Xuejun Liao


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ PDF Chat Unsupervised Learning with Truncated Gaussian Graphical Models 2017 Qinliang Su
Xuejun Liao
Chunyuan Li
Zhe Gan
Lawrence Carin
+ A Probabilistic Framework for Nonlinearities in Stochastic Neural Networks 2017 Qinliang Su
Xuejun Liao
Lawrence Carin
+ Nonlinear statistical learning with truncated Gaussian graphical models 2016 Qinliang Su
Xuejun Liao
Changyou Chen
Lawrence Carin
+ Partially observable Markov decision processes for risk-based screening 2016 Alex Mrozack
Xuejun Liao
Sondre Skatter
Lawrence Carin
+ Variational Gaussian Copula Inference 2016 Shaobo Han
Xuejun Liao
David B. Dunson
Lawrence Carin
+ Nonlinear Statistical Learning with Truncated Gaussian Graphical Models 2016 Qinliang Su
Xuejun Liao
Changyou Chen
Lawrence Carin
+ Unsupervised Learning with Truncated Gaussian Graphical Models 2016 Qinliang Su
Xuejun Liao
Chunyuan Li
Zhe Gan
Lawrence Carin
+ Variational Gaussian Copula Inference 2015 Shaobo Han
Xuejun Liao
David B. Dunson
Lawrence Carin
+ On Marine Mammal Acoustic Detection Performance Bounds 2015 Yin Xian
L. W. Nolte
Stacy L. Tantum
Xuejun Liao
Yuan Zhang
+ Stick-Breaking Policy Learning in Dec-POMDPs 2015 Miao Liu
Christopher Amato
Xuejun Liao
Lawrence Carin
Jonathan P. How
+ PDF Chat Low-Cost Compressive Sensing for Color Video and Depth 2014 Xin Yuan
Patrick Llull
Xuejun Liao
Jianbo Yang
David J. Brady
Guillermo Sapiro
Lawrence Carin
+ PDF Chat An Active Learning Approach for Rapid Characterization of Endothelial Cells in Human Tumors 2014 Raghav Padmanabhan
Vinay H. Somasundar
Sandra D. Griffith
Jianliang Zhu
Drew Samoyedny
Kay See Tan
Jiahao Hu
Xuejun Liao
Lawrence Carin
Sam S. Yoon
+ Low-Cost Compressive Sensing for Color Video and Depth 2014 Xin Yuan
Patrick Llull
Xuejun Liao
Jianbo Yang
Guillermo Sapiro
David J. Brady
Lawrence Carin
+ Integrated Non-Factorized Variational Inference 2013 Shaobo Han
Xuejun Liao
Lawrence Carin
+ PDF Chat Adaptive temporal compressive sensing for video 2013 Xin Yuan
Jianbo Yang
Patrick Llull
Xuejun Liao
Guillermo Sapiro
David J. Brady
Lawrence Carin
+ Coded aperture compressive temporal imaging 2013 Patrick Llull
Xuejun Liao
Xin Yuan
Jianbo Yang
David Kittle
Lawrence Carin
Guillermo Sapiro
David J. Brady
+ Cross-Domain Multitask Learning with Latent Probit Models 2012 Shaobo Han
Xuejun Liao
Lawrence Carin
+ Nonparametric Bayesian feature selection for multi-task learning 2011 Hui Li
Xuejun Liao
Lawrence Carin
+ Classification with Incomplete Data Using Dirichlet Process Priors. 2010 Chunping Wang
Xuejun Liao
Lawrence Carin
David B. Dunson
+ PDF Chat Quadratically gated mixture of experts for incomplete data classification 2007 Xuejun Liao
Hui Li
Lawrence Carin
+ Multi-Task Learning for Classification with Dirichlet Process Priors 2007 Ya Xue
Xuejun Liao
Lawrence Carin
Balaji Krishnapuram
+ PDF Chat On Classification with Incomplete Data 2007 D. A. Williams
Xuejun Liao
Ya Xue
Lawrence Carin
Balaji Krishnapuram
+ Incomplete-data classification using logistic regression 2005 David P. Williams
Xuejun Liao
Ya Xue
Lawrence Carin
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data Via the <i>EM</i> Algorithm 1977 A. P. Dempster
N. M. Laird
Donald B. Rubin
+ Bayesian Analysis of Binary and Polychotomous Response Data 1993 James H. Albert
Siddhartha Chib
+ Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys 1987 Donald B. Rubin
+ PDF Chat A Bayesian Analysis of Some Nonparametric Problems 1973 Thomas S. Ferguson
+ Incomplete Data in Generalized Linear Models 1990 Joseph G. Ibrahim
+ PDF Chat Delving Deep into Rectifiers: Surpassing Human-Level Performance on ImageNet Classification 2015 Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Jian Sun
+ Learning Gaussian Graphical Models with Observed or Latent FVSs 2013 Ying D. Liu
Alan S. Willsky
+ Nonlinear Statistical Learning with Truncated Gaussian Graphical Models 2016 Qinliang Su
Xuejun Liao
Changyou Chen
Lawrence Carin
+ Gibbs Sampling Methods for Stick-Breaking Priors 2001 Hemant Ishwaran
Lancelot F. James
+ A New TwIST: Two-Step Iterative Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithms for Image Restoration 2007 José M. Bioucas‐Dias
Mário A. T. Figueiredo
+ Inductive Principles for Restricted Boltzmann Machine Learning 2010 Benjamin M. Marlin
Kevin Swersky
Bo Chen
Nando de Freitas
+ Numerical Computation of Multivariate Normal Probabilities 1992 Alan Genz
+ Kernel Matrix Completion by Semidefinite Programming 2002 Thore Graepel
+ Coded aperture compressive temporal imaging 2013 Patrick Llull
Xuejun Liao
Xin Yuan
Jianbo Yang
David Kittle
Lawrence Carin
Guillermo Sapiro
David J. Brady
+ PDF Chat Missing data: Our view of the state of the art. 2002 Joseph L. Schafer
John W. Graham
+ Learning Latent Variable Gaussian Graphical Models 2014 Zhaoshi Meng
Brian Eriksson
Alfred O. Hero
+ None 2001 Radford M. Neal
+ The Analysis and Interpretation of Multivariate Data for Social Scientists 2002 Jane Galbraith
Irini Moustaki
David J. Bartholomew
Fiona Steele
+ Bregman Iterative Algorithms for $\ell_1$-Minimization with Applications to Compressed Sensing 2008 Wotao Yin
Stanley Osher
Donald Goldfarb
Jérôme Darbon
+ Variational Bayesian Model Selection for Mixture Distributions 2001 Adrian Corduneanu
Chris Bishop
+ The Impact of multiple imputation for DACSEIS 2004 Susanne Rässler
+ Stochastic Backpropagation and Approximate Inference in Deep Generative Models 2014 Danilo Jimenez Rezende
Shakir Mohamed
Daan Wierstra
+ The epsilon–skew–normal distribution for analyzing near-normal data 2000 Govind S. Mudholkar
Alan D. Hutson
+ The Variational Bayesian EM Algorithm for Incomplete Data: With Application to Scoring Graphical Model Structures 2003 Matthew J. Beal
Zoubin Ghahramani
+ A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing : The Sparse Way 2008 Stéphane Mallat
Gabriel Peyré
+ Variational Bayesian Inference with Stochastic Search 2012 John Paisley
David M. Blei
Michael I. Jordan
+ PDF Chat Variational inference for Dirichlet process mixtures 2006 David M. Blei
Michael I. Jordan
+ PDF Chat Quadratically gated mixture of experts for incomplete data classification 2007 Xuejun Liao
Hui Li
Lawrence Carin
+ Copula Bayesian Networks 2010 Gal Elidan
+ PDF Chat Fast simulation of truncated Gaussian distributions 2010 Nicolás Chopin
+ PDF Chat Solving Inverse Problems With Piecewise Linear Estimators: From Gaussian Mixture Models to Structured Sparsity 2011 Guoshen Yu
Guillermo Sapiro
Stéphane Mallat
+ A Learning Algorithm for Boltzmann Machines* 1985 David H. Ackley
Geoffrey E. Hinton
Terrence J. Sejnowski
+ Bayesian Density Estimation and Inference Using Mixtures 1995 Michael Escobar
Mike West
+ Multi-Task Learning for Classification with Dirichlet Process Priors 2007 Ya Xue
Xuejun Liao
Lawrence Carin
Balaji Krishnapuram
+ PDF Chat Simulation of truncated normal variables 1995 Christian P. Robert
+ Facilitating the Gibbs Sampler: The Gibbs Stopper and the Griddy-Gibbs Sampler 1992 Christian Ritter
Martin A. Tanner
+ Dirichlet Process Mixed Generalized Linear Models 1997 Saurabh Mukhopadhyay
Alan E. Gelfand
+ A comparison of inclusive and restrictive strategies in modern missing data procedures. 2001 Linda M. Collins
Joseph L. Schafer
Chi-Ming Kam
+ Multivariate Dispersion Models Generated From Gaussian Copula 2000 Peter X.‐K. Song
+ PDF Chat Adaptive temporal compressive sensing for video 2013 Xin Yuan
Jianbo Yang
Patrick Llull
Xuejun Liao
Guillermo Sapiro
David J. Brady
Lawrence Carin
+ PDF Chat Mixtures of Dirichlet Processes with Applications to Bayesian Nonparametric Problems 1974 C. Antoniak
+ PDF Chat Bayesian nonparametric functional data analysis through density estimation 2009 Abel Rodrìguez
David B. Dunson
Alan E. Gelfand
+ Probabilistic Inference Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods 2011 Radford M. Neal
+ PDF Chat Some history of the hierarchical Bayesian methodology 1980 I. J. Good
+ PDF Chat Bounds for the Ratio of Two Gamma Functions 2010 Feng Qi
+ PDF Chat The Probable Error of a Mean 1908 Student
+ Moments of a Truncated Bivariate Normal Distribution 1961 Stacy Rosenbaum
+ Expectation Propagation for approximate Bayesian inference 2013 Thomas P. Minka
+ Markov Chain Sampling Methods for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models 2000 Radford M. Neal
+ Learning Activation Functions to Improve Deep Neural Networks 2014 Forest Agostinelli
Matthew D. Hoffman
Peter Sadowski
Pierre Baldi