Martin T. Barlow


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Optimal shutdown strategies for COVID-19 with economic and mortality costs: British Columbia as a case study 2021 Martin T. Barlow
Noah Marshall
Rebecca C. Tyson
+ PDF Chat Some Boundary Harnack Principles with Uniform Constants 2021 Martin T. Barlow
Deniz Karlı
+ PDF Chat Some Boundary Harnack Principles with Uniform Constants 2021 Martin T. Barlow
Deniz Karlı
+ Optimal shutdown strategies for COVID-19 with economic and mortality costs: BC as a case study 2020 Martin T. Barlow
Noah Marshall
Rebecca C. Tyson
+ Stability of EHI and regularity of MMD spaces 2020 Martin T. Barlow
Zhen-Qing Chen
Mathav Murugan
+ Stability of EHI and regularity of MMD spaces 2020 Martin T. Barlow
Zhen-Qing Chen
Mathav Murugan
+ PDF Chat Boundary Harnack principle and elliptic Harnack inequality 2019 Martin T. Barlow
Mathav Murugan
+ PDF Chat Stability of the elliptic Harnack inequality 2018 Martin T. Barlow
Mathav Murugan
+ Isoperimetric Inequalities and Applications 2017 Martin T. Barlow
+ Boundary Harnack principle and elliptic Harnack inequality 2017 Martin T. Barlow
Mathav Murugan
+ Boundary Harnack principle and elliptic Harnack inequality 2017 Martin T. Barlow
Mathav Murugan
+ Stability of elliptic Harnack inequality 2016 Martin T. Barlow
Mathav Murugan
+ Boundaries of planar graphs, via circle packings 2016 Omer Angel
Martin T. Barlow
Ori Gurel-Gurevich
Asaf Nachmias
+ Gaussian bounds and parabolic Harnack inequality on locally irregular graphs 2016 Martin T. Barlow
Xinxing Chen
+ Stability of elliptic Harnack inequality 2016 Martin T. Barlow
Mathav Murugan
+ PDF Chat Energy inequalities for cutoff functions and some applications 2013 Sebastián Andrés
Martin T. Barlow
+ PDF Chat Analysis on the Sierpinski carpet 2013 Martin T. Barlow
+ PDF Chat Erratum to: Convergence to fractional kinetics for random walks associated with unbounded conductances 2011 Martin T. Barlow
Jǐŕı Černý
+ PDF Chat Non-local Dirichlet forms and symmetric jump processes 2008 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
Zhen-Qing Chen
Moritz Kaßmann
+ Parabolic Harnack inequality and heat kernel estimates for random walks with long range jumps 2007 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
Takashi Kumagai
+ PDF Chat Stability of parabolic Harnack inequalities on metric measure spaces 2006 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. BASS
Takashi Kumagai
+ Characterization of sub‐Gaussian heat kernel estimates on strongly recurrent graphs 2005 Martin T. Barlow
Thierry Coulhoun
Takashi Kumagai
+ Characterization of sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimates on strongly recurrent graphs 2005 Martin T. Barlow
Thierry Coulhoun
Takashi Kumagai
+ Markov processes on vermiculated spaces 2004 Martin T. Barlow
Steven N. Evans
+ Analytic and Geometric Aspects of Stochastic Processes 2004 Martin T. Barlow
Alexander Grigor’yan
Elton P. Hsu
+ PDF Chat Anomalous diffusion and stability of Harnack inequalities 2004 Martin T. Barlow
+ PDF Chat Stability of parabolic Harnack inequalities 2003 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ Some remarks on the elliptic Harnack inequality 2003 Martin T. Barlow
+ Heat kernels and sets with fractal structure 2003 Martin T. Barlow
+ PDF Chat Manifolds and graphs with slow heat kernel decay 2001 Martin T. Barlow
Thierry Coulhon
Alexander Grigor'yan
+ PDF Chat Coalescence of Skew Brownian Motions 2001 Martin T. Barlow
Krzysztof Burdzy
Haya Kaspi
Avi Mandelbaum
+ PDF Chat Transition Density Asymptotics for Some Diffusion Processes with Multi-Fractal Structures 2001 Martin T. Barlow
Takashi Kumagai
+ Markov processes on vermiculated spaces 2001 Martin T. Barlow
Steven N. Evans
+ Divergence Form Operators on Fractal-like Domains 2000 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ The Liouville property and a conjecture of De Giorgi 2000 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
Changfeng Gui
+ PDF Chat Variably Skewed Brownian Motion 2000 Martin T. Barlow
Krzysztof Burdzy
Haya Kaspi
Avi Mandelbaum
+ The Liouville property and a conjecture of De Giorgi 2000 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
Changfeng Gui
+ PDF Chat Brownian Motion and Harmonic Analysis on Sierpinski Carpets 1999 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ PDF Chat On the Liouville Property for Divergence Form Operators 1998 Martin T. Barlow
+ Diffusions on fractals 1998 Martin T. Barlow
+ PDF Chat Autour d'un théorème de tsirelson sur des filtrations Browniennes et non Browniennes 1998 Martin T. Barlow
Michel Émery
Frank B. Knight
S. Song
Marc Yor
+ Localized Eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on p.c.f. Self-Similar Sets 1997 Martin T. Barlow
Jun Kigami
+ Weak Homogenization of Anisotropic Diffusion on Pre-Sierpi?ski Carpets 1997 Martin T. Barlow
Kumiko Hattori
Hiroshi Watanabe
Tetsuya Hattori
+ Transition density estimates for Brownian motion on scale irregular Sierpinski gasket 1997 Martin T. Barlow
+ PDF Chat Restoration of Isotropy on Fractals 1995 Martin T. Barlow
Kumiko Hattori
Tetsuya Hattori
Hiroshi Watanabe
+ Coupling and Harnack inequalities for Sierpinski carpets 1993 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ PDF Chat Coupling and Harnack inequalities for Sierpiński carpets 1993 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ Coupling and Harnack inequalities for Sierpinski carpets 1993 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ PDF Chat Transition densities for Brownian motion on the Sierpinski carpet 1992 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ Local dimension and regular points 1992 Martin T. Barlow
S. J. Taylor
+ Defining Fractal Subsets of <i>Z</i> <sup> <i>d</i> </sup> 1992 Martin T. Barlow
S. J. Taylor
+ Harmonic analysis on fractal spaces 1992 Martin T. Barlow
+ On the resistance of the Sierpiński carpet 1990 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ Resistance and spectral dimension of Sierpinski carpets 1990 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
J. D. Sherwood
+ PDF Chat Local times for Brownian motion on the Sierpinski carpet 1990 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ PDF Chat On convergence of semimartingales 1990 Martin T. Barlow
Philip Protter
+ Registance and spectral dimension of Sierpinski carpets 1990 Martin T. Barlow
+ Sample path properties of stochastic integrals, and stochastic differentiation 1989 Martin T. Barlow
Edwin Perkins
+ Fractional dimension of sets in discrete spaces 1989 Martin T. Barlow
S. J. Taylor
+ PDF Chat Symmetric Markov chains in ℤd: How fast can they move? 1989 Martin T. Barlow
Edwin Perkins
+ The construction of brownian motion on the Sierpinski carpet 1989 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ PDF Chat Une extension multidimensionnelle de la loi de l'arc sinus 1989 Martin T. Barlow
Jim Pitman
Marc Yor
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion on the Sierpinski gasket 1988 Martin T. Barlow
Edwin Perkins
+ Skew brownian motion and a one dimensional stochastic differential equation 1988 Martin T. Barlow
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion at a slow point 1986 Martin T. Barlow
Edwin Perkins
+ INTRODUCTION TO STOCHASTIC INTEGRATION (Progress in Probability and Statistics, 4) 1986 Martin T. Barlow
+ PDF Chat Levels at which every Brownian excursion is exceptional 1984 Martin T. Barlow
Edwin Perkins
+ One-dimensional stochastic differential equations involving a singular increasing process 1984 Martin T. Barlow
Edwin Perkins
+ PDF Chat Recovery of a manifold by a Brownian traveller 1984 Martin T. Barlow
Gunnar A. Brosamler
+ PDF Chat A maximal inequality for upcrossings of a continuous martingale 1984 Martin T. Barlow
+ PDF Chat Strong existence, uniqueness and non-uniqueness in an equation involving local time 1983 Martin T. Barlow
Edwin Perkins
+ PDF Chat Inequalities for upcrossings of semimartingales via skorohod embedding 1983 Martin T. Barlow
+ Semi-martingale inequalities via the Garsia-Rodemich-Rumsey lemma, and applications to local times 1982 Martin T. Barlow
Marc Yor
+ MULTIPLE WIENER-ITO INTEGRALS (Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 849) 1982 Martin T. Barlow
+ Irregularity of boundary points in the Dirichlet problem for the heat equation 1982 Martin T. Barlow
N. A. Watson
+ PDF Chat On countable dense random sets 1981 David Aldous
Martin T. Barlow
+ PDF Chat Wiener-hopf factorization for matrices 1980 Martin T. Barlow
L. C. G. Rogers
David Williams
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A new proof of Moser's parabolic harnack inequality using the old ideas of Nash 1986 Eugene B. Fabes
D. W. Stroock
+ PDF Chat Brownian Motion and Harmonic Analysis on Sierpinski Carpets 1999 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes 1994 Masatoshi Fukushima
Yôichi Ôshima
Masayoshi Takeda
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion on the Sierpinski gasket 1988 Martin T. Barlow
Edwin Perkins
+ Harnack inequalities and sub-Gaussian estimates for random walks 2002 Alexander Grigor’yan
András Telcs
+ PDF Chat Parabolic Harnack inequality and estimates of Markov chains on graphs 1999 Thierry Delmotte
+ The construction of brownian motion on the Sierpinski carpet 1989 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ PDF Chat On the relation between elliptic and parabolic Harnack inequalities 2001 Waldemar Hebisch
Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ Dirichlet Forms and Symmetric Markov Processes 2010 Masatoshi Fukushima
Yōichi Ōshima
Masayoshi Takeda
+ PDF Chat Transition densities for Brownian motion on the Sierpinski carpet 1992 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ None 1992 Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ PDF Chat Brownian motion on nested fractals 1990 Tom Lindstrøm
+ On the resistance of the Sierpiński carpet 1990 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ PDF Chat Isoperimetric constants and estimates of heat kernels of pre Sierpinski carpets 1990 Hirofumi Osada
+ None 2002 Thierry Delmotte
+ PDF Chat Stability of parabolic Harnack inequalities 2003 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ PDF Chat Sub-Gaussian estimates of heat kernels on infinite graphs 2001 Alexander Grigor’yan
András Telcs
+ On a pointwise estimate for parabolic differential equations 1971 J. Moser
+ PDF Chat Random walks on fractal structures and percolation clusters 1983 R. Rammal
G. Toulouse
+ Analysis on local Dirichlet spaces. III. The parabolic Harnack inequality 1996 Karl‐Theodor Sturm
+ PDF Chat Upper Bounds for Symmetric Markov Transition Functions. 1986 Eric A. Carlen
Seiichiro Kusuoka
D. W. Stroock
+ PDF Chat Diffusion in disordered media 1987 Shlomo Havlin
Daniel ben‐Avraham
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet forms on fractals: Poincaré constant and resistance 1992 Shigeo Kusuoka
Zhou Xian Yin
+ Transition probabilities for the simple random walk on the Sierpinski graph 1996 Owen Dafydd Jones
+ On the equivalence of parabolic Harnack inequalities and heat kernel estimates 2012 Martin T. Barlow
Alexander Grigor’yan
Takashi Kumagai
+ PDF Chat Diffusion in disordered media 2002 Shlomo Havlin
Daniel ben‐Avraham
+ PDF Chat Random Walks and Electric Networks 1984 Peter G. Doyle
J. Laurie Snell
+ PDF Chat Local times for Brownian motion on the Sierpinski carpet 1990 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the fundamental solution of a parabolic equation 1967 D. G. Aronson
+ PDF Chat Dirichlet Forms on Fractals and Products of Random Matrices 1989 Shigeo Kusuoka
+ Diffusion Processes and Their Sample Paths. 1996 PALE
Kiyosi Itô
H. P. McKean
+ PDF Chat Estimates of transition densities for Brownian motion on nested fractals 1993 Takashi Kumagai
+ On Harnack's theorem for elliptic differential equations 1961 Jürgen Moser
+ PDF Chat Which values of the volume growth and escape time exponent are possible for a graph? 2004 Martin T. Barlow
+ A harnack inequality for parabolic differential equations 1964 Jürgen Moser
+ PDF Chat Some Potential Theory for Reflecting Brownian Motion in Holder and Lipschitz Domains 1991 Richard F. Bass
Pei Hsu
+ PDF Chat Manifolds and graphs with slow heat kernel decay 2001 Martin T. Barlow
Thierry Coulhon
Alexander Grigor'yan
+ PDF Chat On Skew Brownian Motion 1981 J. Michael Harrison
L. A. Shepp
+ Exact fractals with adjustable fractal and fracton dimensionalities 1983 Daniel ben‐Avraham
Shlomo Havlin
+ PDF Chat A harmonic calculus on the Sierpinski spaces 1989 Jun Kigami
+ Aspects of Sobolev-Type Inequalities 2001 Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ PDF Chat Variétés riemanniennes isométriques à l'infini 1995 Thierry Coulhon
Laurent Saloff‐Coste
+ <i>The Fractal Geometry of Nature</i> 1983 Benoît B. Mandelbrot
John Wheeler
+ Long range estimates for markov chains 1985 N. Th. Varopoulos
+ Resistance and spectral dimension of Sierpinski carpets 1990 Martin T. Barlow
Richard F. Bass
J. D. Sherwood
+ PDF Chat Rough isometries, and combinatorial approximations of geometries of non ∙ compact riemannian manifolds 1985 Masahiko Kanai
+ The Poincaré inequality for vector fields satisfying Hörmander’s condition 1986 David Jerison
+ Composite Media and Asymptotic Dirichlet Forms 1994 U. Mosco
+ PDF Chat Boundary Harnack principle and Martin boundary for a uniform domain 2001 Hiroaki Aikawa