sz.-Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Regular factorizations of contractions 1974 Béla Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Non-analytic local functional calculus 1974 Ciprian Foiaş
Florian-Horia Vasilescu
+ PDF Chat Some remarks on the Volterra operator 1972 Ciprian Foiaş
J. P. Williams
+ Some Remarks on the Volterra Operator 1972 Ciprian Foiaş
J. P. Williams
+ Local characterization of operators of class C0 1971 Béla Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
+ On the spectral theory of commutators 1970 Ciprian Foiaş
Florian-Horia Vasilescu
+ Harmonic Analysis of Operators on Hilbert Space 1970 Béla Szõkefalvi-Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
Hari Bercovici
László Kérchy
+ Theory of generalized spectral operators 1968 Ion Colojoara
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Algebraic models for measure preserving transformations 1968 Nicolae Dinculeanu
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Sur le comportement global des solutions non-stationnaires des équations de Navier-Stokes en dimension $2$ 1967 Ciprian Foiaş
G. A. Prodi
+ Analyse harmonique des opérateurs de l'espace de Hilbert 1967 Béla Szõkefalvi-Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Fourteen Papers on Functional Analysis and Differential Equations 1967 V. Arnol′d
Israel Feldman
Ciprian Foiaş
Sergey Fomin
Israel Gohberg
K. Golovkin
O. Ladyženskaya
A. Markus
G. Nazarov
В. А. Плисс
+ Some applications of spectral sets. I. Harmonic-spectral measure 1967 Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat A universal model for ergodic transformations on separable measure spaces. 1966 Nicolae Dinculeanu
Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat The extended spectrum of completely non-unitary contractions and the spectral mapping theorem 1966 Ciprian Foiaş
W. Malk
+ PDF Chat Automorphisms of compact abelian groups as models for measure-preserving invertible transformations. 1966 Ciprian Foiaş
+ Points of diffusion of linear operators and almost diffuse operators in spaces of continuous functions 1965 Ciprian Foiaş
Ivan Singer
+ Spectral maximal spaces and decomposable operators in banach space 1963 Ciprian Foiaş
+ Essais dans l'étude des solutions des équations de Navier-Stokes dans l'espace. L'unicité et la presque-périodicité des solutions « petites » 1962 Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Une remarque sur l'unicité des solutions des équations de Navier-Stokes en dimension $n$ 1961 Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat Sur La Representation Integrale Des Certaines Operations Lineaires. IV Operations Lineaires Sur L'espace <i>L</i><sub>a</sub><sup>p</sup> 1961 Nicolae Dinculeanu
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Remarques sur le probleme polylocal relatif a l'equation \( y''+g(x)y = 0 \) 1961 Ciprian Foiaş
Gheorghe Gussi
Valentin Poènaru
+ Almost-periodic solutions of parabolic systems 1961 Ciprian Foiaş
S. Zaidman
+ PDF Chat Approximation des opérateurs de J. Mikusiński par des fonctions continues 1961 Ciprian Foiaş
+ On Hille's spectral theory and operational calculus for semi-groups of operators in Hilbert space 1960 Ciprian Foiaş
+ PDF Chat On a commutative extension of a commutative Banach algebra 1958 Ciprian Foiaş
+ L'Etude de L'Equation du/dτ = A(τ)u Pour Certaines Classes D'Operateurs Non Bornes de L'Espace de Hilbert 1957 Ciprian Foiaş
Gh. Gussi
Valentin Poènaru
+ PDF Chat L’étude de l’équation 𝑑𝑢/𝑑𝜏=𝐴(𝜏)𝑢 pour certaines classes d’opérateurs non bornés de l’espace de Hilbert 1957 Ciprian Foiaş
Gh. Gussi
Valentin Poènaru
+ PDF Chat La mesure harmonique-spectrale et la théorie spectrale des opérateurs généraux d'un espace de Hilbert 1957 Ciprian Foiaş
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Harmonic Analysis of Operators on Hilbert Space 1970 Béla Szõkefalvi-Nagy
Ciprian Foiaş
Hari Bercovici
László Kérchy
+ Navier-Stokes Equations and Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1987 Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Generalized interpolation in 𝐻^{∞} 1967 Donald Sarason
+ Navier–Stokes Equations and Nonlinear Functional Analysis 1995 Roger Témam
+ The Commutant Lifting Approach to Interpolation Problems 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Roger Témam
Damir Z. Arov
M. Г. Крейн
+ PDF Chat A Hilbert Space Problem Book 1982 Paul R. Halmos
+ On a quotient norm and the Sz.-Nagy-Foiaş lifting theorem 1978 Stephen Parrott
+ PDF Chat Some Explicit Formulae for the Singular Values of Certain Hankel Operators with Factorizable Symbol 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
G. Zames
+ Generalized Interpolation in H ∞ 1967 Donald Sarason
+ Operator Theory and Arithmetic in 𝐻^{∞} 1988 Hari Bercovici
+ Gevrey class regularity for the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations 1989 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Operator theory: Advances and applications 1991 13
+ None 2002 Ciprian Foiaş
Michael S. Jolly
O. P. Manley
Ricardo Rosa
+ Treatise on the Shift Operator 1986 Н. К. Никольский
+ On the dimension of the attractors in two-dimensional turbulence 1988 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ On the Nehari problem for a certain class of L∞-functions appearing in control theory 1987 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ On Skew Toeplitz Operators, I 1988 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ A maximum entropy principle for contractive interpolants 1986 Harry Dym
Israel Gohberg
+ On intertwining dilations. VII 1979 Grigore Arsene
Zoia Ceauşescu
+ Dual Algebras with Applications to Invariant Subspaces and Dilation Theory 1985 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ Sur le comportement global des solutions non-stationnaires des équations de Navier-Stokes en dimension $2$ 1967 Ciprian Foiaş
G. A. Prodi
+ On the four block problem, II: The singular system 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Quelques méthodes de résolution des problèmes aux limites non linéaires 1969 Jacques Louis Lions
+ PDF Chat Inertial manifolds for nonlinear evolutionary equations 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
George R. Sell
Roger Témam
+ PDF Chat Sur les solutions statistiques des équations de Navier-Stokes 1976 Ciprian Foiaş
G. A. Prodi
+ Metric Constrained Interpolation, Commutant Lifting and Systems 1998 Ciprian Foiaş
A. E. Frazho
Israel Gohberg
M. A. Kaashoek
+ On the Nehari problem for a certain class of L∞ functions appearing in control theory, II 1988 Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Infinite Hankel block matrices and related extension problems 1978 V. M. Adamjan
D. Z. Aroz
M. G. Kreĭn
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-groups 1996 Einar Hille
Robert A. Phillips
+ Generalized interpolation in control theory 1988 Bruce A. Francis
Allen Tannenbaum
+ PDF Chat Global lyapunov exponents, kaplan‐yorke formulas and the dimension of the attractors for 2D navier‐stokes equations 1985 Peter Constantin
Ciprian Foiaş
+ Uniformly optimal control of linear feedback systems 1985 Avraham Feintuch
Bruce A. Francis
+ PDF Chat Determination of the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations by a set of nodal values 1984 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ Relations Between Energy and Enstrophy on the Global Attractor of the 2-D Navier-Stokes Equations 2005 Radu Dascaliuc
C. gname
Michael S. Jolly
+ PDF Chat A spectral commutant lifting theorem 1991 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
Allen Tannenbaum
+ Asymptotic integration of Navier--Stokes equations with potential forces. I 1990 Ciprian Foiaş
Jean–Claude Saut
+ The Connection Between the Navier-Stokes Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Turbulence Theory 1987 Ciprian Foiaş
Roger Témam
+ Exponential decay rate of the power spectrum for solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations 1995 Charles R. Doering
Edriss S. Titi
+ PDF Chat Bounded Analytic Functions. 1982 Peter W. Jones
John B. Garnett
+ PDF Chat Estimating the number of asymptotic degrees of freedom for nonlinear dissipative systems 1997 Bernardo Cockburn
D. L. Jones
Edriss S. Titi
+ PDF Chat Dilation theory and systems of simultaneous equations in the predual of an operator algebra. I. 1983 Hari Bercovici
B. Chevreau
Ciprian Foiaş
Carl Pearcy
+ (BCP)-operators are reflexive. 1982 Hari Bercovici
Ciprian Foiaş
J. Langsam
Carl Pearcy
+ Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups 1949 Richard G. Cooke
+ Interpolation problems in nest algebras 1975 William Arveson
+ PDF Chat Continuous Data Assimilation Using General Interpolant Observables 2013 Abderrahim Azouani
Eric J. Olson
Edriss S. Titi
+ Some Recent Developments in Operator Theory 1978 Carl Pearcy
+ Classes of Linear Operators 1990 Israel Gohberg
Seymour Goldberg
M.A. Kaashoek
+ Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications. 1982 Y. L. L.
William B. Jones
W. J. Thron