Yoshinori Morimoto


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Non-cutoff Boltzmann equation with polynomial decay perturbations 2020 Ricardo J. Alonso
Yoshinori Morimoto
Weiran Sun
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Analytic smoothing effect for the nonlinear Landau equation of Maxwellian molecules 2020 Yoshinori Morimoto
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ Analytic smoothing effect for the nonlinear Landau equation of Maxwellian molecules 2019 Yoshinori Morimoto
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ Non-Cutoff Boltzmann Equation with Polynomial Decay Perturbation 2018 Ricardo J. Alonso
Yoshinori Morimoto
Weiran Sun
Tong Yang
+ A remark on the generalized Toscani metric in probability measures with moments (Workshop on the Boltzmann Equation, Microlocal Analysis and Related Topics) 2017 Yong-Kum Cho
Yoshinori Morimoto
Shuaikun Wang
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Convergence to self-similar solutions for the homogeneous Boltzmann equation 2017 Yoshinori Morimoto
Tong Yang
Huijiang Zhao
+ The Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff 2017 Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
+ Convergence to the Self-similar Solutions to the Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation 2017 Yoshinori Morimoto
Tong Yang
Huijiang Zhao
+ PDF Chat Measure Valued Solutions to the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation Without Angular Cutoff 2016 Yoshinori Morimoto
Shuaikun Wang
Tong Yang
+ Global solutions in the critical Besov space for the non-cutoff Boltzmann equation 2016 Yoshinori Morimoto
Shota Sakamoto
+ Probability Measures with Finite Moments and the Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation 2016 Yong-Kum Cho
Yoshinori Morimoto
Shuaikun Wang
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Moment classification of infinite energy solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation 2015 Yoshinori Morimoto
Shuaikun Wang
Tong Yang
+ Moment classification of infinite energy solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation 2015 Yoshinori Morimoto
Shuaikun Wang
Tong Yang
+ Global solutions in the critical Besov space for the non cutoff Boltzmann equation 2015 Yoshinori Morimoto
Shota Sakamoto
+ A characterization of probability measure with finite moment and an application to the Boltzmann equation 2015 Yong-Kum Cho
Yoshinori Morimoto
Shuaikun Wang
Tong Yang
+ A new characterization and global regularity of infinite energy solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation 2014 Yoshinori Morimoto
Shuaikun Wang
Tong Yang
+ Smoothing effect of the homogeneous Boltzmann equation with measure valued initial datum 2014 Yoshinori Morimoto
Tong Yang
+ A new characterization and global regularity of infinite energy solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation 2014 Yoshinori Morimoto
Shuaikun Wang
Tong Yang
+ Gelfand-Shilov and Gevrey smoothing effect for the spatially inhomogeneous non-cutoff Kac equation 2014 Yoshinori Morimoto
Nicolás Lerner
Karel Pravda‐Starov
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ PDF Chat Local existence of polynomial decay solutions to the Boltzmann equation for soft potentials 2013 Yoshinori Morimoto
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Phase space analysis and functional calculus for the linearized Landau and Boltzmann operators 2013 Nicolás Lerner
Yoshinori Morimoto
Karel Pravda–Starov
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ A remark on the ultra-analytic smoothing properties of the spatially homogeneous Landau equation 2013 Yoshinori Morimoto
Karel Pravda–Starov
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ Local existence with mild regularity for the Boltzmann equation 2013 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat A remark on the ultra-analytic smoothing properties of the spatially homogeneous Landau equation 2013 Yoshinori Morimoto
Karel Pravda–Starov
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ PDF Chat Hypoelliptic Estimates for a Linear Model of the Boltzmann Equation Without Angular Cutoff 2012 Nicolás Lerner
Yoshinori Morimoto
Karel Pravda‐Starov
+ Gelfand-Shilov smoothing properties of the radially symmetric spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff 2012 Nicolás Lerner
Yoshinori Morimoto
Karel Pravda–Starov
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ A remark on Cannone-Karch solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation for Maxwellian molecules 2012 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Villani conjecture on smoothing effect of the homogeneous Boltzmann equation with measure initial datum 2012 Yoshinori Morimoto
Tong Yang
+ Spatially homogeneous boltzmann equation without angular cutoff 2012 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Smoothing effect of weak solutions for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff 2012 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ Diagonalization of the Linearized Non-Cutoff Radially Symmetric Boltzmann Operator 2011 Nicolás Lerner
Yoshinori Morimoto
Karel Pravda–Starov
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ Spectral and phase space analysis of the linearized non-cutoff Kac collision operator 2011 Nicolás Lerner
Yoshinori Morimoto
Karel Pravda–Starov
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ PDF Chat Uniqueness of solutions for the non-cutoff Boltzmann equation with soft potential 2011 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Bounded solutions of the Boltzmann equation in the whole space 2011 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat The Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff in the whole space : Qualitative properties of solutions 2011 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ Hypoelliptic Estimates for a Linear Model of the Boltzmann Equation without Angular Cutoff 2010 Nicolás Lerner
Yoshinori Morimoto
Karel Pravda‐Starov
+ Gevrey smoothing effect of solutions for spatially homogeneous nonlinear Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff 2010 Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
+ Instability of the Cauchy-Kovalevskaya solution for a class of nonlinear systems 2010 Nicolás Lerner
Yoshinori Morimoto
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ PDF Chat Regularizing Effect and Local Existence for the Non-Cutoff Boltzmann Equation 2010 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff in the whole space: I, Global existence for soft potential 2010 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Existence of local solutions for the Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff 2009 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Ultra-analytic effect of Cauchy problem for a class of kinetic equations 2009 Yoshinori Morimoto
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ Regularity of solutions for spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff : non Maxwellian molecule type (Mathematical Analysis in Fluid and Gas Dynamics) 2009 Zhaohui Huo
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Tong Yang
+ Regularity of solutions to the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff 2009 Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ Uncertainty principle and regularity for Boltzmann type equations 2007 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat On the Fefferman–Phong Inequality and a Wiener-type Algebra of Pseudodifferential Operators 2007 Nicolás Lerner
Yoshinori Morimoto
+ A Wiener algebra for the Fefferman-Phong inequality 2006 Nicolás Lerner
Yoshinori Morimoto
+ A viewpoint on positivity of pseudodifferential operators from the Wick calculus (Recent Trends in Microlocal Analysis) 2005 Nicolás Lerner
Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Regularity of weak solutions for a class of infintely degenerate elliptic semilinear equation 2004 Yoshinori Morimoto
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ Wick calculus and the Cauthy problem for some dispersive equations 2002 Hiroshi Ando
Yoshinori Morimoto
+ PDF Chat Hypoellipticity for operators of infinitely degenerate Egorov type 1999 Nils Dencker
Yoshinori Morimoto
Tatsushi Morioka
+ Hypoellipticity for Operators of Infinitely Degenerate Egorov Type(Structure of Solutions for Partial Differential Equations) 1998 Nils Dencker
Yoshinori Morimoto
Tatsushi Morioka
+ Hypoellipticity for a class of infinitely degenerate elliptic operators 1997 Yoshinori Morimoto
Tatsushi Morioka
+ PDF Chat Local solvability and hypoellipticity for pseudodifferential operators of Egorov type with infinite degeneracy 1995 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ PDF Chat Hypoelliptic operators of principal type with infinite degeneracy 1995 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ PDF Chat Erratum to “Non-Hypoellipticity for Degenerate Elliptic Operators” 1994 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Erratum to "Non-Hypoelli pticity for Degenerate Elliptic Operators" 1994 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Some Remarks on Hypoelliptic Operators which are not Micro-hypoelliptic 1992 Yoshinori Morimoto
Tatsushi Morioka
+ PDF Chat Hypoelliptic operators in $R^3$ of the form $X_1^2+X_2^2$ 1992 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ PDF Chat Estimates for degenerate Schrödinger operators and hypoellipticity for infinitely degenerate elliptic operators 1992 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ PDF Chat Estimates for degenerate Schrödinger operators and an application for infinitely degenerate hypoelliptic operators 1989 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ PDF Chat The uncertainty principle and hypoelliptic operators 1987 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Hypoellipticity for infinitely degenerate elliptic operators 1987 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Criteria for Hypoellipticity of Differential Operators 1986 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Propagation of wave front sets of solutions of the Cauchy problem for hyperbolic equations in Gevrey classes 1986 Yoshinori Morimoto
Kazuo Taniguchi
+ PDF Chat Propagation of wave front set in Gevrey class for an example of hyperbolic system 1986 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ PDF Chat Precise propagation of singularities for a hyperbolic system with characteristics of variable multiplicity 1986 Chisato Iwasaki
Yoshinori Morimoto
+ PDF Chat Non-Hypoellipticlty for Degenerate Elliptic Operators 1986 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Non-Hypoellipticlty for Degenerate Elliptic 1986 C. Goulaouic
Yoshinori Morimoto
+ PDF Chat Propagation of wave front sets of solutions of the Cauchy problem for a hyperbolic system in Gevrey classes 1985 Yoshinori Morimoto
Kazuo Taniguchi
+ Propagation of singularities of solutions for a hyperbolic system with nilpotent characteristics, II 1984 Chisato Iwasaki
Yoshinori Morimoto
+ On hypoelliptic operators with multiple characteristics of odd order 1983 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Propagation of singularities of solutions for a hyperbolic system with nilpotent characteristics. I 1982 Chisato Iwasaki
Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Fundamental solution for a hyperbolic equation with involutive characteristics of variable multiplicity 1979 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ PDF Chat On the hypoellipticity for infinitely degenerate semi-elliptic operators 1978 Yoshinori Morimoto
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ A Review of Mathematical Topics in Collisional Kinetic Theory 2002 Cédric Villani
+ Entropy Dissipation and Long-Range Interactions 2000 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Laurent Desvillettes
Cédric Villani
Bernt Wennberg
+ On a New Class of Weak Solutions to the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann and Landau Equations 1998 Cédric Villani
+ Regularity of solutions to the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff 2009 Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ The Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff in the whole space: I, Global existence for soft potential 2011 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Y. Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Global Existence and Full Regularity of the Boltzmann Equation Without Angular Cutoff 2011 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Y. Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Regularizing Effect and Local Existence for the Non-Cutoff Boltzmann Equation 2010 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Regularity of solutions for spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff 2008 Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ Local solutions in gevrey classes to the nonlinear Boltzmann equation without cutoff 1984 Seiji Ukai
+ PDF Chat The Boltzmann Equation Without Angular Cutoff in the Whole Space: Qualitative Properties of Solutions 2011 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Y. Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ Smoothness of the Solution of the Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation without Cutoff 2004 Laurent Desvillettes
Bernt Wennberg
+ Global classical solutions of the Boltzmann equation without angular cut-off 2011 Philip T. Gressman
Robert M. Strain
+ A remark on Cannone-Karch solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation for Maxwellian molecules 2012 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ The analysis of linear partial differential operators 1990 Lars Hörmander
Mouhamad El Safadi
+ Boltzmann collision operator with inverse-power intermolecular potentials 2011 Young-ping Pao
+ Uncertainty principle and kinetic equations 2008 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Y. Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Spectral gap and coercivity estimates for linearized Boltzmann collision operators without angular cutoff 2007 Clément Mouhot
Robert M. Strain
+ PDF Chat Smoothing effect of weak solutions for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff 2012 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
Chao-Jiang Xu
Tong Yang
+ PDF Chat Ultra-analytic effect of Cauchy problem for a class of kinetic equations 2009 Yoshinori Morimoto
Chao-Jiang Xu
+ PDF Chat Hypoelliptic second order differential equations 1967 Lars Hörmander
+ Metrics for probability distributions and the trend to equilibrium for solutions of the Boltzmann equation 1995 G. Gabetta
Giuseppe Toscani
Bernt Wennberg
+ On the Cauchy Problem for Boltzmann Equations: Global Existence and Weak Stability 1989 Ronald J. DiPerna
Pierre‐Louis Lions
+ Energy method for Boltzmann equation 2003 Tai-Ping Liu
Tong Yang
Shih‐Hsien Yu
+ The mathematical theory of dilute gases 1994 Carlo Cercignani
Reinhard Illner
Mario Pulvirenti
+ The uncertainty principle 1983 Charles Fefferman
+ Hypoellipticity for infinitely degenerate elliptic operators 1987 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Propagation of Smoothness and the Rate of Exponential Convergence to Equilibrium for a Spatially Homogeneous Maxwellian Gas 1999 Eric A. Carlen
Ester Gabetta
Giuseppe Toscani
+ Criteria for Hypoellipticity of Differential Operators 1986 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Gevrey smoothing effect of solutions for spatially homogeneous nonlinear Boltzmann equation without angular cutoff 2010 Yoshinori Morimoto
Seiji Ukai
+ On the Boltzmann equation for long‐range interactions 2001 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Cédric Villani
+ Solutions of the Boltzmann Equation 1986 Seiji Ukai
+ Pseudodifferential operators 1994 Alain Grigis
Johannes Sjöstrand
+ The Landau Equation in a Periodic Box 2002 Yan Guo
+ PDF Chat Hypoellipticity for a class of kinetic equations 2007 Chao-Jiang Xu
Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Regularity in the boltzmann equation and the radon transform 1994 Bernt Wennberg
+ Hypoelliptic regularity in kinetic equations 2002 François Bouchut
+ PDF Chat Propagation of Gevrey regularity for solutions of the Boltzmann equation for Maxwellian molecules 2008 Laurent Desvillettes
Giulia Furioli
Elide Terraneo
+ None 2001 Radjesvarane Alexandre
+ The Boltzmann equation in the whole space 2004 Yan Guo
+ PDF Chat On the hypoellipticity for infinitely degenerate semi-elliptic operators 1978 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ PDF Chat Infinite energy solutions to the homogeneous Boltzmann equation 2009 Marco Cannone
Grzegorz Karch
+ Littlewood-Paley theory and regularity issues in Boltzmann homogeneous equations II. Non cutoff case and non Maxwellian molecules 2009 Radjesvarane Alexandre
Mouhamad Elsafadi
+ PDF Chat Non-Hypoellipticlty for Degenerate Elliptic Operators 1986 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Probability Metrics and Uniqueness of the Solution to the Boltzmann Equation for a Maxwell Gas 1999 Giuseppe Toscani
Cédric Villani
+ On the existence of global solutions of mixed problem for non-linear Boltzmann equation 1974 Seiji Ukai
+ PDF Chat The uncertainty principle and hypoelliptic operators 1987 Yoshinori Morimoto
+ Multi—products ofphase functions for fourier integral opertaors with an application 1978 Hitoshi Kumano‐Go
Kazuo Taniguchi
Yoshiharu Tozaki
+ Asymptotic Theory of the Boltzmann Equation, II 1963 Harold Grad