Charles A. Weibel


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat $K_2$-regularity and normality 2025 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Module Structure of the K-Theory of Polynomial-Like Rings 2024 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Computing the Conley Index: A Cautionary Tale 2023 Konstantin Mischaikow
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Book Review: Elements of $\infty $-categories 2023 Charles A. Weibel
+ Computing the Conley Index: a Cautionary Tale 2023 Konstantin Mischaikow
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Localization, monoid sets and K-theory 2022 Ian Coley
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Persistent homology with non-contractible preimages 2022 Konstantin Mischaikow
Charles A. Weibel
+ Module structure of the $K$-theory of polynomial-like rings 2022 Christian Haesemayer
Charles A. Weibel
+ The $K’$–theory of monoid sets 2021 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Persistent homology with non-contractible preimages 2021 Konstantin Mischaikow
Charles A. Weibel
+ Localization, monoid sets and K-theory 2021 Ian Coley
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Grothendieck–Witt groups of some singular schemes 2020 Max Karoubi
Marco Schlichting
Charles A. Weibel
+ 𝐾-theory in Algebra, Analysis and Topology 2020 Guillermo Cortiñas
Charles A. Weibel
+ The Witt group of real surfaces 2020 Max Karoubi
Charles A. Weibel
Charles A. Weibel
+ The $K'$- theory of monoid sets 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ The Norm Residue Theorem in Motivic Cohomology 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Existence of Norm Varieties 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Symmetric Powers of Motives 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Motivic Classifying Spaces 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Existence of Rost Varieties 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ An Overview of the Proof 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Existence of Rost Motives 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Rost’s Chain Lemma 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Rost Motives and H90 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Degree Formulas 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Model Structures for the 𝔸1-homotopy Category 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Motives over S 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Cohomology Operations 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Hilbert 90 for KnM 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ The Motivic Group H−1,−1BM 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ The Norm Residue Theorem in Motivic Cohomology 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Relation to Beilinson-Lichtenbaum 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ 9. Rost’s Chain Lemma 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ 7. The Motivic Group H<sup>BM</sup> <sub>−1,−1</sub> 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ 8. Degree Formulas 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ 3. Hilbert 90 for K<sup>M</sup> <sub>n</sub> 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ 12. Model Structures for the A1-homotopy Category 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ The Norm Residue Theorem in Motivic Cohomology 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ The Witt group of real surfaces 2019 Max Karoubi
Charles A. Weibel
+ The Motivic Group H−1,−1BM 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Rost Motives and H90 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Motives over S 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Hilbert 90 for KnM 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Existence of Rost Motives 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ An Overview of the Proof 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Rost’s Chain Lemma 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Model Structures for the 1-homotopy Category 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat OUP accepted manuscript 2019 Max Karoubi
Charles A. Weibel
+ The $K'$- theory of monoid sets 2019 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Contractibility of a persistence map preimage 2018 Jacek Cyranka
Konstantin Mischaikow
Charles A. Weibel
+ 𝐾-theory of line bundles and smooth varieties 2018 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ The K-Theory of Toric Schemes Over Regular Rings of Mixed Characteristic 2018 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ Contractibility of a persistence map preimage 2018 Jacek Cyranka
Konstantin Mischaikow
Charles A. Weibel
+ On the covering type of a space 2017 Max Karoubi
Charles A. Weibel
+ K-theory of line bundles and smooth varieties 2017 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Principal ideals in mod-$$\ell $$ Milnor K-theory 2017 Charles A. Weibel
Inna Zakharevich
+ The $K$-theory of toric schemes over regular rings of mixed characteristic 2017 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ K-theory of line bundles and smooth varieties 2017 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Twisted K-theory, Real A-bundles and Grothendieck–Witt groups 2016 Max Karoubi
Charles A. Weibel
+ On the covering type of a space 2016 Max Karoubi
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat The Witt group of real algebraic varieties 2016 Max Karoubi
Marco Schlichting
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Relative Cartier divisors and Laurent polynomial extensions 2016 Vivek Sadhu
Charles A. Weibel
+ Relative Cartier divisors and K-theory 2016 Vivek Sadhu
Charles A. Weibel
+ On the covering type of a space 2016 Max Karoubi
Charles A. Weibel
+ Relative Cartier Divisors and Laurent Polynomial Extensions 2015 Vivek Sadhu
Charles A. Weibel
+ Principal ideals in mod-$\ell$ Milnor $K$-theory 2015 Charles A. Weibel
Inna Zakharevich
+ Twisted K-theory, Real $\mathcal{A}$-bundles and Grothendieck-Witt groups 2015 Max Karoubi
Charles A. Weibel
+ Principal ideals in mod-$\ell$ Milnor $K$-theory 2015 Charles A. Weibel
Inna Zakharevich
+ Relative Cartier Divisors and Laurent Polynomial Extensions 2015 Vivek Sadhu
Charles A. Weibel
+ Picard groups and class groups of monoid schemes 2014 J. Flores
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Slices of co-operations for<i>KGL</i> 2014 Pablo Pelaez
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat The <i>K</i> -theory of toric varieties in positive characteristic 2013 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ Projective modules and vector bundles 2013 Charles A. Weibel
+ The Grothendieck group 𝐾₀ 2013 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat The higher 𝐾-theory of fields 2013 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Toric varieties, monoid schemes and cdh descent 2013 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ Unstable operations in \'etale and motivic cohomology 2013 Bertrand Guillou
Charles A. Weibel
+ The K-Book: An Introduction to Algebraic K-theory 2013 Charles A. Weibel
+ Unstable operations in étale and motivic cohomology 2013 Bertrand Guillou
Charles A. Weibel
+ Some surfaces of general type for which Bloch's conjecture holds 2013 Claudio Pedrini
Charles A. Weibel
+ Schur-finiteness in λ-rings 2012 Carlo Mazza
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat 𝐾-theory of cones of smooth varieties 2011 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
M. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ Toric varieties, monoid schemes and $cdh$ descent 2011 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Bott Periodicity for group rings An Appendix to “Periodicity of Hermitian <i>K</i>-groups” 2011 Charles A. Weibel
+ Toric varieties, monoid schemes and $cdh$ descent 2011 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat A negative answer to a question of Bass 2010 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Bass’ NK groups and cdh-fibrant Hochschild homology 2010 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ Schur-finiteness in $λ$-rings 2010 Carlo Mazza
Charles A. Weibel
+ A negative answer to a question of Bass 2010 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat $NK_0$ and $NK_1$ of the groups $C_4$ and $D_4$. Addendum to “Lower algebraic $K$-theory of hyperbolic 3-simplex reflection groups” by J.-F. Lafont and I. J. Ortiz 2009 Charles A. Weibel
+ $K$-theory of cones of smooth varieties 2009 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Infinitesimal cohomology and the Chern character to negative cyclic homology 2009 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Relative Chern Characters for Nilpotent Ideals 2009 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Charles A. Weibel
+ The norm residue isomorphism theorem 2009 Charles A. Weibel
+ $K$-theory of cones of smooth varieties 2009 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ The 𝐾-theory of toric varieties 2008 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ K-Theory and Noncommutative Geometry 2008 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Joachim Cuntz
Max Karoubi
Ryszard Nest
Charles A. Weibel
+ Axioms for the norm residue isomorphism 2008 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Axioms for the norm residue isomorphism 2008 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Cyclic homology, cdh-cohomology and negative K-theory 2008 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Marco Schlichting
Charles A. Weibel
+ Norm Varieties and the Chain Lemma (after Markus Rost) 2008 Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Bass' $NK$ groups and $cdh$-fibrant Hochschild homology 2008 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ Relative Chern characters for nilpotent ideals 2008 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Charles A. Weibel
+ The $K$-theory of toric varieties 2007 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat $K$-regularity, $cdh$-fibrant Hochschild homology, and a conjecture of Vorst 2007 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Infinitesimal cohomology and the Chern character to negative cyclic homology 2007 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ The $K$-theory of toric varieties 2007 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ Algebraic K-Theory of Rings of Integers in Local and Global Fields 2006 Charles A. Weibel
+ K-regularity, cdh-fibrant Hochschild homology, and a conjecture of Vorst 2006 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ Lecture Notes on Motivic cohomology 2006 Carlo Mazza
Vladimir Voevodsky
Charles A. Weibel
+ Higher wild kernels and divisibility in the K-theory of number fields 2005 Charles A. Weibel
+ Transfer functors on k-algebras 2005 Charles A. Weibel
+ Algebraic and Real K-theory of Algebraic varieties 2005 Max Karoubi
Charles A. Weibel
+ Cyclic homology, cdh-cohomology and negative K-theory 2005 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Marco Schlichting
Charles A. Weibel
+ Algebraic K-Theory of Rings of Integers in Local and Global Fields 2005 Charles A. Weibel
+ A Road Map of Motivic Homotopy and Homology Theory 2004 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Algebraic and real K-theory of Real varieties 2003 Max Karoubi
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat The Higher K-Theory of Real Curves 2002 Claudio Pedrini
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Cotensor products of modules 2002 Lowell Abrams
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Homotopy ends and Thomason model categories 2001 Charles A. Weibel
+ Homotopy Ends and Thomason Model Categories 2001 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat The negative K-theory of normal surfaces 2001 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat None 2001 Claudio Pedrini
Charles A. Weibel
+ Homotopy Ends and Thomason Model Categories 2001 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat The Higher K-Theory of Complex Varieties 2000 Claudio Pedrini
Charles A. Weibel
+ Two-primary algebraic 𝐾-theory of rings of integers in number fields 1999 John Rognes
Charles A. Weibel
appendix by M. Kolster
+ Étale Descent for Two-Primary Algebraic K -Theory of Totally Imaginary Number Fields 1999 John Rognes
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Algebraic 𝐾-Theory 1999 Wayne Raskind
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat History of Homological Algebra 1999 Charles A. Weibel
+ Cotensor products of modules 1999 Lowell Abrams
Charles A. Weibel
+ The development of algebraic 𝐾-theory before 1980 1999 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Products in higher Chow groups and motivic cohomology 1999 Charles A. Weibel
+ Algebraic K-theory : AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Algebraic K-Theory, July 13-24, 1997, University of Washington, Seattle 1999 Wayne Raskind
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat The Artinian Berger Conjecture 1998 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Susan C. Geller
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat The Hodge Filtration and Cyclic Homology 1997 Charles A. Weibel
+ The 2-torsion in the K-theory of the integers 1997 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat The mathematical enterprises of Robert Thomason 1997 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Roitman’s theorem for singular complex projective surfaces 1996 Luca Barbieri-Viale
Claudio Pedrini
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Cyclic homology for schemes 1996 Charles A. Weibel
+ The Artinian Berger Conjecture 1995 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Susan C. Geller
Charles A. Weibel
+ Roitman's theorem for singular complex projective surfaces 1995 Luca Barbieri-Viale
Claudio Pedrini
Charles A. Weibel
+ The Artinian Berger Conjecture 1995 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Susan C. Geller
Charles A. Weibel
+ Hodge decompositions of Loday symbols inK-theory and cyclic homology 1994 Susan C. Geller
Charles A. Weibel
+ Derived Functors 1994 Charles A. Weibel
+ Simplicial Methods in Homological Algebra 1994 Charles A. Weibel
+ Hochschild and Cyclic Homology 1994 Charles A. Weibel
+ Lie Algebra Homology and Cohomology 1994 Charles A. Weibel
+ Group Homology and Cohomology 1994 Charles A. Weibel
+ An Introduction to Homological Algebra by Charles A. Weibel Mathematics 1994 Charles A. Weibel
+ Homological Dimension 1994 Charles A. Weibel
+ Étale Chern Classes at the Prime 2 1993 Charles A. Weibel
+ Module Structures on the Hochschild and Cyclic Homology of Graded Rings 1993 Barry H. Dayton
Charles A. Weibel
+ Localization for the 𝐾-theory of noncommutative rings 1992 Charles A. Weibel
Dongyuan Yao
+ Étale descent for hochschild and cyclic homology 1991 Charles A. Weibel
Susan C. Geller
+ Pic is a contracted functor 1991 Charles A. Weibel
+ A Quillen-type spectral sequence for the K-theory of varieties with isolated singularities 1989 Charles A. Weibel
+ A Brown-Gersten spectral sequence for the K-theory of varieties with isolated singularities 1989 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat K-theory homology of spaces 1989 Erik K. Pedersen
Charles A. Weibel
+ On the Naturality of Pic, SK0 and SK1 1989 Barry H. Dayton
Charles A. Weibel
+ Hochschild and cyclic homology are far from being homotopy functors 1989 Susan C. Geller
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat The cyclic homology and K-theory of curves. 1989 Charles A. Weibel
Susan C. Geller
Les Reid
+ Homotopy algebraic 𝐾-theory 1989 Charles A. Weibel
+ Complex-valued functions on the plane are pole-assignable 1988 Charles A. Weibel
+ Bcs rings 1988 Wolmer V. Vasconcelos
Charles A. Weibel
+ Nil K-Theory Maps to Cyclic Homology 1987 Charles A. Weibel
+ Module structures on the K-theory of graded rings 1987 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Nil 𝐾-theory maps to cyclic homology 1987 Charles A. Weibel
+ Bloch's formula for varieties with isolated singularities: I 1986 Claudio Pedrini
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat The cyclic homology and 𝐾-theory of curves 1986 Susan C. Geller
Les Reid
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat 𝐾-theory and Chow groups on singular varieties 1986 Claudio Pedrini
Charles A. Weibel
+ Zero cycles and complete intersections on singular varieties. 1985 Marc Levine
Charles A. Weibel
+ On the Cohen-Macaulay and Buchsbaum property for unions of planes in affine space 1985 Anthony V. Geramita
Charles A. Weibel
+ A nonconnective delooping of algebraic K-theory 1985 Erik K. Pedersen
Charles A. Weibel
+ Subgroups of the elementary and Steinberg groups of congruence level I2 1985 Susan C. Geller
Charles A. Weibel
+ Negative K-theory of varieties with isolated singularities 1984 Charles A. Weibel
+ Complete intersection points on affine varieties 1984 Charles A. Weibel
+ K2 and K3 of the circle 1982 Leslie G. Roberts
Charles A. Weibel
+ Mayer-vietoris sequences and mod P K-theory 1982 Charles A. Weibel
+ Meyer vietoris sequences and module structures on NK 1981 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat KV-theory of categories 1981 Charles A. Weibel
+ A spectral sequence for the K-theory of affine glued schemes 1981 Barry H. Dayton
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat $K$-theory of Azumaya algebras 1981 Charles A. Weibel
+ K-Theory of Azumaya Algebras 1981 Charles A. Weibel
+ K2, K3 and nilpotent ideals 1980 Charles A. Weibel
+ K-Theory and analytic isomorphisms 1980 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Ideals with Trivial Conormal Bundle 1980 Anthony V. Geramita
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat 𝐾₂ measures excision for 𝐾₁ 1980 Susan C. Geller
Charles A. Weibel
+ Principal ideals and smooth curves 1980 Anthony V. Geramita
Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat 𝐾-theory of hyperplanes 1980 Barry H. Dayton
Charles A. Weibel
+ K-Theory of Hyperplanes 1980 Barry H. Dayton
Charles A. Weibel
+ Nilpotence and K-theory 1979 Charles A. Weibel
+ The homotopy exact sequence in algebraic<i>K</i>-Theory 1978 Charles A. Weibel
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Algebraic K-theory 1968 Hyman Bass
+ Higher algebraic K-theory: I 1973 Daniel Quillen
+ PDF Chat Algebraic $K$-theory and etale cohomology 1985 R. W. Thomason
+ Higher Algebraic K-Theory of Schemes and of Derived Categories 2007 R. W. Thomason
Thomas Trobaugh
+ PDF Chat Cyclic homology, cdh-cohomology and negative K-theory 2008 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Marco Schlichting
Charles A. Weibel
+ Relative Algebraic K-Theory and Cyclic Homology 1986 Thomas G. Goodwillie
+ Cyclic homology, derivations, and the free loopspace 1985 Thomas G. Goodwillie
+ K-Theory and analytic isomorphisms 1980 Charles A. Weibel
+ Étale descent for hochschild and cyclic homology 1991 Charles A. Weibel
Susan C. Geller
+ Descent Properties of Homotopy K-Theory 2004 Christian Haesemeyer
+ Localization of theK-theory of polynomial extensions 1979 Ton Vorst
+ Meyer vietoris sequences and module structures on NK 1981 Charles A. Weibel
+ Introduction to algebraic K-theory 1971 John Milnor
+ PDF Chat The cyclic homology and K-theory of curves. 1989 Charles A. Weibel
Susan C. Geller
Les Reid
+ Bloch-Kato Conjecture and Motivic Cohomology with Finite Coefficients 2000 Andrei Suslin
Vladimir Voevodsky
+ PDF Chat Algebraic and etale 𝐾-theory 1985 W. G. Dwyer
Eric M. Friedlander
+ Homotopy Limits, Completions and Localizations 1972 A. K. Bousfield
Daniel M. Kan
+ PDF Chat The negative K-theory of normal surfaces 2001 Charles A. Weibel
+ Simplicial objects in algebraic topology 1993 J. P. May
+ PDF Chat Cyclic homology for schemes 1996 Charles A. Weibel
+ Cyclic homology, comodules, and mixed complexes 1987 Christian Kassel
+ Lecture Notes on Motivic cohomology 2006 Carlo Mazza
Vladimir Voevodsky
Charles A. Weibel
+ Algebraic Geometry 1977 Robin Hartshorne
+ Module structures on the K-theory of graded rings 1987 Charles A. Weibel
+ Algebraic cycles and higher K-theory 1986 Spencer Bloch
+ Seminormality and Picard group 1970 Carlo Traverso
+ Homotopy algebraic 𝐾-theory 1989 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Nil 𝐾-theory maps to cyclic homology 1987 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Toric varieties, monoid schemes and cdh descent 2013 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Mark E. Walker
Charles A. Weibel
+ Nilpotence and K-theory 1979 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat $K$-regularity, $cdh$-fibrant Hochschild homology, and a conjecture of Vorst 2007 Guillermo Cortiñas⋆
Christian Haesemeyer
Charles A. Weibel
+ K-th�orie des anneaux d'entiers de corps de nombres et cohomologie �tale 1979 C. Soul�
+ PDF Chat Base Change Transitivity and Künneth Formulas for the Quillen Decomposition of Hochschild Homology. 1992 S. Berumen C.
+ Higher K-theory of rings 1973 S. M. Gersten
+ PDF Chat The spectral sequence relating algebraic K-theory to motivic cohomology 2002 Eric M. Friedlander
+ PDF Chat Categories for the Working Mathematician 1971 Saunders Mac Lane
+ Two-primary algebraic 𝐾-theory of rings of integers in number fields 1999 John Rognes
Charles A. Weibel
appendix by M. Kolster
+ Mayer-vietoris sequences and mod P K-theory 1982 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Reduced power operations in motivic cohomology 2003 Vladimir Voevodsky
+ Homotopy theory of Γ-spaces, spectra, and bisimplicial sets 1978 A. K. Bousfield
Eric M. Friedlander
Andrei Suslin
+ Étale Chern Classes at the Prime 2 1993 Charles A. Weibel
+ PDF Chat Opérations En <i>K</i>-Théorie Algébrique 1985 Christophe Soulé
+ PDF Chat Théorie des Intersections et Théorème de Riemann-Roch 1971 Pierre Berthelot
O. Jussila
Alexandre Grothendieck
M. Raynaud
Steven L. Kleiman
Luc Illusie
Pierre Berthelot
+ Grothendieck Groups and Picard Groups of Abelian Group Rings 1967 Hyman Bass
M. Pavaman Murthy
+ <i>K</i>-THEORY AND REALITY 1966 Michael Atiyah
+ Kahler differentials and excision for curves 1980 Susan C. Geller
Leslie G. Roberts
+ Riemann-Roch theorems for higher algebraic K-theory 1981 Henri Gillet
+ Additive K-theory and crystalline cohomology 1985 Boris Feigin
Boris Tsygan
+ Théorie de hodge, III 1974 Pierre Deligne