Ian Hughes


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Rings of invariants of modular p-groups which are hypersurfaces 2005 Ian Hughes
Nondas E. Kechagias
+ Symmetric Powers of Modular Representations for Groups with a Sylow Subgroup of Prime Order 2001 Ian Hughes
Gregor Kemper
+ Depth of modular invariant rings 2000 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
Gregor Kemper
R. James Shank
David L. Wehlau
+ Symmetric powers of modular representations, hilbert series and degree bounds 2000 Ian Hughes
Gregor Kemper
+ Some remarks on hilbert functions of veronese algebras 2000 H. E. A. Campbell
Anthony V. Geramita
Ian Hughes
Gregory Smith
David L. Wehlau
+ PDF Chat Non Cohen-Macaulay Vector Invariants and a Noether Bound for a Gorenstein Ring of Invariants 1999 H. E. A. Campbell
A. V. Geramita
Ian Hughes
R. James Shank
David L. Wehlau
+ Rings of Invariants of Certainp-Groups over the FieldFp 1999 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
+ Vector Invariants ofU2(Fp) : A Proof of a Conjecture of Richman 1997 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
+ Bases for rings of coinvariants 1996 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
R. James Shank
David L. Wehlau
+ 2-Dimensional vector invariants of parabolic subgroups of Gl2(Fp) over the field Fp 1996 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
+ The ring of upper triangular invariants as a module over the Dickson invariants 1996 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
+ Properties of functions associated with invariant theory 1994 R. B. Bell
H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
+ On the ring of invariants of $$F_{2^n }^* $$ 1991 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
Francesco Pappalardi
Paul Selick
+ PDF Chat Rings of Invariants and <i>p</i>-Sylow Subgroups 1991 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
Richard D. Pollack
+ PDF Chat Vector Invariants of Symmetric Groups 1990 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
Richard D. Pollack
+ PDF Chat Totally positive units and squares 1983 Ian Hughes
R. A. Mollin
+ PDF Chat Artinian quotient rings of group rings 1973 Ian Hughes
+ PDF Chat Group Rings with Only Trivial Units of Finite Order 1972 Ian Hughes
Chou-Hsiang Wei
+ PDF Chat The Group of Units of the Integral Group Ring ZS<sub>3</sub> 1972 Ian Hughes
Kenneth R. Pearson
+ Division rings of fractions for group rings, II 1972 Ian Hughes
+ Division Rings of Fractions for Group Rings 1970 Ian Hughes
+ The second cohomology groups of one‐relator groups 1966 Ian Hughes
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Invariants of finite groups and their applications to combinatorics 1979 Richard P. Stanley
+ Polynomial Invariants of Finite Groups 1995 Larry Smith
+ Cohen-Macaulay Rings 1998 Winfried Bruns
H. JĂźrgen Herzog
+ The Magma Algebra System I: The User Language 1997 Wieb Bosma
John Cannon
Catherine Playoust
+ PDF Chat A fundamental system of invariants of the general modular linear group with a solution of the form problem 1911 L. E. Dickson
+ PDF Chat Rings of Invariants and <i>p</i>-Sylow Subgroups 1991 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
Richard D. Pollack
+ Some Algorithms in Invariant Theory of Finite Groups 1999 Gregor Kemper
Allan Steel
+ On the Cohen–Macaulay Property of Modular Invariant Rings 1999 Gregor Kemper
+ Invariant theory of commutative rings 1985 Melvin Hochster
+ PDF Chat A primer on the Dickson invariants 1983 Clarence Wilkerson
+ On vector invariants over finite fields 1990 David R. Richman
+ Modular invariant theory and cohomology algebras of symmetric groups 1974 Huynh Mui
+ Relative Trace Ideals and Cohen-Macaulay Quotients of Modular Invariant Rings 1999 Peter Fleischmann
+ The transfer in homological algebra 1989 William M. Singer
+ PDF Chat Vector Invariants of Symmetric Groups 1990 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
Richard D. Pollack
+ Decomposition of exterior and symmetric powers of indecomposable Z/pZ-modules in characteristic p and relations to invariants 1978 Gert Almkvist
Robert M. Fossum
+ Calculating Invariant Rings of Finite Groups over Arbitrary Fields 1996 Gregor Kemper
+ Commutative Algebra 1960 Oscar Zariski
Samuel Pierre
+ Regular rings of invariants of unipotent groups 1983 Haruhisa Nakajima
+ The Units of Group-Rings 1940 Graham Higman
+ The ring of upper triangular invariants as a module over the Dickson invariants 1996 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
+ Invariants of finite groups 1981 J. G. Thompson
+ Noetherian cohomology rings and finite loop spaces with torsion 1984 David L. Rector
+ Skew polynomial rings over semisimple rings 1971 Arun Vinayak Jategaonkar
+ Theory of algebraic invariants 1994 David Hilbert
Bernd Sturmfels
Reinhard Laubenbacher
+ PDF Chat Invariants of Finite Abelian Groups Generated by Transvections 1980 Haruhisa Nakajima
+ §20 Reflection Groups and Invariant Theory 1988 Richard Kane
+ Hilbert Series and Degree Bounds in Invariant Theory 1999 Gregor Kemper
+ On the Depth of the Invariants of the Symmetric Power Representations of SL2(Fp) 1999 R. James Shank
David L. Wehlau
+ Lambda and Psi operations on Green Rings 1984 David J. Benson
+ On the immersion of an algebraic ring into a field 1937 A. Mal′cev
+ PDF Chat On ordered division rings 1949 Β Neumann
+ PDF Chat Invariants of finite groups generated by pseudo-reflections in positive characteristic 1979 Haruhisa Nakajima
+ The geometry of the classical groups 1992 D. E. Taylor
+ Polynomial algebras over the Steenrod algebra 1990 H. E. A. Campbell
Paul Selick
+ Cohomology Theory of Groups with a Single Defining Relation 1950 Roger C. Lyndon
+ Geometry of Coxeter groups 1982 Howard Hiller
+ PDF Chat Homological codimension of modular rings of invariants and the Koszul complex 1998 Larry Smith
+ Rings of Invariants of Certainp-Groups over the FieldFp 1999 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
+ The Depth of Invariant Rings and Cohomology 2001 Gregor Kemper
+ Finite groups and invariant theory 1991 Barbara J. Schmid
+ PDF Chat The modular representation algebra of a finite group 1962 J. A. Green
+ On the Embedding of Rings in Skew Fields 1961 P. M. Cohn
+ PDF Chat On graded rings, I 1978 ShirĂ´ GotĂ´
Kei-ichi Watanabe
+ 2-Dimensional vector invariants of parabolic subgroups of Gl2(Fp) over the field Fp 1996 H. E. A. Campbell
Ian Hughes
+ PDF Chat Invariants of Finite Reflection Groups 1960 Robert Steinberg
+ Stable splittings derived from the Steinberg module 1983 Stephen Α. Mitchell
Stewart Priddy
+ PDF Chat Polynomial invariants of finite groups. A survey of recent developments 1997 Larry Smith
+ Lower degree bounds for modular invariants and a question of I. Hughes 1998 Gregor Kemper
+ The Sullivan Conjecture on Maps from Classifying Spaces 1984 Haynes Miller