Uwe Küchler


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All published works
Action Title Year Authors
+ Option pricing in bilateral Gamma stock models 2019 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Bilateral Gamma distributions and processes in financial mathematics 2019 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ On the shapes of bilateral Gamma densities 2019 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Exponential stock models driven by tempered stable processes 2019 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Tempered stable distributions and processes 2019 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Bilateral Gamma distributions and processes in financial mathematics 2019 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Tempered stable distributions and processes 2019 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Option pricing in bilateral Gamma stock models 2019 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ On the shapes of bilateral Gamma densities 2019 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Exponential stock models driven by tempered stable processes 2019 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Ungleichungen und L p -Räume 2015 Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat Exponential stock models driven by tempered stable processes 2014 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Tempered stable distributions and processes 2013 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Statistical inference for discrete-time samples from affine stochastic delay differential equations 2013 Uwe Küchler
Michael Sørensen
+ PDF Chat On guaranteed parameter estimation of a multiparameter linear regression process 2010 Uwe Küchler
Vyacheslav A. Vasiliev
+ PDF Chat Option pricing in bilateral Gamma stock models 2009 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ On sequential parameter estimation of stochastic delay differential equations by noisy observations 2009 Uwe Küchler
Vyacheslav A. Vasiliev
+ Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure for Lévy Processes 2009 Katja Krol
Uwe Küchler
+ On the shapes of bilateral Gamma densities 2008 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ PDF Chat On large deviations in testing Ornstein–Uhlenbeck-type models 2007 Pavel V. Gapeev
Uwe Küchler
+ Bilateral gamma distributions and processes in financial mathematics 2007 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ PDF Chat On parameter estimation of stochastic delay differential equations with guaranteed accuracy by noisy observations 2007 Uwe Küchler
Vyacheslav A. Vasiliev
+ On Sequential Estimators for Affine Stochastic Delay Differential Equations 2006 Uwe Küchler
Vyacheslav A. Vasiliev
+ PDF Chat On Markovian short rates in term structure models driven by jump-diffusion processes 2006 Pavel V. Gapeev
Uwe Küchler
+ On life-time-distributions of some one-dimensional diffusions and related exponential families 2005 Uwe Küchler
+ On Recovery of a Measure from Its Symmetrization 2005 A. A. Gushchin
Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat On oscillations of the geometric Brownian motion with time-delayed drift 2004 A. A. Gushchin
Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat On integrals with respect to Lévy processes 2003 Uwe Küchler
+ On Large Deviations in Testing Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Type Models with Delay 2003 Pavel V. Gapeev
Uwe Küchler
+ On Markovian Short Rates in Term Structure Models Driven by Jump-Diffusion Processes 2003 Pavel V. Gapeev
Uwe Küchler
+ On integrals with respect to Levy processes 2003 Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat Weak discrete time approximation of stochastic differential equations with time delay 2002 Uwe Küchler
Eckhard Platen
+ On parametric statistical models for stationary solutions of affine stochastic delay differential equations 2001 A. A. Gushchin
Uwe Küchler
Vjatscheslav A. Vasiliev
+ PDF Chat Addendum to 'Asymptotic Inference for a Linear Stochastic Differential Equation with Time Delay' 2001 A. A. Gushchin
Uwe Küchler
+ On parametric statistical models for stationary solutions of affine stochastic delay differential equations 2001 A. A. Gushchin
Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat Delay Estimation for Some Stationary Diffusion‐type Processes 2000 Uwe Küchler
Yury A. Kutoyants
+ PDF Chat On stationary solutions of delay differential equations driven by a Lévy process 2000 A. A. Gushchin
Uwe Küchler
+ The Process of Metastases, Formation by Melanoma Patients during the Aftercare - Modelling with Markov Chains and Cox's Regression 2000 Ingeborg Küchler
Sina Thiele
Uwe Küchler
Helmut Winter
K.‐D. Wernecke
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Inference for a Linear Stochastic Differential Equation with Time Delay 1999 Alexander A. Guschin
Uwe Küchler
Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat A Note on Limit Theorems for Multivariate Martingales 1999 Uwe Küchler
Michael Sørensen
Uwe Küchler
Michael Sørensen
+ On exponential families of Markov processes 1998 Uwe Küchler
Michael Sørensen
+ A note on limit theorems for multivariate martingales 1998 Uwe Küchler
Michael Sørensen
+ On sequential parameter estimation for some linear stochastic differential equations with time delay 1998 Uwe Küchler
Vjatscheslav A. Vasiliev
+ On stationary solutions of delay differential equations driven by a Lévy process 1998 A. A. Gushchin
Uwe Küchler
+ Exponential Families of Stochastic Processes 1997 Uwe Küchler
Michael Sørensen
+ Natural Exponential Families of Léevy Processes 1997 Uwe Küchler
Michael Sørensen
+ Linear Stochastic Differential Equations with Time Delay 1997 Uwe Küchler
Michael Sørensen
+ Asymptotic inference for a linear stochastic differential equation with time delay 1997 A. A. Gushchin
Uwe Küchler
+ Sequential Methods 1997 Uwe Küchler
Michael Sørensen
+ PDF Chat An extension of Krein’s inverse spectral theorem to strings with nonreflecting left boundaries 1991 Uwe Küchler
Kirsten Neumann
+ PDF Chat On spectral measures of strings and excursions of quasi diffusions 1989 Uwe Küchler
Paavo Salminen
+ On Ito's excursion law, local times and spectral measures for quasidiffusions 1987 Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat On sojourn times, excursions and spectral measures connected with quasidiffusions 1986 Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat Some results on exponential families of Markov processes 1985 Uwe Küchler
+ Exponential families of markov processes -part I. general results 1982 Uwe Küchler
+ Exponential families of markov processes -part II: birth- and death processes 1982 Uwe Küchler
+ Analytical Aspects of Exponential Families of Distribution Functions 1981 Ingeborg Küchler
Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat Some Asymptotic Properties of the Transition Densities of One-Dimensional Quasidiffusions 1980 Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat On Parabolic Functions of One-Dimensional Quasidiffusions 1980 Uwe Küchler
+ Über die asymptotischen und die invarianten Ereignisse MARKOVscher Prozesse und ihrer Raum‐Zeit‐Prozesse 1979 Barbara Fröhlich
Uwe Küchler
+ Über die σ‐Algebra der asymptotischen Ereignisse bei diskreten Geburts‐ und Todesprozessen 1975 Uwe Küchler
+ Über eine Verallgemeinerung der Supermartingaleigenschaft 1975 Uwe Küchler
Philipp Müller
Silvia Rohmeiss
Common Coauthors
Commonly Cited References
Action Title Year Authors # of times referenced
+ PDF Chat Asymptotic Inference for a Linear Stochastic Differential Equation with Time Delay 1999 Alexander A. Guschin
Uwe Küchler
Uwe Küchler
+ Exponential Families of Stochastic Processes 1997 Uwe Küchler
Michael Sørensen
+ Bilateral gamma distributions and processes in financial mathematics 2007 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Statistics of Random Processes 2021 Michael F. Insana
+ On the shapes of bilateral Gamma densities 2008 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ Applied Theory of Functional Differential Equations 1992 V. Kolmanovskii
A. Myshkis
+ Levy Processes and Infinitely Divisible Distributions 1999 Ken‐iti Sato
+ PDF Chat Minimal fq-martingale measures for exponential Lévy processes 2007 Monique Jeanblanc
Susanne Klöppel
Yoshio Miyahara
+ PDF Chat On higher derivatives of distribution functions of class $L$ 1981 Ken‐iti Sato
Makoto Yamazato
+ The Variance Gamma (V.G.) Model for Share Market Returns 1990 Dilip B. Madan
E. Seneta
+ PDF Chat On the minimal entropy martingale measure 2002 Peter Grandits
Thorsten Rheinländer
+ PDF Chat On the Transition Law of Tempered Stable Ornstein–Uhlenbeck Processes 2009 Shibin Zhang
Xinsheng Zhang
+ PDF Chat Option pricing in bilateral Gamma stock models 2009 Uwe Küchler
Stefan Tappe
+ PDF Chat On stationary solutions of delay differential equations driven by a Lévy process 2000 A. A. Gushchin
Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat Delay Estimation for Some Stationary Diffusion‐type Processes 2000 Uwe Küchler
Yury A. Kutoyants
+ Diffusion Processes and Their Sample Paths. 1996 PALE
Kiyosi Itô
H. P. McKean
+ Table of Integrals, Series, and Products 1980 4
+ PDF Chat Estimates of Tempered Stable Densities 2009 Paweł Sztonyk
+ Introduction to Functional Differential Equations 1993 Jack K. Hale
Sjoerd M. Verduyn Lunel
Vjatscheslav A. Vasiliev
+ Handbook of Mathematical Functions 1972 Milton Abramowitz
I. A. Stegun
+ PDF Chat Tempered Infinitely Divisible Distributions and Processes 2011 Michele Leonardo Bianchi
Svetlozar T. Rachev
Young Shin Kim
Frank J. Fabozzi
+ Analytic approach to the problem of convergence of truncated Lévy flights towards the Gaussian stochastic process 1995 Ismo T. Koponen
+ PDF Chat Stochastic Differential Systems With Memory: Theory, Examples and Applications 1998 Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed
+ On parametric statistical models for stationary solutions of affine stochastic delay differential equations 2001 A. A. Gushchin
Uwe Küchler
+ Introduction to Functional Differential Equations 1993 Jack K. Hale
Sjoerd M. Verduyn Lunel
+ Minimal entropy preserves the Lévy property: how and why 2004 Felix Esche
Martin Schweizer
+ Lyapunov exponents and stationary solutions for affine stochastic delay equations 1990 Salah-Eldin A. Mohammed
Michael Scheutzow
+ PDF Chat The differential equations of birth-and-death processes, and the Stieltjes moment problem 1957 Samuel Karlin
James L. McGregor
+ Über Stoppzeiten bei statistischen Probleme für homogene Prozesse mit unabhängigen Zuwächsen 1975 Jürgen Franz
Wolfgang Winkler
+ PDF Chat Some Asymptotic Properties of the Transition Densities of One-Dimensional Quasidiffusions 1980 Uwe Küchler
+ Characterization of the Levy Measures of Inverse Local Times of Gap Diffusion 1981 Frank B. Knight
+ PDF Chat Space-time processes, parabolic functions and one-dimensional diffusions 1973 Tze Leung Lai
+ PDF Chat Martingales locales a accroissements independants 1979 R. Sidibé
+ PDF Chat Vitesses maximales de d�croissance des erreurs et tests optimaux associ�s 1981 Lucien Birg�
+ Minimal Entropy Martingale Measure for Lévy Processes 2009 Katja Krol
Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat On the inequality of Cramér-Rao type in sequential estimation theory 1974 Ryszard Magiera
+ PDF Chat Ratio of the Tail of an Infinitely Divisible Distribution on the Line to that of its Lévy Measure 2010 Toshiro Watanabe
Kouji Yamamuro
+ PDF Chat On sojourn times, excursions and spectral measures connected with quasidiffusions 1986 Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat Variations of processes with stationary, independent increments 1972 Priscilla E. Greenwood
Bert Fristedt
+ Normal Variance-Mean Mixtures and z Distributions 1982 Ole E. Barndorff‐Nielsen
John T. Kent
Michael Sørensen
Michael Sørensen
+ PDF Chat Addendum to 'Asymptotic Inference for a Linear Stochastic Differential Equation with Time Delay' 2001 A. A. Gushchin
Uwe Küchler
+ PDF Chat Subexponentiality and infinite divisibility 1979 Paul Embrechts
Charles M. Goldie
Noël Veraverbeke
+ PDF Chat On sequential estimation of parameters in semimartingale regression models with continuous time parameter 2001 Leonid Galtchouk
Victor Konev
+ A Measure of Asymptotic Efficiency for Tests of a Hypothesis Based on the sum of Observations 1952 Herman Chernoff
+ An extension of the notion of a generalized Γ-convolution 1978 Olof Thorin
+ PDF Chat The variation of a stable path is stable 1969 Priscilla E. Greenwood
+ Theory of Functional Differential Equations 1977 Jack K. Hale
+ Delay Equations: Functional-, Complex-, and Nonlinear Analysis 2012 O. Diekman
Stephanus A. van Gils
Sjoerd M. Verduyn Lunel
Hanns-Otto Walther
+ PDF Chat On the $\gamma$-Variation of Processes with Stationary Independent Increments 1972 Itrel Monroe